Friday, May 15, 2009

Massive bombardment of civilian zone by Sri Lanka army

The Sri Lanka army has resorted to a final massive bombardment of the remaining civilian zone prior to an all out assault. Fighting is being reported house to house. Unprecedented bombs have been dropped on the civilians by Sri Lankan air force planes as never before seen. The entire no fire zone is a huge ball of fire, with thick smoke making it impossible to breath. The LTTE has been offering stiff resistance to protect the remaining civilians, but it is only a matter of time. Sri Lankan soldiers have been sighted wearing gas masks, raising fears chemical weapons may have been used in the attack.


Dark Knight said...


What's the source of the images?

I'm asking this because they look like the ones in, which DOESN'T say they are army bombing but some blasts initiated by LTTE terrorists.

Did you steal the photos and made up your own story for the photos? otherwise, how do you know they are photos of army bombing?

Ashok Kumar said...

Friday, May 15, 2009
IMF loan for Sri Lanka not appropriate right now: Clinton
WASHINGTON (AFP) — US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said here Thursday it "is not an appropriate time" to consider a massive International Monetary Fund loan for Sri Lanka.

Clinton told reporters that the United States has been "trying to convince both sides," the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tiger guerrillas, to stop fighting.

"We have also raised questions about the IMF loan at this time. We think that it is not an appropriate time to consider that (loan) until there is a resolution of the conflict," Clinton added.

The United States is the main shareholder in the IMF and its approval is key to the release of the loan.

Clinton's comments came two weeks after the IMF said talks with Sri Lanka for a bailout package of around two billion dollars were continuing despite reports the fund was under pressure to withold the planned financing.

News reports said US officials indicated that they want the IMF loan to Sri Lanka, aimed at helping the low-income Asian country cope with the global financial crisis, delayed to prod Colombo to step up aid to civilians.

mani1987 said...

What ever happens the next hours. The diaspora must stick together. We must continue to speak up for our brothers and sisters. Tamils in sri lanka need an eelam. Even if it is a federal state.

Ashok Kumar said...

Peter said,

''SLA has recovered some fireworks in Colombo. Sadly, some weapons are not visible to the human eye.''

I hope that what I understood is correct.

Peter said...

Last 48-hours of Sonia-Congress was never to be a cakewalk for Tamils.

Around a hundred cadres are still in the "conflict area" offering whatever resistance they can.

A colonel is coordinating the operation. Tigers may lose him if SLA overwhelms.

Ashok Kumar said...

புலிகளது வீழ்ச்சி அல்லது முடிவு என்பது புரிந்துணர்வு ஒப்பந்தத்தினை அண்டிய காலப் பகுதிகளில் சில வேளைகளில் சாத்தியமாகியிருக்கலாம். ஆனால் இன்று சர்வதேசமெங்கும் ஆழக்காலூன்றி புலிகளது வலைப்பின்னல் விரிவடைந்து விட்டது. தெற்காசிய நாடொன்றிலிருந்து தெற்கை நாள்தோறும் ஆட்டிப்படைக்கும் வலுவுடனேயே உள்ளோம்.

தேவையாயின் ஒவ்வொரு நாட்டிலுமுள்ள தூதுவராலயமூடாகவும் புலிகளைத் தேடட்டும் என்கின்றார் புலிகளது தீவிர ஆதரவாளரொருவர். உண்மையும் அதுவாகவே இருக்கின்றது.

அண்மைய காலங்களில் ஐரோப்பிய மற்றும் தெற்காசிய நாடுகளிலிருந்தே கொழும்பிலான தாக்குதல்கள் பல திட்டமிடப்பட்டு நடாத்தப்பட்டுள்ளமை படைத்தரப்பின் புலனாய்வுத்தரப்பினை அதிர்ச்சிக்குள்ளாக்கியிருக்கின்றது.

