Thursday, May 21, 2009

11 Tamil women found brutally murdered in Sri Lanka concentration camps

By Gethin Chamberlain in Colombo

Reports are emerging from inside Sri Lanka's internment camps of brutal revenge being taken against Tamil Tiger fighters and the abduction of young children by paramilitary groups.

Detainees in one of the camps told the Guardian that a number of female Tamil Tigers have been murdered after giving themselves up to the authorities.

The bodies of 11 young women were allegedly found with their throats slashed outside the Menic Farm camp near the town of Vavuniya, according to people being held behind the razor wire perimeter. The women's short haircuts are understood to have made them easily identifiable as former members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The bodies are said to have been discovered in the last two weeks, but there is no way of confirming the allegations because access to the camps is heavily restricted.

On Wednesday the defence ministry said many of the estimated 250,000 people now inside the camps might have to stay for up to two years. Today the government changed tack and insisted it planned to return most of the civilians to their homes this year.

The allegations came as a coalition of humanitarian agencies claimed that paramilitary groups had gained access to the camps and were abducting children.

But aid workers say there is also a growing resentment among inmates in the camps against the LTTE over its treatment of the civilian population in the final months of the fighting and that many of the female cadres now shut inside are living in fear of reprisals. The government has categorically denied the allegations.

An official who has visited the camps recently – whose identity is known to the Guardian – said the women's bodies had apparently been found close to zone II of the camp, where about 70,000 of the more recent arrivals are living under canvas.

"A couple of weeks ago, 11 bodies were discovered. All these women had short hair. This is a tell tale sign of women newly recruited to the LTTE. According to unconfirmed reports, these women had their throats slashed," the official said. "According to my sources, there are about 1,000 cadres currently in zone III and II of Menic Farm."

The official said no one was sure who was responsible, but other female residents now feared for their safety. "They have heard reports of women being killed … so now women have told me they feel afraid."

Speaking to the Guardian through a third party with access to the camps, a number of those detained said they had heard about the discovery of the bodies outside the perimeter.

One man pleaded with the government to let them leave. "I don't know how much longer we can live like this. There are too many people. I don't know why the government won't start releasing us," he said. "There so many people who very clearly have no connections to the LTTE, that can be cleared of any wrong doing so easily".

"For example, I have no LTTE connection. I am an honest man. I only want to do what is best for my family. Why can't they let me and my family go?"

But Sri Lanka's disaster management and human rights minister, Mahinda Samarasinghe, cast doubt on the reports.

"I don't think it is happening because we would have heard about it," he said. "If something like that was happening the UNHCR would be the first to come to me and say they were angry about it, but they have not done that."

Some residents also complained about the disappearance of children from the camps and yesterday the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers said it had verified reports that children as young as 12 were abducted from the camps and the nearby town of Vavuniya.

The "[Some] have been taken away for ransom and their release has been subsequently negotiated by the parents, either by offering jewellery or cash," said Charu Hogg, Asia manager for the coalition, which includes Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Others had been abducted by paramilitaries and taken to army camps, presumably for questioning over ties to the rebel group, which frequently recruited child soldiers, she said.

The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, is expected to arrive in Sri Lanka tomorrow to urge the government to ease access to the camps for the UN and other aid organisations.

Today a British Euro MP called for a ban on sporting and tourist ties with Sri Lanka. Robert Evans, chair of the European parliament delegation for relations with South Asia, said the England and Wales Cricket Board should suspend bilateral arrangement with Sri Lanka in the same way that it had done with Zimbabwe.


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wijayapala said...

"But aid workers say there is also a growing resentment among inmates in the camps against the LTTE over its treatment of the civilian population in the final months of the fighting and that many of the female cadres now shut inside are living in fear of reprisals."

So these ex-LTTErs might have been killed by Tamil civilians??? Why is Badri posting this eddappan stuff?????

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The bodies were found OUTSIDE the camp. Only Sri Lankan army could have taken people outside.

"The bodies of 11 young women were allegedly found with their throats slashed outside the Menic Farm camp near the town of Vavuniya, according to people being held behind the razor wire perimeter."

wijayapala said...

Dear sathyam,

"I will suggest that Tamils should continue protest demanding Separate state with out LTTE flag and VP photo. Am I right peter?"

You are most certainly correct. Western sympathy for the Tamils utterly dried up the minute the Eelamoid brigade started throwing away the photos of civilians and began to hoist LTTE flags and Thalaivar photos. The crocodile tears for the civilians was exposed as simply a cheap effort to save the LTTE.

The LTTE flag represents the organization that has basically lied to the Tamil people and put its own interests before those of the Tamils. Badrinath himself has acknowledged this. What else can we make of the stories of "imminent counteroffensive" and other LTTE rubbish?

The LTTE flag represents the organization that murdered many Tamils in the name of "Tamil Liberation." Rajini Thiranagama (Tamil human rights activist), Kethesh Loganathan, Neelan Thiruchelvam (both of the former working towards a political solution), Padmanabha (who was gunned down in Chennai), Sabalingam the elder of Tamil militancy (shot dead in Paris), Anandarajah the school principal... you've all seen the list before but you have chosen to forget.

The LTTE flag represents the organization that conscripted tens of thousands of children for a losing war. We all know that a lot of the LTTE supporters had fled Sri Lanka to avoid military service in the iyakkam, leaving the task to the impoverished next generation who couldn't escape.

The LTTE flag represents the organization that implement ethnic-cleansing, even against Tamil-speaking Muslims who were driven out of Jaffna and Mannar. No surprise that the Muslims have comprised a large part of military intelligence since then to get revenge.

Most importantly The LTTE flag represents the organization that LOST THE WAR. Peter might appropriately want to identify with losers, but he doesn't speak for all Tamils.

So Sathyam, your suggestion of dumping the LTTE flag is quite valid. The Tamils need to start anew and put the past in the past.

Your loyalties should be to the living, not to the dead.

wijayapala said...

Dear Upul,

"don't buy shit lankan apparels, if you see one in the store creat a scene, tell you store about human rights and sweatshops in shit lanka - try to get them to get rid of shit lankan products."

No doubt with your clarity of wit and sophisticated eloquence, there won't be a single store which will turn you down.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Most importantly The LTTE flag represents the organization that LOST THE WAR. Peter might appropriately want to identify with losers, but he doesn't speak for all Tamils."]

We don't side with people just because they are on the winning team. We side with those who fight for the rights of our people and sacrifice for us. We have lost Eelam War 4 and are ready to admit that. But that doesn't mean we will abandon out martyrs who gave their lives for us.

["Your loyalties should be to the living, not to the dead."]

Stay loyal to those who gave their lives for you.

wijayapala said...


"Nothing less than the Federal system is what we should be eying for. We need to pressurise the IC to get the Federal structure in place."

I'm afraid that things are not so simple. There has never been a case where a sovereign country undertook constitutional change **solely on the behest of outside actors.** If you want a federal structure, you'll have to find people in SL who support it.

Currently support for federalism is very low. Badri hasn't helped things by saying that federalism will be one step towards a separate state. You should come up with ideas why people in SL should support federalism, instead of hoping for the IC to impose it.

wijayapala said...

Hi Peter,

"Diaspora and TN Tamils must try level best to free people from the internment camps."

You sure are expecting a lot from your TN brothers, after last weekend's election results.

The people should be allowed to leave the welfare centers once 1) demining/clearing operations are complete and the risk to them is minimized and 2) the LTTE cowards are separated from the civilians.

onecountry said...

Lets connect the dots. People in the camps cannot go out. But, they have seen dead female fighters near the town (outside the camps). Did they use binoculars?

Tamil propaganda has no credibility any more with these fairy tales. This is also like the Velu alive story and the photoshopped image showing velu watching TV. LMAO.

Is this story similar to 20,000 civilians killed in the last day or war story?

1. If SLA did it, why the heck did they dump the bodies there? They could have disposed easily.

2. Why didnt SLA kill other ex combatants who surrendered earlier and teaching them trade skills in rehab schools?

FreedomFighter said...

Wijyapala, I understand you feelings for LTTE falg.

But we tamils feel the same about you Lion flag.

It represent violent oppression of tamils over 60 years.

It represent that we are constantly facing a death from the singala majority.

It represent the lion race rule sri lanka.

It represent the mass murders , boosa camps,
detention camps, ethnic discrimination. White Van abductions. Executions. Betrayal, raps.

wijayapala said...


"We side with those who fight for the rights of our people and sacrifice for us."

But your own article claims that these same maaveerars had shot Tamil civilians. How is that fighting for Tamil rights?????

"Stay loyal to those who gave their lives for you."

The SLA gave their lives to free the Tamil civilians from LTTE fascism- therefore by your argument the Tamils should be loyal to the SLA.

onecountry said...

BTW, the picture you shown above is tragic. Most likely this girl stepped on LTTE johny mine. LTTE manufactured and buries thousands of mines all over the freaking place.

wijayapala said...


"But we tamils feel the same about you Lion flag."

Do you have an idea for a new flag for SL?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["BTW, the picture you shown above is tragic. Most likely this girl stepped on LTTE johny mine."]

No, the source of the photo said she was injured by a Sri Lankan artillery. Funny how you want to pretend everything is done by LTTE. LTTE have made a few mistakes, but nothing compared to what the Sri Lankan army has done.

FreedomFighter said...

well that will never happen.. But that would be a great way start the reconciliation. if the start doing that i.e for example 3 strips with each having a color for representing each community.

Then who know probably the same people carry the Tiger flag will start carry your sri lankan flag. If the true settlement ever happens.

I doubt it very much. the way the the killings in north going. the orange stripe might disappear all together.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Do you have an idea for a new flag for SL?"]

I think a new national flag would be good to show it is not only a Sinhala country. Plus recognizing the Tamil martyrs that all Tamils respect and worship. I know this last one you will never allow. But it was a civil war, and both sides have their martyrs that sacrificed for their people.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Of course I don't expect any reconciliation, so its pointless to discuss it really.

Real reconciliation would be for the President to apologize for killing so many Tamils, rather than saying he had zero civilian casualties.

onecountry said...

"No, the source of the photo said she was injured by a Sri Lankan artillery"

Possible. But since it was the leg that got injured not the arm and since she was in LTTE area until last days, I said it is most likely a johnny mine. These mines dont know if the victim is a sla soldier or an innocent civilians. It is impossible for civilians not to fall victim to these mines.

onecountry said...

"Plus recognizing the Tamil martyrs that all Tamils respect and worship."

So.. is this flag supposed to portray kadir and fernandopulle and the likes too?? Just wondering.

FreedomFighter said...

[kadir and fernandopulle]

were they not singalese ? well falg should not t have a lion with knife to kill ..

For the singalese people, justice has been done i.e all ltte is dead. From their point of view.

For tamils justice is yet to come in the form of war crime tribunal. No one should escape from killing innocent civilians.

FreedomFighter said...

But this what will happen to you country -

Singalese Man -

"He should be our president forever. We are happy with a king who can protect our country. Elections don't matter."

wijayapala said...

Dear Badri,

"LTTE have made a few mistakes, but nothing compared to what the Sri Lankan army has done."

So holding the civilians as involuntary human shields in front of the SLA was not one of those few mistakes, right? You yourself pointed out how the last several months were a total waste of life.

Shun said...

Here is good reading for racit sinhala:

This is for the tamils, Take a day off and meet your MP or Seneator. Show them the atricle publicit by Amenesty International and HRW regarding burtal killing of Tamils by the racit sinhala government.

We will gain nothing arguing on-line with the racist Sinhala. We must act and bring the racist regime to face justic for killing the innocent Tamil.

Shun said...

I wuld recomment collection all the article publict by the western media on the SL goverenement genocide and present it to you MP and Senator. We need to act quick while the iron is hot.

wijayapala said...

Whither the Sri Lankan Tamils in a post-war scenario?
May 20th, 2009

by D.B.S. Jeyaraj

The Sri Lankan armed forces have registered a significant military triumph over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). It seems clear that the LTTE’s capacity to wage a full-fledged conventional war against the state has been critically undermined.

There is a lot of anxiety and concern about the fate of Sri Lankan Tamils in a transformed situation where the LTTE has been downsized from its earlier position of being the determining factor in the Island’s politics. This does not necessarily mean that the LTTE “struggle” had achieved some concrete gains for the Tamil people and that its perceived decline would have a negative impact. Nevertheless it must be realised that there are many Tamils who feel insecure about their plight in a post-war scenario.

Clash of two ideas

The sad post-independence history of the island has been a clash of two ideas: of the Sinhala hardliners who wanted a hegemonic, Sinhala supremacist state, and the Tamil hardliners who strove for a separate state of Tamil Eelam. What has happened now is that the most virulent proponents of the ‘two-state’ theory have been routed on the military front. On the other hand this victory seems to have aroused a visible emotion of triumphalism among sections of the majority community.

The government, pursuing its objective of defeating the LTTE, has adopted harsh, tough measures in the recent past, leaving the Tamils embittered and alienated.

