Monday, April 27, 2009

United Nations satelite images show bomb craters throughout the "No Fire Zone"

The following report contains United Nations satellite images of the "No Fire Zone" taken several days ago which clearly show the extent of bomb damage to the densely populated civilian areas. While viewing the images, note the fact that practically no permanent building has a roof, but the walls remain intact - a clear indication that the building was bombed.

Already a large amount of evidence has been gathered to be used against Sri Lankan government officials for war crimes against civilians. The complete report is available here in pdf format:

[Note: The file was originally on the United Nations website, but has since been password protected so the public cannot see the report. Thankfully Inner City Press had downloaded it and posted it on their website before the U.N. tried to hide the report.]


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Upul said...

Everyone please publicize this everywhere....

Mahinda can be taken to the international criminal court for this.

Dark Knight said...

>>> ... permanent building has a roof, but the walls remain intact - a clear indication that the building was bombed.
some of the roofs in the last picture can be seen without any damage while others are totally removed with no sign of rubble. It was well known, even bragged by the LTTE supporters, that the killinochchi captured by the army was a ghost town, with even the roofing material removed from houses. LTTE probably removed the roofs to make bunkers for the FP.

Roy Muller said...

Vidoe on Air Strike @ NFZ (27/4/09)

Roy Muller said...

Dark Knight, Stop spinning your lies and propaganda you are not a journalist embedded in the war zone or No Fire Zone ....

Dark Knight said...

"spinning lies?"

lol. I talked about a POSSIBILITY. Is the "Editor" badri-nut embedded in war zone?

Bhairav said...

Guys, two dvoras were sunk by Sea Tigers today according to Wanni news. As govern propaganda says, LTTE hasn't done yet. Do not be surprised if LTTE can sustain this war for months to come.

Dark Knight said...

I heard it's two fleets of 100 dvoras each. Can you confirm?

J said...

This document will certainly be used in the Wednesday hearing at the UN when the Security Council will discuss the actions to be taken against Sri Lanka's total disregard to human life.

Roy Muller said...

Dark Knight said...
[lol. I talked about a POSSIBILITY.]

Ok, you are resorting to speculation to support your blatant lies and propagnda.

As for embedded journalist, go ask your Sinhala Only regime

out_sider said...

Did you forget to inform your readers that the satellite picture you headlined your article was in fact one of many shots which show an area outside the no fire zone?

Or was that that image the best to show crater hits and you just choose not to highlight that small detail?

Dark Knight said...

Roy Muller,

Your empty rhetoric doesn't weigh anything, so I wouldn't bother to engage you.

As for your "Sinhala Only regime" - there was only one area in Sri Lanka that was ethnically cleansed: the LTTE controlled north, where all Sinhalese and Muslims were forcibly sent away, AS ADMITTED LATER BY THE TIGERS. But I see, facts and coherence aren't your strong points.

K1 said...

dark knight, you fuck... the point here is that SLA has been bombing the 'no fire zone' killing civilians. is your head so much up your ass that you can't see that?

Dark Knight said...

I see. So LTTE has never been killing civilians eh? "point here" is that the Bad-ri-Nut said "but the walls remain intact - a clear indication that the building was bombed"

And, oh yeah. "pykee, you fuck". That hurt a lot, did it?

FreedomFighter said...

Well, Sri Lanka Is A Lieing Bitch. Sihalese can see how their govenment is targeting the civilions.

Lankan govenment says we are not firing at at civilions or we are not using shells. Bull shit.
All you Lanka Partriots. Looks at the prove from UN. Now you know why they want allow UN in to wanni.

FreedomFighter said...

[roofing material removed from houses.]

Well from Killinchi you may take the meterial to PTK. But now in safe zone no one will take anyhting. There is no where to go.

What these images shows that even hospitanls have been bombed by barbaric nation of sri lanka.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

LTTP damaged by attacking by using their heavy artilary.

FreedomFighter said...

more shocking information will emerge from UN soon, now Sri Lanka has refussed acces to UN.
Just like the leaky reports. More preasure will be applied.

FreedomFighter said...