மறுபுறத்தே நீண்ட நாட்களுக்கு முன்பதாகவே தெற்கில் ஆழ ஊடுருவி நிலைகொண்டுள்ள விடுதலைப் புலிகளது தாக்குதல் பிரிவுகள் தொடர்பிலும் அரச தலைமை அச்சத்துடனேயே உள்ளது. புலிகளது புலனாய்வுப் பிரிவின் தென்பகுதிக்கான தளபதியாக இருந்த கேணல் சாள்ஸ் மரணம், புலிகளைப் பொறுத்தவரை சொல்லிக்கொள்ளத்தக்க இழப்பே. சமாதான காலத்தில் கொழும்பு அல்லது அதனையண்டிய பகுதியொன்றினில் வைத்துக் கடத்தப்பட்டு காணாமல் போன முக்கிய பிரமுகர் நியூட்டனின் பிரிவும் அவ்வகையிலேயே இருந்தது.

இச்சம்பவத்தின் தொடர்ச்சியாக கொழும்பு உட்பட்ட தென்பகுதிகளிலிருந்து செயற்பட்ட புலிகளது முக்கிய தாக்குதலாளிகள் காணாமல் போகச்செய்யப்பட்டனர். இதனால் பெரும் நெருக்குவாரங்களை அப்போது புலிகள் எதிர் கொண்டபோதும் ஏற்கெனவே பேணப்பட்ட களஞ்சிய கையிருப்புக்களைக் கொண்டு மேலும் புதிய பல அணிகள் பயிற்றப்பட்டு அனுப்பி வைக்கப்பட்டதாக இராணுவ புலனாய்வுப்பிரிவு நம்புகினறது..

இதனாலேயே தெற்கின் நினைப்பிற்கு மாறாக உறைநிலையில் வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள அப் புதியவணிகள் எந்நேரமும் எதனையும் செய்து முடிக்கக் கூடிய வலுவுடனேயே இருப்பதாக இராணுவ புலனாய்வுப் பிரிவு அரச தலைமைக்கு அறிவுறுத்தியுள்ளது. இவ்வகையிலேயே முல்லைத்தீவுப் பகுதியிலிருந்து விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் தளபதிகளுள் ஒருவரான கேணல் ஜெயம் நூறுக்கும் அதிகமான போராளிகளுடன் தெற்கு நோக்கிப் பயணித்ததாக செய்திகள் வெளிவந்திருந்தன.

முற்றுமுழுதாக கடற்படையினரின் கட்டுப்பாட்டின் கீழுள்ள அளம்பில் கடற்பரப்பினில் இடம்பெற்ற மோதல்களும் அந்தவகையிலேயே நோக்கப்படுகின்றது. தெற்கு நோக்கி நகர முற்பட்ட படகுகளே மோதலில் சிக்கியிருந்தன. எனினும் அப்படகுகளில் சென்றவர்கள் எவரும் முல்லைத்தீவு திரும்பியிருந்ததாக தகவலில்லை. அரசு தெற்கில் தொடர்ச்சியாக இவ்வகையிலேயே தேடுதல்களை நடாத்துகின்றது.

அதே போன்று தான் அண்மையில் வன்னி முகாங்களில் தங்கியிருந்து இளைஞர்கள் சிலர் கும்பல் கும்பலாக காணாமற்போன சம்பவமும் அமைந்துள்ளது. படைத்தரப்பை இச்சம்பவம் பெரிதும் அச்சப்படுத்தியேயுள்ளது. அண்மைக் காலப்பகுதிகளில் மக்களோடு மக்களாக புலிகளது கட்டுப்பாட்டுப் பகுதிகளிலிருந்து இராணுவ கட்டுப்பாட்டுப் பகுதிகளை வந்தடைந்திருந்த இவர்கள் தங்க வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த முகாம்களிலிருந்து தப்பியோடியுள்ளனர்.

வடகிழக்கின் எல்லைப்புறங்களிலும், தெற்கிலும் இவ்வகையில் நீண்ட நாட்களாக நிலைகொள்ள வைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும், உறை நிலையிலுள்ள தாக்குதல் அணிகள் எப்போதும் செயற்படலாமென அரசு நம்புகின்றது. எனினும் அவர்களது இலக்கு அரச படைகள் என்பதற்கப்பால் பழிக்குப்பழியென்ற வகையில் எல்லையற்ற வகையிலேயே இருக்கும். சிங்கள தேசமும் யுத்தத்தின் மற்றைய பக்கத்தை அப்போது உணர்ந்து கொள்ளும்.

