Sunday, April 5, 2009

BBC fooled by false Sri Lankan military story

Yesterday the BBC News had been fooled to publish a story provided by the Sri Lankan government that was clearly false. The story originated on the website, which is the Sri Lankan government's official military website. On this website, the government reported the following (

"According to the defence sources, troops engaged in mop up operations in the Anandapuram area seized the [artillery] weapon that was being fired by the terrorists on direct mode at the advancing soldiers. The soldiers have braved the raging artillery fire and captured the gun after attacking its operators. Also, this is said to be the first occasion where troops have seized an LTTE artillery gun in direct combat."

The BBC reproduced this information without caring to verify the facts of the story. For reasons that will become apparent, chose not to include any photographs of the captured artillery gun. But today the website included the following photograph, which completely contradicts the story provided by the government:

The picture shows parts of an unassembled anti-aircraft gun, which they claimed was an artillery gun. Now compare that with the official government's story from, which was subsequently published by the BBC:

"According to the defence sources, troops engaged in mop up operations in the Anandapuram area seized the [artillery] weapon that was being fired by the terrorists on direct mode at the advancing soldiers. The soldiers have braved the raging artillery fire and captured the gun after attacking its operators. Also, this is said to be the first occasion where troops have seized an LTTE artillery gun in direct combat."

Please explain how these parts of an unassembled anti-aircraft gun were being fired by the LTTE? The Sri Lankan government's creative writers had even added fine details to the made up account, like that the LTTE were firing an "artillery gun" directly at zero degrees from short range. But when we see the pictures, there isn't even a complete gun, what to speak of an artillery gun! How exactly did the soldiers "brave the raging artillery fire" of a gun that is unassembled and incomplete? This is another case of the government hiring creative writers to provide fake stories to the media. It is unfortunate that a respectable news source like BBC could have fallen for these false accounts and published them without proper verification of facts.

The Sri Lankan government's website,, has a long history of publishing false stories made from staged and faked photographs. We hope the BBC will take this fact into consideration in the future and avoid reproducing anything this website says without first verifying it thoroughly. The good name of the BBC, as one of the finest media sources in the world, deserves to remain clean and above the dirt of the Sri Lankan government's false media reports.


Eelam Tamil said...

It is mind boggling to see ho w these reputable news agencies like BBC, Associated Press etc either fall for the fairy tale made by or those so called journalists who write for the agencies are well taken care of by Sri Lankan Government . It is a well known fact that in Chenai Consulate Hamsa bribe most major Tamil Nadu News papers and magazines to write against Tamils.

All these are part of the SInhela rigme's propaganda.

CharlesAnthony said...

You are doing a very gr8 job of exposing the duplicity of the propaganda in the Sla websites.

But will these exposes alone help tamils like u in the final analysis ?

I may sound pessimistic but till now tigers have not yet recaptured any of the area lost by them.

AK said...

Badrinath, a quick google search did not produce the BBC report, nor was I able to find it after searching in BBC. Can you please produce the (BBC) link. Thanks

MrBrown said...

Hi Badri..
I hear some rumours that LTTE have been vacating from Mullaitivy by sea to undisclosed locations.. is it true?

Unknown said...

Any news update from Vanni? Is Animal race planned to enter the NFZ and slaughter 1000s of tamil civilians before 15 April?

படையினரின் முன்னரங்க நிலைகளின் மீது கடுமையான தாக்குதல்களைத் தொடுத்துள்ள விடுதலைப் புலிகள், சிறிய குழுக்களாக படையினரால் கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் கொண்டுவரப்பட்ட பகுதிகளுக்குள்ளும் பிரவேசித்து தாக்குதல்களை நடத்திவருகின்றனர்.

கடந்த வாரத்தில் மட்டும் விசுவமடு மற்றும் கொக்காவில் பகுதிகளுக்குள் ஊடுருவிச் சென்ற விடுதலைப் புலிகள் தாக்குதல்களை நடத்தியிருப்பதாகத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகின்றது.

m.q.k said...

The cost of exposing Sri Lanka’s murderous regime

4 April 2009

The article below is by Brian Senewiratne, who is from Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese ethnic majority and a long-time Tamil rights activist. For his uncompromising stance against the long-term oppression, and current brutal military offensive, against the Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority by the Sinhalese chauvinist regime, he was recently barred from entering Malaysia and was singled out and victimised by Canadian and Australian immigration officials.

Senewiratne will present a workshop on the Tamil struggle for self-determination at the World at a Crossroads conference in Sydney, April 10-12.

There is a price to be paid by anyone who exposes what goes on behind the closed and censored doors of Sri Lanka – insult, intimidation and deportation. This is what I was subjected to in late March — in Canada, Malaysia, and Australia (where I have been a citizen for 32 years),.

I am a Sinhalese from Sri Lanka who has campaigned for four decades for the right of the Sri Lankan Tamil minority to live with equality, dignity and safety in the country of their birth.

The violation of their human rights now has the features of genocide, as has been documented in a dozen DVDs I have recorded and distributed worldwide.

Canadians for Genocide Education is a multicultural coalition of almost 50 organisations committed to equity in education on genocide. Its areas of interest and countries of concern are listed at .

They have an annual “Genocide Education Week”, where one person “from internationally renowned scholars/speakers of high intellectual caliber and credibility” is selected as the “distinguished speaker”.

Last year, it was anti-Zionist Israeli academic Dr Ilan Pappe, who spoke on the genocide of the Palestinians.

In 2009, I was picked to address the meeting on “Peace with Justice in Sri Lanka: Genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils — its causes and solutions”.

My mandate was “to trace the development of the ethnic conflict that has resulted in the violation of human rights of both the Tamils and the Sinhalese, which now features the genocide of the Tamil people”.

I argued: “Unless these fundamental problems are addressed, without delay, there will neither be peace nor prosperity in Sri Lanka, as the country slides inexorably and irreversibly into a fascist dictatorship, and a failed state.”

The presentation was on March 25 at the University of Toronto.

Canadian immigration’s ‘welcome’

I arrived in Toronto after a 25-hour flight from Australia (no small undertaking for a 77-year-old). I have been there many times — the last in June 2008 when I addressed a massive crowd of some 75,000 people — and have had no problems with immigration.

That was about to change.

I was subjected to a five-hour “investigation” by Canadian Immigration. There were various lame excuses — “The computers are down, we cannot find your conference” (despite it being on the net, the link to which I supplied).