பொதுமக்கள் செறிவாகவுள்ள பகுதிகளில் தாக்குதல்களை நடத்தும் போது கனரக ஆயுதங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தியிருப்பதை சிறிலங்கா அரசாங்கம் ஏற்றுக்கொண்டிருப்பது போர்க்காலச் சட்டங்கள் அரசாங்கப்படைகளாலும் தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளாலும் மீறப்பட்டிருப்பது தொடர்பாக அனைத்துலக ஆணைக்குழு ஒன்றின் மூலம் விசாரணைக்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட வேண்டிய தேவையை உணர்த்தியிருக்கின்றது" என மனித உரிமைகள் கண்காணிப்பகம் (Human Rights Watch) சுட்டிக்காட்டியிருக்கின்றது.

FreedomFighter said...

Human Rights Watch said the government in Colombo has conceded it was using heavy weapons after earlier saying the army had ceased their use.

“By finally admitting it has been using heavy weapons all along, the Sri Lanka government has shed light onto its official deception as well as its brutal military tactics,” Brad Adams, the New York-based group’s Asia director, said in an e-mailed statement today.

The human rights group called on the UN Security Council to create an international commission to look at abuses by both sides in the conflict.

FreedomFighter said...

Sri Lanak is clearly lieing , what that mean is everything it has been saying about this conflict is also qustionable. biggest hostage rescue mission ? tigurs shooting tamils ?
All bull shit. Just to keep world and sin'halese
mouth shut.

K1 said...

@ dark knight.. what u say doesn't hurt. what hurts are the civilian killings. if it doesn't hurt u, i don't know what sort of human u are.

Ashok Kumar said...


There is a strong anti Congress- DMK sentiment among the electorate. Prestigeous Loyola college survey had revealed that Eelam Tamils issue is the dominant issue with 28% in these elections followed by price rise with 21% .

The week survey 'published' a fortnight ago had prdicted ADMK front to get 24 seats and DMK front 15 seats.But this survey appears to have been 'conducted' much before the inclusion of PMK in the alliance.

Now reports say that ADMK front's chances have much improved.

Karunanidhi's 'fast' drama and further clarification by Rajapakse that there is no ceasefire has angered the people.

ADMK front should sweep the polls in more than 30 constituencies.

It could have won in almost all the seats but for the presence of DMDK in the contest. They will split the anti DMK- Congress votes.

Even people, who normally do not prefer ADMK, are choosing to vote for them for the sake of Eelam Tamil's.

Professionally conducted constituency wise survey results are not available. No survey results are now published as the elections have commenced in other parts. As per the new rule, they cannot be published once the election process has begun.

But visuals of the sufferings of the Eelam Tamils are agitating the people's mind. That is why every party is trying to fool the people by claiming that they will work for the solution.

We should only ensure that illiterate people are not misled.

FreedomFighter said...

Here is call by HRW.

Sri Lanka: Government Admission Shows Need for UN Inquiryshit hit the fan over sri lanka.

Dark Knight said...

pykee said...
@ dark knight.. what u say doesn't hurt. what hurts are the civilian killings. if it doesn't hurt u, i don't know what sort of human u are.

When LTTE terrorists hacked the breastfeeding infants and mothers to death, when the LTTE massacred unarmed monks, not by stray bullets but by weapons yielded on the willing hands by your so-called heroes, where were you? Did you feel sorry? Did you protest?

K1 said...

@ dark knight
why are you talking to me about LTTE? and what did u do? war in general is bad...
and so.. this is tit for tat for what LTTE did?

Dark Knight said...


I'm just questioning your utter hypocrisy when you lament about the "civilians".

K1 said...

and u are not answering my questions man.. maybe u should ask yourself these questions and try to answer them to yourself..

Dark Knight said...

I already gave you the answer. When your heros, your liberators came to villages, picked people by hand, and split their skulls with axes, you were not feeling any sorry. You were cheering. Now, when a stray bomb kills a civilan, you cry bloody murder. Even with all their technology, Americans couldn't avoid civilian casualties in Iraq. But the LTTE murders I pointed out were of the HAND PICKED civilians, infants, monks, breast feeding mothers: and they were done MANUALLY, because LTTE decided to kill them. AND YOU WERE CHEERING THEM. You thought that they'd win somehow, and you'd get your mono-ethnic eelam. Now that you are at the losing end of the war, you suddenly remember that the civilians are dying.

Does that answer your question?