இதையடுத்தாவது சர்வதேச தலையீடு தீர்வொன்றினை பெற்றுத்தருமென்பதே புலிகளின் நம்பிக்கையாக இருக்கின்றது. இவ்வாறில்லாமல்; கட்டுப்பாடற்ற இராணுவ நடவடிக்கையொன்றின் மூலம் மக்கள் பெருமளவில் கொல்லப்பட்டு போர் வெற்றியை அரசு பெறமுற்படுமானால் அதற்கான விலை மிகப் பெரியதாகவே இருக்கும். அவ்வாறானதோர் சூழல் ஏற்படுமானால் தெற்கு யுத்தத்தின் இறுதி வலியை தானும் உணர வேண்டியதோர் நிலைக்கு தள்ளப்படுமென எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகின்றது.

சூனியப்பிரதேசம் மீதான கட்டவிழ்த்து விடப்படும் இறுதிப்போர் நடவடிக்கைகள், புலிகளின் கைகளை கட்டிப்போட தொடர்ந்தும் சர்வதேசத்திற்கு சந்தர்ப்பம் வழங்கப் போவதில்லை. புலிகள் தமது போராட்ட வரலாற்றின் உச்சக்கட்ட முறியடிப்பு நடவடிக்கைக்கு அப்போது தள்ளப்பட்டிருப்பர்.

உண்மையில் வன்னிப்பேரின் அடுத்த கட்டத்தை தீர்மானிக்கப்போவது இந்திய நாடாளுமன்றத் தேர்தலே. மீண்டும் ஆட்சி பீடத்தில் ஏறப்போகும் தரப்பு எது என்றே அரசும் சரி புலிகளும் சரி எதிர்பார்த்திருக்கின்றனர். கள முனைகளில் எந்தத் தரப்பின் கைகள் ஓங்கும் என்பதும் அதைப் பொறுத்தே உள்ளது.

எது எவ்வாறு இருப்பினும் விடுதலைப்புலிகளை குறிப்பிட்டதொரு சிறுபகுதியினுள் மடக்குவதில் அரசுபடைகள் வெற்றி கொண்டேயிருக்கின்றன. ஆனாலும் போரிடும் வலுகுறையாத நிலையில் தனது பெருமளவிலான போராளிகள் மற்றும் யுத்த தளபாடங்கள் சகிதமே புலிகள் பின்வாங்கியிருக்கின்றார்கள்.

எனினும் பிற்தள எற்படுகள் போதியளவில் இன்மையால் புலிகளால் உடனடியாக பெருமெடுப்பிலான படைநடைவடிக்கைகளை உடனடியாக செய்வதென்பது கேள்விக்குரியதாகவே இருக்கும்.

இந்தியத் தேர்தல் முடிவுகளின் பின்னரான அடுத்து வரும் நாட்கள் எப்படியிருப்பினும், அரசு தனது இறுதித் தாக்குதலை சூனியப் பிரதேசம் மீது நடத்தியே தீருமென்பதில் மாற்றமில்லை. ஆனால் அங்கு புலிகளுடனேயே தங்கியிருக்கும் ஒரு இலட்சத்திற்கும் அதிகமான மக்கள் தொடர்பினில் என்ன நடக்குமென்பதே அனைவருக்கும் உள்ள அச்சமாகும்.

ஏற்கனவே உணவுத்தடை மூலமும் தொடரும் எறிகணைத் தாக்குதல்கள் மூலமும் மக்கள் கொல்லப்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றனர்.

இச் சந்தர்ப்பத்தினில் கூட சர்வதேசம் தமது மக்களுக்கு ஏதாவதொரு தீர்வைப் பெற்றுத்தரும் என்ற எஞ்சிய நமபிக்கையுடனேயே புலிகள் அடுத்து வரும் நாட்களையும் பார்த்திருக்கின்றனர்.

