Friday, May 15, 2009

United Nations "negotiator" on Sri Lanka payroll

Today it was announced that the United Nations would send Vijay Nambiar to Sri Lanka for the second time to try and negotiate on behalf of the trapped Tamil civilians, just as the Sri Lanka army launches a final assault against the LTTE:

It was announced at UN headquarters on Thursday that UN chief Ban Ki-moon is rushing his chief of staff Vijay Nambiar back to Sri Lanka to press for protection of the trapped civilians.

Allow us to bring some facts to light about this supposedly "unbiased" negotiator, who appears to actually be on the payroll of the Sri Lankan government, though indirectly - something that is obviously known to the United Nations. Vijay Nambiar's brother (Satish Nambiar) is a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army, and has been since 2002. What is the link between this Sri Lankan military consultant and the United Nations? It is hard to determine, but despite the obvious link through his brother, there is also a small resume of Satish Nambiar's located on the UN website:

Very odd since he hasn't worked officially for the UN since 1993. We should also note that after visiting Sri Lanka, Vijay Nambiar first reported back to his brother in India, before reporting to the United Nations in New York. Under such urgent and dire circumstances, why would he spend days visiting his brother rather than returning to the UN to report about this important matter.

Satish Nambiar has been quoted by the Sri Lankan defence website several times, most recently glorifying the defence secretary for his great accomplishments in routing the LTTE.

What does this mean? The UN sends an "impartial" negotiator to Sri Lanka who's brother has been a paid consultant to the Sri Lankan army since 2002. This same brother also happens to be the Director and President of the "United Service Institution of India", which is organizing an event in Delhi on 27th May 2009, titled "Present Situation in Sri Lanka and the Way Ahead", where the speaker is "His Excellency Mr. Romesh Jayasinghe, High Commissioner, High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka". This "negotiator's" brother happens to arrange speaking engagements for the Sri Lankan government, while also being a paid consultant for the last 7 years.

Already there is a conflict of interest with the UN sending an Indian who is affiliated with the congress party, accused by most Tamils as being the real designer of this war in Sri Lanka. But on top of it, his brother has been a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army for 7 years, and is even now arranging speaking engagements for the Sri Lankan government representatives in India.

After Vijay Nambiar made his first failed visit to Colombo to speak with the Sri Lankan government, instead of returning to the United Nations to report the outcome, he went to India to spend time with this brother on "vacation", the same brother who is a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army! While thousands of Tamil civilians were dying, he delayed reporting to the United Nations and instead vacationed with his brother in India. When he finally arrived at the United Nations he refused to speak to the press, even though it has always been his custom to hold press conferences after such important trips.

On 4/26 Vijay Nambiar's brother, Satish, submitted an article to several newspapers, which was subsequently published in the Indian Express and quoted on the Sri Lankan government's official military website (

Writing in the Indian Express newspaper, Satish Nambiar said, Sri Lankan Army Commander Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka "has displayed the qualities of a great military leader nations are blessed with from time to time."

Writing on the Army Chief Nambiar further said, "Resurrected from the grave as it were after the attack on him some years back, he has displayed a single-mindedness of purpose in pursuing his goal of decimating the LTTE. Needless to say, he has been able to achieve his objective because of the full support and encouragement provided by the political establishment led by President Rajapaksa.

"The demise of the LTTE is possibly," said Nambiar, " now only a matter of days. The total demolition of the once universally feared organisation that introduced suicide terrorism and the use of improvised explosives (IEDs) as a form of insurgency warfare is a tribute to the determination of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces under its intrepid commander, Sarath Fonseka. General Fonseka has displayed the qualities of a great military leader nations are blessed with from time to time."

He further said, "As someone who was briefly involved with the peace process in Sri Lanka in 2002-2003, I have already acknowledged the outstanding performance of the SL security forces and the efforts of General Fonseka, a person I met on a number of occasions during my visits to Sri Lanka during 2002-2003 and developed great respect for, both as an individual and as a soldier."

So what we have is the following:

1) Nambiar's brother has been a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army for the last 7 years.

2) Nambiar's brother has written propaganda articles for Indian newspapers, which were subsequently quoted by the Sri Lankan military on their official website.

3) Nambiar's family is connected to the congress party, which is responsible for the present war in Sri Lanka.

4) Nambiar's family is deeply involved in the Indian military, which holds a grudge against the LTTE for its war with the IPKF.

5) Nambiar's brother has arranged speaking engagements in Delhi for the Sri Lankan government's high commissioner to promote the Sri Lankan government's war against the LTTE (

6) After visiting Sri Lanka on behalf of the UN, rather than report to the UN in New York, he instead went on a vacation with his brother in India, the same brother who is a paid consultant of the Sri Lankan army.

7) The United Nations website contains a small resume of Nambiar's brother on its website despite him not having officially worked for the UN since 1993 ( There is obviously more to this than meets the eye.

8) The bias of Nambiar's brother was evident even in 2002, when he met with Tamil paramilitary groups, but refused to meet with democratically elected Tamil representatives while visiting Baticaloa as a paid consultant of the Sri Lankan army.

Now that the reasons for the complete failure of Nambiar's original trip to Sri Lanka on behalf of the United Nations is abundantly clear, with over 10,000 innocent Tamil civilians killed, and 20,000 severely injured as a result, what would we expect the United Nations to do at this crucial time? They have now decided to send Vijay Nambiar back to Sri Lanka again to "negotiate" on behalf of the civilians. Are you certain he isn't negotiating on behalf of his brother and the Sri Lankan government? In no other field, whether business, diplomacy or anything, would they allow such a conflict of interest to exist, especially with thousands of civilian lives at stake.

Please wake up and realize that the United Nations is not here to help and protect the innocent. The only people the Tamil people can depend on for help are the Tamils. You have tried convincing the international community and the United Nations, and as a result there are 30,000 Tamil civilian casualties in just 5 months. While the UN sends people paid by the Sri Lankan government to "negotiate" on behalf of the Tamil civilians, thousands of civilians are dying day by day. When the LTTE was strong and the Sri Lankan army was on the brink of collapse, the international community tricked the LTTE into the ceasefire agreement. The ceasefire agreement was nothing but a cover to arm and train the Sri Lankan army further, so that they could launch a final war against the LTTE.

Today the UN and the international community does not want to even speak with the LTTE, despite showing so much interest in bringing the LTTE to negotiations in 2002 when the LTTE had the upper hand. This shows that the United Nations only respects violence and military might. When the LTTE was strong, they were requesting the LTTE to negotiate, but when the LTTE is weakened, they no longer have interest in negotiating a settlement to this conflict. Instead they repeatedly call on the LTTE to lay down their arms and surrender to face a certain death at the hands of the Sri Lankan army.

Learn this lesson well. The international community only respects you based on your might and capability to commit violence. Some foolish moderate Tamils have in the past criticized the LTTE for not trying to pursue peace, but now the futility of that path has been clearly exposed for all to see. The LTTE chose the path of peace in 2002, and the international community took advantage of this to weaken and destroy the LTTE through proxies. The end result is the entire world stands silently as 10,000 Tamil civilians have been murdered - all because the Tamil people did not possess the military might to protect themselves. The only solution to this problem, the only way in which the Tamil people can be protected, is if they increase their military strength and bring Sri Lanka to its knees through violence. Only then the international community will respect the rights of the Tamil people.

Vijay Nambiar at work.


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Paul said...

What a load of BS. The only ones responsible for the predicament of the LTTE are its current (soon to be former) leadership, mostly in the corpulent form of VP. If moderate Tamils had been listened to, almost certainly what we see today could have been averted. A "moderate" approach was never even attempted.

gladiator said...


and extra cunning super intelligent diaspora

Peter said...

Isn't Satish Nambiar the guy who 'advised' on the Jaffna 'High Security Zone' which rendered a third of the peninsula's population as homeless?

That, even during the height of the 'peace-process'.

Interesting last words from him in 'Sky is the Limit'.

Sadly, an old generations seeking to settle scores will end up robbing another two of 'emerging' state status. The last thing India needs is 'terrorism' in Bangalore or Hyderabad.

Indian said...

So with writing on the wall,you start threatening \ abusing,Peter?

You know what empty vessels make MORE noise.How many years since Karuna split the Tiger's and not even a nagakeeral on him yet and you are threatening India??

Peter said...

Lol, Indian, you do amuse me. I've replied to you on the previous thread.

Just to make it clearer:

My inference of consequences to India is based on the post-9/11 scenario where groups target the source rather than the front of the perceived injustice.

Muslims, for example, were supposed to hate Israel for the suffering of Palestinians, but be ill bothered by America's unconditional military, diplomatic and economic aid that enabled Israel to continue to exert its authority in the region.

Likewise, Eelam Tamils are expected to target Sri Lanka while ignoring India's continued military, diplomatic and economic aid that enables the Sri Lankan military to do what it does. Somehow, I think that is unlikely.

Since LTTE has no territory to lose, and, literally, no face, it may accept the 'creative risk' of targeting the origin of the war on Tamils.

P.S. That is my opinion based on available information. I am not in a position to make "threats". Neither do I find that necessary.

Peter said...

The Karuna comparison is out-right bizarre. In my opinion, Indian leaders can not lead their lives in the same way as Karuna. Not sure what you think.

Veeran said...

This is a Very Serious allegation. Nambiar must not be involved in UN-Srilanka negotiations at all

Indian said...

I can understand what you mean to say.

Ofcourse Karuna having been with VP so long,might be adopting similar safety measures and hence he still remains untouced -atleast that's what I think.

About,Indian soldier's,well we all read about the injured technicians.But in a war as large as this,all the Tiger's needed to ashame India would have to get hold of one Indian PoW,isnt it?So I dont buy that argument at all.

As far as your 9-11 judgement goes,Taliban had a fledging area elsewhere,were they could train \ recruit and do whatever they wanted to.I dont see that similarity here.Even then,they have one 9\11 to show for their effort's isnt it?But anyways,thanks for the warning \ information whatever.

Malin said...

Indian please undestand the position peter is in... finally the momement he was waiting for has come so dont take seriously about what he says.. he is full happiness that elam finally here..

Unknown said...

Media reports say that shit lanka is about to procure modern helicopters from Russia. But, Kotaibaya says that war is going to over in another 24 hours. Then why do they purchase modern helicopters?

Anonymous said...

where is the rest of the ltte?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

Obviously the interest "Eddappan", Indian, pays, here, beyond his personal interests. I guess, he is on the payroll of RAW or GoSL.

When the price is right, we should take down these son of guns, Satish and his brother.

Bhairav said...

Badri, can we send these info to BBC, AFP and other media sources? We need to give more exposure to these UN crap.

Unknown said...

Channel 4 interviews the doctor in Vanni today.

Anonymous said...

Voice Of Thamizhan

Anonymous said...

Final Request to EVERYONE... - Video

Bhairav said...

Common opinion among Indian Tamils in US that "Mallu" can do anything for their own success. No wonder why Nambiar bros chose this path to add more fortune to their bank accounts.