Finally it was found. Hallelujah!

Then started the search. Everything in my suitcase was taken out, looked at in detail and photographed. Even my handwritten notes, including letters to patients, were scrutinised.

By now, I had missed my radio interview arranged for five hours after my arrival.

On the way to town, a Tamil who met me said, “Welcome to the real world, the world of the Tamils. Good to see a Sinhalese being subjected to what we Tamils have been subjected to for years”.

What we have seen is criminalising an ethnic group (Tamils). Now it is criminalising a point of view.

I went to an arranged meeting with Canadian MPs in Ottawa, who were shocked at what an invited guest had been subjected to.

Back in Toronto, I had addressed a group of young socialists the day before my main meeting at Toronto University.

After my one hour address, there was time for questions. Up shot the hand of one of the young socialists I had addressed earlier. “Have you been subjected to any harassment here in Canada?”

Here was my chance to tell the distinguished audience that their country had got into bed with a bunch of hoodlums. There were gasps of disbelief and “This is outrageous”.


I left Toronto that night for Kuala Lumpur to address a meeting of some 300 people, specially organised for me.

I arrived in Malaysia at 5.30pm. Five hours later, I was told that I was a “security risk” and would be deported.

What? A 77 year old doctor a security risk? Malaysia’s security cannot be that secure!

Six policemen and an immigration officer escorted me to the plane.

All the meetings, including one arranged in association with the deputy prime minister of Penang state, had to be cancelled.

I returned home after 33 hours “on the go”, telling immigration, “It is good to be back in a civilised country”.

It was not to be.

I have been an Australian for 32 years, and have travelled abroad many times. Never have I had a problem with the immigration department.

That was to change.

I was subjected to the identical treatment I had suffered in Toronto.

Consider this. Here is a citizen of Australia, invited to Canada as a “distinguished speaker” at an international forum at Canada’s best known university, returning home with a large plaque that in recognition of “dedication to inclusivity and equity in genocide education”.

Plaques and other awards notwithstanding, here I was being treated like an criminal.

What was behind this? Work it out yourself.

Who was being threatened by my presentation on the genocide being perpetrated on the Tamils? As we say in medicine, the differential diagnosis is very limited.

The finger points to those whose criminal activities were being exposed. Canada, Malaysia and my home, Australia, do not need to get into bed with this fascist dictatorship.

When that happens, it is time for all of us to sit up and worry.

All I can do is to bring this to the attention of the “court of public opinion” — and leave it to that court to act.

Peter said...

Hmm... How about the bodies of "its operators". We saw the fifteen civilian victims in Amparai in a horrible state, even striped naked.

What happened to the 100 killed yesterday? Surely the "operators" of the Artillery gun were not that far from it.

Peter said...

Another DefenceLK gem:

4/5/2009 10:54:36 AM
"More than 3000 expatriate Sri Lankans held a vociferous demonstration in front of the Victoria parliament."

4/5/2009 11:05:50 AM
"emonstration against LTTE atrocities by around 1,500 Sri Lankans in front of the Victorian Parliament."


Lying with numbers is a difficult task. If you are going to do it, space out the stories. Do not post two news items, in the space of just ten minutes, giving 1,500 and 3,000 as actual count or estimation.

AK said...

Badrinath, is there any truth in the rumors being discussed in sinhala blogs that 400+ bodies of fighters have been collected and also that they were denied permission to surrender by the hierarchy?

m.q.k said...

more jokers site

Peter said...

Sorry for the spam

Just updated my blog

Peter said...

Today's net-kills:

Col. Theepan, Col. Vithusha, Col. Durga, Lt. Col. Nagesh and Lt. Col. Gadaphi.

Of them, Lt. Col. Gadaphi, an engineer in the Sea Tigers, died last year. His net-ghost was net-killed by DefenceLK.

Peter said...

"We're now in sort of a debt trap, borrowing to pay off what we borrowed earlier," Abeyratne said.

More good news:

"The central bank forecasts growth will slacken to 5.0 percent this year while the IMF expects it to fall to around 2.0 percent."

Even better:

"2.4 billion-dollar rescue package" up from 1.9 billion a week earlier.

Glorious Banda-stan

Peter said...

80 Tigers left?

31 Mar. AFP

"The military says the Tigers have fewer than 500 fighters left"

05 Apr. AFP

"At least 420 Tamil Tiger rebels were killed in three days of clashes in northeast Sri Lanka, the military said on Sunday."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The area where the fighting is shown to be taking place was supposedly cleared 3 days ago.

khanthas said...

Enna nadakudu Puduv'il ? Unmaya illai net-kill thaana ?

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Editor: "Badrinath" said...

They claim to have recovered 700 T-56 weapons, which means the remaining "400 LTTE fighters" each must have been carrying 2 guns. From the photos they show I see 15 bodies so far.

Revolutionary said...

Did you guys see the video of the attack in melbourne?

it seems the sinhala modayas have once again shown how rioting is in their blood.

Does anyone know if these people are going to be arrested? There is video evidence!

m.q.k said...



One of the grandmothers, who spoke to the Daily Mirror over the phone, said that she was able to save her 17-year-old grandson after she dragged away one of the female LTTE cadres who tried to capture her grandson. Using the opportunity, the grandson had run away and now the entire family had come to the cleared area.

Peter said...

I think we should definitely file cases against individuals we can identify.

Taking this to court can give publicity to bandas' violent intolerance of dissenting opinions.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Conceding that the rebels have lost 4,000 of their cadres in the last two years of fighting, Nadesan also claimed that the rebels have killed over 20,000 Sri Lankan soldiers over the period."

m.q.k said...


"Speaking in military jargon, during the last two years of fighting more than 20,000 Sri Lankan troops have been killed. We have also lost around 4,000 of our fighters," Nadesan told the channel.
He said the LTTE supremo V Prabhakaran was in "excellent health and leading our freedom struggle".

Peter said...

Any idea as to why DefneceK has gone into net-kill overdrive today?

Anything to do with IMF loan increasing to US$ 2.4b or the garbage buildup in Colombo?

No injuries to Col. Theepan, Col. Vithusha or Col. Thurga.

The Nation newspaper has paper-killed Ratnam Master.

Revolutionary said...