வன்னியில் இருந்து பரமதயாளன்


Whatever information you were giving from time to time has been confirmed in the above article.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The remaining fighters are standing up against 4 divisions approaching from all sides. These are some of the bravest fighters the world has ever seen. Once the 58 links with the 59th and the coast is closed off there will be no chance to escape, but I don't expect them to be looking for a chance to escape.

Peter said...


This is very similar to 'Puli-Paachal' in Jaffna. At that time, 250 cadres staid behind while everyone else moved to Vanni. The only difference is that back then Tigers did manage to evacuate half. This time around that is very unlikely. As you've said, courage and determination is beyond imagination.


That article is a good summary. My only note is it mentions death of Charles, whereas, in my opinion, the disappearance of Newton was probably more to blame.

m.q.k said...

nambiar is back to colombo for vacation...

Next week is the human right meeting...
they waiting for more tamils to die..

Indian said...

Peter, reports Soosai's family being arrested while trying to flee via sea.But didnt you say days back that all sensitive families have moved out of the zone?
Did Soosai's family prefer to stay back,which eventually means Soosai is still there fighting?

Pierre said...

Oh good. Prabhakaran is still trying to protect civilians. what a load of rubbish.

Bhairav said...

I agree # of Tamils joining LTTE from Vavuniya, i'm not sure whether it is from camps or outside of the camps. One of my extended family members who is from Vavuniya, not from the camp, joined puligal last month.

My prayers are with these unfortunate people of Wanni. The amount of sufferings they go through are unprecedented and unimaginable.

Malin said...

Well Bhairav isnt LTTE resposible for thier suffering.. All they had to do was to come up with political solution, instead of choosing war and give better life for tose civilians.. but now those innocents had to go through hell because few people's idea of serperate Elam. Now you have nothing but you own suffering. Hope you learn from this that fighting is not the awnser for everything. And something's you cant get by force. Thats goes for sinhalese as well as tamils. Both parties have to learn to share.

Peter said...


Soosai's wife died in the Tsunami. His son died in a boat accident. Google if you wish.

There isn't much we can do when SLA/SLN has the ability to catch ghosts.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

If it is true that soosai's family has been arrested, it means that the Sri Lankan government is arresting innocent children just because they are related to an enemy combatant:

Headline: The Navy arrests family members of sea tiger leader Soosai

"The suspects have been identified Sathyadevi (Soosai's wife), Suresh (16 year old Soosai's son), and Madhi (17 year old Soosai's daughter)."

But when 200,000 innocent civilians have already been arrested, this isn't anything new.

Indian said...

I have heard about the boat accident and wasnt Soosai himself seriously injured in that?

When this arrest news came up,I thought Soosai decided to emulate Theepan and hence his family stayed back

gladiator said...


howmany children soosey got ?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Asian Tribune killed Soosai's wife in 2008 via Tsunami:

"Despite the successes, Colonel Soosai experienced misfortunes too: he lost his wife to tsunami."

Indian said...

I too bumped into that same article while googling.
Case of mistaken identity may be?

gladiator said...


[Asian Tribune killed Soosai's wife in 2008 via Tsunami:]

which one is the truth AT or DifLK

Peter said...

Now that the "conflict area" is coming to an end, we have a situation where DefenceLK has to answer for the whereabouts of senior leaders and their families.

With the leaders, it will be obvious if the correct one is not caught or body is found.

With the families, it is impossible for an ordinary banda, or even a Tamil for that matter, to tell the difference between Soosai or Pottu's families and any ordinary Tamil family.

There are certain people, e.g. VP's wife or Karikalan's wife, that most people would readily identify. For others, I am afraid, we will have more of these stories.

Ashok Kumar said...

Somehow the srilankans keep spreading rumours regarding Soosai in particular. He was killed by them many times.

Another one was that Soosai had a rift with Prabhakaran and both the factions had fought yesterday!