Thus many Tamils fear that with the LTTE ceasing to be a viable factor in the new equation, the Tamil people could undergo greater problems and suffering in the future. Compounding these fears has been the intensive LTTE propaganda that the international community in general and India in particular have aligned themselves with Colombo and were collaborating with majoritarian hawks in implementing an anti-Tamil agenda.

Two key factors

Against this backdrop, the question “whither the Tamils in a post-war climate?” has a sense of urgency requiring speedy attention. Fundamentally, the Tamils need to understand two salient factors.

The first is the point that the conflict has gone beyond its original causes. If the Tamils opted for a separate state owing to certain discrimination and unaddressed grievances, the brutal war has brought in a whole set of new problems dwarfing the original ones. Many of the ills afflicting Tamils now are due mainly to the war. It is logical therefore to assume that many of these war-related issues would gradually cease or lose their potency in a non-war situation.

The second factor is the paradigm shift that has occurred in the nature of ethnic relations in the country after the Indo-Lanka accord of July 1987. The earlier tendency of denying or ignoring Tamil discontent or opposing devolution has decreased considerably. The advent of Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ranil Wickremasinghe was a positive symptom of this change.

The debate was about the unit and substance of devolution. If the Tamil leadership had utilised this perceptible shift constructively, vast progress could have been made. Unfortunately, it was the LTTE that foiled such moves. Imposing itself on the Tamils as their ’sole representative,’ the LTTE did not create an appropriate climate for positive political gain. Instead the conduct of the Tigers polarised the communities further and evoked an equally hawkish attitude from the Sinhala side.

The downside to the recent military victory is a growing mindset among sections of the majority to belittle or underestimate the nature of the problem. The Tamil national question is being depicted as a ‘terrorist’ problem. ‘Now that the LTTE has been vanquished we can all live as children of one family’ is the credo. There is no further need to recognise Tamil rights or work out a devolution scheme, it is argued.

wijayapala said...

‘Two state’ dream turns nightmare

While acknowledging the legitimacy of these fears and concerns, the Tamil people would do well to accept reality, however bitter it may be to some elements. The secessionist two-state dream is no more. The past months have seen the dream becoming a nightmare. The future and well being of the Tamil people are inextricably intertwined with that of Sri Lanka and its people. All future efforts to secure rights and share power have to be within the unity, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of Sri Lanka.

The Tamils need to remind themselves that the LTTE, despite its prolonged campaign, has ultimately achieved nothing for the Tamil people. If the LTTE had converted the military strength it once enjoyed into bargaining power at the negotiating table, the Sri Lankan Tamils would have been much better off. It did not and in the process has brought misery and despair to the Tamil people. What is now left is for the shattered people to pick up the pieces and proceed towards progress. If the Tamils recapture that sense of pragmatism for which they were once famous, there could certainly be dazzling light at the end of the tunnel.

The onus however is on the Rajapaksa dispensation. It must demonstrate clearly that it has no hidden hawkish Sinhala agenda. It must go the extra mile in making estranged Tamils feel they are once again part and parcel of the island nation.

There are some matters, both short and long term, requiring urgent and positive action in this regard.

wijayapala said...

What needs to be done

There is an immediate need to provide adequate and proper relief to the 200,000 persons who were recently displaced due to escalation of the war. The facilities available are abysmal. While providing relief is crucial, what is more important is the imperative need to resettle all these IDPs (internally displaced persons) in their original dwelling place as early as possible. There are some apprehensions that the IDPs will be kept in camps for an indefinite period. There is also suspicion of a hidden government agenda to settle Sinhalese in the Wanni and to alter demographic patterns. Early resettlement can dispel this anxiety. This has to be followed by the re-settlement of all displaced people from all communities in the island. Currently, the IDP figure has topped a million.

The government must reach out specifically to the Tamils. In the past, it alienated many Tamils through its obsession with the war. Now is the time to move away from capturing Tiger-controlled territory to capturing the hearts and minds of the Tamil people. The stringent security conditions must be gradually relaxed. Those detained without trial or charges being filed must be released. Security measures like checks and searches must be relaxed in a phased-out manner.

A special financial package is necessary to help the people of the North and East re-construct and develop their battered economy and shattered lives. An environment conducive to investment and growth must be created. Instead of frittering away its resources for an unwinnable goal, the Tamil diaspora must focus on stimulating and boosting the Northeastern economy.

Constitutionally, Tamil is now on a par with Sinhala as an official language. This however is not being implemented. Efforts should be under way to implement Tamil as an official language through the length and breadth of the country. An adequate number of Tamil-speaking officials must be recruited quickly to the public service.

The fragmented Tamil polity must realign and renew itself. At present the Tamil parties are either pro-government or pro-LTTE. There should be re-appraisal and revision of this course. Extremes should be spurned and the middle ground sought and attained. The evolving Tamil political leadership must set realistic goals and seek them through co-operative rather than confrontational approaches.

The government must go ahead with the unfinished task of nation building through genuine power sharing. Much valuable time has been lost and many opportunities squandered in the past. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s stock is sky-high with the Sinhala masses now. Any meaningful political concessions to the Tamil and Muslim people by President Rajapaksa would not be viewed with suspicion. He is therefore in a position to introduce a political package and implement it without risk of a Sinhala backlash. Powers devolved under the 13th amendment could be a starting point or basis. But the package has to be 13th amendment plus.

The international community, India in particular, has a crucial role to play. The nations that assisted Colombo in the fight against the LTTE must now begin assisting and encouraging the government to deliver politically to the long-suffering Tamils. While helping to evolve a political settlement, they must also ensure that the economy receives a boost. The war-ravaged infrastructure of the Northeast can be rebuilt through external aid and input. There is a need for the international community and India to demonstrate to the Tamil people that they objected to the LTTE and not the Tamils.

These then are the parameters within which a renaissance is possible within a united Sri Lanka. Despite bleak prospects in a post-war scenario, the beleaguered Tamil people must once again move towards the goal of being an integral component of the Sri Lankan nation. The government must reciprocate by re-inventing and re-invigorating a ‘new’ Lanka for its long-awaited tryst with destiny.

Shun said...

We have lost 100,000 Tamils to the racist sinhala for the past 30 years. The racist sinhal will never change.

The Tamils need to defend our rights, Special the Tamils living in western countries needs to do more. We can't push our responsibility to the Tamils sisters and brothers living in SL . Every Single Tamils needs to do this.

We should never forget what the SL government did to the innocent Tamils.
This far more worst than 83.

Shun said...

Every day when you wake up think about what this SL government did and doing it to our brother and sisters in SL.

Demonstration is good but you need to meet the senators and MP in person. Show them the articles. Need to educate the MP/Senator on the SL genocide. Tell them how you are personally been affected by the SL governments genocidal policies.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Someone posted a funny comment on DBS Jeyaraj blog:

postwar tamils are now either patriots or non patriots. patriots will be further classified ino 3 categories:

1.those that kiss da soil-patriot class3
2.those that put da soil in da mouth and spit it out-patriot class 2.
3.those that put da soil in da mouth and swallow it too-patriot class 1

Unknown said...

தலைவரின் வீர மரணம் நாளை மாலை அறிவிக்கப்படும்.

Unknown said...

"On the other hand this victory seems to have aroused a visible emotion of triumphalism among sections of the majority community."

Someone beat this old fool with a clue stick, he refused to post my comment which pointed this out, being a little coward that he is (I was not even rude I just put thge facts out) that the democratic path and high road that he and his ilk called for, for so long is here, but as we always knew the Sinhala animals have no reason to give tamils any justice, DBSJ the idiot knew this well too but wanted to appear superior above the 'rif raf' who actually tried to do something. So here again he sits and writes BS from his ivory tower...WTF did he expect the Sinhalese to do if there was no LTTE gun pointing at them? If for decades BEFORE there was an LTTE they never did anything, what idiot would expect them to do anything now after a supposed destruction of the LTTE.

So please someone beat some sence in Wijapukla's hero here...prefrably with old flip flops

Unknown said...

"If the LTTE had converted the military strength it once enjoyed into bargaining power at the negotiating table, the Sri Lankan Tamils would have been much better off."

Man this old fart is too much, does he forget histroy so soon?

The LTTE DID convert their military power to political capital in 2001, yet as usual the Sinhala animals reneged on all they promised, Ranil the fox (who should be offed before anyone else first) while talking nicely didn't implement one thing that would have normalized lives for the Tanil civilians in the CFA...this was what pushed the LTTE back to war, they new Sinhala animals were always going to be Sinhala animals, they would NEVER honor any agreements or give justice to Tamils on their own, just watch the next few months (or if the LTTE is truly done for, the next few years) Tamils will get nothing. Then elitists like DBSJ can sit and pat each other on the back for taking the moral high gorund, while rougher men tried to do what everyone knows had to be done.

Bhairav said...

I thought I shouldn't come to blog anymore but I'm here.

I feel so sorry for these girls. Paramilitary men kill these girls? Do they have mothers, sisters and wives?

As for VP, it will be officially announced that VP is dead by "Canadian Ulagha Thamilar" Tomorrow.

Whoever was in denial mode, please get ready for this sad news Tomorrow.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["On this day we remember the thousands of Tamils who have been murdered in recent months by the Sri Lankan State’s genocidal war without witnesses. In particular early this week over 30,000 Tamils were killed within a 48 hour time period."]

Why isn't Tamilnet mentioning these 30,000 civilians killed this week if it actually happened?

FreedomFighter said...

So i do not underanst why "Canadian Ulagha Thamilar" do ing that ?

FreedomFighter said...

is "Canadian Ulagha Thamilar" is proxy for government of sri lanka in canada ?

Sacktheish said...

hey Badrinath, the reason why TamilNet doesn't reply is because, they can't be bothered and lot of sinhalese give a lot of bs. my friend owns a website and gets a load of crap messages from Sinhalese.

25% Tamils reply
75% Sinhalese reply

50% of sinhalese reply by saying 'I have seen the tigers shoot the civilians' OR 'i have tamil friends in colombo'

the other 50% say bs like 'peelam', 'donkeys'

Anyway, TamilNet has over 1 million visitors imagine reading 10% of that.

Ashok Kumar said...

The Hindu dated 22nd:

CHENNAI: Leaders of various political parties, who came under the banner of the Sri Lankan Tamils’ Protection Movement, on Thursday called for the intervention of the United Nations to protect thousands of homeless Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Dubbing the news of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam chief V. Prabakaran’s death as “false propaganda,” they claimed that the LTTE chief was alive.

The leaders spoke at a meeting convened at the culmination of a rally in which people owing allegiance to various Tamil organisations participated.

The processionists, including many women and children, held photographs of Prabakaran and raised slogans condemning Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Alleging that the massacre of innocent Tamils was continuing in Sri Lanka, they sought the intervention of the United Nations to protect the unarmed civilians. They demanded the international community declare Sri Lanka a “Terror State” and urged the Government of India to stop all aid to the island nation.

The agitators demanded that Mr. Rajapaksa and his lieutenants be tried for war crimes in an international court. Amid shouting slogans “Long live Prabakaran,” they criticised a section of the media for publishing news in favour of the Sri Lankan government.

(Nedumaran, Ramadoss, Nallakannu, D.Pandiyan, Vaiko, Seeman etc participated in the meeting.)

FreedomFighter said...

good article
Future Direction

Ashok Kumar said...

Nedumaran at Chennai meeting:

Tigers' are now spread throughout North and East.

Ho Chi Min style guerilla warfare will be adopted henceforth.

(Makkal TV)

Sacktheish said...

this is a funny video:!!!

FreedomFighter said...

I like the idea of Government in Exile. With the ability to have election and diplomatic relations we will have more ability to defend the Tamils. Also in current situation, de facto state of thamil eelam has been occupied by sri lanka'n forces. This is the right thing to do. The best part is that government in exile can have a armed forces to liberate the country.

Anonymous said...


Can you explain more on this:

***I like the idea of Government in Exile. With the ability to have election and diplomatic relations we will have more ability to defend the Tamils. Also in current situation, de facto state of thamil eelam has been occupied by sri lanka'n forces. This is the right thing to do. The best part is that government in exile can have a armed forces to liberate the country.***

FreedomFighter said...

Govenment is exile is something normaly happen during war time like during world war 2 when all of europe was under exile. Now we have Tibet.

Ok based on these principlese we can hold election all over the world to elect a government of eelam. The we can having discussion about getting some recongnistion
of this government. i.e Sweeden some might do that.

Then if all diplomactic is developed fully if the peaceful means of getting the goals fail
we can even start creating a conventional army to liberate home land. With recognition then we can arm the new army with enough fire power to hold territory.

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thanks FreedomFighter,

but how do we hold elections and how will this materialize ?

FreedomFighter said...

Thileepan, I think that would be the easy part they has been one already in Norway recently. It will be similar to that.

FreedomFighter said...