"It has been confirmed that another LTTE leader called Gadafi, who was killed in an attack by the Commando Brigade on May 8, was the chief of the Sea Tiger engineering division. Three prominent LTTE leaders, including Gadafi, who were traveling in a double cab, came under a claymore mine attack in the LTTE-controlled area, approximately 25 kms from Vidithalathivu in Mannar. It is understood that the LTTE leaders in Pooneryn rushed to the scene on hearing the incident."

such imaginative fools...

Unknown said...

I think that the Sinhala animals are now in full swing on psychology operation. Otherwise, could they show the bodies of all killed tigers? Just show their own military hardware store. Tigers should start to clean as many sinhala villages possible immediately.

Peter said...

From the numbers I've got, Tigers have lost around 2, 200 cadres in the last six months.

Senior most commander to have died in the period is Lt. Col. Eelapiriyan, former Special Commander of Pooneryan Infantry Unit, was Deputy Field Commander of Killinochchi area at the time of his death on 31 Dec. '08.

This is the worst six months period, in terms of casualties, since the first EPS attack.

Peter said...


The old item was true; it was translated from Tamil websites.

Lt. Col. Gadaphi, an engineer in the Sea Tigers, died early last year.

He was seriously injured in the mid-90s and had one of his legs amputated.

m.q.k said...

sri lanka obtain 500 million loan from china and that will kept the economy running for some time before the IMF loan

m.q.k said...

peter..thanks for the great article at ur blog...

khanthas said...

Reuters, BBC, AP, AFP and Indian “fools” agencies are in full throttle net-work: Seemingly, Tigers have no more net-space to withdraw...

m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m.q.k said...

is the news true abt tigers confined to no fire zone ?

AK said...

Another figment of imagination from

Pottu Amman, apologies with cadres in emotional break-down

Few months ago the sinhala goons were saying he surrendered. Now suddenly he's apologizing. LOL

Peter said...

From the following DefenceLK story

1. We know that they will publish photos of dead Tigers, as soon as they find them, mindless of the state of the bodies.

2. We know that the number they recovered is less than 15 and not the 420 floated around.

However, increased need for major, even desperate, net-kills in recent days points to real hustle to cover an embarrassment of some sort.

Peter said...


Answer to your question: No.

DefenceLK photos are from old-Castro base area. Not sure, if you've been there, but this is some distance to the west of civilians.

Their 55th Division has not ventured south of Palamathalan.

Only the 58th has come anywhere close to the civilian areas. It is within striking range of Ampalavanpokanai Mahavithiyalaayam, outside which several hundred families are camped.

m.q.k said...

FICTION:"We called them to surrender via their [LTTE] radio frequencies, but they were ordered to fight to their death by the LTTE leadership. Their family members are held hostage by the LTTE leadership in the No Fire Zone. In reality, they [LTTE] were not ordered to fight to their death, but ordered to, not to even think about coming back to No Fire Zone alive, if they have any love for their family members there,” the Defence Ministry said.


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Something very strange about the number of net-kills over the last few days. It's almost like they need to proclaim the job done, and in order to do that they should say everyone is dead.

Maybe they are out of money, and IMF is not giving the money unless there is a ceasefire. It would be embarrassing to have a ceasefire without accomplishing the goal, so they need to net-kill as many as possible before closing up shop.

What ever the reason, it is clear they are desperate to net-kill all the leaders within a few days.

aKa said...

sinhala say they got bodies of tiger leaders including Col. Theepan

LNP jokers jumping up & down like monkeys

Unknown said...

I rarely visit Just visited. Only less than 10 bodies. They digitized the faces, because these were old photos. Ho ho...Where are Theepan, Rupan, Gadaffi's photos....Ho ho...?
Why one u.s soldier's photo with 14.5 mm gun? Yesterday, in Melbourne, world saw what kind of barabarians that the sinhala animals are.

m.q.k said...

they said more than 400 killed yet show only few tiger cadre..

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

While they are still testing the DNA on Lawrence's recovered body from last month, today they re-injured him. I'm not really sure how he came back to life, because they didn't explain that part.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Today an article titled: "Sinhala Buddhist philosophy can solve today’s problems"

Yes, I think this can solve all the world's problems. All the world is missing is sinhala racism. If we could spread it throughout the world, like we spread it to Australia, then the world's problems can be solved. Don't ask why it didn't solve Sri Lanka's problems, that's not relevant.

m.q.k said...

Sri Lankan troops have recovered the birth certificate, horoscope and albums of LTTE supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran in the last rebel bastion of Pudukudiyirippu, which has been captured by the military.

"The troops of the 53 division unearthed the vital documents including the birth certificate, horoscopes and albums of the LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran and his family yesterday," the state-run Sunday Observer reported today quoting sources.

"Prabhakaran had buried the lot before he fled from his residence in Pudukudiyiruppu east and the troops of 53 and 58 divisions encircled the rebels in a one square kilometre" area, the reoprt said. Subsequently, the one sq km area was captured by the troops.

not on lankan news yet found it at press trust of india..

khanthas said...

As Peter says, they may want to convince the IC and IMF for loans. We know that they have mastered the art of lying: A repeated lie becomes a truth. Still, could they openly lie to that much? Something looks strange. .

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The following video was filmed yesterday in no fire zone. It is just an interview, but if you notice the movement in the background it shows everything is normal and peaceful. Cars and bikes are moving back and forth, and people are walking around normally:

If what the Sri Lankan army said was true, if 600 LTTE fighters and 10 commanders had been killed, and if everything was falling apart, you wouldn't find this type of peace and order.

Anonymous said...

Peter said...


Mahidnapala says they'll unleash violence on anyone who has a different opinion to the bandas.

Nice one! Bandas shown in their true colors.

Peter said...

A comment from Yarl

உண்மையிலை இந்த வீடியோவை எடுத்ததும் YOUTUBE இல் இணைத்ததும் ஒரு சிங்களவன்....

ஆப்பை தனக்கு தானே வச்சு கொண்ட சிங்களவனை என்ன எண்டு சொல்லுறது...???


moda banda?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

From CNN:

A "couple of hundred" rebels could be "hiding" in a 20-square-kilometer area designated as the "safety zone," military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara told CNN. There will be no military offensive in that area, he said, as it has a civilian population of about 50,000 people.

Peter said...