Listen to what the civilians who escape the LTTE says about forcible detention. All of them can't be government agents. Don't pretend. You don't give a rat's ass if 10,000 more civilians died in the attacks if that would attain your eelam. That's why there isn't a SINGLE voice among you to press LTTE to let the civilians move, despite not only GoSL, but also west's accounts.

J said...

Nilambare said...

[JD said...
This document will certainly be used in the Wednesday hearing at the UN when the Security Council will discuss the actions to be taken against Sri Lanka's total disregard to human life.]

LOL! Here we go. One LTTP supporter talking about regard to human life. hey loser! What about your fat pig's sucide bombings? Anuradhapura, central bank, kebithigollawa, Ampara hacking innocents to dealth?.

What about the 'human" who carries the bomb? Is that an animal? Why deosn't your fat pig go as a sucide bomber? Then it will all good for SL. You loser, wait for one more week. Don't talk shit here.

What about the separation of families at these detention centers? What about the explicit use of the female Tamil civilians for sexual abuse by SLA in Kilinochi? How about using the men to perform forced labor? How about raping that eight year old girl in Mannar and then hanging her along with her brother,mother and father from the rafters?

All this seems right to you doesn't it Nilambare?

Don't ever fuckin tell me where I can talk and where I can't talk, maybe you can get away with that in your so called democracy of a shithole country Sri Lanka, but its not going to happen elsewhere.

Roy Muller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roy Muller said...

[LTTE massacred unarmed monks]

Monks who bless army convoys to kill civilians, monks who burn Norwagien flags and instigate Sinhala tribal mob to go on rampage against Tamils and minorities !! These pedophiles masquearading as monks are right in being culled ..

Dark Knight said...

Roy Muller,

In your logic, I see no point in sparing the "civilians" who according to LTTE's (and yours) own opinion, bless the LTTE.

Dark Knight said...

And LTTE killed monks back in 80ies because they were burning Norwegian flags in post 2000. Right. And by the way, is burning flags a crime deserving being hacked to death? And did the monks that LTTE killed went on these "crimes"?

Don't open your trap and shoot yourself in the foot.

Roy Muller said...

[And LTTE killed monks back in 80ies because they were burning Norwegian flags in post 2000]

And who assassinated S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike
in 1959 ?

Dark Knight said...

So LTTE killed some monks because another and totally unrelated monk assassinated Bandaranaike? Really intelligent Tamil, I see.

Your problem is, you have heard and read few things in various places, and you can't put them in a coherent picture.

Unknown said...

oh boy oh boy
BadriNUt never learns :) :)
keep the jokes coming in little man... :)
I haven't had a good one after that ground radar story :) :) :)

K1 said...

firstly, i never said i supported ltte or the killings by them..
secondly, its not one civilian casualty. 70000 have died so far and 6500 or more have died in this year alone. i trust the UN stats more than what you are producing here.
i would estimate that atleast 90% of the 76500+ who have died since the conflict started are innocent civilians. there u go...

Anonymous said...

Give up the ghost Badrinath...! The world has seen what the LTTE is doing and have given their support to the GOSL.

Just because you post some outdated pics on here, doesn't mean the world is gonna change their minds

The dream of a mono ethnic state is over. Maybe you guys should try it in your real homeland, TamilNadu...!

Prasanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lalith Kuruwita said...

Thanks Badrinath.

UN undestands very well that SLGO is honestly rescuing Tamil civillians from LTTP genocide.

That is why UN releases those funds.

Malin said...

Good news to Tamil Despoara..

Co-chairs has announced treade restrictions on SL for not given visa for Swiss FM..

too bad for us :(

Malin said...

More Good news for Despora..

VP has survided the cowardly attack by SLA on monday.. again too bad for us :()..

At this rate tamils elam is days away..

Malin said...

SLA on ceasefire ;)

Lalith Kuruwita said...

I posted in the previous report that I will guarantee that TN Chief Mninister Kala Nidhi (Eat & Sleep) would stop the fast to death in few days.

He stopped the fast on the same day. Most of TN politicians are jockers. Remebber Sarath Fonseka told it few months ago. Our peelamists are going behind these jockers.