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Things will probably clear up in 48 hours. It could be any of a number of possibilities. Could be someone claiming they are high ranking to get special treatment and kept out of the hell zone of IDP camps. Or it could be a distant relative, or it could be a half truth with a mixed up name or two. But from a logical point of view, it would have made more sense to send them out much earlier while the coast was porous and easy to travel. It could even be people instructed to say they are such and such.

Everything will be known in a couple days. There is very little information coming out from that area right now, so we should all just wait and see.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The other "big news" from the defence department is that Nadesan was arrested and shot yesterday while fleeing. This is the second time they have arrested him this month. Last time they even claimed all references to his name had been removed from Tamilnet, which was of course not true. And within 2 days a signed letter from him was posted on Tamilnet as usual.

gladiator said...


if the info is wrong YOU got to forgive DifLK ya.

it can be a mistake. they do mistakes everyday, but YOU GOT WRONG ONLY ONE TIME IN YOUR LIFE TILE AND IT WAS YESTERDAY....... REMEMBER...HA...HA.HA

m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Editor: "Badrinath" said...

When people haven't had food or even water in weeks, and when they have been shelled nonstop for months, and then they have to wait in the hot sun for days with 100,000 other refugees at screening camps before they can even enter IDP camps (where they may not get food anyway) - I think in that situation even I may take the chance and say I was related to someone big, hoping to get something for me and my family to eat.

If a hired translator can be suggested for a ministers post, just because he said he was a big shot at the screening center, why not say I'm soosai's wife or son? It may get them some food to eat.

Gayan said...

Nona-haamui Baby-Haamulai ahuwela!!!

Read it and weep!!

Bhairav said...

Guys, do not believe any rumors until it is proven,ie: Pottu story, now it is Soosai.

Ashok Kumar said...

One more 'claim' being made is that Prabhakaran is still in his bunker in the NFZ and guarded by 100 black Tigers.

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

There will be many relatives, even siblings, of senior leaders amongst the captives at the internment camps. This is unavoidable as almost every Tamil family has a 'maveerar' or 'porraali'.

'Arrests' of partners or kids is highly unlikely, because the past month was used to evacuate as many sensitive families as possible.

Where offspring are amongst the fighting cadres, e.g. Nadeson's son and daughter, they may be captured as wounded. But capturing cadres, as we all know, is highly unlikely.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["One more 'claim' being made is that Prabhakaran is still in his bunker in the NFZ and guarded by 100 black Tigers."]

Of course that is contrary to the other claim they made, that he blew himself up in a huge explosion. The Sri Lankan government has always used this tactic - make many contradictory claims simultaneoulsy and one will have to be right.

So they say 1) He blew himself up, 2) He is in the bunker fighting, 3) He escaped by boat, 4) He escaped by helicopter, 5) He escaped by submarine

All of them cannot be true, but they have no problem suggesting all as the truth. Once one of them is confirmed they will highlight that and forget the others they made up.

m.q.k said...

ashok...whats on TN..

m.q.k said...

the deaths of civilians continued in Sri Lanka, and UN Security General Ban Ki-moon ducked his invitation to the country by sending again his India chief of staff Vijay Nambiar, one of the last pieces of leverage against continued bombing was was raised in the UN. Sweden's Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson told Inner City Press that the European Union, of which Sweden will next assume the presidency, should and will link human rights to the renewal of agreements like the EU's tax-free treatment of textiles from Sri Lanka.

"The EU has a lot of instruments at hand," Minister Carlsson said. "We also have to see when we renew agreements and things like that, that we as a global player need to see the human rights perspectives. So we need to link it, and often what we do, different ways now, because people would like to have trade agreements with us."

Gayan said...

Tiger 'Banks' and 'courts' achieve Peelam!!

Indian said...

nothing yet.we will know the results by tomorrow morning around 11AM itself.

But if the exit polls are any indication,it will atleast take another week to know who forms the government.

Bhadri\Peter,maybe goofedup. mentions only his elder son\daughter\sis in law and her son.Anycase,for sure something big is happening in the remaining area and there seems to be lot of information floating around.

Unknown said...