I never voted in my life I would be happy to vote for government of eelam. i.,e

Norway referendum

FreedomFighter said...

yep have to be tmails/muslims/singalese of north east who are out side the country

FreedomFighter said...

Guys can you tell me in this picture, that they pulled down the pants and underwear to parade
this body ?

Prabharan Paraded

FreedomFighter said...

Also they have the hand hiding his face ?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Just see this. Is there any doubt the UN wanted this to happen all along. Regarding Ban's visit to Lanka, the papers say:

"UN's Ban will also commend the government for defeating the rebels, who were branded a terrorist group internationally."

Ashok Kumar said...

Friday, 2009-05-22 09:14:12]

எங்களுக்கு வந்த தகவல்படி விடுதலைபுலித்தலைவர் பிரபாகரன் இன்னும் உயிரோடு பாதுகாப்பாக உள்ளார் என இந்திய கம்யூனிஸ்ட் மூத்த தலைவர் நல்லகண்ணு தெரிவித்தார்.

கோவில்பட்டியில் செய்தியாளர்களிடம் பேசிய அவர், தமிழக அரசு சூழ்ச்சியும், ஆட்சி அதிகார பலமும் கொண்டு தேர்தல் முடிவுகளை முன்கூட்டியே முடிவு செய்தது. சிவகங்கை, விருதுநகர் தொகுதிகளில் ஆளுங்கட்சி கூட்டணிக்கு ஆதரவாக முடிவுகள் மாற்றப்பட்டன.

பண பலத்தைக் கொண்டு வெற்றி நிர்ணயிக்கப்பட்ட சூழ்நிலையில் சில தொகுதிகளில் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சிகளும் வெற்றி பெற்றுள்ளன. பிரபாகரன் உயிரோடு உள்ளார்: அமைதி பேச்சுவார்த்தைக்கு சென்ற சார்லஸ், நடேசன், புலித்தேவன் உள்ளிட்ட புலித்தலைவர்களை ராஜபக்சே அரசு நயவஞ்சமாக கொலை செய்து விட்டது.

இலங்கையில் போர் நிறுத்தம் என்ற விஷயத்தில் இந்திய அரசு கண்டிப்பாக இருந்திருந்தால் அப்பாவி தமிழர்கள் காப்பாற்றப்பட்டிருப்பர். இனியாவது ஐ.நா., விரைந்து செயல்பட்டு இலங்கையில் எஞ்சியுள்ள தமிழர்களை காப்பாற்றி மறுவாழ்வுக்கு வழி வேண்டும். எங்களுக்கு வந்த தகவல்படி விடுதலைபுலித்தலைவர் பிரபாகரன் இன்னும் உயிரோடு பாதுகாப்பாக உள்ளா

Peter said...

SLA has registered every Tamil in Vanni, but refuses to release the list.

It continues to prevent ICRC or any other organization from registering names.

It has also prevented people from contacting family members directly by phone.

Even if half of the civilians detained at the internment camps are disappeared, we have no way of proving that they were there in the first place.Total number of civilians in the camp is also kept at varying estimates. Independent reports 300, 000, BBC 275, 000 and Guardian 250, 000. Say 300, 000 are there and 50, 000 are disappeared, there is no way of proving that is actually happened.

Even more worryingly, D'BS'J says 200, 000. Perhaps RAW has grander plans?

UNHCR should take responsibility for the camps. SLA should be able to arrest suspects from the camps, but then we will have some form of accountability.

Ashok Kumar said...

LTTE leadership safe: Tiger intelligence official
[TamilNet, Friday, 22 May 2009, 09:49 GMT]
Head of International Secretariat of the Intelligence wing of the LTTE, Mr. Arivazhakan, who contacted TamilNet Friday categorically denied the reports that the LTTE leader Mr. Velupillai Pirapharan has been killed. Mr. Arivazhakan urged the global Tamil community not to trust the "engineered rumours," being spread by the Government of Sri Lanka and its military establishment.

"Our beloved leader is alive," he said and added that the LTTE leadership will make contact with the global Tamil community at a suitable time in future.

"These rumours have been set afloat to confuse the global Tamil community which has been voicing support for the liberation of Tamil Eelam," he further said.

gladiator said...

Pulli Girls

[Head of International Secretariat of the Intelligence wing of the LTTE, Mr. Arivazhakan, who contacted TamilNet Friday categorically denied the reports that the LTTE leader Mr. Velupillai Pirapharan has been killed.]


guys when do you understand wat kind of deadly trap u all have been living in.

gladiator said...

Pulli Girls

KP is rolling the mony machin GOOD LUCK guys !!!!!

khanthas said...

Key word:

International Secretariat of the Intelligence wing of the LTTE.

Never heard before..

gladiator said...


[International Secretariat of the Intelligence wing of the LTTE.

Never heard before..]

Now you have heard..... Quick start collecting money for EELAM WAR V.


Peter said...

I think TamilNet should put up a video or not mention VP at all.

Since nobody has accepted donations since May 1st, it should have nothing to do with funds.

I am sure Tamil Diaspora will remain independent, and committed to the cause, regardless of the status of VP.

Given all that the Diaspora has to do now is pressure the IC, ground status of LTTE should not bother us for the time being.


LTTE has Intel Wing South, Intel Wing India and Intel Wing International.

South is headed by Aquila, India by Janan Master and International by Arivazhakan.

I think quoting Mr Arivazhakan is to indicate that VP is outside of the island.

gladiator said...

[ Khanthas,

LTTE has Intel Wing South, Intel Wing India and Intel Wing International.

South is headed by Aquila, India by Janan Master and International by Arivazhakan.

I think quoting Mr Arivazhakan is to indicate that VP is outside of the island.]


Why do I smell a rat here ????????

agentx said...

********how karuna amman identified prabakaran *******
dear peelamists after all ua asses have gone through to achieve the ever great peelam in ua pants i think its my duty to tell u guys how karuna identified soora we all know the sooya thewas fat body was found vt all clothes and jewelery intact..
but nobody was able to identify his body coz they dint know what prabas package was like.. i admit that there was some confusion among us when we found a man with such a small prick..for the noise u guys made we thought the all mighty sooya deva had the biggest ever..but frotunately karuna amman came to help..he identified praba positively and added"last time i saw this thing it was in micrometer scale,now it has grown a little..pitty madi or duwa haraka is not here to have a bite of that..what a pity"

Peter said...

"Cases of chickenpox, hepatitis and skin diseases are also rising due to poor sanitary conditions and lack of medical aid."

They could get away with even killing all 300, 000.

gladiator said...

TAMILNUT exclusively for NUTS ............

gladiator said...


khanthas said...

Thanks Peter for the details.

What struck me however, is that the unit name is pronounced so openly by the movement at a moment where all its political and military units appear to be in shambles.

I agree absolutely with what you have written. Diaspora Tamils should urgently work towards the IC and UN for the protection of their fellow Tamils in Eelam, independent of VP.

If they succeed in this task, it would be also be a kind of first IC recognition to their cause.

Peter said...


I think TamilNet is playing the psychological game to keep IC interested.

West is keen to resolve the issue, so that Tamils do not rally around the LTTE and create a another armed resistance.

Skeletal network of an armed insurgency is shown for IC to be interested. Otherwise, it will ignore us completely and leave Sri Lanka to its own wishes.

It gives some credence, and seriousness, to the need to resolve issues highlighted by the Diaspora.

I think these three things need to be done simultaneously and without delay. Please to see international media expressing same sentiments.

1. Free people detained internment camps.

2. Demilitarize Tamil region, including so called 'high security zone'. (This was agreed at the first few round of peace talks in 2002, but Satish Nambiar, brother of Vijay Nambiar, 'advised' that it shouldn't be done for as long as LTTE has artillery guns.)

3. Devolve power to the people, and allow UN led elections. (US has already stated that 'meaningful' devolution should go beyond 13th amendment. We need to ensure any devolution allows our people to hold UN led referendum at a time of their choosing.)

FreedomFighter said...

I trust tamilnet more the defencenet.

KP was with LTTE for so long he could have had all the money he wanted with % commission on all deals.

Also if VP is gone then he would become the next leader and would have access to the funds he needed anyway to do what ever think he want.

Veeran said...

This Satellite images must be made in Public by Tamil Diaspora.

US military satellites secretly monitored Sri Lanka’s conflict zone through the latter stages of the war against the Tamil Tigers and American officials are examining images for evidence of war crimes, The Times has learnt.

The images are of a higher resolution than any that are available commercially and could bolster the case for an international war crimes inquiry when the UN Human Rights Council holds a session on Sri Lanka next week.

They were acquired by the National Geo-spatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), based in Bethesda, Maryland, which is part of the Department of Defence but provides services for other government agencies.

Marshall Hudson, a spokesman for the NGA, told The Times that the agency had been monitoring the conflict zone and had provided images to the State Department, some of which were released to the media in April.

It’s a safe assumption that we didn’t release everything that we have,” he said. He declined to give further details.

Other US officials said that the Office of War Crimes Issues was investigating Sri Lanka and that satellite images were a crucial part of the investigation because of the lack of access on the ground

If the UN fails to back a war crimes inquiry Washington could use the images and others from commercial sources as evidence in its investigation, according to human rights activists.

This is the latest example of how satellite technology is being used to monitor conflicts and hold governments to account for their actions.

Satellite imagery is valuable in the case of Sri Lanka because the Government has banned almost all independent aid workers and journalists from the front line, blocking examination of alleged war crime scenes.

The State Department has already used NGA satellite images to put pressure on the Sri Lankan Government.

It released two pictures to the media in April that it said showed 100,000 civilians crammed on to a beach in the conflict zone.

In the same month, the UN leaked satellite images from multiple sources that appeared to prove that the Sri Lankan air force had bombed civilians there despite establishing it as a no-fire zone for them to shelter in.

Sri Lanka admitted bombing the area but said that it was attacking Tiger artillery positions and that there were no civilians in the immediate area at the time. It accused the UN of spying.

Human Rights Watch has used satellite images of Sri Lanka from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which has helped to expose rights abuses in Burma, Zimbabwe, Chad and the Darfur region of Sudan.

FreedomFighter said...

Also I believe that there are facial recognition software and experts who can verify the Prabaharans images. This has been done before and we should seek help from these experts.

FreedomFighter said...

the us of spy satellite have high resolution 0.15 meter per pixel compared to 0.5 of UN satellite images.

They used old ones in Bosnia to expose mass murders. I think it was used in war crime trials.

khanthas said...

TN: “US Congressional Rights Group urge investigation into Sri Lanka crimes”
And no words about LTTE.

Thanks to GOSL’s propaganda, there are no more tigers.

Otherwise these Right groups who have allowed freely the massacre in Vanni without voicing for voiceless, would have included “LTTE terrorist activities and all…

khanthas said...


May be that TN playing to IC. May be.

But at the same time, I feel that Tigers or TN cannot afford to be “dishonest” towards their people who believe in them, sometimes spiritually.

May be that two birds in one stone.

Veeran said...

[ feel that Tigers or TN cannot afford to be “dishonest” towards their people who believe in them]

That is true.

We ridiculed SLA as to how many times they "NET KILL" our leaders.

But when they actually kill our leaders with Photo, Tamilnet is not accepting & we are also struggling to accept.

It is fault of Tamilnet & tiger media not to give a correct pic of the battle field.

Peter said...

I think TN should not say VP is alive if he is known to be dead.

Silence until proven either way is a different matter.

Often, in war, when no outsiders are allowed into the battle area, it is impossible to be sure if someone is dead or alive, especially within a week.

That goes both ways. Must not say is alive or dead. TN says VP is alive. We will know conclusively by next Heroes Day at the latest.

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

[It is fault of Tamilnet & tiger media not to give a correct pic of the battle field.]

Tamilnet net does not lie, it some time not tell the true event such as death of Theepan and Abithab.

But in the case VP they say he is well, that means its true. Because they have high credibility among Tamils.

Peter said...

TN not reporting death of Brig. Theepan and Lt. Col. Amuthab does not make it a lie.

Did the LTTE deliberately mislead people on the above two? No.

Both were acknowledged by VoT, Puthinam and Sankathi.

If VP does not appear by Heroes' Day, then TN would have lied by claiming him to be 'alive'.

khanthas said...

TN has dearly earned a good reputation. Not only among Tamils but also among Singhalese and foreign diplomats.

But TN is not totally infallible. People with good reputation may sometimes go wrong.

The problem is probably with us. We want to know what we like to know, but we want some evidence. When the evidence is not there, we assume either TN’s silence or its statements as lies.

Right, admit TN lies stating VP is alive while he is no more there. What for, risking its good reputation ?

Peter said...

On Feb. 18th TN said 300, 000 people were in the LTTE area.

India and Sri Lanka said the number was 70, 000.

Now that we know how many people left the area, we know the credibility of TN, India and Sri Lanka. (Pranab Mukarjee, told Indian parliament on Feb. 17th that 70, 000 people were there. This was the official position of India).