Frankly SL tamil politians are much much better than TN politicians. Unfortunately most of these good Tamil politicians were genocided by LTTE.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Yesterday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, all of a sudden, launched a fast demanding an end to Sri Lanka's war on terrorism. No sooner had he commenced the protest than he abandoned it! No politician, we believe, wants to starve himself to death in vain and be cursed posthumously as a schlemiel in the pocket of terrorists. Intriguingly, Karunanidhi has never ever asked the LTTE to let go of civilians, whom he is ready to die for! }

m.q.k said...


LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said on Tuesday Stockholm had recalled its ambassador to Sri Lanka after Colombo declined Bildt's participation in a joint mission there with French and UK colleagues due this week.

Bildt said the Sri Lankan decision not to accept him was "not good" for Stockholm's relations with Colombo.

"The Sri Lankan authorities have suddenly said that they don't accept me," he told reporters at an EU meeting in Luxembourg, adding that no reason had been given. "It's very strange behaviour ... exceedingly strange behaviour.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Art of Living Guru says facilities in IDP Welfare camps very good

A press release gives lie to Jayalalitha's comments:

A press release from the office of respected Art of Living Guru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar , clarifies that following his visit to civilian welfare centres in Vavuniya in Sri Lanka's Northern Province, "Sri Sri acknowledged that the facilities in the camps are much better" than "those the Indian Government has provided for the Kashmiri pundits and those provided for Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu."

The press release came in the wake of the political melodrama between two main political rivals in Tamil Nadu, Ms. Jayalaitha and Mr. Karunanidhi heated up on the Sri Lanka's conflict. Both politicians have started exploiting communal sentiments in order to win public support over each other. Ms. Jayalalitha , General Secretary of AIADMK , on Saturday (Apr 26) stated that the only solution for the problems faced by the Tamils in Sri Lanka is to divide the Island nation. Also, she said that she was convinced of her idea after listening to the Art of Living Guru and watching some videos shown by him. However, the press release clearly gives lie to the statement made by Ms. Jayalaitha and also highlights that such comments would not help any way to alleviate the plight of the Tamil Civilians in Sri Lanka .

According to the release, Sri Sri also asked: "How will the political drama and commotion happening in the State [Tamil Nadu] help the refugees in any case? Fasting or street demonstration or self-immolations will not help to bring solace to thousands of people in the camps. Instead of reaching out and helping the people who are in need, these incidents will only create fear and anger in society."

He was also of the view that "the relief materials sent by India to Sri Lanka are completely insufficient" and regretted that "Indian businessmen have not rushed to support the people there."

The press release, dated April 26, 2009, reads as follows:

"His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had visited the Internally Displaced People (IDP) welfare centres in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka on April 21st, 2009.

"Following his visit, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has appealed to the Government of India and the civil society to give as much relief materials like food, medicines, clothes etc to Sri Lanka. Sri Sri also said that the relief materials sent by India to Sri Lanka are completely insufficient.

He feels it is unfortunate that during this time of crisis the Indian businessmen have not rushed to support the people there. Spiritual leaders could have provided mental solace to the civilians in these camps.

"Sri Sri acknowledged that the facilities in the camps are much better compared to those that the Indian Government has provided for the Kashmiri pundits and those provided for Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu.

Sri Sri appreciated the selfless service of Col. Induneel de Silva and his dedicated team of army personnel in the Vavuniya Menik farm welfare centres. They had extended complete co-operation for Sri Sri and the Art of Living to distribute clothes and other relief materials in the camps.

"Sri Sri also met with President Mahinda Rajapaksa and appealed to him that the refugees in the camps should not be kept longer and that they should be sent back to their own homes as soon as possible. President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that he is fully responsible for the security of these innocent civilians. After de-mining the entire area, the civilians can be re-settled in their home towns.

"Sri Sri is of the opinion that Tamil-speaking Indian officials (the Indian Ambassador to Sri Lanka or any other official) could have instilled more faith and hope in the refugees. When the tsunami occurred, everyone came forward to help.

I would say that this is nothing less than a human tsunami. 'Why hasn't anyone come to help even at this moment of huge influx of people to the camps?', Sri Sri asked. "How will the political drama and commotion happening in the State help the refugees in any case? Fasting or street demonstration or self-immolations will not help to bring solace to thousands of people in the camps. Instead of reaching out and helping the people who are in need, these incidents will only create fear and anger in society, Sri Sri said."