CNN moda Lanka stories are done by Iqbal Athas. I've talked to them about the credibility issue, but they simply don't care as our issue is not a'hot-spot' in their agenda.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

First video of the claim, I still only see 15 dead bodies:

And then they went to showing the artillery tractor they bombed a few days ago.

Peter said...

Life for civilians in orderly, but challenging.

Tamileelam Administrative Service and Health Service are doing all they can.

A lot of cadres, unarmed, are deployed to give medical advise to ensure that infective disease does not spread.

Equal number are giving kanchi to the displaced, twice daily to prevent death by starvation.

When you read of "forced conscription" bear in mind that several dozen cadres are actually doing 'social service' instead of being on the front-line.

Whatever may happen on the battlefront, people will not be able to stay in current areas after April as the weather will turn worse.

Remember, this strip of land was virtually uninhibited before the current exodus. There were no tar roads, wells, toilets or shelters.

Almost everything has been built from scratch by TRO and Political Wing since Feb. this year.

Unknown said...

ஆப்பை தனக்கு தானே வச்சு கொண்ட சிங்களவனை என்ன எண்டு சொல்லுறது...???

We have to tell, thank you Sinhala Animal Modaya. Thank you 'SBS TV' for the publicity to all Australian people.

Peter said...

Most cadres from all other administrative wings, if not involved in civil duty, have been inducted into the fighting force. A lot of the Lt. Col. casualties from recent months were from these departments. Lt. Col. Kaanthan was a well known personality at Nanthavanam. Others include Lt. Col. Sri from the information department.

khanthas said...

Peter, please tell us your intuitive opinion on the current PTK situation (news or propaganda?), what I feel is something messy…

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I think the army knew this would be their last chance for news, since they will reach the edge of the no fire zone. So they had planned to report a huge number of LTTE killed on the days before they reach the lagoon surrounding the no fire zone.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I will have to go for sometime, so I will approve comments when I get back. Sorry for the delays.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

From the reaction of the soldier at 1:27 of the video, these bodies have been dead for a long time and are decomposed. Also see this photo:

And this photo shows bloated bodies several days old:

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

One more video released, looks like a complete propaganda video. Look at the fake battle scene where they run in firing their guns. That isn't how anyone would do it. Clearly staged:

They claim to show Deepan's body at 1:29.

Unknown said...


DW joker (12 hours dead-line comic Ali) also wrote a fiction.

Unknown said...


'They claim to show Deepan's body at 1:29.'

Face look like Deepan. Who knows whether this is an edited video?

Peter said...

1:29 does look like Theepan, but a younger version. So called Vithusha looks nothing like her.

I think the desperation from bandas has something to do with international/Indian pressure.

They might want to claim that all Tigers, including leaders, are dead therefore no need for a ceasefire. At the same time, bandas won't need war news during Indian election campaigns as they will be in net-world where everyone has been net-killed.

The whole story crumbles when you note that Lt. Col. Gadafi is mentioned in all their reports. Granted, several LTTE cadres have same name, but Gadafi is an unusual name, as is Pottu, and belongs to a batch of cadres from '80s. Furthermore, there was only one senior Gadafi who was also close to VP. That Gadafi died a year ago. There is no way whatsoever Lt. Col. Gadafi. could have been killed again. One can judge the credibility of any report based on this one indisputable fact.

Peter said...

From Puthinam

இதேவேளையில் இச்சம்பவத்துக்கு தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் உரிமை கோரி வெளியிட்ட செய்திக்குறிப்பில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளதாவது:

மட்டக்களப்பு சிறிலங்கா காவல்துறை பயிற்சி கல்லூரியின் பணிப்பாளரான காவல்துறை அத்தியட்சகர் ஒருவர், இன்று இரவு 7:30 நிமிடமளவில் மருதமுனை பகுதியில் எம்மால் சுட்டுக்கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளார் என அதில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Col. Vithusha 4 years ago:

No resemblance at all to the young girl they claim is her.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Only Prabhakaran and under 100 LTTE cadres left- Military Spokesman"

Unknown said...

why are they showing Theepan's face in a image not as a video. I don't know what Modayas doing..

thiru said...

Badri, defencewire is posting his crap as usual about 420 ltte cadres getting killed and their bodies getting captured as they were preparing for an assualt on army fdl's and got i know for a fact that he is pulling this out of his ass but what i am concerned about is the supposed theepan's death, i know the girl they claim is vithusha is absolutely not her as it has no resemblance but what info. do u have on Theepan, if it is true it would be a great loss for our u or peter have any updates on this matter?

Peter said...

My last comment for the day:

DefenceLK etc., are getting very desperate with their 'news' indicating pressure from elsewhere.

Recently, there have been a number of articles about senior leaders killed and bodies found. Each one has been proven wrong.

In the first few instances, e.g. Mr Thamilenthi, Col. Lawrence and even Lt. Col. Amuthab stories, we panicked and contacted all available sources.

Each item has been proven wrong. The credibility of DefenceLK and its umbrella websites stand at that.

By giving similar reactions to each one of their claims, we will be falling squarely into their psychological war trap.

Given bandas' ability to invent and distort, as exposed by Badri on several occasions, I would take any news emerging from them with a lorry load of salt.

Having said that, these are challange times. All commanders are on the front-line. Col. Theepan is known to lead from the very front, as are Col. Jeyam and Col. Luxman. Anything is possible. In the military wing alone there are more than a dozen 'Col.' rank leaders.

But, please stop falling for the same old trick by DefenceLK. All our major loses were first revealed on TamilNet/Puthinam. Expect the same in the future.

Col. (pos Brig.) loses will be published on TamilNet. Well known Lt. Col. will be on Puthinam. All others will be on VoT and circulars from Maveerar Panimanai.

aKa said...

sinhala banda media say 8 leaders dead including keerthi

Upul said...

the picture has next to no resembelance of theepan. theepan jaw looked different from earlier photos in comparison to the dead body.

Upul said...

According to LTTE news,

1412 sla have been killed and 6,123 seriously injured in PTK fighting.

Unknown said...

Basically people are saying Commander Col Amuthaap has died, is that true?

The one on this video

Giving a amazing and powerful speech.

Whats this thing about LTTE are "net killed",
"net trapped"

You guys keep saying it. :)

Upul said...

according to LTTE,

sla attempt at advancing into ptk has resulted in 1412 sla killed and 6,000+ seriously injured. the attempts have also resulted in the sla being beaten back by about 8 km from south of ptk

Unknown said...