Bhairav said...

Interesting article - must read for Tamils

m.q.k said...

peter pls check ur message..important news..

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear your family loss. I lost one and rest of them in the camp with only one injured.

I have been sending emails to every one (Past 5 months) all the Canadian MP's, European Foreign ministers and Eric Scholehim. Some of them formally replied (Including Eric) but nothing happened.

I never expected the end results this way.

We have to show the fuckers about the Tamil's strength.

Since you and me are in the same town please send me an email.

m.q.k said...


Geneva - A draft resolution praising the government of Sri Lanka was submitted to the United Nations Friday ahead of next week's special Human Rights Council session on the Asian country and its recently ended armed conflict with the Tamil Tiger rebels.

The draft text was tabled by Sri Lanka itself, with the backing of 12 members of the council, including China, India, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

It commends the Sri Lankan government's handling of internally displaced people (IDPs) and its cooperation with UN humanitarian agencies. The draft also praises the 'liberation' of Sri Lankan citizens, using the government's language.

Earlier Friday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported aid groups were still being denied unimpeded access to the largest displaced persons camp, housing most of the 272,000 IDPs.

As a result, most services to the people were suspended, OCHA said.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said it has only been given partial access.

An ICRC official in Geneva said the 'priority issue' for the organization was to gain 'full access' to the camps.

The special session will take place on Tuesday at the UN in Geneva.

It was called for earlier this week by Germany on behalf of 17 members of the rights council, including the European Union members, Canada, Switzerland and Argentina.

Council rules require that a special session have the backing of one-third of the 47 member-states.

A draft text being written by Switzerland, which was not finalized or submitted to the UN, deplored 'the significant loss of human lives and suffering,' and calls on the government to cooperate with aid agencies.

The text, obtained by the German Press Agency dpa, also said the countries were 'gravely concerned by violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law committed during the armed conflict in Sri Lanka and their impact on the civilian population especially women, children and vulnerable groups.'

The text did not call for an independent commission of inquiry rather opting for the Sri Lankan government to investigate allegations of abuse.

One European diplomat said the EU wanted to call for an independent commission, but it was unable to gather enough signatures for such language.

Realizing that, the Europeans tried to draft a text that would garner a consensus in the council, the diplomat said, but early reaction to the language indicated it would not pass during a vote.

Several UN rights experts and the High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, have called for an independent investigation into possible war crimes committed by both parties to the conflict.

The Sri Lankan army has been accused of using heavy weaponry in a crowded civilian area.

The LTTE, as the Tigers are also known, were accused of holding civilians inside the conflict zone against their will, and firing at them if they tried to escape.

At least 7,000 people, or even 8,000, are estimated to have been killed in the fighting since the end of last year.

The government refused to allow journalists access to the conflict zone and also kept aid agencies out, making independent assessments difficult.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was expected to arrive in Sri Lanka later Friday. He has made pleas to the Sri Lankan government to grant his humanitarian staff full access to civilians.

A Sri Lankan diplomat told delegates at an informal meeting on Friday that he would fight the Western-backed text.

onecountry said...

Guys.. please be patient. TN will soon show a video showing the thalaivar. Due to security reasons, his face will be covered.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

A few comments to various posts:

["LTTE leadership safe: Tiger intelligence official"]

I would suggest everyone remove themselves emotionally and look at things with reason and logic. At this point Tamilnet is not as believable as everyone wants it to be. I am sorry that few of you can see it. It is clear everyone is in denial. Now you are willing to accept a video of Prabhakaran with him covering his head "for security reasons". Wake up and accept the reality. Its time to move forward with the diaspora leading the way. The war is over and I don't see any chance of it restarting. The diaspora now needs to try to win politically.

Fake photoshopped photographs or videos of someone covering his head is not going to help at all. Someone is really being cruel to the diaspora with all of these tricks.

["Since nobody has accepted donations since May 1st, it should have nothing to do with funds."]

It is good that the donations have been suspended. I would recommend everyone to not give any donations until things become clear. Every month keep what ever money you would give aside and when things become clear you can give it all for what ever cause arises. Even if the LTTE is finished, there will be a need for money to rehabilitate the area. The diaspora will need to decide amongst themselves the mechanism for how the money will be collected and sent to be used. Probably something TRO-like. But that is for the diaspora to decide and implement.

["I think quoting Mr Arivazhakan is to indicate that VP is outside of the island."]

I think it is because all of the leadership is dead. Sometimes the simplest answer is the true answer.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["KP was with LTTE for so long he could have had all the money he wanted with % commission on all deals."]

At that time Prabhakaran is there to inspire him and watch over him. Today the situation is very different. So we cannot trust people if we see signs they are trying to mislead us through our emotions. If someone releases a video of "Prabhakaran" with a covered head, get as far away from that person as you can. It is clear they are trying to cheat you.

["Also if VP is gone then he would become the next leader and would have access to the funds he needed anyway to do what ever think he want."]

The next leader will be someone the diaspora chooses to lead themselves. If the LTTE failed and is wiped out, we don't need to inherit the remnant scraps of the leadership and think those will be the leaders of the future struggle. First the path of the struggle will need to be defined. Only then a leader who is qualified for that path will be chosen.

If the struggle is going to be political and nonviolent, I don't think it is in the best interests of the struggle to have an arms smuggler wanted by interpol as the leader. Stop thinking in terms of dynasty politics and choose the leaders from amongst the many qualified diaspora.

["But at the same time, I feel that Tigers or TN cannot afford to be “dishonest” towards their people who believe in them, sometimes spiritually."]

This is the most important point. People were offering their lives and everything to this cause, so the least they deserved in return was honesty. Some people in the LTTE chose to mislead the people that this war was winnable militarily. Even up to the last days Nadesan was saying the Sri Lankan army was destroyed, but every day they got closer and closer. Finally on the last day Nadesan is calling for a surrender.

Why did he mislead everyone up till the last day? Obviously he thought a high morale was more important than the truth, and thats what many regimes practiced in the past. But finally where are we left with our high morale? We are all left in shock and denial because we were mislead with high morale.

Whose fault is it? The diaspora was ready to accept any information as long as it was positive for them. They didn't care if it was completely unbelievable or not. They never questioned anything they were told. Take for example the casualties. How is it possible that the LTTE had 4,000 casualties and the Sri Lankan army had 22,000 casualties in the same period? The LTTE was clearly lying about this, but did anyone question it? It is impossible for a losing side in a war to have 5 times fewer casualties then the winning side, when the winning side has better equipment, airforce, artilleries, MBRL, and better training. Everyone believed it because they wanted good news, not factual news. This progressive misleading got worse and worse over time and in the end everyone was left shocked. Now some people are waiting for a video of a hooded Prabhakaran telling them he is still alive.

If this war was not winnable, then it should never have been fought.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Sri Lankan foreign minister claims he didn't even inform anyone Nadesan wanted to surrender:

Dr Kohona said he did not pass the information on to anyone, adding: "Contacting me at that time about surrender was probably not a useful way of setting about it."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

All evidence covered up with cremations:

The two men's bodies (Nadesan and Pulidevan) have been cremated and Mr Kohona could not say whether an autopsy had been conducted. The military has also cremated the body of Prabhakaran, eliminating any chance of clearing up confusion surrounding his death.

Human Rights Watch spokeswoman Anna Neistat said she was "extremely concerned" to hear about the cremations, which amounted to destruction of evidence. But she said HRW's main concern was over potential purges of suspected Tamil Tiger sympathisers by paramilitary groups.

Bhairav said...

[LTTE leadership safe: Tiger intelligence official
[TamilNet, Friday, 22 May 2009, 09:49 GMT]
Head of International Secretariat of the Intelligence wing of the LTTE, Mr. Arivazhakan, who contacted TamilNet Friday categorically denied the reports that the LTTE leader Mr. Velupillai Pirapharan has been killed. Mr. Arivazhakan urged the global Tamil community not to trust the "engineered rumours," being spread by the Government of Sri Lanka and its military establishment. ]

I'm not sure why TN is misleading the Tamils here. Who is this Arivazhakan? Who is that senior reporter? Again with unsubstantiated news, they're misleading the already suffering Tamils even harder.

I won't be surprised in the future that TN will be infiltrated with pro-government news. If they find out the owner of TN, SL MI and RAW will find a way to take over this site. Do not be surprised if they post articles type of Asian Tribune. Well, if Pottu is in SLA's custody, they will find who are behind the TN.

Tamils should watch closely now on.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The Sri Lankan governments plan is to create a paramilitary force in the North out of young children (as they are easy to control and their allegiance is not yet fixed). Once the children have converted, their families will also have to support them. In this way the North can be infiltrated and a paramilitary force set up like in east:

"Paramilitaries are also reportedly being used in the screening procedures in the camps, including to weed out child soldiers, according to The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, which claimed this week that at least 80 had already gone missing from the camps in the main resettlement area of Vavuniya."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

One point I would like to make. The Sri Lankan government and some newspapers keep saying "Look how Sri Lanka defeated terrorism, it can be done anywhere." I would just like to point out the Sri Lankan government gets no credit for this win. This loss was handed to them on a golden platter. There is no way this method could be repeated in Afghanistan or Pakistan or anywhere else. If the LTTE had broken into small cells and dispersed throughout the country, this war would drag on another 30 years. It was the attempt to defend land that brought the loss, and no insurgent group in the world attempts to defend land. This mistake would never be made in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, nor anywhere else. So its not the credit of the Sri Lankan government that they rooted out an insurgency. The moment an insurgency chooses to defend land as a conventional army they have lost. At that point it is just a matter of who has better and more sophisticated weapons. Conventional war is decided by the richer country, that's all.

Bhairav said...

Badri, you do not experience any emotional stress by the latest events of Wanni in last few weeks? If so, how did you overcome?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Badri, you do not experience any emotional stress by the latest events of Wanni in last few weeks? If so, how did you overcome?"]

There is no way not to experience emotional stress. But we can remember all of these heroes and leaders are more than the bodies we saw in the photos. Their souls are eternal and they will continue living forever. We are all destined to die, even the heroes and leaders. Either it happens today, or it happens 20 years latter from some disease. The next generation has to always be ready to lead. We can't just expect the leaders to be there forever leading us. We need to prepare our next generation to take up their struggle.

Upul said...

Tamilnet is very credible and doesn't lie. It has made mistakes and all, misquoting figures etc.

I have also read what I think is credible info as to the status of iyyakam.

Badri, for every point you made of why iyyakam dragged it on since January has an alternate logical explanation "from suicidal tendenancy theory and complete collapse of the ltte leadership". However I don't think it would be wise for me to post it here openly, considering we know sla mi does watch this site.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

If there ever is a return to LTTE fighting, they need to learn from the experience of Iraqi insurgents.

1) The problem with this is the population is much smaller than in other countries. There are less than 1 million Tamils in North East. There is not a large enough population base to draw from compared to Iraq.

2) The Sri Lankan government is willing to kill civilians to achieve victory, so they could wipe out the insurgents by killing all sorts of civilian vilagers (eventually finding some insurgents amongst them).

These two points need to be overcomed for a revived military struggle. But that is just for the sake of discussion. I think now is time for a political movement taking support from the western democracies. Our people cannot withstand another assault of such cruelty.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["It has made mistakes and all, misquoting figures etc."]

There is a difference between making mistakes and presenting false information to make the diaspora happy.

Just answer this one point. How can Nadesan claim to have suffered only 4,000 casualties while claiming the Sri Lankan army suffered 22,000 casualties? It is not possible for the Sri Lankan army to suffer 5.5 times the casualties of the LTTE. The Sri Lankan army has bomber planes, all sorts of artillery, sophisticated weaponry, etc.

Question 2. How many casualties do you think the LTTE suffered for real? How many LTTE soldiers do you think existed during ceasefire? I am guessing at least 15,000 to 20,000. Where are they now? The simple answer is they are all dead. Add to that the 10,000 or so young recruits picked up in the last six months and we have suffered casualties of at least 25,000 to 30,000 since 2006. There is no way anyone could claim we suffered 4,000 casualties.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Just to clarify, of all people I liked Nadesan a lot. He was a very decent person and I felt terrible that he was killed, being a noncombatant and civilian member. But in every government there is someone called a propaganda minister, and that was basically the post of Nadesan. His job was to spin good news. Every country has this post, but there are certain limits to stretching good news. The most famous example is Saddam Husein's propaganda chief who got on television and insisted they were defeating the US even as the US army was about to march into his office and capture him.

The diaspora needs to stop demanding successful news, and instead demand realistic news. They feed you what you demand of them.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I apologize to all if anything I saw is discouraging.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

British officials in race to stop 'war crime' by Sri Lankan forces

Bhairav said...

[If there ever is a return to LTTE fighting, they need to learn from the experience of Iraqi insurgents.]