Bhairav said...

LTTE on the verge of collapse, Tiger's Navy chief caught
Indian Express - ‎4 hours ago
How desperate these Indian newspapers are? If GoSL says few lies, they will add more - instead of soosai's family members they said Soosai is caught on their heading.

Anonymous said...

Bhairav, I read that. how stupid can they be?

Bhairav said...

Unlike Peter said, some high profile LTTE leaders are still in the battle zone.

Anyone can confirm the "Sornam" irantha news? According to my uk phone call, they confirm it.

Bhairav said...

Guys, any news? I know it's testing times of our lives.

Bhairav said...

தரை, கடல், வான் வழியாக சிங்களப் படை பெரும் தாக்குதல்: நான்கு பக்கமும் கடும் சமர்; தெரு எங்கும் நூற்றுக்கணக்கில் தமிழர் உடலங்கள்; தூக்க ஆளற்று காயமடைந்தோர் கதறல்
[வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, 15 மே 2009, 08:24 பி.ப ஈழம்] [வி.குணரட்ணம்]
வன்னி 'மக்கள் பாதுகாப்பு வலயம்' மீது இன்று வெள்ளிக்கிழமை அதிகாலை 4:30 நிமிடமளவில் தரை, வான் மற்றும் கடல் வழியான கடுமையான தாக்குதலினை சிறிலங்கா தொடங்கியுள்ளன. தரையில் நான்கு முனைகள் ஊடாகவும், கடல் வழியாகவும் உள்ளே நுழையும் படையினருக்கும் தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளுக்கும் இடையில் மிக நெருக்கமான சண்டைகள் பலமுனைகளில் நடைபெறுகின்ற அதேவேளையில் கண்மூடித்தனமான குண்டுவீச்சில் சிறிலங்கா வான் படையினரும் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளனர்.

மிக நெருக்கமான சண்டைகள் நடைபெறுகின்ற சூழலில் - அந்தச் சண்டைகளில் சிறிய ரக தாக்குதல் துப்பாக்கிகள் தவிர பெரும் கனரக ஆயுதங்களைப் பாவிக்கக முடியாத நிலை இருந்தும் -

நெடுந்தூர மற்றும் குறுந்தூர கனரக பீரங்கள், பல்குழல் வெடிகணை ஏவிகள் கொண்டு தரைப்படையினரும், மிகை ஒலி வேக போர் வானூர்திகள் மற்றும் தாக்குதல் உலங்குவானூர்திகள் கொண்டு வான் படையினரும், அதிவேக தாக்குதல் படகுகளின் கனரக பீரங்கிகள் கொண்டு கடற்படையினரும் - சாதாரண தமிழ் பொதுமக்களை இலக்கு வைத்து ஈவு இரக்கமற்ற கடுமையான தாக்குதல்களில் ஈடுபட்டு வருகின்றனர்.

'இறுதி தாக்குதல்'

இதேவேளையில் கொழும்பு படைத் தலைமையக உயர் வட்டாரங்களில் இருந்து மிக நம்பகமான ஒரு வழியில் தற்போது கசிந்த தகவலின் படி -

தற்போதைய இந்த தாக்குதல் ஒர் 'இறுதித் தாக்குதல்' என்ற வகையில், அரச மற்றும் படை உயர் பீடங்களினால் சில நாட்களுக்கு முன்னர் திட்டமிடப்பட்டதாகவும் -

அத்தகைய ஒர் 'இறுதித் தாக்குதல்' மேற்கொள்ளப்படும்போது 30 ஆயிரம் பேரில் இருந்து 50 ஆயிரம் பேர் வரை தமிழர்கள் கொல்லப்படுவார்கள் என கணிக்கப்பட்டதாகவும் -

அந்த அளவுக்குப் பெரும் தொகையில் மக்கள் கொல்லப்படும் நிலை இருந்தாலும், இந்த திட்டத்தை முன்னெடுத்து இந்த 'இறுதித் தாக்குதலை' மேற்கொள்ள முடிவெடுக்கப்பட்டதாவும் தெரிய வருகின்றது.

இந்தப் பின்னணியிலேயே - சிறிலங்கா அரச தலைவர் மகிந்த ராஜபக்சவும், பாதுகாப்புச் செயலாளர் கோத்தபாய ராஜபக்சவும் - அடுத்து வரும் 48 மணிநேரத்தில் 'மக்கள் பாதுகாப்பு வலய'த்திற்குள் படையினர் நுழைவர் என்று கடந்த சில நாட்களுக்குள் அறிவித்திருந்தனர்.

கடந்த செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை பாதுகாப்புச் செயலாளர் கோத்தபாய ராஜபக்ச, உள்ளுர் தொலைக்காட்சி ஒன்றுக்கு கருத்து தெரிவித்த போது 'பாதுகாப்பு வலய' பகுதிக்குள் நுழையும் தாக்குதலை அடுத்து வரும் 48 மணிநேரத்தில் படையினர் மேற்கொள்வர் என்று தெரிவித்திருந்தார்.

அதனைத் தொடர்ந்து -

ஜோர்தானில், நேற்று நடைபெற்ற ஒரு ஊடகவியலாளர் சந்திப்பின் போது அடுத்த "48 மணி நேரத்தில் இந்த போர் முடிவுக்கு வந்துவிடும்" என சிறிலங்கா அரச தலைவர் மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச தெரிவித்திருந்தார்.

இத்தகைய பின்னணியிலேயே - 'மக்கள் பாதுகாப்பு வலயம்' மீதான மூர்க்கத்தனமான இன்றைய தாக்குதலை தமது மூன்று சிறப்புப் படையணிகளான - 53, 58, 59 ஆகிய படையணிகள் இணைந்து தொடங்கியுள்ளதாக சிறிலங்கா படைத்தரப்பு வட்டாரங்கள் கொழும்பில் தெரிவித்துள்ளன.

வரலாற்றின் உச்ச மனிதப் பேரவலம்

வன்னியில் இருந்து 'புதினம்' செய்தியாளர் அனுப்பிய ஆகப்பிந்திய தகவலின் படி -

கரையமுள்ளிவாய்க்கால், வெள்ளை முள்ளிவாய்க்கால் மற்றும் வட்டுவாகல் பகுதிகளை அண்மித்த பகுதிகளில் மிகக் கடுமையான நேரடிச் சண்டை நடைபெறுகின்றது.

இவற்றுக்கு அப்பால் - ஏனைய பகுதிகளில் இருக்கும் மக்கள் மீது கனரக ஆயுதங்கள் கொண்டு வெறித்தனமான தாக்குதலை சிங்களப் படைகள் நடத்துகின்றன.

இந்த தாக்குதல்களில் - கனரக ஆயுதங்களை மட்டுமன்றி - வீழ்ந்து வெடிக்கும் இடங்களைப் பற்றி எரிய வைக்கும் ஒருவிதமான இரசாயனக் குண்டுகளையும் சிறிலங்கா படையினர் பொதுமக்களை நோக்கி பெருமளவில் வீசுகின்றனர்.

'மக்கள் பாதுகாப்பு வலயம்' எங்கும் நெருப்புப் பற்றி எரிவதுடன் - வான் பரப்பு புகை மண்டலமாகி இருக்கின்றது.

இந்த கரும்புகை மண்டலத்திற்கு மேலே பறக்கும் சிங்களப் போர் வானூர்திகள் - கீழே எதனையும் தெளிவாகப் பார்க்க முடியாத நிலையில் - கண்மூடித்தனமாக குண்டுகளை வீசுகின்றன.

தாக்குதலுக்கு அஞ்சி சிதறி ஓடிய மக்கள் மீது தொடர்ந்து குண்டுகள் வீழ்ந்து வெடிப்பதால் - தெருத் தெருவாக தமிழர்கள் கொல்லப்படுவதுடன், அவர்களது நூற்றுக்கணக்கான அவர்களது உடலங்கள் அந்த அந்த இடங்களிலேயே குவியல் குவியலாகக் கிடக்கின்றன.

பல இடங்களில் - பதுங்குகுழிகள் மீது குண்டுகள் வீழ்ந்து வெடிப்பதால், பலர் அவற்றிற்குள் மூடுண்டும் கொல்லப்படுகின்றனர்.

பீரங்கி குண்டுச் சிதறல்களினாலும் இரசாயனத் திரவங்களாலும் - படுகாயமடைந்தும் உடல் அவயவங்களை இழந்தும் கொதிக்கும் எரிகாயங்களுடனும் ஆயிரக்கணக்கானவர்கள் தெருத் தெருவாகவும் பதுங்கு குழிகளுக்கு உள்ளேயும் வெளியேயும் அப்படி அப்படியே கிடந்து கதறுகின்றனர்.

இவர்களை தூக்கி எடுக்கவோ, சிகிச்சைகள் அழிக்கவோ எவரும் இல்லை. யாருக்கும் யாரும் உதவ முடியாமல் எல்லோர் மீதும் குண்டுகள் வீழும் பெரும் மனித அவலம் நிகழ்கின்றது.

சில இடங்களில் படுகாயமடைந்து வீழ்ந்து கிடந்த மக்களுக்கு மேலாகவும் பதுங்கு குழிகளுக்குள் பாதுகாப்பு தேடி பதுங்கியிருந்த மக்களுக்கு மேலாகவும் சிங்களப் படையினர் தமது கவசப் போர் ஊர்திகளின் இரும்புச் சங்கிலிகளை ஏற்றிச் சென்றதை தாம் நேரில் கண்டதாக தப்பி வந்த மக்கள் சிலர் கதறலோடு கூறுகின்றனர்.

இதேவேளையில் எற்கெனவே அண்மைக்காலமாக குடிதண்ணீர், உணவு எதுவுமே கிடைக்காத நிலையில் பசிக்கொடுமையால் வாடிய மக்கள் பலர் இப்போது பட்டினியாலும் செத்துக்கொண்டிருக்கின்றனர்.

ஐ. நா.வும் நம்பியாரும்

இதேவேளையில் ஐ.நா.வின் மூத்த அதிகாரியான விஜய் நம்பியாரையே கொழும்புக்கு அனுப்பிவைப்பதற்கு ஐ.நா. செயலாளர் நாயகம் பான் கீ மூன் தீர்மானித்திருப்பதாக செய்திகள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன.

ஆனால் - இவை எல்லாமே ஐ. நா. போன்ற ஒரு பெரும் அனைத்துலக தலைமை நிறுவனத்திற்குள் இருக்கும் செயற்திறனற்ற தன்மையை மூடி மறைக்கும் ஒரு கண்துடைப்பு முயற்சி என சில அரசியல் நோக்கர்கள் கருதுகின்றனர்.

ஐ.நா.வின் தூதுவராக நியமனம் பெற்ற நம்பியார் - ஐ.நா.வுக்கு உண்மையானவராக இல்லாமல், தனது சொந்த நாடான இந்திய அரசாங்கத்தின் ஒரு முகவர் போலவே செயற்படுகின்றார் என்ற கருத்து நோக்கர்கள் மத்தியில் நிலவுகின்றது.