Curtsey: The Hindu}

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Genocide !!!!

Doraiappa was genocided ! (Beginning of Genocide)

All Muslims & Sinhalese were Genocided from the Jaffna peninsula !!!

All TELO, EPRLF, PLOTE, TULF officers, supporters, politicians were genocided !!!!

Innocent civillians of any race were genocided by blasting bombs in Yal Devi, Busses, towns, Mosques, etc. !!!!!

Political leaders like Rajeeve, RP were genocided. !!!!!!

Now Wanni tamil civillians are being genocided by using as human shield. !!!!!!!!

Fianlly IC understand very well what genocide means & who is genociding !!!!!!!!!!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{m.q.k said...


It is a good news for SLGO.

Bad news for Peelamists.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{End Game Nears
In a surprise move, 59th division entered Vellamullivaikal, the LTTE leaders are trapped in no man's land.
15 LTTE leaders are confirmed killed, bodies are within sight of the 59th. Names of those bodies will be announced later. }

Malin said...

LK is crazy.. Tamil ellam is days aways..

Roy Muller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lalith Kuruwita said...

Breaking News !!!!

{or Bad News for All Peelamist !!!

& Good news for the remaining tamil civillians trapped by LTTP leaders !!!!}

{Karayamullivaikkal where VP is hiding has been sorrounded by 53, 55, 58 & TF8}

To ALL PEELAMIST living in US, Canada, UK, No-Way, Australia & EU.

Start fast to death right now !!!!

Start protest right now. !!!!

Start smashing Busses, & vehicles right now !!!!

Start jumping from bridges right now !!!!

Start suicide by burning right now !!!!

Start blocking streets right now !!!!

Start attacking embassies right now !!!!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Breaking News !!!!!

VP is sandwitched between 58 & 59 !!!!!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Breaking News !!!!

In a surprise move, 59th division entered Vellamullivaikal, the LTTE leaders are trapped in no man's land.
15 LTTE leaders are confirmed killed, bodies are within sight of the 59th. Names of those bodies will be announced later.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


I stopped dreaming !!!

but this is the truth !!!!

I myself pissed off not like you these days because yours getting pissed off without any knowledge.

Dark Knight said...

Roy Mule-r farts again.

The link it provided is older than the April 26th Press release, which was reported even in Indian media. Probably Sri Sri understood that he is being exploited by the terrorist propaganda, and thought of correcting it.

The press release, dated April 26, 2009, reads as follows: ....

... “Sri Sri acknowledged that the facilities in the camps are much better compared to those that the Indian Government has provided for the Kashmiri pundits and those provided for Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu

Now eat your tail out.

Dark Knight said...

Lalith Kuruwita said...

VP is sandwitched between 58 & 59 !!!!!
pork is not good for sandwich.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{(Lanka-e-News, April 28, 2009, 4.15 pm) State media said that the Army today (28) entered the Vellaimullivaikkal, the adjacent village to Kalayamullivaikkal, where LTTE leader Prabhakaran is believed hiding.

Forces broke the massive earth bund built by LTTE at Vellaimullivaikkal and entered the village. A vehicle several LTTE leaders were fleeing was attacked and several leaders were killed. They have not been identified yet but will be identified by evening, say state media.

Two 40-feet vessels that were on scaffoldings readied to ne launched were burning in Army attacks, said state media. A portion of the civilians remaining in the area were taken to Kalayamulivaikkal by the LTTE, said the rescued civilians. Army was transporting them to Valeimadam in tractors. None of the heavy weapons were used in this attack, said state media.

Army says that LTTE is now restricted to a three kilometer strip of land that is from Kalayamullivaikkal to Vadduwan bridge.}

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Good night to All Peelamist.

I am going to have a beer and sleep.

I also need to watch IPL.

Bhairav said...

More than 300 innocent Tamils are massacred by SLA and several hundreds wounded. Bodies are scattered all over the streets and wounded are unattended due to heavy shelling and bombing.

FreedomFighter said...

Fake Bardri : whats matter no one taking to you ?
did you take bedtime pills ? migth have to chain you self to the bad. I think you mummy forget to do that to you ?

Roy Muller said...