Well, next struggle should target SL's economical hub. Use as much as deadly weapons( not necessarily nuke) to make a political statement that you won't be in peace until Tamils are in peace. Fighting with AKs no longer make any impact. In my opinion, MR and his clan should be taken off from the streets within next few years.

More materials with less human resources are the way forward in our next struggle. Use the Tamilnadu as base, then we can do greater damage than anyone can imagine.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Use as much as deadly weapons( not necessarily nuke) to make a political statement that you won't be in peace until Tamils are in peace."]

Seeing the current situation, I would agree with this 100%. Rather than trying to train 10,000 fighters who will likely be killed again by an army 10 times the size, it would be better to create a core research group of 300 people from around the world. Their task would be to research massive technological weapons and implement them. Everyone knows the three or four categories of weapons this would include.

Bhairav said...

[it would be better to create a core research group of 300 people from around the world. Their task would be to research massive technological weapons and implement them.]

You do not need to create anything from the scratch here. Most are already there, it's all about getting into those things.

Peter said...

At this point in time, I don't think that there is any need for violence.

We should now be seeking to use emerging Western sympathy to prove to the the IC that the Tamils need autonomy and that the Sinhala state can not be trusted.

Latest news is that India is leading a pack of 'similar thinking countries' to praise rather than prosecute GoSL at the UNHRC.

While a war crimes investigation will not lead to any substantial punishment, it will cement GoSL's place amongst other rouge states like Sudan.

A British MEP called today for England to cut sporting ties. Others are speaking out openly without fear of being branded "terrorist".

I do not have any genuine belief that these "peaceful" initiatives would deliver any rights to our people. But, demonstrating that GoSL would not treat Tamils with respect; thereby, internationally isolating it is necessary to gain legitimacy.

Thereafter, perhaps in a month or two, prospect of return to instability may force all actors to come to an amicable solution.

In the absence of LTTE is in its solid form, the imperative is on Diaspora to remain independent and constantly prosecuting the GoSL.

Eelavan said...

Badri, What made you to state (100%) over and over that Thalaivar is not alive?

I also think he is "no more" based on the body/picture shown by the SLA. Are you making your case based on these pictures?

Peter said...

I agree that Nadeason's casualty figures were random. However, in war psychological battle does matter. And the enemy was obviously listening/reading to the same.

TN did not publish any of it. Rather, it decided to maintain silence.

On issues were TN has quoted independent (albeit Tamil) people to give numbers, e.g. numbers remaining in LTTE controlled areas, it has been accurate. In fact, far more accurate than the next best, which was the UN.

The fake VP photo was published by Nakeeran. Although that paper tries its best to be pro-LTTE, most of the time it does more harm than good. Showing an Air Tiger cadre as CA was fail, publishing interview with Nadeason as with VP was another fail, and the latest Photoshop image is an epic fail!

In its 12 years of existence, TN has never claimed someone who dead to be alive.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I also think he is "no more" based on the body/picture shown by the SLA. Are you making your case based on these pictures?"]

Its more than just pictures. Its the entire events surrounding the ending. The final nail being Charles Anthony being executed along with Nadesan and Pulidevan. We have to understand surrender of Prabhakaran's son to the Sri Lankan army is against everything the LTTE stood for. You cannot allow them to have such a valuable bargaining chip to torture and control you with. Thus in my mind there is no possibility that Prabhakaran chose to escape while telling his son to surrender and face torture.

We know for a fact that Nadesan was frantically trying to negotiate a surrender for LTTE leadership. At the time all leaders were in the same area, so we have to assume surrender of "leadership" meant all leadership. I don't think Nadesan was telling them "we want to surrender me, pulidevan and charles anthony, but not such and such". It would make no sense to surrender Charles Anthony but not Prabhakaran, unless Prabhakaran was planning suicide. The head wound doesn't look like a suicide to me, rather it matches the wounds off all leadership I have seen. Charles Anthony has a head wound, Soosai had a head wound, Prabhakaran has a head wound.

The only person whose body has not been shown is Pottu Amman (but he has been declared dead). If he was actually dead, I am certain they would have shown his body. At the same time, the confidence with which they say he is dead makes me believe he is in custody and they know he will be dead soon. He is also the one person who is most valuable alive to the Sri Lankan army, as he is the political chief and has contact will all secret suicide cadres in South.

There is more to it, but I don't want to get into it with too much details because its not helpful at this point and is depressing for most.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["And the enemy was obviously listening/reading to the same."]

The enemy knew exactly how many casualties they had, because they have a roster list. They also had a good idea of what the LTTE was taking. The only real people who this could be meant for is the diaspora to keep them encouraged.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["On issues were TN has quoted independent (albeit Tamil) people to give numbers, e.g. numbers remaining in LTTE controlled areas, it has been accurate. In fact, far more accurate than the next best, which was the UN."]

But that is in line with what I was saying. It was only accurate on these numbers because it was in their favor. They were not accurate about LTTE forcing civilians to stay in the war zone and refusing them to go to government lines. Tamilnet is only accurate when it encourages the diaspora. It is not an independent news source. It was basically ran by Nadesan, and that is clear since his death. No substantial articles have come to Tamilnet since Nadesan has died.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["In its 12 years of existence, TN has never claimed someone who dead to be alive."]

Ultimately behind everything is a human being, and a human being has emotions. At this stage, with all communication broken to the leaders (which is likely because they are dead), an emotional editor of Tamilnet may grasp at anything that reassures him it was all false, nothing bad happened. They are humans and they have emotions. Just look here how some people are willing to see a video of Prabhakaran with his face covered. Just see how some people in other forums were jumping on seeing the Nakeeran photo. The emotions are too strong right now and they are blocking the people's reason. Unfortunately everyone will be hurt in the long run, but hopefully the pain will reduce over time.

aKa said...

Banned arms' use caused high casualties in Sri Lanka, says aid worker
Sri Lankan government forces killed or injured 25,000-30,000 civilians in the span of just a few days during its final offensive against Tamil militants, said a humanitarian worker who just left the country.

The high number of casualties was caused by "a generous use" of weapons, such as cluster and chemical bombs, that are banned by international treaties and, therefore, their use represents a crime against humanity, he told Catholic News Service in Rome May 21

full report

Upul said...

badri, I beg to differ regarding tamilnet. tamilnet is far independent of the ltte. there is literature online about tamilnet from an academic. its not an element of the ltte.

badri, do you believe only 5,800 sla died in the last four years ?

Upul said...

tamilnet is run by a 12 like minded members in the us, who wanted highlight the plight of tamils around the world.

abc said...

SLA played a drama that VP may have killed in that ambulance and other occassions were just to buy some time to investigate VP in their custody. GoSL may have liked to keep VP alive for few more days to milk some info, but Sinhala public did not have patience to wait another day without seeing VP's head.

If MR was emphatic about the free SL on May 17th, he sure got the news of every LTTE leaders in their bag that time.

I seriously believe Pottu is in SLA's custody, and hope this guy gets quick death than more suffering at the hands of SLA.

Surrendering is the most grave mistake of all LTTE made.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["badri, do you believe only 5,800 sla died in the last four years ?"]

No, I believe roughly 25,000 to 30,000 soldiers died on each side. Both sides claim to have lost only around 5,000 to 6,000 in the end. And both sides claimed to have killed around 15,000 to 25,000. Don't the claims look similar?

LTTE claim (up to a couple months ago):
4,000 dead
22,000 killed

Sri Lankan army claim
6,000 dead
15,000 killed (up to a couple months ago)

Real numbers? Probably both somewhat equal, with the LTTE taking more casualties in the end due to untrained conscripts.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I seriously believe Pottu is in SLA's custody, and hope this guy gets quick death than more suffering at the hands of SLA."]

I feel sorry for him because they will torture him, and he has no method to die like cyanide. Under those circumstances I think anyone would have to eventually give up information.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Just as a side note. Knowing how much artillery power the Sri Lankan army used, and knowing how much aerial bombardment they used, do you think new untrained LTTE conscripts could have held those earth bunds without taking huge casualties? I feel sorry for them every time I think about it. It was an unfair war and it was un-winnable. There is no way we could have held those earth bunds against long range bombardment. We didn't have the long range weapons they had.

When the report came of a black tiger team capturing 4 or 5 artillery pieces and destroying them, you know what I thought? Only another 200 more artillery pieces to capture. As a conventional war, it was so lopsided that is wasn't a fair fight. Still they fought so bravely and they punished the invaders, but at a huge cost.

Looking back I feel the LTTE fighting cadres were depleted at Kilinochi itself. The only reason Kilinochi was abandoned was because there was no army left to defend it. What was left was just a handful of fighters, maybe a couple thousand. But with that group and new recruits they fought amazingly hard and stalled the advance for 6 months.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Regarding this article posted above:

I think the aid organization referred must be TRO, as no other organization has brought up the 30,000 civilians. I still don't know why Tamilnet is not talking about 30,000 civilians killed in the last day.

Eelavan said...

Thanks Badri for your clarification...

A reliable source(s) have confirmed the following:
1. CA is dead.
2. Nadesan and Pulitheva were trying to surrender to save 10,000 people and 2,000 wounded cadres.
3. Nadesan was in contact even 30 minutes prior to walk toward the 58 div.
4. Before Nadesan leaves, he said to the Europe contact that Thalaivar & Co are successfully escaped over sea route.
5. Last night I got a call from a friend and he said that from his connection (direct), "Whatever news you have heard are TRUE", which includes the fate of Thalaivar.
6. He said there will be an official announcement on Saturday (tomorrow).
6. Today morning, TamilNet is reporting he is ALIVE.

My question is "Why are people misleading us?” We are all adults; everybody has to die one day or another. It is better to know the truth and cry and carry on with the next phase of struggle... I don't know if there is anyone to clarify what had happened in the last hours.... I am personally disappointed and in disbelief why all leadership was in 800 square meters knowing their fate.....

Upul said...

badri, I also agree, each side probably close to 1:1, it used to about 1.4:1 (sla, ltte)

Peter said...


On TamilNet, it was not operated by Nadeason. It translates and publishes news it gets from its officials on the ground. It has said last week that it had lost contact with its Vanni reporter. So, it can't give first hand info form there. In fact, there is not a single person to give first hand info from there.

On the LTTE preventing people from leaving, men fear disappearance, women fear rape, children don't want to leave parents and elders don't want to leave their kids. I was in Jaffna in '95 and witnessed the exodus. I had relatives in Vanni this year, who gave same argument. LTTE has been begging for UN to take responsibility for camps, ICRC to be present at cross over and all people to be registered by ICRC. I had even repeated same comments here; I remember TN Tamil as being one person who also agreed we should push IC on it.

From outside, it may seem like people would run to other side when shells fall in front yard. Any Eelam Tamil would vouch that death is far better than rape and disappearance.

On casualties, since '90 LTTE has been circulating monthly Heroes list to people on list of next of kin. It was then our responsibility to scan the pages for our loved ones. Recently it even got to email. This was happening until mid-April. The 4, 000 number looked accurate to me. I had never come across family who believed or claimed that someone not on the list was dead.

Since mid-April, LTTE has been taking high casualties. Add to that the more than 1, 000 injured and the political cadres who were massacred in Mullivaykal, I suspect the number to be close to 7, 500.

Again, what happened on Monday can not be clarified by now. No one has been allowed into the area, and even Intel can not get reports until soldiers begin to return home on leave.

Most stories floated now are conspiracies based largely on anecdotal stuff.

A photo of what appears to be VP. A clean photo of what appears to be Soosai, all though he has had many surgeries(latest from boat accident with son). Confirmed deaths of Nadeasonm, Pulidevan and CA. That is all that we have. We can not make a mountain out of a molehill.

True, people are emotional. That fluctuates to both extremes, from the point of VP never dies to LTTE always lies.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I dont feel sorry for this restaraunt:

sathyam said...

If VP is really dead, in my observation, these are the possible facts that could lead him to this ending:

1. Another country or someone within LTTE could've tricked them to stay there till last minute. This could be possibly making them to believe that there will be a political solution or the western country will pressure the government to stop the war.
2. Another possibility is if he was present at the last battle, it would be his biggest mistake/calculation. Again his calculation could be that tamil population around the world would take this war to next level after his death.

If VP is alive than there is only one explanation that I could possible think of:

He must’ve left the area at the beginning after the chemical bomb attack. We can not predict his calculation as he is 30 year war veteran. There is no logical explanation why there were recruiting for more fighter as the number of fighter exceeds the more liability they have.

However the case, the tamil people around the world have an important role which is to take this to the next level to get our people backhome freedom and bring the truth to the media.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I had never come across family who believed or claimed that someone not on the list was dead."]

Bhairav, can you check if any of your relatives who died in the final war were announced anywhere? I am just curious. Anyone else who has relatives KIA in LTTE this year also please check. It needs to researched. Are only people related to diaspora announced? I'm not saying that's the case, but the numbers don't add up. The LTTE ran a separate country for 10 years, and they had only 6,000 fighters? By the number of new recruits in the last 6 months, I can guess 10,000 untrained youth joined. I am sure most of you have relatives amongst them. They were all great heroes.