அத்தகைய ஒருவரை மீண்டும் சிறிலங்காவுக்கு அனுப்பும் பின்னணியிலேயே - இன்றைய 'இறுதித் தாக்குதல்' படையெடுப்பையும் பார்க்க வேண்டியுள்ளதாக அரசியல் நோக்கர்கள் கூறுகின்றனர்.

புலிகளும் ஆயுதங்களும்

இதேவேளையில் இந்த போரை முடிவுக்கு கொண்ட வருவதற்காக விடுதலைப் புலிகளை ஆயுதங்களைக் கீழே போட்டுவிடுமாறு அண்மையில் அமெரிக்க அதிபர் பராக் ஒபாமா அவர்கள் கூறியிருந்தார்.

இது பற்றி கருத்து வெளியிட்ட அரசியல் நோக்கர்கள் சிலர் அவ்வாறு புலிகள் ஆயுதங்களைக் கீழே போட்ட பின்னர் தமிழர்களின் அடுத்த நிலை என்ன என்பதை அவர் விளக்கத் தவறிவிட்டார் என கருத்து வெளியிட்டனர்.

புலிகளிடம் இருக்கும் ஆயுதங்கள் தான் - தமிழர்களுக்கு அவர்களது அரசியல் உரிமைகளைப் பெறுவதற்கான ஒரே ஆதார சக்தியாக இப்போது இருக்கின்றன. அந்த ஆயுதங்களையும் புலிகள் கீழே போட்டுவிட்ட பின்னர் தமது அரசியல் உரிமைகளைப் பெறுவதற்கு தமிழர்களுக்கு இருக்கும் உத்தரவாதம் என்ன?... என கேள்வி எழுப்பிய அந்த நோக்கர்கள் -

புலிகளின் ஆயுதங்கள் தொடர்பான விடங்கள் தமிழர் போராட்டத்தின் இறுதித் தீர்வு பற்றிய பேச்சுக்களின் போதே எடுக்கப்பட வேண்டும். அதற்கு முன்னால் அவை பற்றிப் பேசுவது, இத்தனை ஆண்டு காலப் போராட்டத்தையே அர்த்தமற்றதாக்கிவிடும் எனவும் அவர்கள் தெரிவித்தனர்.

ஆயுதங்களைக் கீழே போடுமாறு புலிகளிடம் கேட்பதற்குப் பதிலாக - உடனடிப் போர் நிறுத்தம் ஒன்றை ஏற்படுத்துவதற்கான தனது உச்ச நடவடிக்கையையே அவர் இப்போது செய்ய வேண்டும் எனவும் அந்த நோக்கர்கள் மேலும் தெரிவித்தனர்.

Anonymous said...

Bhairav, can u translate that...

Saul said...

Badrinath said:

Learn this lesson well. The international community only respects you based on your might and capability to commit violence. Some foolish moderate Tamils have in the past criticized the LTTE for not trying to pursue peace, but now the futility of that path has been clearly exposed for all to see.Nope. The international community respects strength. Strength that the LTTE frittered away when it had a chance to leverage its accomplishments. There's a difference between strength and violence. More violence will beget just that.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

People like Dr. T. Varatharajah are great heroes, and I hope the diaspora can try to take care of him once this war is over. He is going to be punished by the Sri Lankan government for disobeying orders to abandon the civilians. He risked his life every day by staying in the war zone to treat helpless civilians. He could easily have fled and stayed safe.

What he has seen is worse than hell. Imagine every single day having to see people mangled by artillery shells, and then having to perform amputations on them with no anesthesia or medicine. While treating the civilians he has died a thousand times in the last 5 months.

I hope everyone will remember him and try to help him get out of Sri Lanka when this ends.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Badri. Dr. Varatharajan and other doctors are much much better than the Gods( Pillaiyar, Murugan etc...or Jesus). Because, tamil people used milk and all other items for these gods. Now, when the people suffer, only these doctors helped, not the gods that the tamil people prayed.

Anonymous said...

God has nothing to do with this. Because man is the one who caused the problems.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Isn't Satish Nambiar the guy who 'advised' on the Jaffna 'High Security Zone' which rendered a third of the peninsula's population as homeless?"]

Exactly. And now his brother is supposed to be negotiating on behalf of the Tamil civilians. Its all a big scam. All this United Nations, international community, etc., are just a big scam. Everyone is profiting off of the bones of the weak, while pretending to be defending them.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Just to highlight the made up stories at, please read this and note the top photograph:

I don't have the link on hand, but that bolero was photographed by TRO workers and posted on the net around a week ago in the EXACT SAME LOCATION. I remember wondering when I saw it how the tires went under the sand, and concluded it was the waves that made it sink into the sand (If you ever stand in the ocean waves your feet slowly sink into the sand as the waves pull the sand out from under your feet).

But today I see with the same photo, but a ridiculous story about LTTE fighters driving this Bolera towards army positions and having the tires shot out - and it supposedly happened today!

I wish I had saved the link to the TRO photos that showed this Bolero.

Unknown said...

Defence-liar says that all tigers are in the NFZ. This is to justify their chemical attack that is going to be within the next 24 hours to kill all civilians.

He claims only 15 modayas attained Nibbana in the heavy fighting. Heavy fighting, but only 15 attained nibanna? This one is only enough.

Bhairav said...


You think most of the puligals are moved out of war zone? The way heavy fighting goes on inside the war zone i doubt that they've moved their hardware and core units into safe place.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


The LTTE has lost total control over the civilians. Thousands are expected to flee within the next 24 hours to government controlled areas.

A total of 11,000 civilians have now reached the government's side by this evening. 5000 reached Vavuniya yesterday. Another 6000 have just reached government areas. Another 50,000 still remain.

The LTTE has told these civilians to give then 24hrs, until after the 16th when they except an Indian intervention, which will not be coming.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are preparing for its last attack. A meeting was called a few hours ago by Soosei who literally handed-over his family to the Navy (appears to the public as a capture by the Navy) calling on Black Sea Tigers to launch a series of attacks targeting the 58 and the 59 Divisions.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


We have received HIGHLY credible reports that the SLA has located the whereabouts of Prabhakaran. This vital piece of information was received from an LTTE 'Doctor' named Susiran who visited Prabhakaran on the 10th to treat Sithamparathasan, the head of the Ratha Regiment and LTTE Leader V. Pripaharan's chief close protection officer who was injured in the Ananthapuram Box-in by the Special Forces and Commandos.

The 152 LTTE hardcore cadres who some say surrendered to the Army have subsequently 'vanished'. The LTTE 'Doctor' was also from the Ratha Regiment. He served as Prabhakaran's "Escort Leader" for 3 years before leaving the unit for medical training.

There is a very high likelihood that Prabhakaran might not live to see dusk over Mullaitivu coast on Sunday!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Rats from the sinking ship

Like rats from a sinking ship, senior, junior and greenhorn cadres as well as family members of the Tigers who have cold feet have started running towards the Army for ultimate safety having lost all confidence in their leader and cause.

In addition to the much publicized 'capture' of Soosei's family, an LTTE ship captain has also 'surrendered'. This individual has revealed vital information regarding the LTTE's shipping fleet. The individual's own ship had been blown-up by the Navy in 2005.

Among others who surrendered are 3 LTTE high-profile singers, including Shanthan who used to sing praise for Prabhakaran, Black Tigers etc at various events, for videos etc.

Unknown said...

If you read tamilwin article here (I do not want to write the points in English)

Main point in that article is
உண்மையில் வன்னிப்பேரின் அடுத்த கட்டத்தை தீர்மானிக்கப்போவது இந்திய நாடாளுமன்றத் தேர்தலே. மீண்டும் ஆட்சி பீடத்தில் ஏறப்போகும் தரப்பு எது என்றே அரசும் சரி புலிகளும் சரி எதிர்பார்த்திருக்கின்றனர். கள முனைகளில் எந்தத் தரப்பின் கைகள் ஓங்கும் என்பதும் அதைப் பொறுத்தே உள்ளது.

Unknown said...

Huthige Puthe Kuruwita,

Go and post all your Garbage in DW. Are we coming to your DW or DN? If you are born to one father, don't come again in this blog.

aKa said...

Much-arrested advocate duo get reliefCHENNAI: After being arrested thrice in a span of five days, two advocates -- P Pugazhenthi and Rajnikanth -- were released on Friday, when a
magistrate court set them free from the court premises itself.

The duo was first arrested on May 10 when it held a demonstration, along with about 200 others, to protest the military offensive against Tamils in Sri Lanka. A total of 117 persons, including Tamil nationalist leader P Nedumaran and film director Bharathiraja, were arrested by police. Though all of them were granted bail in the evening, all but the two advocates were released.

Re-arrested, the advocates were brought before the VII metropolitan magistrate at George Town for remand on May 12. After the magistrate pointed out that prisoner on transit (PT) warrant cannot be served on persons who had already got bail, the police took the advocates back to the Puzhal prison where they were released.

"The moment they stepped out of the jail premises, they were re-arrested in connection with the Sangeetha Hotel attack case, registered in April 2008," advocate Sankarasubbu told the court, adding that police claimed to have picked them up from Moolakadai in North Chennai.

As May 13 was the election day, counsel for the arrested advocates moved a bail plea before the chief metropolitan magistrate (CMM) at Egmore on May 14. The CMM, granting bail, told the prosecution that practising advocates should not be arrested except under compelling circumstances.

However, instead of being released on May 15, the advocates were again taken to the VIII metropolitan magistrate's court in a police escort vehicle, where the police wanted the duo to be remanded in judicial custody for another case. Declining to send them back to jail, the magistrate set them at liberty with immediate effect, from court premises itself.

aKa said...

sinhala racists already started celebrating "victory" hahahaha

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Laptop Kumara Ramawickrama

Laptop got the same pain as VP's ASS

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Sinhalese are not racists.

Unknown said...

You are definitely a Vesike Putha. Go and see many hotels in Dehiwela/Mout Laviana area. Sinhala working women come lunch time to fu*k with their boss. If you want, I can give you the hotel names. You are one of that bit*h son.

Unknown said...

Sinhala Basta*ds, read one story. Don't dream too much that you live peacefully forever. Accounts will be settled down even few more decades passed.

Written by: CARE International
This blog is written by Melanie Brooks, Communications Coordinator for CARE's Emergency Team. Ms. Brooks has been in Sri Lanka since May 1 working on CARE's emergency response in the IDP camps in Vavuniya for the people displaced by the conflict in Northern Sri Lanka.

May 11, 2009

I didn't notice anything different about her, at first; 10-year-old Priyana is a beautiful, perfect little girl, and her face lit up as she smiled at me.

Then she moved her hands. Thick bands of scar tissue circle her tiny wrists; her right hand is bent at an impossible 90-degree angle from her forearm. When she wrapped her arms around her mother's waist in a hug, her hands hung limply.