That does not look like Col. Theepan, look at the nose. Col. Theepan's nose is sort of rounded and bulbous, this man's is not. Maybe the animals actually believe they got him, they are stupid enough to film themselves committing criminal acts in Australia and to believe they are half lions so anything is possible.

Bhairav said...

[Face look like Deepan. Who knows whether this is an edited video?]

I do not think it's Theepan whose face is usually chubby compared to the one in the clip.

Bhairav said...

Guys, forget about who has become maveerar whether it is Theepan or Vithusa, the very question bugging now is that can we regroup and save the NFZ from going into hands of SLA?

It is going to be unprecedented level of war crimes against Tamils by SLA if they can move into NFZ.

Unknown said...

I agree with the Peter's comment.

(I think the desperation from bandas has something to do with international/Indian pressure.)

Indian pressure is just for election. Their approved dead-line is 15 April. Besides, now IMF loan is with many conditions and also delayed. So, thug lanka spread the news that everything is over, including VP's birth certificate is found. Anyone with average knowledge (don't know about sinhala animal modayas) know that VP must have thrown his birth certificate 30 years back. This one birth certificate story is enough to show that all are fake cooked up stories. But, animal race will try to enter the NFZ and kill thousands of civilians in the upcoming days. That will backfire for those who gave 15th April dead-line.

Unknown said...

From Sankathi..
கடந்த நான்கு நாட்களில் ஏறத்தாழ ஒரு டிவிசன் படையினர் களமுனைகளில் இருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டுள்ளனர். எனினும் படையினர் தமது தரப்பு இழப்புக்களை மூடி மறைக்க முற்பட்டுள்ளதுடன் விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் இழப்புக்கள் தொடர்பாக மிதமான பிரச்சாரங்களை மேற்கொண்டு வருகின்றனர்.

விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் பெருமளவான உறுப்பினர்கள் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளதாகவும், அவர்களின் பெரும் தொகையான சடலங்கள் மீட்கப்பட்டுள்ளதாகவும் படைத்தரப்பு தெரிவித்துள்ள போதும் அவை தொடர்பான ஆதாரங்களை படைத்தரப்பு வெளியிடவில்லை.

படைத்தரப்பை பொறுத்தவரையில் தற்போது மிகப்பெரிய உளவியல் போர் ஒன்றை நிகழத்தி வருகின்றது. அதாவது களமுனைகளில் படைத்தரப்பு அடையும் வெற்றிகளை விட இலத்திரனியல் ஊடகங்களில் அதிக வெற்றிகளை ஈட்டுவதற்கு முற்பட்டுவருகின்றது.
விடுதலைப்புலிகள் பெரும் அழிவு ஒன்றை எதிர்கொண்டு நிற்பதாக தெரிவிப்பதன் மூலம் உள்நாட்டிலும், அனைத்துலகத்திலும் தமிழ் மக்களின் உளவுரன்களை முற்றாக முறியடிப்பதற்கு அரச தரப்பு முயன்று வருகின்றது. அது மட்டுமல்லாது, அனைத்துலக நாணய நிதியத்தின் கடனுதவிகளை பெற்று தற்போது சீரிழிந்து போயுள்ள பொருளாதாரத்தை மறுசீரமைப்பதற்கும் போரை விரைவாக முடிக்க வேண்டிய தேவை அரசுக்கு உண்டு.

போரை நிறைவு செய்துவிட்டதாக கூறி வடக்கு கிழக்கில் அபிவிருத்தி என்ற போர்வையில் அதிக நிதிகளை அனைத்துலக நாடுகளிடமும், அனைத்துலக அமைப்புக்களிடமும் இருந்து பெறுவதற்கு அரசு திட்டமிட்டு வருகின்றது. ஆனால் அரசின் இந்த நகர்வுகளுக்கு முன்னால் ஏறத்தாள 300,000 மக்களின் உயிர்கள் ஆபத்தில் சிக்கியுள்ளன.

Unknown said...

உறவுகளே விரைந்து வாருங்கள் அவசரமாக ஒன்றுகூடல் செய்ய வேண்டிய நேரத்தில் நாம் இங்கு இருக்கிறோம்.

தயவு செய்து எல்லோருக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்துங்கள்..

லண்டன் பாராளுமன்றம் முன்னதாக..நாளை திங்கள் கிழமை 06.04.09.. 12 மணிக்கு..

வருவதற்கு அருகாமையில் உள்ள நிலகீல் புகைஇரத நிலையம் WESTMINSTER.

தயவு செய்து எல்லோருக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்துங்கள்..
தயவு செய்து எல்லோருக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்துங்கள்..

Unknown said...

See the video closely, you can see that it is not a body above the grass (time 1.29). It is just a photo above the grass.

Bhairav said...

லாச்சப்பலில் சிங்களவர்கள் மீது கடுமையான தாக்குதல் மானத் தமிழர்களால் நடாத்தப்பட்டள்ளது. இதில் வெட்டு காயங்கள் மற்றும் தடியடி காயங்கள் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. சம்பவ இடத்தில் இருந்து 5 பேருக்கு மேற்பட்ட சிங்களவர்கள் அவசர சிகிச்சைக்காக எடுத்துசசெல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர். அதில் படுகாயமடைந்த குடும்பி என்பவர் ஏற்கனவே வேறு ஒரு ஆர்பாட்ட ஒன்று கூடல் நிகழ்வில் தமிழர்களின் தேசியக்கொடியை எரித்தவர் என்பது இங்கு குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.

இந்த தாக்குதல் அவுஸ்திரேலியாவில் தமிழர்கள் மீது சிங்களவர்கள் மேற்கொண்ட தாக்குதலுக்கான பதிலடி என்று தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.

அமைவழி அறப்போரை நடத்தி சிங்கள இனவாதத்தின் அடவடிகளை இனப்படுகொலையை சர்வதேசத்திற்கு வெளி கொணரும் முகாமாக நடத்தப்பட்ட அமைதி
பேரணியில் கலந்து கொண்ட எம் தமிழை தாக்கியும் அவர்களின் வாகனங்களையும் உடைத்ததிற்கு பதிலடியாக இந்த தாக்குதல் நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.
பிரான்ஸ் லாச்சப்பலில் சிங்களவர் ஒருவர் தேனீர் கடை வைத்துள்ளார் இதில் தான் இராணுவத்திலிருந்து தப்பியோடி வந்த சிங்களவர்களும்
இனவாதிகளும் கூட்டாக நின்று அப்பாவி தமிழர்கள் மீது தாக்குதல் நடத்தி நாச வேலைகளை புரிந்த வருகின்றனர்.