["That is all that we have. We can not make a mountain out of a molehill."]

I will admit that you are a staunch patriot and always there to defend our heroes. But I think you probably belong to inside circles, maybe finance wing, so you have to speak the official word.

In my view we have a mountain, and some are trying to make it into a molehill.

khanthas said...

Everyone has his truth, Badri, whoever he is, is no different.

Here is my Truth worth of 2 cents: And this will be my last comment.

Any Diaspora Tamil movement will be to no avail without a local popular Tamil political movement or without some form of Tamil Forces as Tigers. No Country will ever listen to Diaspora. They listen only when some power is there inside as we saw them coming to Killi to shake hands with Tamilselvan and to degust ‘thosai’ and ‘hoppers.

When you have no power, they will ask you to “surrender!”. Ungrateful buggers. And, shame I felt for them. Human rights are secondary to them or are applied according to their interest. But, such is the world’s law and order.

No Red Cross, No UN, No one was there to help Tamils! Tamils were bled to death. Exactly as what happened to my school-day friend in 1983! Knifed and bled to death.

Tamils struggled politically again and again to no avail. Now, even Singhalese will not brave MR and Co, he is all-powerful after winning the war. Any Tamil non-violently seeking some self-rule will definitely get a white van ride.

If what Badri’s truths are absolute Truths, I fear the remaining Tamils (once those cleaned for all attachment to Tigers) must have to accept the second-class citizenship. And, why not, we may be seeing a lot of FernandopulleS.

In-between, we will see many more 1956s and 1983s because there is no more a damping force inside, as Badri definitely predicts that they have all gone to hell (or paradise ?). And, here we are playing blaming games and checking whether that dead tiger found is Soosai. Insulting one who fougt for a noble cause.

These are very critical and sad periods for all Tamils with some “unarvu”. What cannot be overcome should be endured. Not that easy, when you see that little girl crying loudly with fear in a bunker and her mother doesn’t know how to calm her, because herself is agonized with fear. I don’t know whether they are still alive.

I came here to inform me, but dragged in spite of me to comment. Good discussions with Peter and Ashok.

Thanks for allowing me to write here without censor. I had my time here.

Good luck to all...

Sacktheish said...

The untrained cadres were amazing, because they were fighting a unfair battle. sla used chemical weapons.

Shit lanka was giving this bull shit like ltte were going to use chemical weapons and that they were going to use nuclear.

if the chemical weapons never worked then sla might of used nuclear.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["if the chemical weapons never worked then sla might of used nuclear."]

Luckily Sri Lanka has never possessed nuclear weapons. Also nuclear weapons are easily noticeable, as the seismic reaction would be measured around the world at laboratories. What ever the Sri Lankan army had in their possession they used. The mistake was the LTTE didn't do the same. The LTTE try to play the game fair, no terrorism, no chemical weapons, no phosphorous. They thought this would make the international community stand by them. That was a big mistake. The IC waited till LTTE was weak and then told them they had to surrender. After they were killed the IC congratulated Sri Lanka. Now the UN is going to Sri Lanka to congratulate them on their victory over "terrorism". Don't look for fairness in this world.

Bhairav said...

[Bhairav, can you check if any of your relatives who died in the final war were announced anywhere? I am just curious.]

I'm not sure whether the 3 of my distant relatives killed on May 15 is on the list. But whoever made it to ICRC ship is listed including few of my distant relatives.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I thought there were a couple relatives who joined LTTE a couple months back and died in the first week or so. Were their names released anywhere?

Bhairav said...

[The IC waited till LTTE was weak and then told them they had to surrender. After they were killed the IC congratulated Sri Lanka. Now the UN is going to Sri Lanka to congratulate them on their victory over "terrorism". Don't look for fairness in this world.]

This is what I was telling earlier. UN is there to protect the western interests.

I wouldn't be surprised if IMF loan passed next week.

wijayapala said...

"I dont feel sorry for this restaraunt"

We know, Badri. That is why we feel somewhat less guilty about how we have treated people like you.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I wouldn't be surprised if IMF loan passed next week. "]

I didn't want to bring that up, because it is again discouraging, but I think you have it exactly right. Next week IMF loan will likely be passed and the west will close its doors on our voice. ALl we can hope for is to get the camps opened to ICRC and get "promises" to resettle IDPs within a year. Thats all the west wants to punish the Sri Lankan government over now. Promises mean nothing. Jaffna IDPs are waiting 20 years. Eastern IDPs are waiting many years. All the Sri Lankan government needs to do is "promise". They learned that from the war. When they were accused of using heavy weapons, they just told the UN "from now on we promise not to use heavy weapons". That buys them another month, then another promise.

Bhairav said...

[I thought there were a couple relatives who joined LTTE a couple months back and died in the first week or so. Were their names released anywhere?]

No idea, but ennudaiya uravinar oruval avar podiyankalin pulanaivil iruthavar until 4 weeks ago in the war zone, piraku avar oru kayam adaintha pillaiya thooki kondu thappiooduna makkaludan vavuniya vanthu pinnar pillaiya kondu therkku pakkam poi viddar...

wijayapala said...

"Knowing how much artillery power the Sri Lankan army used, and knowing how much aerial bombardment they used, do you think new untrained LTTE conscripts could have held those earth bunds without taking huge casualties?"

If the SLA (and SLAF) had used the full extent of its weaponry, there would've been 150,000 killed civilians not 8,000.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["If the SLA (and SLAF) had used the full extent of its weaponry, there would've been 150,000 killed civilians not 8,000."]

Should we thank you for only killing 8,000 (or 40,000 according to some Tamil sources)? And along with those are the wounded, which are over another 30,000.

wijayapala said...

"We have to understand surrender of Prabhakaran's son to the Sri Lankan army is against everything the LTTE stood for."

Actually the surrender of any leader was supposed to be against everything the LTTE stood for. Nadesan & Co. didn't give a rat's ass about the civilians- if they did then they would have surrendered after the fall of Kilinochchi or at least the fall of Visvamadu. Nadesan & Friends surrendered purely to save their own skins, when they realized that the IC wasn't going to save them.

wijayapala said...

If the whole lot had swallowed cyanide when they were supposed to, all those civilians- including Bhairav's relatives- would not have died senselessly.

wijayapala said...

"Should we thank you for only killing 8,000"

That 8,000 includes the civilians who were killed by the LTTE for trying to escape. You pretend like the SLA was the only villain while turning a blind eye to what the LTTE did. I'm not surprised at all that the civilians are attacking Tigers who also fled into the welfare centers.

wijayapala said...

"The LTTE try to play the game fair, no terrorism, no chemical weapons, no phosphorous."

Fair game = child soldiers, suicide bombers, civilian human shields

Yeah Badri, why didn't the IC stand by the LTTE?? ;-)

Sacktheish said...

lol, sla was scared of ltte child soldiers. one probably killed 40 sla. sla got scared and starting telling the world.

wijayapala said...


"Any Diaspora Tamil movement will be to no avail without a local popular Tamil political movement or without some form of Tamil Forces as Tigers. No Country will ever listen to Diaspora."

Why are you leaving?? You're making a hell of a lot more sense than some of Peter's wet dreams about diaspora-led war crimes tribunals.

Sacktheish said...

ltte multi tasked, shooting the civilians who fled, hiding behind the civilians, shooting the sla, dodging the sl airforce above.

Bhairav said...

Badri, there is new rumor spreading now that KP is the biggest traitor for LTTE's demise. According to some sources, He was kept telling VP to stay in the war zone that IC is going to intervene in this war. I have little suspicious on him now, why he want to say "VP" is alive even after many think he is dead? KP's tip helped GoSL to destroy the LTTE's arms ships in past 1 year?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Badri, there is new rumor spreading now that KP is the biggest traitor for LTTE's demise. According to some sources, He was kept telling VP to stay in the war zone that IC is going to intervene in this war. I have little suspicious on him now, why he want to say "VP" is alive even after many think he is dead? KP's tip helped GoSL to destroy the LTTE's arms ships in past 1 year?"]

I had hinted at this but it hurt too many people's feelings so I backtracked and stopped speaking about it. He spoke with VP and group up to 30 minutes before the surrender. He knows exactly what happened in the end. Whether he betrayed them or not, he has betrayed the Tamil people for not being honest about the final outcome.

I don't think we need to discuss him anymore, but if he says he has a video of Prabhakaran with his face covered, just stay away from him. The diaspora needs to create new leadership. Start from scratch using well established educated people in the west, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc., who are honest and successful. Do not try to real in the remnants of the LTTE leadership just because they were mid level LTTE collectors, etc. If we are to have any strength with the international community we will have to be clear about our position - nonviolent, political struggle for civilian rights. Any armed struggle (which I don't expect) should be completely seperate.

Peter said...


Nope! I am not in any inside circles or any wings. I've done my bit and am detached completely.

I do have siblings in the LTTE.

The list started in '90 on suggestion of many families who had go through this same agony in the IPKF days when rumors used to spread about so and so being killed. Several cadres who visited home to say they are alive were shot dead by IPKF on their way back.

The list is published monthly in Eezhanaatham Newspaper, is announced on VoT radio and, during past two years, circulated by email mto those who have asked (to siblings or parents).

Most confusion about deaths are about people whom all relatives knew to be alive by mid-April.

Again, in relation to assumptions about Pottu, he is a man who made around 10 public appearances in almost 20 years.
Just because he hasn't graced our TV screens since Monday, we can not assume he is dead or in captivity.

Whoever is alive is in hiding. Give some thought to the practical difficulties of getting a video out(generator, UPS and fuel for electricity, sat communication without being traced etc).

We are rightly concerned about everyone's fate. If that concern is genuine, we must give them some time to get organized, without putting them at further risk.

GoSL wants us to go hysterical. It wants to force whoever is alive to expose themselves immediately. As I said, that is an old trick practiced to deadly success by IPKF.

I'll continue to assume much of the leadership to be alive, until next Heroes Day. There is no pressing need for us conclude on their fate right now. There is neither a referendum on LTTE nor pressure for funds.

Bhairav said...

[I dont feel sorry for this restaraunt:]

Well, 10 years ago, there were many Tamil gangs in Toronto. Now, no Tamil gang is in Toronto now. I have noticed growing threat from Sinhalese these days in Canada, and they come to pro-LTTE protests with Karuna/EPDP supporters taking pictures of protest participants.

I guess there is a need for Tamil gang in Toronto to protect soft Tamilians.

Peter said...

"but if he says he has a video of Prabhakaran with his face covered, just stay away from him." Lol! That beats Nakeeran.

Diaspora does not need a defined leader. Anyone in Diaspora is there because they want to lead a family life.

All it takes is for members of the Diaspora to fully align themselves with the Thimpu principles and do all they can to make it a reality.

Right now, given the confusion over LTTE, all Diaspora are actually working to the Thimpu principles.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

If all leadership was really eliminated, then it is only natural that there will be a split in the diaspora between old structure and new leadership structure. Those in old structure will try to convince everyone nothing is wrong. Prabhakaran is safe and video will be coming any day now, though he may have a mask over his head for security reasons. After seeing the photoshopped photo, I fully expect a video being made using unpublished video footage and edited in a professional animations studio. When 300 million dollars a year are at stake, people will get ideas.

I never mentioned it, but there was even someone who would release fake LTTE videos showing attacks and things on the net. Remember the video of the artillery being captured? It was a video of Swedish army testing artillery in a pine forest (that tree doesn't even grow in Sri Lanka). They dubbed Tamil voices over it, and then cut to PTK fighting scenes from before. You can still find the original Swedish video on youtube if you search for Sweden artillery or something.

Then there was another video showing the shooting down of a SLA mig fighter. But it was actually taken from a promotional video from a company that made anti aircraft weapon systems.

People do all sorts of things thinking this is helping the Tamil cause. Truth helps the Tamil cause. Making fake photos and videos is not helping anyone. It is creating a false sense of security, which results in shock and denial when the truth comes out.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Well, 10 years ago, there were many Tamil gangs in Toronto. Now, no Tamil gang is in Toronto now"]

What is the reason they no longer exist? Were they all arrested, or have they moved on?

Sacktheish said...

wijayapala poolal,

you had an army over 50,000, we had less. you had other support(government), we had the diaspora support.

Bhairav said...

[What is the reason they no longer exist? Were they all arrested, or have they moved on?]

Police was hard on these gangs before. When you're in teenage, you can easily come out of jail bcoz of minor. Now folks getting old may have preferred family life.

Sacktheish said...

["Well, 10 years ago, there were many Tamil gangs in Toronto. Now, no Tamil gang is in Toronto now"]

[What is the reason they no longer exist? Were they all arrested, or have they moved on?]

they have come together, like in london.

Bhairav said...