I don't know what affects me more: her injuries, or how she was injured. She and her 24-year-old sister, Vithiya, were playing a game when they were caught in the crossfire in January.

Shrapnel shredded through Priyana's wrists and thigh, and Vithiya's right leg.

On the run, they couldn't make it to a hospital for nearly two weeks. By that point, it was too late to repair Priyana's hands.

Today, her mother, Rani, is caring for two injured daughters, alone. Her husband and another daughter died in the conflict zone; her other two daughters are still missing.

As Rani tells me their story, Priyana is playing with a purple hair ribbon, holding it awkwardly with the only two fingers that work on her left hand. Despite everything, she smiles.

FreedomFighter said...

Very good report Badri. I did not know this much about Nabirar.

4 or 5 hours to go now results in India.

FreedomFighter said...

The UN says what's happening srilanka is genocide.

"Sri Lanka: UN expert on genocide prevention calls for end to conflict"

This polarizing conflict is identity-related with ethnicity and religion as deeply divisive factors,” he said. “It will not end with winners and losers and it cannot be ended solely through a military victory that may not be sustainable in the long-run unless legitimate grievances are addressed.”

Lalith Kuruwita said...

"aKa said...
Lalith Kuruwita said...

Sinhalese are not racists.
huk huk

fuck off joker Lalith

What is the last line?

I can undestand what school you went to.

It represents you & peelamist behaviour.

Bhairav said...

According to reliable sources, pulikalin pulanaibu thalaivar is the one who "thalamai thanki" thakkuthalai neripadduthi vadukirar in the war zone now. Sornam veera maranam adainthu viddar.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

"FreedomFighter said...
The UN says what's happening srilanka is genocide.


Yes FF, it is Genocide of Tamil Civillians by LTTE.

Not only UN, the whole world now knows it is the Genocide by LTTE.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Those trapped civilians got hold of anything available at hand to float on water, including inflated tyre-tubes, rafts, ropes, small boats, locally-made ‘Theppam’, etc, and managed to cross the lagoon en masse, despite rains of LTTE bullets, meant to frighten, injure and prevent the escapees from deserting Tigers.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Those escapees from LTTE genocide wanted to tell
the truth to the world how the LTTE, contrary to what was being transmitted by them distorting the truth, were treating their own people while forcibly holding them as ‘human shields’ in the New Safe Zone.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

More than five people, including a sweet infant (See photo) fell victim to indiscriminate terrorist firing and died before they finally moved into the safe hands of the Army troops. This moving photo shows the father holding his dead infant. Two more children received gunshot injuries and were attended by the Army troops before a total of sixteen injured civilians excluding both of them were finally airlifted to ANURADHAPURA hospital late Thursday. Air Force helicopters, despite risks involved, landed close to KARAYANMULLIVAIKKAL and evacuated those injured to hospitals in the south, along with their by-standers

Lalith Kuruwita said...

More than five people, including a sweet infant (See photo) fell victim to indiscriminate terrorist firing and died before they finally moved into the safe hands of the Army troops. This moving photo shows the father holding his dead infant. Two more children received gunshot injuries and were attended by the Army troops before a total of sixteen injured civilians excluding both of them were finally airlifted to ANURADHAPURA hospital late Thursday. Air Force helicopters, despite risks involved, landed close to KARAYANMULLIVAIKKAL and evacuated those injured to hospitals in the south, along with their by-standers.

Bhairav said...

If SLA overwhelms the remaining LTTE pockets in war zone, pulikalin pulanaivu thalaivar will die. I guess this is what Peter was trying to say earlier.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Those escapees in different batches on tyre tubes, boats and other floating items have on their way faced many dangers. Some of them were about to die when their floating device suddenly capsized, but others helped them out for safe wading. In knee-deep waters, they got hold of the ropes that were thrown out by Army troops into the deep waters, enabling those swarming to cling on to them for survival.

Ground troops made them to relax and immediately attended on the injured, some of them with profusely bleeding wounds. Army medical teams jumped into action and lavishly provided medical assistance as their wet clothes were spread for drying. Many of those youngsters had reportedly remained hidden, away from their homes to avoid being sighted by terrorists before they took to their heels.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Bhairav

Is pulikalin pulanaivu thalaivar, VP?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

TWO anti aircraft guns, one 12.7 mm gun, fifty-six T-56 weapons, twenty-two 60 mm mortars, six boats, one radar, one 81 mm mortar barrel, one 122 mm tri-pod and one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) were among the latest recoveries made by 58 Division troops from VELLAMULLAVAIKKAL area Friday (15) afternoon as they commenced extended searches into newly dominated areas.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Tiger terrorists, going berserk drove off a red colour BOLERO jeep targeting troops, close to the beach side of the defences, in order to strike a major blow, but valiant troops took the lead in advance and fired on the oncoming vehicle with precision. Tyres after shooting got deflated and got unexpectedly stuck in the beach, making the vehicle motorable any more. Tigers inside got off, but succumbed to injuries as a result of heavy firing of the troops.

In the meantime, two Tiger terrorists along the beach sped at a break neck’s speed and tried to pound troops on the other side of the beach. Tigers failed in that attempt too as troops fired on those speeding motorbikes and overpowered them killing all four Tigers on both motorbikes. Minutes after that another LTTE tractor with explosives tried to ram against troops in the opposite direction, but alert troops took the upper hand and disabled the tractor which was full of explosives

Lalith Kuruwita said...

5244 civillians were rescued 0n 15-05-09 from LTTE genocide.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The latest suicide explosion in VELLAMULLAVAIKKAL a few minutes ago targeting 58 Division troops at the frontal defence positions, failed to produce desired results, as the red-coloured LTTE double cab prematurely exploded and went up in flames as it was nearing the troops in the opposite direction.

At least 4-5 LTTE suicide bombers inside the double cab perished in the huge explosion, but the troops on seeing the speeding double cab in advance took prompt action and strategically avoided the intended LTTE bloodbath.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

NAVAL TROOPS serving MULLAITTIVU seas on Friday (15) evening captured Sea Tiger leader, SOOSAI’s wife, son, daughter, sister-in-law and her son and seven more SOOSAI’s relatives aboard a boat while they were trying to escape, Navy spokesman told the Media.

Those escapees, related to SOOSAI’s family were immediately arrested and brought to PULMODDAI area by the Navy for investigations and questioning. SOOSAI’s wife SATHYADEVI, son SURESH, daughter MADHI and his close relatives were in the group.

Reports also said that a sum of Rs. 600,000 and a stock of gold jewellery had been in their possession at the time of the arrest. (corrected & updated)

Lalith Kuruwita said...

How come Soosari's wife had TE Rs 600,000.

Gayansphotography said...

hey Badri... didnt you hear "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"?

Do you ever think that you can bring india down? The brahmans are way too shrewd to allow you guys get anything out from that place...

Lalith Kuruwita said...

THREE teenage LTTE (Tamil Tigers) child soldiers after escape from terrorist grip surrendered to the 58 Division troops at VELLAMULLAVAIKKAL this afternoon (15) at about 2.00 p.m. Those three teenagers of 15,16 and 18 years of age after escape had reportedly mingled with ordinary civilians who were about to cross into cleared areas and waited patiently until the right opportunity dawned.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

THE METROPOLITAN Police of London said they have arrested five LTTE demonstrators opposite the Russian Embassy at Kensington Palace Gardens at Bays Water Road junction in Central London for displaying material which supports a proscribed organization in the United Kingdom.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The Russian Embassy is the latest place the usually violent LTTE went for demonstrations but unlike at the Sri Lankan, Chinese and Indian offices of envoys the 150 strong crowd was more tamed. The five were arrested under Section 13 of the Terrorism Act for displaying material in support of a terrorist group.

Although the LTTE members were blatantly displaying the Fascist terrorist flags of their outfit before in front of foreign diplomatic offices this is the first time they were arrested for carrying the flag of the leaping ferocious Tiger.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

RECOGNIZING the legitimate right of the Sri Lankan Government to fight terrorism, the UN Security Council (UNSC) yesterday demanded the LTTE to lay down arms and allow civilians, still trapped in the war zone, to leave. Reading out an official statement following a 'closed-door talk' between the members, the Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, said "Members of the Council strongly condemn the LTTE for its acts of terrorism over many years and for its continued use of civilians as human shield". The statement also stated that the Council acknowledges the right of the Government of Sri Lanka to combat terrorism'

Lalith Kuruwita said...

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama on Wednesday urged Tigers to lay down their arms and let the civilians go. "Their forced recruitment of civilians and their use of civilians as human shields is deplorable," said the President. "The United States stands ready to work with the international community to support the people of Sri Lanka in this time of suffering. I don't believe that we can delay," Obama said. "Going forward, Sri Lanka must seek a peace that is secure and lasting and grounded in respect for all of its citizens," he said

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Where are all those peelamists?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Breaking News

Two self-appointed LTTE Colonel and 6 other regional level leaders have surrender to SLA.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

SLA 59,58 divisions in frontline less than 1800m to meet.
53, 59 divisions are 1200m away from each divisions.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The self proclaimed "Government Doctor" has turned himself in to the forces of the 58th division. Still many explosions are heard in the unliberated Vellamullivaikkal area and the 58th Division troops have entered the area allocated for temporary shelters.

CLips said...

It was and is wrong to the hilt in hating Tamil society for its just demand for equality and self-determination. Under the pretext of democratically elected government, Sri Lanka should not be allowed to whitewash from 61yrs of well recorded State terrorism.
All global capitalist powers including India will repent in time to come for their aggressive participation in human suffering of this order. The LTTE cannot be blamed for not surrendering to the Sinhala army of the chauvinist regime. A sense of utter helplessness prevails among Tamils as they are witnessing a terrible genocide that is taking place in the traditional Tamil homeland today. The Magnitude of which is far greater than what had happened or is happening in places like Gaza.
International Community is trapped by its own noose, because it was wrongly applied for the benefit of a wrong government. It is very obvious Colombo wants to complete its agenda of Tamil subjugation in a systematic genocide under the garb of war against terror in Sri Lanka. There is no point in the IC hanging on to ‘terrorism’ excuse anymore in avoiding further tragedy of civilians. The state policy is inside committing many folds of Terrorism comparatively. Subjugation for lasting political solution is a crime against humanity. An internationally supervised truce and that such a ceasefire should also contain a base for a political solution is very urgently needed.

FreedomFighter said...

kurawi. what ever you say. i undersnadt its difficult listen to people like UN, EU and all.
At the time great victory for you singala people over Tamil people. Even thought its an illusion of you racist and nationalistic mind set. I will let things play out as expected.

Bahirav, i do not think i have come across this info about pulanaivu thalaivar or sornam annan.
Enna sovathenru theriya villai.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


You again misundestood. It is not a victory for Sinhala over Tamils.

It is a victory for Tamils over LTTE's genocide.

It is either Tamils or Muslims or Sinhalese they are all Sri Lankans.