Barbarians are desperate to kill all civilians within the next 24 hours due to the following reasons.
1. Congress may not come back to power
2. UN security council is going to take shit lanka in the formal session next week.
3. No more IMF loan. Without US approval, IMF loan impossible.
4. There are news reports about US navy to evacuate the civilians.
5. High casualities for barbarian army. Barbarian army moral also low due to heavy casualities.

Ashok Kumar said...

In case if the senior leader's immediate family gets into the hands of the army, they would definitely undergo torture to disclose information.

Now the government has made an official announcement about the arrests. How would they retract when proved wrong?

aKa said...

U.N. rights chief backs calls for Sri Lanka inquiry

United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay supports an independent inquiry into the violence in Sri Lanka as evidence mounts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, her spokesman said on Friday.

Rupert Colville told a news briefing in Geneva that the U.N. high commissioner for human rights backs international calls for an investigation of abuses in the conflict that has pushed the Indian Ocean island into humanitarian crisis.

"We agree that something of that sort is now essential. There has to be accountability for what has gone in Sri Lanka, there has to be clarity, there cannot be impunity," he said.

Ashok Kumar said...


Junior vikadan's cover story title will answer your question:

''Mudindhadhu Therottam...

Thodangiyadhu Soodhattam.''

Both BJP and Congress are desperately trying to get AIADMK into their side.

Congress is trying to negoitiate directly with Anbumani Ramadoss too.

Everything depends on whether BJP crosses 200 mark tomorrow.

Then with Jayalalitha, Mayawathi and Chandra babu Naidu's support they can easily form the government.

Jaya has not committed anything so far.

It seems that even Deputy Prime minister or Home minister posts are being offered to her.

Peter said...

Almost 5, 000 people have died in the so called "final assault". Total deaths in 2009, so far, probably stand at around 15, 000.

UN & Co. sat through all that to do 'investigations' and have 'war crimes' tribunal. How many of countries would allow police to watch crime so that they will have good evidence to prosecute?

At least now, we need to realize the futility of and learn to ignore their forthcoming condemnations of 'inexcusable acts of terrorism'. We should learn to ask them to 'watch with concern' and contemplate 'war crimes' charges.

As for the latest development, here is an audio clip:

Peter said...


I think a good result for us would be Cong, including DMK, on around 210 and BJP trailing behind by about five or ten. Of that, if around 15 of the Cong seats are DMK's, then, AIADMK coalition can be the king maker.

To me that still seems feasible. What do you think?

Nosandalaya said...

Sad sad day for all you losers, ain't it.

Blog away Peelamists. Bottom line:
You lost.

Peter said...

முல்லைத்தீவில் போர் பகுதியில் சிக்கியிருக்கும் ஆயிரக்கணக்கான அப்பாவி தமிழர்களுக்கு தேவையான உணவு, மருந்து உள்ளிட்ட உடனடி நிவாரண பொருட்களை வழங்குவதற்கு அமெரிக்க கடற்படை திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது.

எனினும் இது தொடர்பாக இந்திய உயர்மட்டத் தலைவர்களுடன் நடைபெற்ற பேச்சுக்களில் சாதகமான முடிவுகள் கிடைக்காமையால் இந்நடவடிக்கை சாத்தியமற்றுள்ளதாக தெரியவருகின்றது.

m.q.k said...

peter...the link u gave ..cant hear the voice clearly...what is the message..

Unknown said...


Is this a cricket match to win or loose? Your barbarians so far killed 15,000 civilians and permanently handicapped another 20,000. Barbarians will kill another 50,000 civilians. What would be next? Peaceful life? Economic prosperity? No more begging for IMF loan?

tn thamilz said...

m.g.k wrote: whats on TN..

I refrained from posting news about TN due to the massive human suffering in the last 24 hours. Since you asked,

There are news about sudden surge in vote in the last 1 hour. 10% votes are polled in the last one hour alone in almost all constituency in TN. This pattern looks very familiar with Thirumangalam by-election. This makes me little bit worried. I will post the election results as and when it appears in news channels and blogs. another 12 hours to go..