Okay folks...i'm going to candle light vigil now for innocent civilians and cadres who died on this brutal war.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

DBS presents the RAW version of what happened to Prabhakaran:

I think thats as positive a story anyone could prepare, so it will likely be the official version. Still not clear how Charles Anthony's body ended up with Nadesan and Pulidevans if he didn't surrender along with them. I don't believe it, but better just have a positive ending and say that was what happened.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Proof the UN never cared about what was happening in Sri Lanka:

"Taking off toward Sri Lanka after a refueling stop in Bahrain, UN humanitarian chief John Holmes said that he has been besieged by e-mails from the Tamil diaspora. I just delete them, he said."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Inner City Press asked about the op-ed written by the brother of Ban's chief of staff Vijay Nambiar, praising Sri Lankan General Fonseka and his campaign in the North. Holmes declined to comment, but said that some pro-Tamil publications and web sites are full of inaccuracies about Satish Nambiar's service in and for Sri Lanka."

Sacktheish said...

I swear to God, John Holmes is a pai-pundai.

Sacktheish said...

[It is alleged that 35 Tigers were following Nadesan a little behind to surrender and were shot dead. But a Govt spokesman has said that some Tigers who disapproved of surrendering to the Army had fired and killed Nadesan and Pulidevan.]

This is bull shit, come on why would tigers shoot Nadesan when there is an army in front of them?

I love how the Sinhalese turn the story.

Tigers are not cold hearted because they are HUMAN.

All they wanted was Tamil Eelam.

Example. There was an video with SLA dragging Tamil Tiger Girls naked. Sinhalese say it was LTTE.

LTTE had a plan that instead of using the Lady Fighters to fight and win the battle, they instead killed and raped them as well lose the battle.

Peter said...


You are making pot-puri of some Banda comments here, a few gimmicks of Nakeeran and random dudes uploading remixed stuff on YouTube.

Nothing like that has ever been published by TN or Puthinam.

Do you seriously think people appreciated PhotoShop tryouts like the one Nakeeran published of the leader?

Anyhow, there have only been five days since all this happened. There are few months 'till Heroes Day. They've asked for about six weeks to clear things out.

Since there is a donation freeze until things are cleared, whoever makes this stuff up has 0 dollars to gain.

That is one of the reasons I am less prone to conspiracy theories and willing to give them the time they ask for.

Do you see any negatives to giving them six weeks to organize and clear out, instead of concluding that everyone is dead at this point in time?

Unknown said...

How is this?

Saul said...

First, I couldn't help laughing my ar$e off, sorry boys and girls. This is from the DBS article that Badri quoted:.

In a fresh development there was heavy internal pressure on Prabhakaran. The 2002 ceasefire had seen a lot of cadres marrying. Most marriages were between male and female cadres..

I mean, what the everlovin f*ck? I am now imagining the Sun God presiding over the wedding of two heavy and perspiring, but dove like in their love, thambis. ROTFLMAO.

That said, these past few days has been the highest quality of debate I have ever seen online (and I've seen some), and credit must go to Badri and Peter. Badri, dude, I don't know how old/ young you are, but your desire to analyze dispassionately at a time that is so emotionally charged gets my highest admiration (for what it is worth).

Also, for what it is worth, I wish more Indian youth were like you. I know India isn't very popular among you boys right now, but hell, I wish you were Indian. You are a credit to whoever raised you.

Peter, old boy, you're a raddled old w hore are you not? You just keep going, dancing on the gossamer edge of truth/ lies but with that one single objective? Well, after all this time, for what it is worth (and I guess it is worth little), you finally have my respect. Not affection, just respect.

Unknown said...

Saul, SLA MI, appreciate Badri. This may be just to trick this blog.

Saul said...


Call me CIA at least, dude.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Most marriages were between male and female cadres."]

This was just poor language usage. The key word for him was cadres, most were marriage between two cadres, not civilians. But the way he wrote it puts the emphasis on male and female, so it looks like some marriages were not between male and female. Pretty poor writing for a "reporter".

Saul said...

It still was the f*ckin funniest thing I have read in a while.

Hey Laptop? I dunno if you are Sinhalese or Tamil, but we can start an 'insults game' to prove my Indian identity?

I can go first, in Hindi.

Chalega, behenchod?:)

Saul said...

Just to clarify, the other parts of the story were quite good.

I have always said, and say now, in my opinion, Prabhakaran was a bast@rd, but he was not a coward. No way.

m.q.k said...

A text message from foreign secretary Mr Kohona to the Red Cross read: “Just walk across to the troops, slowly! With a white flag and comply with instructions carefully. The soldiers are nervous about suicide bombers.”

The LTTE’s head of international relations, S Pathmanathan, said that the men did so, but were shot by the Sri Lankan soldiers.

onecountry said...

Two things.

1. Kohana is not the commander of the forces on the ground.

2. It was LTTE who shot them to prevent defection.


onecountry said...

Guys... read the fine print about the TN article about VP. TN never said VP is alive. It said, according to intel leader, he is alive. So, even if the story is false, TN trying to save the credibility. Afterall, it once shot down a MIG with three pilots.

onecountry said...

Dear LTTE supporters. Following are the news items from Rivira sunday newspaper which is published in sinhala.

1. Velu and 170 LTTE cadre's bodies were cremated already and the ashes are to be sprinkled into the sea.

2. Two new army division headquarters to be setup in Killinochchi and Mulathivu.

3. About 100,000 soldiers will be deployed in the north and that strength to be maintained during next 5 yrs.

4. Main naval base will be moved to Mulathivu.

5. All the above actions will be completed prior to resettlement of IDPs.

Sorry to give you the bad news. Sux to be eelamists these days.

Eelavan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eelavan said...

Sooner or later everyone who are responsible for killing over 30,000 civilians on May 18, will be executed....
1. MR
2. GR
3. SF
4. PM
5. SG
6. VN
7. SM
8. list goes on....

Moorthy G said...

Peter says : Badri is making too much sense - he must be a Banda!

smelly cat said...


smelly cat said...

Looks like the the whole LTTE machinery is being decimated these days.

Following the military wing being routed , The LTTE propaganda front is committing suicide by claiming Prabhakaran to be ALIVE.

Rajapaksha must be thanking his lucky stars to be pitched against such a self destructing rival.

smelly cat said...

Eelavan, Stop your empty rhetoric at least now. WHO is going to execute the list you've compiled? YOU?

smelly cat said...

This is the END of It's not like saying The LTTE thwarted the army offensive when they were actually running with tail between legs.That you can forgive. But this is a defining moment of the war.This is THE news.If they make a false statement here THATS IT!

I'd love to be in the shoes of government propagandists right now.All they have to do to counter the LTTE propaganda machinery is only one thing. NOTHING! They will self immolate with 'Prabhakaran alive' stories which WILL eventually blow in their faces.Latest in November.

I'm really confused why on earth they would do that.But then again I don't see reason behind the LTTE military strategy of cornering themselves jolly well knowing their own strength and that they can't defend in conventional style. BUT THEY DID EXACTLY THAT!

All I can think of is may be the LTTE including the editors of are tired and they just want somebody to put them out of their misery.

Veeran said...

[I'd love to be in the shoes of government propagandists right now.All they have to do to counter the LTTE propaganda machinery is only one thing. NOTHING! They will self immolate with 'Prabhakaran alive' stories which WILL eventually blow in their faces.Latest in November.

You are exactly COrrect. There has to be Balance between hiding information & also giving truth but not False information.

None will bother to visit website if they continue to say VP is alive & kicking. It has been ages since GOSL won the propaganda war against tigers & now all tamil media are scoring own goals themselves.

smelly cat said...

I welcome the more unprejudiced analytical approach to news adopted by editor:Badrinath since lately.

But I'm sorry I'm NOT at all elated by it.

Why this sudden change NOW? Why did you have to wait till the END of LTTE and the war to wizen up? Now it's too late for many.

Where was your analytical skill BEFORE you posted, for instance, that human organ smuggling in IDP camps crap?You may have saved lives if you had the same desire to find out and publish the truth THEN.Just imagine somebody reading your article and advising his/her relations trapped in the war zone not to cross over because of the phobia you helped create.They may be DEAD now thanks to YOU!

Earlier I could've forgiven you thinking that you are another FOOL who just blindly swallow what ever is dished out as long as it's palatable and never cared if it's horse shit.You can't blame a fool for being a fool.

But now that you've demonstrated that you are no fool it makes me furious at your hypocrisy of publishing such blatant lies here KNOWINGLY.
You can't just sweep such deliberate misinformation under the carpet by simply removing the post and casually stating it's a hoax.What if the original photos weren't unearthed.Would you have used your intelligence to figure out it's a hoax on your own then?Would you have upheld the truth and removed the post then?

You do understand that this is not a joke your playing here.It's not a personal correspondence.Thousands are reading your posts. And it reaches many more by word of mouth.Ultimately LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Sinhalese should realize Tamils will now be silent because of force. You won the war and killed everyone, so there is no one left to resist you. You may think this means the Tamil people are now on your side, but I am willing to bet that if there was a button that would kill all Sinhalese, nearly every Tamil would push it if they could. That hatred is there inside them, but they hide it because of the suffering and torture they are being put through. We will see what the long term results are. No one knows.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Bhairav, I hope you can tell what you heard at the protest. Do the general people accept that Prabhakaran is dead or alive? What are some of the people with contacts saying?

CharlesAnthony said...

editor badrinath is have startling news u said.

show it so we konow more abt it

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

Important interview between

x IRA and Tamil Youth.


smelly cat said...

Charles Anthoney, The last time I checked you were DEAD! So doall a favor and be DEAD and shut up....I wasn't addressing you.

smelly cat said...

Badrinath: True. You can't expext the Tamils in Sri Lanka to express themselves openly at this juncture until the dust settles and they are confident that freedom of expression has been established. But since you have no such restraints in the virtual world and silence from your part will be interpreted as corroboration. Agreed?

Veeran said...

[But since you have no such restraints in the virtual world and silence from your part will be interpreted as corroboration. Agreed?

Smelly cat,

I would say u are taking Badrinath unnecessarily.

I believe Badri must be taking services of two or three IT guys & doing a good job with ltd resources & from information which he gets mostly from online.

He is not in War Front & he is unlikely to get update like some other GOSL websites like defencewire , etc....

So he is also unaware of real position of battlefield but since he has good personnel, he is able to bring out the truth.

You shld commend the services he has put in so far & not demean him.

As a user, i am proud of Badrinath.

smelly cat said...

Badrinath: The hatred you talk about is largely created artificially by LTTE propaganda including yours who continuously cook up horrendous articles of rape, torture, organ theft ect. At times trying to generalize some isolated incidents.At others using their imagination.The LTTE didn't stop at that, they even slaughtered Sinhalese villagers and Bhudist clergy hoping for a reprisal attack on Tamil civilians that would enhance that hatred, for their obvious gain.Obviously they'll hate the Sinhalese, especially when they were suffering with minority complex to start with.

The odd thing is every Tamil has some Sinhalese friends.Some are even related through marriage. Some who risked their life's to save their Tamil neighbors during '83.Still Tamils hate Sinhalese as a race because they think those Sinhalese they know personally are just exceptions.The funny thing is if you add up all those 'exceptions' they would make up almost the entire Sinhalese race.

smelly cat said...

Veeran, I agree Badrinath seems to be a very observant and intelligent guy who has a knack to extract information from places others easily overlook. That is exactly why I expect him to be perfect. I wouldn't bother if somebody else publishes one sided propaganda as news.But I think Badrinath is capable of unbiased professionalism and taking responsibility for his articles.But only if his readership demands of it.

LankaBoy_007 said...

Ada vane durga... badrinath may have been lost his faith of lttp and looking for buttons now. You all have suicidal mentality cant help me. may be you should contact hisbulla or jihard. they are lack of stupid morons to carry suicide attacks. since you lot already been brainwash I rather say brainless, you people are the ideal candidates for job.

Rajah said...

"if there was a button that would kill all Sinhalese, nearly every Tamil would push it if they could"

i would not accept that. most tamil don't have problem with innocent sinhalish. we have problem with Sinhalese regime. we have to eliminate Sinhalese regime and war mongers.

Rajah said...


I have talk to most of the pro Eelam Active people All says KP and pathmanathan negotiator are 2 different person. said...