Roy Muller said...

[You again misundestood. It is not a victory for Sinhala over Tamils
It is a victory for Tamils over LTTE's genocide.]

Your entire Lankan arm forces comprises of Sinhala invaders and you expect us for fall for your spin .... only the "shrewd brahmans" lurking here will swallow all your crap ....

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Roy

Only Peelamists do not believe but that is the truth. Tamils are being genocided by LTTE since 1975 by killing Doreappa by VP.

Since then a lot of Tamil leaders were killed by LTTE.

aKa said...

‘Tigers will regroup with a vengeance’ - Financial Times----------

“The Tamil cause will reignite from the embers of this war unless the Sinhala majority shows magnanimity and gives the Tamils control of their own lives,” the Financial Times warned Thursday in an editorial. Pointing out that Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s war “has only defeated the resourceful LTTE’s conventional capability,” the paper also warned that “[the Tigers] will regroup – and expand offshore – with a vengeance that will match the government’s vengefulness.”

The full text of the FT’s editorial, titled ‘Bloody Sri Lanka’ follows

At last, the United Nations Security Council has spoken. It has seen what has been miserably apparent all year: that there is a bloodbath under way in the ever-diminishing territory held by rebel Tamils in north-eastern Sri Lanka.

True, the end-game in this long and vicious civil war has been clouded by the swirl of unverifiable reports and propaganda from both sides. Yet, as leaked UN satellite pictures as well as eyewitness accounts from the front attest, it is perfectly clear that innocent civilians, including women and a lot of children, are being killed in their hundreds, mostly by air strikes and shelling by the government.

The tiny spit of beach and jungle that is the last redoubt of the Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE), once the most formidable irregular army in the world, is being pounded to bits, with upwards of 50,000 Tamil refugees in the middle. According to the UN, more than 6,400 civilians have been killed since the end of January, including hundreds last weekend.

That prompted Barack Obama to warn that “this humanitarian crisis could turn into a catastrophe”. And on Wednesday, the Security Council finally called on the army to cease using heavy weapons, and the rebels to lay down their arms and let civilians in the area flee.

Yet this was a mere statement, and a feeble one at that, rather than a legally binding resolution. The UN should threaten both sides with prosecution for war crimes. Council members led by China – whose no-questions-asked funnelling of arms to the Sri Lankan government helped tip the balance in this 25-year old conflict – insist it is an internal matter posing no threat to regional or international stability. That is short-sighted sophistry.

To begin with, China’s sudden eruption on this island in the Indian Ocean is part of its competition for regional influence with India.

Just as important, the government of Mahinda Rajapaksa rode to power on a wave of Sinhalese chauvinism, now fanned by the ugly triumphalism with which Colombo is contemplating the final liquidation of the Tigers. No one should mourn the passing of the ruthless and sanguinary LTTE. But the Tamil cause will reignite from the embers of this war unless the Sinhala majority shows magnanimity and gives the Tamils control of their own lives.

Mr Rajapaksa has only defeated the resourceful LTTE’s conventional capability. Until Iraq, the Tigers were the world’s most prolific suicide bombers. They will regroup – and expand offshore – with a vengeance that will match the government’s vengefulness.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Malcom Bruce MP said, "I can and should report what people said. They were grateful to the Sri Lankan army for giving them the opportunity to escape and were glad to be out of the conflict zone. In response to direct questions, they said they had not left earlier because the LTTE had basically said, "If you try to leave, you will be shot." They had evidence of people who had tried and who had been shot at. That is an objective fact."

Lalith Kuruwita said...

An Appeal to Tamil Diaspora
By Dr. Raju Selva

In my previous letters, I have told that I am ashamed to call myself a Tamil as LTTE brought more misery and humiliation to the Tamils than any good, forget about the promised homeland for Tamils in Sri Lanka. I strongly believe the Tamil Diaspora (whom I am one of them but I disassociated myself from supporting LTTE long time ago) is as guilty as LTTE for for this predicament for having supported LTTE for the last 25 years.

Last few weeks, the world noticed the Tamil Diaspora shouting and screaming down the streets in big cities in the western block to save Prabha and his killing machine but never demanded Prabhakaran to release the innocent Tamil civilians held as human shield by LTTE. The Tamil Diaspora was least concerned of the Tamil civilians held as hostage by LTTE. The colossal amount of money collected willingly and forcibly by the Tamil Diaspora to fatten the LTTE war chest hoping for a mythical Eelam has almost vanished into thin air now.

LTTE is now cornered into a less than 1sq km and their fighting hard core cadre has almost depleted to a small number of around 500 fighters. To continue the Eelam war, LTTE needs more people to fight. LTTE is not short of their supporters among the Tamil Diaspora. Over the past few weeks, the world noticed thousands of Tamil men, women, youths, children and even infants gathered around the big cities like London, Torronto, Ottawa, Paris, Melbourne, Sydney, Geneva, Oslo in thousands taking part in rallies, demonstrations against the Sri Lankan Government’s war against the LTTE. The most salient feature among the demonstrators was that there were many second and third generation of Tamil youths both men and women probably some of them would not have ever been to Sri Lanka. They would have joined the demonstrations due to peer pressure from their parents. It is sad to see that the new generation of Tamils have been completely misled by their peers.

This is crucial time for LTTE and the dying LTTE needs some oxygen with increased fighting cadres. LTTE needs support of the Tamil Diaspora in manpower. The Tamil Diaspora who was screaming down the big cities can help LTTE in this dire moment. What the parents of the Tamil Diaspora who were screaming down the streets should do now is to dispatch their young sons and daughters from their cosy homes and good schools to the jungles of Mullatihivu immediately (even underage does not matter as LTTE is immune to age barriers) to fight the Sri Lankan armed forces

Bhairav said...

Tamil eddappans come out from their closets assuming that LTTE is done, Raju Selva is no exception.

Ashok Kumar said...

Counting has started. Early leads from constituencies have come. Nothing so far from Tamilnadu.

NDTV and other analysts say that even if the BJP gets little less than Congress, they would be in a better position to form the government. They are likely to get the support of more number of other parties.

Bhairav said...

Here comes another Eddappan gang who publicily given their Toronto phone #s to call for a meeting in Toronto for suffering Wanni people.


வன்னியில் இடம்பெற்றுவரும் மோதல்களால் எமது மக்கள் வாழ்விடங்களை இழந்தும் தம் உறவுகளை இழந்தும் அங்கவீனர்களாக தினசரி ஏதிலிகளாக வந்தவண்ணமுள்ளனர். உண்ண உணவின்றியும் உடுக்க உடையின்றியும் வருகை தரும் எமது உறவுகளுக்கு கைகொடுக்குமுகமாக எதிர்வரும் 17ம் திகதி(17-05-2009) ஞாயிற்றுக் கிழமை மாலை 5.00 மணிக்கு கனடா ரொறன்ரோ நகரில் ஒன்றுகூடல் ஒன்றுக்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இவ் ஒன்றுகூடலில் கழக அங்கத்தவர்கள், ஆதரவாளர்கள் மற்றும் மனிதநேயங்கொண்ட அன்பு உள்ளங்களை கலந்துகொள்ளுமாறு வேண்டிக்கொள்கிறோம். மேலதிக தொடர்புகளுக்கு

416-732 3445, 647-999 2298, 647-286 3858,

Ashok Kumar said...

Early leads show



Ashok Kumar said...

All India leads:

Congress 44
BJP 33
Third front 23
others 1




Bhairav said...


It seems ADMK losing the ground in TN?

Ashok Kumar said...

Latest leads:

Congress 140
BJP 94
Third front 38
Others 14.

tn thamilz said...

ADMK+ 22
DMK+ 16

Cong losing heavily in TN. only 3 out of 16. But overall, UPA seems to be picking up..

Ashok Kumar said...


yes. Shocking, against all expectations. These are only leads. let us see, whether any recovery in the forthcoming rounds.

Ashok Kumar said...

tn tamilz,

Don't just go by Jaya TV. Actual tally is different.

Bhairav said...

Only leads? Hope it swings in the end

Ashok Kumar said...

DMK 15, ADMK 11.

Vaiko trailing.

Cong 178, BJP 113, 3rd front 52, Others 21.

Ashok Kumar said...


Only leads. But the trend is clear.

DMK 19, ADMK 14, BJP 1, Others 1.

Chidambaram, Manishankar Iyer trailing.

Upul said...

ndtv numbers are always congress biased.

chidambaram, mani shankar aiyar, thangabalu are looing badly.

Ashok Kumar said...

Congress and allies likely to get majority.

Cong 180, BJP 118, 3rd front 57, Others 34.

tn thamilz said...

ashok, I am looking at, currently it says 19 admk, 20 for dmk. but it seems the race is neck to neck (seats changing constantly for atleast 5-7). Yes, trend is emerging overall... let us wait for another hour or so to come to a conclusion.

Bhairav said...

DMK paid 500 Rupees for one vote. Lets give one bullet to this senior citizen, scumbag, Karuna.

tn thamilz said...

As I said, the last 1 hour might have changed everything. That explains why DMK is leading in 15 out of 21 seats while it's ally Cong. is doing really bad in TN.

One good thing is, no one swept the poll. Jaya and KK is getting equal seats. We need to watch the overall (india level) results now. As ashok said, if Cong+ reaches > 220, next 5 year would be UPA again.

Ashok Kumar said...

DMK front 20,
ADMK front 15,
Others 01.

Congress will again form government at the centre.

tn thamilz said...

current trend.

Cong+ 185 (Add another 30 from Left)
BJP+ 120 (Add 20 from ADMK, 15 from TDP)

Nilambare said...

Bhairav said...

Guys, any news? I know it's testing times of our lives.
Yes watch Wanni Operation. Plenty of news there.

Is it really testing...? Thisis called Karma

Ashok Kumar said...

Please recollect NDTV exit poll.

It predicted similar result.

It said that Vijayakanth had played 'spoiler' by splitting anti- DMK, Cong. votes.

But the real upset is all India picture.

Againg 5 years of Congress rule?

It is a big setback.

We should plan to move ahead without bothering about India.

Thamizhargalukku soodu, soranai edhuvum kidayadhu.

Upul said...

the results are yet to settle. in the current trend, BJP has enough to form a minority government but congress allies are well ahead by all accounts.

the good thing is congress has difficulty with other parties, while BJP doesn't.

in 1996 election, congress was the single biggest party, BJP was more popular among the parties. this is the only possibility now.

good news is that congress bastards ministers have been taken out in tamil nadu.

Ashok Kumar said...

DMK 15, Congress 04 =19.

ADMK 11, PMK 01, Left 03 =15.

tharu22 said...

Looks like ELECTION GENOCIDE in India!
Indian voters are under GOSL payroll too!!

Malin said...

Am i getting this right? Am i to think that expected results have been not delivered to forming a Tamil Elam in TN.....

"Obviously TN Tamils are slaves who got light years ahead to become free people."


Unknown said...