எம் பிரான்ஸ் தமிழர் இளையொர் கொதிப்படைந்திருந்த நிலையில் இந்த தாக்குதல் நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த தாக்குதலை இளைய சமதாயம் வரவேற்றள்ளது.

கீழ் உள்ள இணைப்பை அழுத்தி காணொளி உள் பார்க்க..!

m.q.k said...


"Meanwhile a Sri Lankan leader in Melbourne Mr. H.L.D. Mahindapala who was also interviewed by the television on the incident said : “In the meantime, Inbath Thamil Vanali, a pro-Tiger radio station, owned by Balasingham Prabhakaran, had broadcast program inciting racial hatred and personal attack on Dr. Noel Nadesan, the Editor of the Tamil community newspaper, UTHAYAM. The program was targeting Dr. Nadesan because he had participated in the recent talks held in Colombo between the Sri Lankan government and a group of Tamil expatriates. The broadcast had urged Tamils to burn his newspapers and cast personal aspersions on his family. "


AK said...

Call me a pesimist. I'm convinced Peter's claim of Col.Theepan has been 'net' killed is doubtful. It’s too far fetched to think that the dead body in the video is somebody who has a close resemblance to Col. Theepan but not Col. Theepan himself. Also I don’t think the pictures of the many dead bodies are SLA disguised as LTTE. As mush I despise the SLA very much and know they are capable of anything I still cant get myself to believe they will line up dead bodies of their own fellow men like that.

ReJLoRd said...

Ok time for my take on all this massive banda propaganda bs.

first off, 6 commanders - all NET KILLED!! HOLY FUCK!!! It has become almost tiring in fact. Everyday they are killing commanders and hundreds and hundreds of Tigers.

400 dead today when the army claimed that there were only 300 Tigers? Look at all those bodies? Looks like they have been storing up for days these bodies in order to showcase them. Most of them are bloated from decomposition.

It has come to a stage in time where the govt HAS to report that they have captured PTK in order to revive their propabanda machine. even teh filthy stinkalese have been feeling frustrated with their armys incapability of capturing a small area of land despite claiming to defeat the Tigers withing days.

Its sad to see that these people have worked so hard to build up such an offensive only to be bogged down when it should only be getting easier. On the other hand, the Tigers are still vowing to start something that will devastate the stinkalan armeed faggots.

Whatever the case, things are gonna take a drastic turn when the international pressure mounts on shitlanka. also with the indian elections round the corner, there has to be some kinda of incentive for india and hence i believe this propabanda was targeted for the fags up north as well.

400 dead and only a collation of about 20 bodies to show?? not that convincing isnt it?

Theepan on the video is the most ROFLROFL ive had in a longass time. one bloated body and straightaway theyve killed theepan. first hint.. LOOK AT WHAT HE IS WEARING!!!!! theepan is always clad in war fatigues. rofl try harder bandas

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Leader of LTTE’s RADHA Regiment SEELAMBARASAN, his deputy ANBU, the terrorist in charge of mortar section GOPAL, the terrorist in charge of mines section ASMI and a leader of LTTE’s SODIA Regiment MOHANA were confirmed killed in the gun battles."]

Five more net-kills reported by

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["400 dead and only a collation of about 20 bodies to show?? not that convincing isnt it?"]

From past examples we know that if the Sri Lankan government actually had 400 bodies collected, they would be jumping up and down pasting posters of it on every house. The fact that they are not showing more than 20 bodies means the story is made up. Out of those 20 bodies, the idea that 15 of them could be leaders is highly unlikely.

Bhairav said...

Badri, you think LTTE will protect the people in NFZ? It's a open secret that SLA will try to storm NFZ in coming days, and LTTE should force NFZ people to take some precaution measures such as preparing the enough food for kids and adults for next 72 hours that will allow them to stay in the bunker some time when the battle breaks out.

Eelam Tamil said...

Since the Sinhella government does not deliberately allow the independent media to verify it's claim or what is really happening, It is hard to judge anything. Even if that person on the Video is Theepan, it is not the serious end as Sinhella regime try to portray as LTTE got many more very capable commanders.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Just one more point, the story of the "encircling" of a pocket of LTTE fighters at PTK is impossible. If you see the land layout, there is no way they could get behind LTTE lines in this situation, as the South approach is fully blocked by the Nandikadal lagoon, and North along the narrow lagoon is an open field which cannot be used due to no cover.

m.q.k said...





Bhairav said...

History always repeats. If we will be defeated by military means, then "kaakai vanniyan" type our traitors will be the reason.

Bhairav said...

The blame should go to LTTE as well. They haven't realized the magnitude of danger coming in their way until they lost the Kilinochi. As you know, LTTE hierarchy lived in glimmer of past jeyasikkuru victories.

Unknown said...

Sri Lanka is very desperate at this situation. Their online propaganda machine has collapsed. Their attempts to create alternatives like Defencenet and Defencewire have also failed because basically those lackeys do not have much military exposure.

In the economic front they need to end the war online as well as to their audience before they can sign the IMF deal. This is because the IMF deal will destroy their bloated civil service, rupee and cause a huge desertion in the military strenght due to the lack of funding. The supplements like Tea and other exports have collapsed. Remmitance have also collapsed. Foreign money is also leaving in a hurry. Thats why with this rally in the markets be it a bear market one has left sri lankan bourse unchanged.

The only thing that Mahindha can keep doing is to throw the village boys to the front. However as they are collapsing in many fronts its now impossible to keep fighting.

Unknown said...

Bhairav, The argument that the LTTE has not calculated the problems after kili is not accurate. The problem is that you have a president that only can only survive because he is constantly beating his war drum. What you should do is to take that drum away from him. Since they have almost won the war as they claim, how long will their people tolerate the same old propaganda spin without feeling their stomach growl. Patience is a virture which the LTTE has always followed.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The LTTE may be aware of certain deadlines the Sri Lankan government is running against, and as such the LTTE prefers to wait them out rather than lose fighters in a battle.

AK said...