இறுதிப்போர் நடந்த பாதுகாப்பு வலயப் பகுதியில் மனிதர்கள் வாழ்ந்தமைக்கான தடயமே இல்லை! பேரழிவை நேரில் பார்த்த விஜய் நம்பியார் அதிர்ச்சி
[23 மே 2009, சனிக்கிழமை 7:05 மு.ப இலங்கை]

இலங்கை இரா ணுவத்திற்கும் விடுதலைப் புலிகளுக் கும் இடையில் இறுதி யாக உக்கிர மோதல் இடம்பெற்ற பாது காப்பு வலயப் பகுதிகளில் பேரழிவு ஏற் பட்டுள்ளதை தாம் கண்டார் எனத் தெரிவித்துள்ள ஐ.நா. செய லாளர் நாயகத்தின் பிரதம அதிகாரி விஜய் நம்பியார், அப்பகுதிகளில் மனிதர்கள் வாழ்ந்தமைக்கான தடயங்களையே காண முடியவில்லை எனக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார்.
இலங்கைக்கான தனது விஜயத்தின் இறுதியில் கொழும்பில் நேற்று செய்தி யாளர் மாநாட்டில் கருத்துத் தெரிவிக்கை யில் அவர் இதனைக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார்.
மோதல் நடைபெற்ற பகுதிகளுக்கு மேலாக விமானத்தில் சென்ற வேளை மோசமாகச் சேதமடைந்த கூடாரங்களை யும், கருகிய வாகனங்களையும், மரங்களை

யும் தாம் கண்டார் எனத் தெரிவித்துள்ள அவர், இது குறித்து மேலும் தெரிவித்ததாவது:
தமிழ் மக்களின் துயரங்களுக்குத் தீர்வு காண்பதற்காக அவர்கள் அரசின் தலை வர்களுடன் பேச்சுகளை மேற்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
தேசிய நல்லிணக்கம் அனைத்தையும் உள்ளடக்கியதாக அமைய வேண்டுமென்று நாங்கள் கருதுகிறோம்.
இதன்மூலம் மாத்திரமே தமிழ்மக்களினதும், ஏனைய சிறுபான்மையினரினதும் நியாயபூர்வமான அபிலாஷைகளுக்குத் தீர்வு காணலாம்.
வெற்றி என்பது எல்லோருக்கும்
வெற்றியென்பது அனைத்து இலங்கையர்களுக்கும் பொதுவானதாக அமையவேண்டும்.
மோதலால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள தங்களது குடும்பத்தவர்கள் பலரை இழந்த தமிழ்ச் சமூகத்தின் துயரங்களை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளவேண்டும்.
இராணுவ வெற்றியென்பது இந்த நாட்டின் வரலாற்றில் தீர்க்கமான விடயமென்பதில் சந்தேகமில்லை.
இந்த முக்கியமான தருணத்தில் எடுக்கப்படும் முடிவுகளே நாடு எப்படி முன்னோக்கி நகரலாம் என்பதை தீர்மானிக்கும்.
மோதல் நடைபெற்ற பகுதிகளுக்கு மேலாக கடந்த வியாழக்கிழமை ஹெலிக்கொப்டரில் சென்றவேளை அங்கு பேரழிவு ஏற்பட்டுள்ளதை கண்டோம்.
தரையில் முற்றிலும் எரிந்த நிலையில் வாகனங்கள் காணப்பட்டன. மரங்கள் கருகியிருந்தன. கூடாரங்கள் மோசமாகச் சேதமடைந்திருந்தன.
எங்களால் எந்த மக்களையும் காணமுடியவில்லை. மனிதர்கள் வாழ்ந்தமைக்கான தடயங்கள் எவற்றையும் முற்றாக காணமுடியாதமை எம்மை அதிர்ச்சிக்குள்ளாக்கியது என்றார். said...

ஊடக வியாபாரிகள் சிங்கள இன வெறியாட்ட கூட்டத்திடம் காசு வாங்கிக் கொண்டு அவர்கள் நடத்தும் தோல் பாவை கூத்தினை ஒளிபரப்பி நம் கவனத்தை திசை திருப்புவதில் ஒரளவு வெற்றி பெற்றுள்ளனர் என்று தான் சொல்ல வேண்டும். கடந்த 4 தினங்களாக நம் தேசிய தலைவர் குறித்தான செய்திகளிலேயே நம் கவனம் நிலைக் கொத்தி நின்றதே ஒழிய அங்கே இன்னமும் அல்லலுற்று, அவதியுற்று காயம் பட்டு குற்றுயிரும், கொலையுயிருமாய் சிக்கிக் கிடக்கும் நம் சகோதர, சகோதரிகளின் பால் திரும்பியதா என்றால், வெட்கத்தோடு ஒப்புக் கொள்வோம். இல்லை.

இதைத்தான் சிங்கள அரசும்., இந்திய உளவுத் துறையும், பார்ப்பன ஊடக வியாபாரிகளும் எதிர்பார்த்தனர். எதிரிகள் நினைப்பது போலவே வீழ்கிற நம் மனநிலையை நம் தேசிய தலைவர் விரும்புவாரா?. இப்படி நித்தமும் வரும் செய்திகளில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டு உணர்ச்சி வயப்பட்டுக் கொண்டு கலங்கி நிற்கும் வலுவிழந்த மனநிலை ஒரு தேசத்தை கட்டி எழுப்பக் கூடியதா?

யோசித்துப் பார்ப்போம் உறவுகளே! நம் தேசியத் தலைவர் பிரபாகரன் என்ற தனிமனிதனால் கட்டப்பட்டது தான் நம் விடுதலை இயக்கம், தமிழீழ நாடு என்ற அனைத்துமே… நம் இனத்தில் உதித்த அந்த உத்தமருக்கு இருக்கும் உழைப்பும், மனநிலையும் நமக்கேன் இல்லாமல் போனது? தலைவரும், இயக்கமும் மட்டுமே களத்தில் நின்று போராடி தேசம் பெற்று தருவார்கள் என்ற எண்ணம் நமக்குள் ஊறிக் கிடப்பது தவறுதானே…?. நம் இனம் விடுதலை இரண்டாம் பட்சம்.. நம் மனநிலைக்கான விடுதலைதான் முதல் கட்டம். இதைத் தான் நம் தலைவர் நமக்கு இந்த நொடி வரை போதித்து வருகிறார். இப்படி ஒரே ஒரு தனிமனிதனை சார்ந்து அவரின் தலையில் அனைத்து சுமைகளையும் சுமத்தி விட்டு எதையும் செய்யாமல்.. நமக்கான நாடு அமையும் என கனவில் முழ்கிக் கிடப்பது நியாயம் தானா..?

ஒரு செய்தி வருகிறது. கலங்கி அழுகிறோம்.. துவண்டு விழுகிறோம்… மது குடித்து திரிகிறோம். கும்பல் கும்பலாக பேசி களைக்கிறோம். அலைபேசி குறுஞ்செய்திகளை அனுப்பி மேலும் குழம்பி…குழப்புகிறோம்…இதைத் தவிர கடந்த நாட்களில் நாம் சாதித்தது என்ன…?.

இப்படி புலம்பி.. அழுது திரிவதன் மூலமாக நாட்களைக் கரைப்பது யாருக்கு லாபமாக அமையும் என்பதனை சற்று யோசித்துப் பாருங்கள். உலக வல்லாதிக்க நாடுகள் அதிகார, பொருளாதார நோக்குகளுடன் ஈழ இனப் பிரச்சனையை கையாண்டு வருகிறார்கள். சிங்கள அரசு தமிழனை அழிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற ஒரே குறிக்கோளுடன் உலக வல்லாதிக்கத்தின் பிடிகளுக்குள் தம்மை ஒப்புக் கொடுத்து விட்டது. ராஜபக்சே என்ற மூர்க்க முட்டாளுக்கு ஒரு தேசிய இனத்தின் பிரச்சனையை கனரக ஆயுதங்கள் மூலமாக களைய முடியாது என்ற அறிவிருக்காது என்பது உண்மைதான். ஆனால் எதிரிகளின் சதிகளில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டு உளவியலாய் நம்மை பலிக் கொடுப்பது என்பது எதிரியின் கனரக ஆயுதங்களை விட நமக்கு எதிரானது இல்லையா..?

கோடிக்கணக்கான மக்களை இழந்த பிறகும் யூதர்களால் ஒரு இஸ்ரேலை எழுப்ப முடியும் போது நம்மால் முடியாதா…என்ன..? முடியும்.. நிச்சயம் முடியும்.

தாயகத் தமிழகத்தில் அறியாமையினாலும் சுயநல வாழ்க்கை முறையினாலும் உணர்வற்றுத் திரிகிற நம் சக தமிழனை அறிவு வயப்படுத்தி மக்கள் போராட்டமாக புரட்சியாக ஈழ ஆதரவு உணர்வினை மாற்றியாக வேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தில் நாம் இருக்கிறோம். ராஜபக்சேவும், அவனது படைகளும் செய்த போர்க்குற்றங்களை, இனப் படுகொலை நடவடிக்கைகளை, மனித உரிமை மீறல்களை உலக சமூகத்திற்கு அம்பலப்படுத்தி தீரவேண்டிய அவசியத்தில் நாம் இருக்கிறோம். இந்த நொடி அளவிலும் சிங்கள பேரினவாத அரசின் முகாம்களில் சிக்கித் தவிக்கும் மக்களையும் இன்னமும் போர்ப் பகுதியில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டிருக்கிற, காயம்பட்டு கதறிக் கொண்டிருக்கிற தமிழர்களையும் மீட்க வேண்டிய பொறுப்பு சர்வ தேச சமூகத்திற்கு இருக்கிறது என உணர்த்த வேண்டிய பொறுப்பில் நாம் இருக்கிறோம்.

மரணக்குழிகளுக்குள் போன மாவீரர்களின் கனவான தமிழர்களுக்கு என்று ஒரு நாடு தமிழீழ நாடு என்ற இலட்சியத்தினை மெய்பிக்க அனைத்து வல்லாதிக்க சக்திகளையும் எதிர்த்து போராட வேண்டிய சூழலில் நாம் இருக்கிறோம்..

இதையெல்லாம் செய்யாமல் இன எதிரிகளின் ஊடக சதிகளுக்கு நம்மை ஆளாக்கிக் கொண்டு, தேங்கி நின்றோமானால் இது வரை நடந்த பேரழிவினை மிஞ்சிய அழிவு நிகழும் அபாயம் இருக்கிறது.

Sacktheish said...

SuthaS, can you translates it.

Bhairav said...

[Bhairav, I hope you can tell what you heard at the protest. Do the general people accept that Prabhakaran is dead or alive? What are some of the people with contacts saying?]

Most believe VP is alive but inside them they might have doubts. I guess they go with what heart says than mind. One was saying that LTTE pro-organizations like "Canadian Ulagha Tamilar" may officially announce today that VP is dead. This decision has been made by confirming Norway and other European counterparts. Until official statement comes, these folks won't buy it.

As far as what happened on the last day, one who has insider knowledge of LTTE said that 1000+ injured cadres, 3000+ handicapped cadres from the previous battles, and 10,000 injured/healthy people were executed by SLA. It's hard to verify but clearly SLA executed mass # of people on last day. There should be reasons why they preferred cremation instead of burial on the last day.

Hatred against Sinhalese is all time high now, youth were clearly educated with what is happening in SL now. The torch has been passed to more determined younger generation now. Time will tell whether they can get down into dirty works.

wijayapala said...

Smelly cat,

"But now that you've demonstrated that you are no fool it makes me furious at your hypocrisy of publishing such blatant lies here KNOWINGLY."

Here I have to agree with you and disagree with Saul. Badrinath appears to have known all along that the LTTE and its Tamil media mouthpieces were lying to the Tamils. Yet he remained quiet to "avoid hurting people's feelings." He wanted to remain popular at the expense of the truth.

The immense sufferings that the Tamils are going through are to a large part the fault of people like Badri. Like everyone else he was singing the praises of the LTTE and chortling about the eventual victory. Now he's saying he knew all this time about LTTE lies????

It's one thing to be a self-deluded fool like Peter but quite another to intentionally lie just to win popularity contests. Shame on you, Badri.

wijayapala said...

Hi Bhairav,

"As far as what happened on the last day, one who has insider knowledge of LTTE said that 1000+ injured cadres, 3000+ handicapped cadres from the previous battles, and 10,000 injured/healthy people were executed by SLA."

After seeing the sort of lies told by your fellow Eelamoids here, I'm almost inclined to believe Pres. Rajapaksa's story that not a single civilian was killed!


Peter said...


Most sober article to have been published by anyone this week. Much needed and timely.

Just to reiterate:

This is not the time to speculate on VP or LTTE leadership. Their current status is irrelevant to what we have to do.

Foremost focus should be freeing of 300, 000 people from internment camps (at least converting these detention facilities to UNHCR refugee camps), demilitarization of our homeland and significant autonomy for our people for them decide their fate.

All the above three can be demanded simultaneously, and action must progress daily. All three will not be delivered on a single day for us to wait six months or a year. We must see progress daily.

UN will not act; India and China will not allow it to; just look at the proposed praise at UNHCR.

IC is synonymous with the West. It is there where Diaspora has strength. It is there we should seek to isolate GoSL; response thus far has been positive.

wijayapala said...

"They will self immolate with 'Prabhakaran alive' stories which WILL eventually blow in their faces.Latest in November."

I disagree. The Eelamoids love to be lied to. I think Mahinda knew that much earlier than the rest of us, which is why he claimed that the SLA did not kill a single civilian.

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