Even though congress is losing in TN, ADMK led front has nto done as per the expectations.
Probably because as TN Thamizh said, may be the last one hour voting. But one more main factor is the money thrown at the voters. Vijaykanth is the spoiler altogether. Thats the same reason he was asked to stand alone and for that he got the money from congress.
I am very sad to see the results.

Nilambare said...

Congress will be there for the next 5 years.

5 years is a long time. SL only needed two days!

Nilambare said...

btw, I VP is roasted. Well, you will hear details when the President comes back to SL.

Next stage - to prevent terrorism happening ever again in SL has already begun

tharu22 said...

Actaully GOSL was OK with BJP coming to power too eventhough stupid Peelamoids are unaware of real activity that goes behind the scenes.
The Peelamoids are supposed to be super sophisticated, but moda Bandas know how to hedge their bets!
Viva la Bandas!

Veeran said...

Now is the time atleast to stop talking abt Eelam & accept for a Federal solution that will merge north & east to be ruled by a Tamil.

This is the Only Viable option for Eelam tamils to stay relevant in Srilanka.

FreedomFighter said...

veeran are you joking, who gave you federal solution ? do not dream. not in racist lanka.
Not after they killed 15,000 civilions.

Veeran said...

Freedom Fighter,

Now is the time to preserve watever gains obtained by tigers politically...

There is no way Eelam can be obtained Militarily in next 20 yrs & hence we have to look for the next available option to fight it out politically...

FreedomFighter said...

Even mighty United Kingdom have to sit down talk to IRA and resolve the solution in Northern Ireland. And Sri Lanka will be made to do that.

Singalese now thinking and acting to make sure that tamils will never have a homeland in north and east.

Ashok Kumar said...

All India leads:

Congress 236
BJP 160
3rd front 81
4th front 34
Others 18

Tamilnadu leads:

DMK 26

Trialing behind:




FreedomFighter said...

you can fighti it politcialy but only in the west ? see if we can get anything.

But in sri lanka no tamils will have any right to speak out against the government.

The tigers do what is required. I think 1st thing should be our own ettapar must be taken care of.They will spoil everything for you.

Anonymous said...

[Veeran said...

Freedom Fighter,

Now is the time to preserve watever gains obtained by tigers politically...

There is no way Eelam can be obtained Militarily in next 20 yrs & hence we have to look for the next available option to fight it out politically... ]

LTTE agreed to the federal solution in 2003 in Norway!. It was rejected by the racist shit lankans!

someone is dreaming of federal solution which was advocated by Tamils since 1948 and all agreements torn-apart by the modayas!

Who is this idiot veeran!


Anonymous said...

[FreedomFighter said...

Even mighty United Kingdom have to sit down talk to IRA and resolve the solution in Northern Ireland. And Sri Lanka will be made to do that.

Singalese now thinking and acting to make sure that tamils will never have a homeland in north and east. ]

WRONG ... Tamils will be wiped out slowly. Puthalam was a tamil dominated place. In 5 years, Vanni will be only Singhala. All ethnically cleansed tamils will still be within barbed wires like "Zoo anmals"!


Dark Knight said...


you may be a stinky moron, but don't lie through teeth. Both LTTE and SLG did say in oslo declaration that it agreed to find a solution within federal framework, but later Balasingham denied having agreed to anything like that.

WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU TRYING TO KID? probably your own morons but not anyone else.

Dark Knight said...

Bhairav said...

>>> Karunanidhi should be killed.

All the heroes who were bragging about election just a week ago suddenly talk about killing when they can't get power in DEMOCRATIC WAY. Diaspora seem to have a weird sense of entitlement.

STILL Wonder why thamil eelam doesn't get any support from outside?

FreedomFighter said...

GOSL with victory in hand is not going to offer any meaning full devolution of power to satisfy the aspirations of Tamils. That is simple and plain truth. So do not waste our you time on that.

One option is to setup Tamil Eelam Government in exile, with LTTE continuing its armed stugle to win the freedom.

This will allow tamils lot of political power around the world as well allow to rise funds legally to free our country. But that would mean LTTE having some restrictions on its methods of war.

Veeran said...

[Who is this idiot veeran! ]

Naan oru Tamilan. Athanala ennoda karuthu Solla orimai iruku nenaikiren.

Ippothaikku Eelam parthi Pesinal Vellaikakathu.

Konja Naal Poru thalaiva...oru varudam allathu rendu varadum poruthu parkalam...

Patharatha Kariyum Sitharathu...

Enna Sariya ?

tharu22 said...

Freedom Fighter,
You have the option of forming Eelam in Cyber Sapce too! It'll be the first cyber nation, something that people like Navindran can be proud of!
Anywhere is fine as longs as it's not in SL.

tharu22 said...

Dark Night Bro,
Well said. It was the stinky LTTE morons who refused Federalism. In fact the reason they went for the boycott in presidential election was the fear that Ranil will push LTTE to a federal solution.
Stupid LTTE mf's wanted all or nothing. And they got their wish...they got nothing!

Ashok Kumar said...

We should not forget the fact that all the political parties in Tamilnadu, including DMK &Congress campaigned that they would work for the welfare of Eelam Tamils.

It is natural that people are confused that who is speaking with real concern.

Jayalalitha started supporting Eelam in the last minute after the campaign started.

It was a multi cornered contest with Vijayakanth, BJP, and parties like Kongunadu Munnetra Peravai (in western districts) split the votes.

Though requests were made to Prabhakaran to give his 'open support' to ADMK front, it did not materialize. (Junior Vigadan).

Idhanal Eezhathai Thamizhargal adharavikkavillai endru karudha koodadhu.

(Still our people are soodu soranai atra jenmangaldhan. They should have reacted decisively.)

tharu22 said...

Dear Patriots,
As we all know the day mother Sri Lanka have been waiting for an entire generation is just hours away.
While this is reason for great celebration, let's show our true spirit and be humble and magnanimous in victory.
While we may have had our share of disagreements we all know lots of Tamils are our own brothers and sisters who are more than happy to live in a united and peaceful Sri Lanak. Ofcourse this does not apply to few SOB's we see in blogs like this whose brain is in their anal.

Dark Knight said...

tharu22 said...

>>> Freedom Fighter,
You have the option of forming Eelam in Cyber Sapce too!

heh heh yes.
or this:

Widana said...

Well said Tharu, time to reach out to the few who have some brains. Some morons can not be helped, and should just be left behind and forgotten as we move forward.

FreedomFighter said...

adia moca thrue, ranil would have done the same thing to Tamils with the help from west, but rajpoka went to beg all Arabs and Chinese that the difference. Also there is only one place we Tamils call eelam, that in north and east of sri lanka.
As every singalese expect the war will not end today or tomorrow.

FreedomFighter said...


There should not any pause to the demand for the seeprate eelam, if we do that they will put sola poori for yannai passikue. With or without chnage in indian if puligala have the vassathi, ippava arambika vantum. If we allow things will cool down.
While world attention is on us we need to start what is required. I do not we put all eggs in one basket. That would be unwise. We see how things move.

Malin said...

FreedomFighter War will not end.. because till you coolies give up elam thier will be sinhalese to protect this land.


Veeran said...

Freedom Fighter,

u say we have to strike the iron when it is hot...

But Tamils are not in a position to call the shots either in Srilanka or in India or in world.

That being the case, we have to wait for sometime to see what GOSL is really going to do with the tamils in concentration camps.

If No Political Soln is forthcoming within a year or so, the fight shld be Political one & not Military...

Now that Cong will be in Power in India for next five years, there is noway Cong will tolerate armed rebellion again in Srilanka.

Tamils have passed a stage where they have options & now they are left with No options..

tharu22 said...

Freedom Fighter,
The problem with you and others like you is you know everything and the whole world knows nothing. This attitude is very clear in your remarks on the peace process.
You guys know exactly what Ranil would have done...So you guys must have known what Mahinda would have done too...If so why complain now. You super intelligent Peelamodis known the outcome anyway.
Similarly you would have known the Indian election outcome well in advance too. So why complain?
What you have is a quite dangerous mental condition. You should seek some medical help.

tharu22 said...

Freedom Fighter,
Now that Peelam is gone, let's put your perfect foresight in to some practical use.
Can you give the perfect scorecard prediction for tomorrows IPL match between Chennai & Mumbai?

Ashok Kumar said...

Financial Times:

Mr Rajapaksa has only defeated the resourceful LTTE’s conventional capability. Until Iraq, the Tigers were the world’s most prolific suicide bombers. They will regroup – and expand offshore – with a vengeance that will match the government’s vengefulness.

Tamil guardian:

There is only one solution for us now: the independent, sovereign state of Tamil Eelam. The rationale for that is etched out in the bloody sands of Mullaitivu. If the Tamils accept any thing short of independence, if we allow ourselves to be placed under Sinhala dominion as part of a ‘solution’, they will simply wipe us out at some point in the future. It is self-evident that the close scrutiny of the international community, the pleas and pointed warnings by powerful states and the disgust of the world has not impressed a Sinhala state, polity and people drunk with racism. Not one Sinhala political actor – not even the UNP, the darling of the liberal West – has condemned the slaughter. It is inescapable that whatever the international community does, the Sinhala state will continue to pose an existential threat to the Tamil people unless we are protected by our own borders and security forces.

The sixty-year old struggle for Tamil liberation is entering a new phase. On the one hand the Tamil nation, going through a Holocaust of its own, is no longer under any illusions about the Sinhala state and people. The international community will never be able to reason with or restrain them. On the other hand, contrary to Sinhala expectations, Tamil militancy will remain central to Sri Lanka’s future. As the LTTE, which has transformed itself – yet again – for a new kind of war, bluntly put it last month: as long as the Tamils are oppressed, “Sri Lanka will never be able to live in peace”.

Indian said...

//Though requests were made to Prabhakaran to give his 'open support' to ADMK front, it did not materialize. (Junior Vigadan)//

But didnt B.Nadesan appeal through Kumudam Reporter asking people to vote for JJ??

In my view's strictly,this polls in India and the situation in Srilanka shows one thing clearly " United we stand;Divided we fall"

Tamil parties were divided and in shambles,naturally the people saw through that and voted on local issues.As I kept on stressing before,they didnt vote based on Eelam.If someone disagree's to this,please explain why Poiko is going down the drain.We had no other supporter than Poiko in TN.

Same applies to Tiger's as well.Instead of taking together with them,moderate Tamil's who had different views,they went around hunting them down and look where they are now - 1.5 sq-kms

IMO,I feel '89 was the best time they could have had a agreeable solution.Now its all too late.

Indian said...

About "United we stand;Divided we fall" application to Indian election's,it was only the Congress which appealed to the people with positive framework.The BJP appealed through its divisive politics,and though it worked for a limited timeframe from '98 until 2004,they seems to have lost it completely.

Peter,if you are reading this,thanks for your information\threat whatever it maybe.India CANNOT afford to spill the blood of another "Gandhi",for it was Rahul who engineered the Congress uprising in UP \ Punjab and to a extent in MP.

tharu22 said...