Navindran, waiting doing nothing hoping that SL economy will eventually collapse is not the smartest thing to do. Going for a 'political' solution while there is some barganing power left is the best possible action for the LTTE, and that's something we should put pressure on LTTE to do.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Going for a 'political' solution while there is some barganing power left is the best possible action for the LTTE, and that's something we should put pressure on LTTE to do."]

The LTTE has been calling for a ceasefire and political solution for months, but Sri Lanka is not interested in that. There will be no negotiations with the LTTE by the Sri Lankan government.

The government has repeatedly given the following offer to the LTTE: unconditional surrender, with all senior leaders being executed after trial, and all lower cadres "disappearing".

Understand that a large majority of civilians in Vanni are Maveerar families, or at least related. Do you think this is acceptable to any of them? Turning all freedom fighters over to the Sri Lankan army to be murdered?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

New photos on show around 60 LTTE bodies from the three days of fighting, still far short of the 480 they claimed to have recovered:

It shouldn't come as a surprise. When the LTTE reports killing around 100 Sri Lankan soldiers a day, we cannot expect that LTTE fighters are not dying also.

Peter said...

Some of the bodies look heavily decomposed. I wouldn't be surprised if Bandas dug them from recent graves.

Tigers have been losing around 15 cadres daily since last November. Added-up from 12 days of fighting will look like a lot.

Peter said...

lol@ AK. I would hate to think the entire banda community is equally stupid. Mahen was probably the worst, but I have come across some clever ones as well.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Three days of heavy fighting, with 20 killed a day would equal the 60 bodies they show. I don't think it is not expected. Some of the bodies were completely rotten and withered, which shows they are not all from this three days even.

Peter said...

I'll be out of London for next ten days.

Been experimenting with Twitter since last night.

If for any reason I am unable to comment on Puligal, I'll keep my blog, , and twitter feed (also embedded into the blog), , updated.

ReJLoRd said...

Badri, I am wondering why they blurred all the faces of the dead fighters on Doesnt seem too trademark of them, anything fishy you suspect? They have always been showing the faces of the dead. I sense something fishy, let me know what you think.

Bandas should increase the pay wage of their net-soldiers for their excellent job in net-killing so many of the higher command of the LTTE. It is almost ridiculous on how they can come up with the imagination to make up such a story.

I honestly do not believe that PTK has fallen. There is truth that there have been extremely intense battles raging in and around PTK. However, like Badri mentions, the terrain around PTK is almost impossible to circumnavigate. They must be better than the USMC, the british SAS and the russian spetnas combined in order to do something like that.

There are several reports of Tigers infiltrating all sorts of places. If these reports are true, the closer the sla moves into sla.. the more boxed in they become. The bandas have given some thought about this scenario this time round and have placed several battalions as a rearguard. However, if a 2 pronged push, one from the rearguard of all the sla divisions and one coming from the heart of PTK, the sla could well find themselves blocked. The most important ground battle of this war will be the battle of the flanks. Flanking the enemy creates the element of surprise and ultimately heavy casualties.

Knowing the Tigers, conservation of their fighters will be their main goal. Since that is their Achilles heel, the will keep losses to a minimum until they feel its necessary. If Tigers withdraw from a place, its always to conserve their fighters for a more important fight. There have been no Tiger battlefront updates in the past few weeks which probably means something is being worked at the moment. Whether good or bad we shall see in the coming weeks. But analyzing the bandaness, I dont think the Tigers will have too much of a hard time in knocking the fuck out of the sla when push comes to shove.

Viva la Eelam!

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Odd, this article used to say they recovered 14 decomposed bodies. Now it is changed to say they killed 14 LTTE fighters today: still says they were decomposed:

Obviously one story is false.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Amazing, they just added another photo to the article showing the 14 decomposed bodies were carrying 28 wireless sets.

AK said...

Badri call me a pessimist, but the difference is even when LTTE claims 100s are killed they do not show a single body or a weapon whereas SLA show about 30%-40% percent of what they claim.
Obvioulsly LTTE will not leave the bodies but take away as many as possible. If SLA captures 60 that means atleast another 60 would have been taken away. Another 100 may have got injured???

If GOSL claims of killing LTTE leaders are untrue Why wouldn't LTTE show the pictures of the leaders to embarass the GOSL claims?

SLA has the manpower to take 50-60 deaths a day, they also have the resources to cope with 100 causalties aday. They can continue this for longer but we cannot.

I wathc GOSL state news often and many IDPs coming into GOSL make statements which back the SLA stories. Even with a crirical eye, they dont appear as if they are forced to make those statments.

I think we are all trying to live in denial without trying to tackle the problem at hand. There is a serious problem here, its very depressing but we have to admit the problem and act fast. No point in hoping for economy collapse false identificatio of Theepan or other matters... We need act fast before too late. All this denials will not do any good for our cause

Peter said...

I just read DW's story from yesterday:

Theepan, Nagesh, Vithusha, Thurga, Gadabi, Manivannan, Thamilenthi (Thamilselvan's deputy and deputy political wing head) and host of others including Swarnam's two deputies Chithrangan and Adithyan who fought against the 59 in the recent past.

1. Col. Theepan is, as I understand, overall field commander for PTK operation.

2. Lt. Col. Nagesh is a deputy commander of Jeyanthan Special Infantry.

3. Col. Vithusha is Special Commander of Malathy Infantry.

4. Col. Thurga is Special Commander of Sothiya Infantry.

5. Lt. Col. Gadafi died last year.

6. Mr Manivannan is the official name for Castro. He has been paralyzed since '91.

7. Mr Thamilenthi is the retired Head of Finance Wing. He is in his 70s.

8. Mr Thangan, former TELO leader, is the deputy head of Political Wing. He is overall in-charge of civil duties.


One of the eight net-kills is impossible as he had been dead for a year.

It seems Col. Theepan was commanding a battle that included troops from all three famous Infantry Units, including two Special Commanders and a deputy. Also involved were a paralyzed senior cadre and a retired head of department.

As you can see, bandas are creative but hardly logical. They are desperate to net-kill all known personalities in the LTTE and claim net-end to the war before Apr. 16.

They should let RAW write the script; Bolloywood movies, I assume, are better than Sinhala ones. As long as they don't have a song routine where in the middle of a tough battle, Col. Theepan breaks into a 'Jai Ho' while all other cadres begin doing 'chicken-dance' around him.