Take the exit polls with pinch of salt.
1. Almost all the news channels are biased in India. They support one party or another.
2. There is a psych op going on in the channels to project UPA to be on top to rope in third and fourth front before the election results.
3. sampling is 300 per constituency, out of 10 lakhs voters.
4. Here is their 2004 prediction.
Alliance NDTV Z-News AajTak Star-News Sahara Actuals
NDA 230-250 233 243 253 249 186
INC+ 190-205 165 184 178 162 217
Others 100-120 118 90 86 94 136

Peter said...


Last battle. Heavy fighting. This is probably the end from the area.

Indian said...

The calculations you have mentioned are extremely possible.

If that happens,we then have 2 possibilities.
-Congress dumps DMK and joins ADMK by pulling the plug out of DMK in state as well.
-Congress sticks to DMK and then JJ goes to NDA and we have a stalemate at Centre.

In anycase,neither the BJP not the Congress would want to deal with both Jaya and Mayawati at the same time.They better sit in opposition if such situation arises

Anonymous said...

Theleeban from Vanni, reporting the situation,_reporting_the_situation

Ashok Kumar said...


What you say is also correct. In that scenario, Congress cannot leave DMK.

If Congress goes with AIADMK, then DMK will join BJP.

Likewise we have BSP and SP.

Many permutations and combinations are possible.

Peter said...

Thileepan's audio is much clearer, in content and audio quality. I think that sums up the current situation. Shame if he is also part of the final team. If I remember correctly, he is a Western educated communication systems engineer who used to work at a Fortune 50 company.

Peter said...

As for the Indian elections, Indian troops pulling out before SLA enters the jungles would be most welcome. Perhaps, even best for the region. If Sonia-Congress gets back in power, I am afraid a lot of people, including Rahul and Priyanka, would lose out.

Anonymous said...

peter, what is happening now, where is the rest of ltte?

Saul said...

Peter said:

If Sonia-Congress gets back in power, I am afraid a lot of people, including Rahul and Priyanka, would lose out.Erm, how would Rahul and Priyanka lose out?

Indian said...

So now you are back to Threatening,isnt it?

Are you telling us that Indian army fought alongside the SLA and the Tiger's never managed to capture one Indian solider alive \ body of 1 Indian solider KIA or even a dog tag?Thats very very strange,isnt it considering the war has lasted almost 3 years now and there much have been heavy casualties in the last 3 months.

Dark Knight said...


never mind. Peter has been mocking SL army dor the delay to capture Kilinochchi and saying that any time tigers would hit back so hard that "sinhala bandas" would be running back. Now that didn't happen, Peter needs some apologia to explain away the defeat. Indian army conspiracy theory is how he is coping.

Leave the poor guy aside. Reality will sink in slowly, probably with the help of some counseling.

Saul said...

Peter will never give a straight answer. His personal interests and experience are more deeply embedded in an international setting, as compared to others here. He knows he cannot be caught out making even the slightest references to what sounds like supporting terrorism, or inciting terrorism.

Things like these, written online, have legal consequences. So he is reduced to making inferences, veiled threats, predictions of disaster.

But we know him here.

Peter said...


All our comments here are our own two cents. If you want to interpret opinions as 'threats' that's your prerogative.

As for identifying, dead, bloated Hindian bodies from Sinhala ones, we Tamils are no experts at that. If a Hindian and a Sinhala wore same uniform, is dead, rotten and bloated, I for one would find it very difficult to identify on from the other.

Thus far, our only 2official" info is of the injured in the Vavuniya Air Base raid. Oops! My bad. They were "technicians" picking mangoes.

Unknown said...

>> The other "big news" from the defence department is that Nadesan was arrested and shot yesterday while fleeing. This is the second time they have arrested him this month. Last time they even claimed all references to his name had been removed from Tamilnet, which was of course not true. And within 2 days a signed letter from him was posted on Tamilnet as usual.

Can you give me the link for this news,

Unknown said...

>>What you say is also correct. In that scenario, Congress cannot leave DMK.
If Congress goes with AIADMK, then DMK will join BJP.
Likewise we have BSP and SP.
Many permutations and combinations are possible.

hehe, mathematically you are correct? hehe, keep dreaming,...