I guess an alternative explanation is while a vociferous minority was making all the pro-LTTE noise during the campaign, the silent majority showed what they feel about Eelam trough the ballot.

Indian said...

You can use this link to follow official status from Election commision of India

Contrary to what many say here,Vijayakanth hasnt played spoiler.Chiranjeevi has swung AP in Congress's way.But Vijayakanth hasnt done so well

Gayan said...

Congratulations Dr. Manmohan Singh on your great victory!!

Gayan said...

LTTP caught pants down!!
Baduth ekka horu!!!


Ashok Kumar said...


Nadesan had only said that Tamilnadu people would take the right decision during these elections. No open support was given to any party or formation.

Indian said...

No,you would be wrong if you take the TN poll results as a refferandum on Eelam.

The point is,people sympathize with the happenings there.But they havent voted taking Eelam into consideration.

If you can see,there are some heavyweights who are loosing.As I type this P.Chidambaram who was trailing by around 6000 votes has wiped his deficit and is now leading by few hundred votes.People have voted on local \ national issue's.

Nothing more nothing less.But yes,I agree with you that the minority pro-LTTE lobby's effort to whip up people's passion on Eelam issue has failed and how -Poiko is staring down the barrel.If and thats a big IF,if LTTE does survive,they should sack Poiko from their payroll and appoint someelse to spend their money.

Indian said...

I didnt read the article,as a matter of fact I stopped my subscription to Kumudam group long back.
I saw Thiruma's interview in Sun TV today and in that he mentioned that B.Nadesan through Reporter urged people to vote for JJ

Ashok Kumar said...

Anyway, as the Congress front has taken a huge lead all over India, though short of majority, they would have overcome even if there was a setback in Tamilnadu. Left would have supported them in such scenario.

Ashok Kumar said...


Thirumavalavan is misquoting. I have read the interview and have it with me. If he had said that, it would have been in the head lines and quoted everywhere.

tharu22 said...

Yep,you're analysis seems fair. Anyway, talking of payrolls isn't it funny that Eelamists say Sri Lanka is in the brink of economic collapse and yet the whole world is in Sri Lanka's payroll? Maybe, it's this huge payroll that's dragging the economy!!!!

Indian said...

I didnt read it and maybe Thiruma was misquoting.

But seems we are now having a debate on whoz the biggest Jackass in TN in this elections.
There's tough fight between Vaiko and Ramadoss for that title.PMK has a clean slate.

Sometime back I posted my predictions here and I was shooed away by tn thamiz and Vivek.I dont want to tom tom " I said you so",but the biggest surprise has come from UP and MP.While I expected Rahul's hardwork to pay,never expected this margin.Congress might end up as the single largest from UP and their performance in Hindi hearland has propelled them to this situation

Nilambare said...

FreedomFighter said...
GOSL with victory in hand is not going to offer any meaning full devolution of power to satisfy the aspirations of Tamils. That is simple and plain truth. So do not waste our you time on that.

So what do you want? If Tamils can live in SL with equal opportunities what's wrong with? Do you need a separate country to do that? What do the Tamils not get in SL but others do. Name it.

You idiots are not going to get anything additional that other citizens do not have. There are grievances that everybody in SL has (Sinhalese, Muslims and others), not just tou Tamils.

1. We can't give you jobs just because you are a Tamil

2. We can't given you education just because you are a Tamil

3. We can't give you a land just because you are a Tamil

4. We can't give you a pension just because you are a Tamil

5. We can't give you guys two universities (mono-ethnic) funded by SL purely for Tamils just because you are Tamils

6. We can't give you a mono-ethnic region in North/East,allow you to chase all Sinhala and Muslim people from that, and yet allow Tamils freedom to live in all other parts of the country. It shoudl be allowed for all citizens of teh country.

We can't give you special treatment due to your ethnicity. You should get things based on merit.

Just as many as Tamils living with poverty in North/East, there are same or even more Sinhalese(as Sinhalese being the majority) live with poverty and difficulty in all over the country.

That's the problem. Your "solution" should be based on a "problem" and identify the "problem" first.

That's called equal rights. If you don't have any of these rights that others do have,what are they?

Dark Knight said...


don't pretend. Not a single LTTE supporter said here or elsewhere that DMK should be voted. Whether they supported JJ or not, every eelam supporter was against DMK. Given this, it's only fair to conclude that it was not eelam supporters who voted DMK and congress. Given this situ, majority of who voted JJ would have voted for local reasons too.

tharu22 said...

Maybe just like the Peelamists let Mahinda win instead of Ranil as they KNEW Ranil is worse than Mahinda, they're letting Congress win instead of BJP 'cos they KNOW BJP is even worse!!!

Peelamists rule the universe, they can even stop sun from rising if they want to!!!


Dark Knight said...

tharu22 said...

>>> Maybe just like the Peelamists let Mahinda win instead of Ranil as they KNEW Ranil is worse than Mahinda, they're letting Congress win instead of BJP 'cos they KNOW BJP is even worse!!!

LOL yeah. I think this is there plan too, because the morons here (and in those magazines they quote) seem to say that "only option now is a separate eelam" BASED ON THE FACT THAT THEY LOST EVERY HORSE THEY BET. :D :D :D

I wonder if they won the war or if BJP/JJ won the election, then they'd have agreed to a lesser solution.

tharu22 said...

As strange as it may sound, I just like the diaspora donkeys the way they are.
Things will be more difficult for us if they had an iota of brain and were capable of some logical thinking.
(A stupid terrorist is better than a smart terrorist)

Lalith Kuruwita said...

ALL Peelamists

You all said that Jayalalitha would win & creats the EELAM in SL by sending Indian troups.

Achilles said...

Happy Eelam to You!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

All Peelamists lost in the Indian Election & also War in SL.

It is a victory for Tamil Civillians who have been fighting against LTTE genocide.

Anonymous said...

did you know that sri lankan president has no money to give the army and that half the army will have no jobs after ltte are wiped out

FreedomFighter said...

Addi half animals, read you own comments.

LTTE did not win Mulathivu or Elephant pass or Jayiy Sukirue or Killinoche in past with a help of Indians. LTTE is self made and really on only eelam tamils. So they surive and revive and fight you mother fucking singala racist to winn our freedom.

Unlike you fucker you got help from begging and fucking china and india. you are the one need to watch you back all you promisses to every on had to be now satisfied to else they will abandon you.

Your country is 3rd world failed state going face even worse fucking war then you seen so far.

Ashok Kumar said...


Ramadoss' calculations had misfired and he had lost all the 7 seats.

But you are uujustifiably harsh on Vaiko. Among the existing politicians, with the exception of Nallakannu of CPI, Vaiko is the most honest person.

Vaiko is emotional and straight forward. That is why he is not succeeding in the manipulative world of politics.

Leave his ideology which you may not agree with, but as a person he is clean.

Do you really know that he gets paid for supporting LTTE? Or Nedumaran for that matter?

Seeman doesn't even has a own house and his family is very poor. Instead of earning his livelihood, he is fighting for the sake of Tamils there.

Please find out the truth and then blame them if they are so.

Anonymous said...

[Veeran said...

oru varudam allathu rendu varadum poruthu parkalam

Patharatha Kariyum Sitharathu...

Enna Sariya ? ]

Giving up for 1-2 years will not work. it has to continue. Tamils always accepted true federalism from 1948. It never happened.

[Patharatha Kariyum Sitharathu...]

not sure what the above is!


Anonymous said...

[FreedomFighter said...


There should not any pause to the demand for the seeprate eelam, if we do that they will put sola poori for yannai passikue. With or without chnage in indian if puligala have the vassathi, ippava arambika vantum. If we allow things will cool down.
While world attention is on us we need to start what is required. I do not we put all eggs in one basket. That would be unwise. We see how things move. ]

YES AGREED freedomfighter!


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Over 17000 were rescued from LTTE genocide for last 3 days.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

FreedomFighter said...

Nice words!!

You got the same pain as VP's Ass.

SLGO may be failed or successful but there is no Eelam in SL now.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Sariya sariya

Nan kongan konghan theriam


Neenga theriyama?

Peter said...

LTTE has agreed to surrender weapons to the United States. Bandas will not agree to that. This, effectively, is a test of Western imposed 'terrorism tag'.

As for Indian elections, I have to say that I am disappointed with outcome in TN.

One consolation: "Union Home Minister P Chidambaram (Congress) loses to Raja Kannappan of AIADMK by a margin of 3,555 votes in Sivaganga Lok Sabha seat."

However, given the overall outcome from TN, I suspect Eelam Tamils will have less guilt while prosecuting the third Indo-Eelam War. There isn't even much "emotional support" to lose.

Rajeev incident kept New Delhi out of Eelam affairs from 13 years, allowing for the likes of Unceasing Waves. Thinking from the Tamil side now is that New Delhi needs to be locked out for a few more decades while Tigers tackle Colombo. Hope is that the few TN Tamils who do support Eelam are understanding of this need.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["This will allow tamils lot of political power around the world as well allow to rise funds legally to free our country. But that would mean LTTE having some restrictions on its methods of war."]

The democratic political movement needs to be formed separate from the LTTE so that other countries would be willing to deal with it. This would also allow the LTTE to continue with their tactics. The west will then be able to choose whether they want the LTTE or the democratic nonviolent political movement, and they will all side with the nonviolent political movement. This would weaken Sri Lanka. The reason the west sides with Sri Lanka is because the alternative is to side with the LTTE, something they will never do. You need to create a third option, something like TNA, but it needs to actually function independent of LTTE, but with cooperation from LTTE.

Nilambare said...

Peter said...
...New Delhi needs to be locked out for a few more decades while Tigers tackle Colombo...

Peter, Pl explain exactly how the Tigers are going to 'tackle' Colombo?

Are you saying that tigers have not learned a lesson yet? What else is needed?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

DMK leader Dayanidhi Maran said Saturday that the victory of his party in the Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu showed that the Sri Lankan issue had failed to sway voters in the state.

AIADMK leader J. Jayalalithaa and her allies in the MDMK and PMK had taken an aggressive line in Tamil Nadu during the election campaign blaming the Sri Lankan and Indian governments for the suffering of Tamil civilians in the island nation.

Peter said...


That was the reason for TNA in the first place. TNA stood for everything the LTTE did, but did not use weapons. We all know what happened to the vociferous of the TNA MPs.

Secondly, that kind of organisation you suggest can not legally exist in Sri Lanka because of the 6th amendment to the constitution.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I was thinking more along the lines of a government in exile, not in Sri Lanka. But you are right. If a democratically elected TNA is just termed as LTTE and rejected, then what else can you do?

Dark Knight said...

BadriNut said:

The democratic political movement needs to be formed separate from the LTTE so that other countries would be willing to deal with it.

If i remember right, Diaspora has always been saying that their worry is not LTTE, but the tamils. They even said that the flag they carry wasn't LTTEs but the eelam flag. But never condemned LTTE atrocities that west knew very well.