Lol! After reading Pottu's 'intercepted radio communication' apology, anything is possible.

Peter said...

"If GOSL claims of killing LTTE leaders are untrue Why wouldn't LTTE show the pictures of the leaders to embarass the GOSL claims?"

All commanders will be stuck in front of a camera all day, every day.

AK said...

I initially thoght comments needed to be approved so posted it for you only. Later deleted soon after I realised it appeared. I'm re-publishing after thinking hard. I think we should open our eyes to reality. If this is detrimental I'm sure you will remove it

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Sorry AK, moderation was switched off.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I usually switch off moderation for a couple hours around this time to let everyone post without delays. You can check on the right side whether moderation is on or off.

m.q.k said...

The human chain formed by tens of thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils in downtown Toronto last month was a massive public demonstration of something that has been occurring in community halls for a while.

Once clandestine, there is now open support for the Tamil Tigers, the army fighting the Sri Lankan government, which was declared a terrorist group by Ottawa in 2006.

"The children learn songs, beautiful songs, based on struggle," said Anton Philip Sinnarasa, a former Catholic priest accused of fundraising for the Tigers and who escaped in the famous 1983 Batticaloa jail break.

Support for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is riding a wave of new militancy among young Tamils and second-generation Tamil Canadians as the civil war carnage escalates in the Tamil region of northern Sri Lanka.

"Even if you accept that the Tigers have done bad things ... the Tigers are the lesser evil," said Sinnarasa, who is now a settlement councillor at the Tamil Eelam Society of Canada in Scarborough.

"I wouldn't condemn the Tigers. You need some strength to negotiate. What good has come of banning the Tigers? Nothing. It is a big political game."

Sinnarasa is among many Sri Lankans who described the change occurring in Greater Toronto, home to the Indian Ocean island's largest émigré community. Nonpartisanship is rare in this community, where even young free speech advocates in Toronto fear for their Tamil families' safety in Sri Lanka.

There are about 200,000 people in the Tamil community in the GTA. Most came as scarred refugees escaping discrimination, eviction and violence. There are about 10,000 Sinhalese here.

The Sinhalese make up 74 per cent of the island's population of 21 million people. They are Buddhists and speak Sinhala. The Tamils comprise 18 per cent of the population, are Hindu and speak Tamil.

The current civil war between the two groups started with the Black July riots against the Tamils in 1983 in retaliation for the killing of Sri Lankan soldiers in the north.

On both sides, the anger and grievances can be intense.

"What's happened to the Tamils has a psychological impact no one will ever understand," says Aranee Muru, an organizer of the two downtown protests this winter and a leader of the York University Tamil Student Association.

Muru is Canadian-born but sees the LTTE as liberators: "We had to pick up arms."

"The community view is that the LTTE is not terrorist," said David Poopalapillai, spokesperson for the Canadian Tamil Congress.

Hasaka Ratnamalala, of the Sri Lanka United National Association, has a different view. The Tigers "started the war," he says. Ratnamalala is proud of his group's role in getting the Tigers banned in Canada.

He campaigns tirelessly to expose Tiger support in Toronto, something no longer covert since hundreds of Tiger flags flew at a rally March 16, the second in six weeks.

"They are using Canadian freedom to grow another terrorist group right here," he says, screening a video of Tamil TV broadcasts in Toronto. "They use children to commemorate suicide bombers at cultural events."

University of Toronto English professor Chelva Kanaganayakam is among a third group of non-political voices searching for a genuine solution.

"The politics of blame never resolved anything." He and other scholars launched the Tamil Studies Conference at the urging of students keen to examine and understand their culture without animosity. In just four years, it has become one of the foremost conferences of Sri Lankan scholars. This year, it will take place May 21-23 at the university.

"I didn't expect it to take off like this," said Kanaganayakam. "We don't let politics get in the way. It's easier here than in Sri Lanka."

Similarly, Malika Shan and Josh Ranatunge don't fear for their lives here for starting, a sophisticated international website with 7,500 supporters in 700 cities in 51 countries devoted to circumventing the partisan cacophony about Sri Lanka to deliver real information.

But they do fear what exposure could do to them or their families on the island their parents came from. Shan and Ranatunge aren't their real names.

"Hands down, Canada is the best place in the world," says Ranatunge, a 27-year-old telecommunications business analyst. "But I wouldn't want to risk my name in a database if I were to go to Sri Lanka.

"It's ironic that our cause is free speech and we have to stifle ourselves."

m.q.k said...


m.q.k said...


you remind me of UN..
they can't pressure shit lanka for ceasefire
so now they pressure tigers to release civilians so called 'hostage'...

tiger have have always fought from disadvantageous position as Shit lanka has more manpower and is able to get various weapons easily from other countries..but this didnt put down the determination of tigers all these years...and is still able to fight back...

Some might wanna jump to gov wagon assuming tiger will lose..but a true tamil will remain together with the struggle..

If they thought like u AK...tamil would be slaves in shit lanka now..

m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m.q.k said...



m.q.k said...

Sri Lankan journalist and editor Lasantha Wickrematunge, who was assassinated on 8 January this year, has been named as the laureate of the 2009 World Press Freedom Prize by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

m.q.k said...










Eelavan said...

Finally some strong words from Canada!!!!

It's not up to me to put an end to protest," said Mr. Cannon. "People are allowed to protest in Canada. We live in a democracy. People are allowed to go and express their ideas, their concerns."

Mr. Cannon's remarks fly in the face of the assessment of Sri Lankan envoy Daya Perera, who said Wednesday that: "there is a limit; the freedom of expression has to stop somewhere."

Eelavan said...

OTTAWA -- Rejecting a call by the Sri Lankan envoy to Canada to end days of disruptive protests in Ottawa, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Thursday that Canada is pushing the United Nations for a ceasefire in the troubled South Asian country.

"We've asked for an immediate ceasefire. We're very worried, of course, of the hostilities that are taking place but particularly worried for the civilians that are in the combat zone," Mr. Cannon said.

"We certainly call upon the government to be able to let these civilians leave as well as the Tamil Tigers."

Tamil protesters disrupted traffic in downtown Ottawa for the third consecutive day Thursday.

Mr. Cannon rejected a call by the Sri Lankan high commissioner to Canada to crack down on the protesters because they were waving banners that depict a tiger in front of a pair of crossed guns.