Care to explain how this "democratic political movement" is gonna be significantly different? Would it condemn the LTTE violence that you all very fondly predict in the sense that "sinhalese would not be able to live in peace"? Would it disown LTTE?

West already knows that the diaspora keeps away from the proscribed terrorist organization just enough to save their asses and does anything possible to help them in open or behind. Nothing's gonna change that whatever way you reword it.

Will be added to the list of your failed predictions, obama, rain, kilinochchi, sun, moon, IC, indian election, etc.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Peter Peter Tactical withdrawal Peter

Are you gone mad?

All tigers are gone.

How are they going to tackle Colombo?

Is it a just a jock?

Dark Knight said...

TNA was not democratially elected. To start with, if the LTTE did not prevent the census in NE, there won't be that many MPs allocated to NE in the first place. TNA got almost the same number of votes as JHU and got 20+ seats while JHU got 9.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

When an EELAM flag is created next time, you peelamist need to have 1000 bullets in it. Then Eelam can survive 1000 years.

wijayapala said...

Dear Badri,

"If a democratically elected TNA is just termed as LTTE and rejected, then what else can you do?"

Hmm... negotiate and compromise??

Ashok Kumar said...

Tamilnadu, Pudhuchery:

DMK 18, Congress 09, VCK 01 =28

ADMK 08, CPI 01, CPM 01, MDMK 01=12.

Dark Knight said...

also TNA accepted LTTE as tamil people's sole representative. So unless they were in the parliament on behalf of LTTE, WHOSE representatives were they? Care to explain?

They were representing LTTE; they were coolies. hence they were labeled as LTTE. Or are you saying that wanni people voted TNA not LTTE and LTTE doesn't have a right to the votes poled?

Ashok Kumar said...

Tamilnadu, Pudhuchery:

DMK 18, Congress 10, VCK 01 =29

ADMK 08, CPI 01, CPM 01, MDMK 01 = 11.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Asian Tribune is reporting Soosai was captured in the boat with his wife. It appears to be a mistake, as no other news wire has reported that:

"A clear pointer to the possible end of Prabhakaran is the big blow the SL Navy had inflicted on the LTTE by ‘capturing’ Soosai, the chief of Sea Tigers, his wife, and daughter. Soosai, whose real name is Thillaiyampalam Sivanesan, is a close confidant of Prabhakaran. He is also the senior most leader in the military wing of the LTTE. His brother’s wife and daughter were also captured off Mullaitivu coast as all of them were trying to flee."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The Doctors finally went to government territory. What they did over the last 5 months was amazing.

"Meanwhile, the veteran doctors T. Saththiyamoorthy and S. Varadarajah, who are the Regional Directors of Health Services of Ki'linochchi and Mullaiththeevu districts and the Additional Government Agent K. Parthipan have entered Sri Lanka Army controlled territory, sources in Colombo said."

wijayapala said...

Dear Peter,

You are definitely a far more entertaining joy than Indian will ever be.

Any update on the anticipated counteroffensive? Any day right?? The SLA is spread all over the Vanni.. what are the Liberation Heroes waiting for????

"Likewise, Eelam Tamils are expected to target Sri Lanka while ignoring India's continued military, diplomatic and economic aid that enables the Sri Lankan military to do what it does.

P.S. That is my opinion based on available information. I am not in a position to make "threats".

You are certainly not in a position to give any sort of educated opinion (although your uneducated views have brought many a laugh).

You are correct that only Eelamoids would be moronic enough to attack India after SL crushes the LTTE. "Moronic" because that would bury your failed cause even more- **it is exactly what we would want you to do**.

The TN people will turn against you in a heartbeat, and we may expect violence against the SL Tamils in the refugee camps (but Eelamoids basically don't care about the plight of less-fortunate Tamils not living in the West). For that reason alone, I hope the Eelamoids don't embark on this path.

wijayapala said...

Bhairav says,

"According to reliable sources, pulikalin pulanaibu thalaivar is the one who "thalamai thanki" thakkuthalai neripadduthi vadukirar in the war zone now. Sornam veera maranam adainthu viddar."

Bhairav you eddappan, Sornam is doing well and standing right next to Brig. Theepan!!! Why are you spreading SLA propaganda about them getting killed. You know very well that SLA has only killed millions of civilians without harming even a single puli.

"If SLA overwhelms the remaining LTTE pockets in war zone, pulikalin pulanaivu thalaivar will die."

More traitor remarks- Bhairav you are a true "Kaakai Vanniyan". Thalaivar can never be killed because he is a Sun God. That means he is bulletproof. Stupid eddappans like you don't realize that and have no faith.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Everyone has to die at some point. Even the heroes will die one day. Is it better for them to die on the battlefield as they lived their life, or die in a hospital in New York like MGR?

Ashok Kumar said...


An uncounted number of dead bodies between 2,000 and 3,000 are lying all over the places in civilian congested area and the civilians are all struck by a heavy stench of dead bodies, said a volunteer doctor from Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal

Bhairav said...

Long live Tamilnadu Tamils!

You've done it again.

Bhairav said...

WP, you're such an annoying son of a bitch. Why not start a recycle of DBSJ's garbage?

Indian said...

Sorry for robbing you of your consolation point in TN elections.P Chidambaram has just been announced winner from Sivaganga constituency.

PC emerged as winner with very slender margin and hence Raja.Kannapan asked for recounting,which is bizzare as we have EVM's and not ballot system.Nevertheless at the end of recounting PC has been announced as winner,its the flash news going on now.

I respect and admire Nallakannu a lot.That man is a GEM,probably giving this generation a glimpse of how the old gen leader's like Kamarajar \ Annadurai \ Kakkan etc led their political life.I for one will not insult Nallakannu by equating him with Poiko.

Vaiko,deserved this in my opinion.He like PMK's Ramadoss lost credibility just by swinging between either sides,especially when he joined hands with DMK - what then is the meaning for the lives lost thru self-immolation when Vaiko was dismissed from DMK?I would have agreed all that you said here,if he had moved out of JJ's allianz and fought this election with people who have similar views on Srilankan issue,I am sure he would have got more votes than what he got today.Of all people he decided to allign with JJ??Common,when he does that,what else do you expect for him.

I closely was watching his campaigning,I like his oratory skills though ideologically I hate him.He was crying \ he was screaming \ he was passionate - all usual theatrics associated with Vaiko's speech.But,but he never ever mentioned in any of the meets what he will do as an MP to Virudunagar.Everywhere he asked people to watch the CD and everywhere he asked people to give him a chance so that he will raise his voice in Parliament for Srilankan Tamils.

People of Virudunagar wanted someone to represent THEM in Parliament and voted him out.Thats it.

Gayansphotography said...

seems like everyone left are either old people, infants, mothers, pregnant mothers and doctors(now there seems to be "volunteer doctors" too)... absolutely no LTTEs...(sounds 100% true)

Ashok Kumar said...

பாதுகாப்பு வலயத்திலிருந்து சிவிலியன்களை மீட்பது தொடர்பில் அமெரிக்காவிடம் எந்தவிதமான இராணுவ உதவியையும் இலங்கை அரசாங்கம் கோரவில்லை. அவ்வாறு உத்தியோகபூர்வமாகக் கோரிக்கை விடுக்காமல் இராணுவ உதவிகளை அமெரிக்கா வழங்கமுடியாது என்று ஊடகத்துறை அமைச்சர் லக்ஷ்மன் யாப்பா அபேவர்தன தெரிவித்தார்.

அவ்வாறு இராணுவ உதவி தேவையாயின் இலங்கை அரசாங்கம் உத்தியோகபூர்வமாக அறிவிக்கும். அப்படியாயினும் நாங்கள் முதலில் எங்கள் நட்பு நாடான இந்தியாவிடமே உதவியை கோருவோம் என்றும் அமைச்சர் குறிப்பிட்டார்.

Indian said...

MGR died in hospital in Newyork - really??

Editor: "Badrinath" said...


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

This is wierd. First Chidambaram announced as loser, then after recounting was the winner. How does that work with electronic counting.

"Congress leader and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram has won the Sivaganga parliamentary constituency after re-counting.

Earlier, Chidambaram was declared to have lost to his All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) rival Raja Kannappan.

But, later re-counting of votes took place and Chidambaram was declared winner."

Bhairav said...

Why this Eddappan, Indian, is on this blog? If Tamilnadu family is worth of 5000 INR as DMK bought it, we can give 10,000 INR to this eddappan not to come here.

Indian said...

Figuratively - wast that reply to me.

I think the whole world saw how MGR returned to TN ,when he ran up those stairs in Marina stage.Maybe he was netkilled in Eelam,while in TN he was alive and died in his home at Ramapuram.

surrendering to US,thats an interesting point made by Tigers.SLDF says VP still there in the zone.So the surrender to UNO or US to save the ass of top brass??What about the innocent thousands who lost their lives?That is not equivalent to the status of a man who terrorized this part of the world for 3 decades,isnt it?

Indian said...

Chidambaram was never announced as loser.At the end of the votes,he was ahead by a very slender margin,I heard it was few hundred votes.News spread he had lost,but he didnt.

ADMK asked for recounting,which normally parties used to do in ballot days when the margin was in hundreds.

Recounting happened and PC was declared winnder

m.q.k said...

Congress leader and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram has won the Sivaganga parliamentary constituency after re-counting.

Earlier, Chidambaram was declared to have lost to his All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) rival Raja Kannappan.

But, later re-counting of votes took place and Chidambaram was declared winner. - ANI

Ashok..tntamil... how is this possible like badri electronic voting?? So does it mean if recount happen in other places result would be different...something fishy..

Indian said...

So does it mean if recount happen in other places result would be different...something fishy.

LOL...not really.As I said before the results are announced,news spread around that PC lost,becoz it was such a close fight and the trends kept changing.
Candidates win \ lost announced only by the presiding officer appointed by the Election commisioner of India.

As PC won by few hundred votes,there was recounting as per ADMK's request and at the end of it the previous result was confirmed and now its officialy announced that PC has won.I am waiting for the margin - its reportedly 3xx votes only that's damn close

Bhairav said...

Why VP should surrender if he is not in the war zone? I do not get it.

m.q.k said...
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m.q.k said...

Downing Street has said that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has made several calls to President Mahinda Rajapaksa to make clear his concerns about the need for an end to violence and help for civilians.

The president has declared that the civil war will be ended by his soldiers amid mounting fears for the fate of tens of thousands of civilians cornered, with rebels, in a tiny strip of land.

Up to 8,000 are estimated to have been killed in the fighting this year.

"Sri Lanka stands on the brink. We have called repeatedly for the violence to cease," Mr Brown said.

"The humanitarian agencies must be granted access to civilians caught in the crossfire of a dreadful conflict. We are backing UN efforts to secure an orderly end to the conflict. The LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) must lay down its arms and allow civilians to leave.

"Sri Lanka must understand that there will be consequences for its actions."

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