Dark Knight [Sri Sri acknowledged that the facilities in the camps are much better compared to those that the Indian Government has provided for the Kashmiri pundits and those provided for Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil]

Watch the clip to what he says at 0.50 sec onwards. Translation,

"It appears , that these people will end up as refugees like the KAshmiris pandits living in camps for a long period of time .. 10 yrs" Thats from the horse's own mouth idiot not what Hindu says. However the rest of the report in the Hindu is close to what he said during the press release.

FreedomFighter said...

LK cock sucker, we do not miss shit lanknas. so go and do what ever shit you do to keep you self
in dream world.

Dark Knight said...

Roy Mule,

What Hindu reports is also "horses own mouth", i.e. a press statement from Sri Sri's'. Are you saying that Hindu is lying?

Anyway, 10 years is not what he can say now, he has to wait and see. His comments on the condition and facilities of the camps are what he saw personally in his own eyes, happening right now.

Roy Muller said...

This is the video of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's press release. The Hindu just reported what he said during the press relaese.
Since Sri Sri, is spiritualist, not a politician, I dont wish to drag him into this conflict. And he too had made it clear than he is only into relief work. Listen to what he says and form your own conclusion ..

Ashok Kumar said...


Indian military officials say that as per their information, Prabhakaran is not inside the 6 NFZ.

They further said that the LTTE will continuue to be a potent threat if their top leadership is not cornered because then they will continue to have

- top leadership

- cadres

- sympathizers.

FreedomFighter said...

Intresting think about Mr Miliband and Mr Kouchner. They both have Jewish background.
I hope they understand the what sri lanka doing to tamils is not much different from what happend in WW2 jews.

Anonymous said...

SL Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa threatens. US, UK Should Mind Their Own Business.

tharu22 said...

The people of are so concerned with SLA firing in the no fire zone....
Can any of you tell me what the f**k LTTE is doing 'inside' the no fire zone? It was intended for civilians and if terrorists go in there engaing them is fair game under any international norm..
You're great Pirabaharan will go down in hisotry as the 'great hero' who hid behind civilians when things got tough...

gladiator said...

Peelam Boys

/SL Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa threatens. US, UK Should Mind Their Own Business./

Now you know he is fucking serious about this..ya.. no mercy... so solly boyz

all of u may attain peelam within next week

Dark Knight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dark Knight said...

Roy Muller said...

This is the video of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's press release. The Hindu just reported what he said during the press relaese.

So the video was uploaded to youtube on 23rd, of a press release that was issued on 26th? Probably super intelligent tamiz diASSpora can do such miracles ....

.. or probably you are a moron who can't read English.

Bhairav said...

Sooner or later truth will come out that SLA is actively engaged in war crimes against Tamils in Wanni as the civilian casualties top 23,000 in last 3 months
NY Times--------------------

Sri Lanka Denies Swedish Foreign Minister a Visa

Published: April 28, 2009

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Increasingly impatient with foreign calls for a pause in its war against Tamil rebels, the Sri Lankan government denied entry to the Swedish foreign minister who had planned to take part in a European Union humanitarian mission, Sweden said Tuesday.

Sweden said it would recall its chief diplomat in Sri Lanka.

Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and now the country’s foreign minister, told reporters in Luxembourg that his visa application was turned down by Colombo and accused the Sri Lankan government of “exceedingly strange behavior.”

“You just don’t act this way,” Mr. Bildt was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.

Two other European officials, Britain’s foreign secretary, David Miliband, and the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, will carry out the mission as planned, Mr. Bildt said.

As the Sri Lankan military closes in on Tamil Tiger rebels who are holding an estimated 50,000 civilians as human shields, the government here has become increasingly sensitive to foreign criticism of the war. A commentary in the pro-government Daily News on Tuesday was scathing in its criticism of the many countries, including India and the United States, that have called for a pause in the fighting.

“None of those who are urging from afar a humanitarian pause/cease-fire, amnesty and talks with the Tigers are going to live in Sri Lanka when the suicide bombers strike again, the parcel bombs go off in shops and at bus stops,” said the article, which was headlined, “Get your humanitarian paws off my country.”

The military continued its offensive on Tuesday, launching predawn attacks that killed at least seven rebels, according to a military spokesman.

On Monday, the Sri Lankan government tried to appease foreign governments, especially India, where the suffering of Sri Lankan Tamils has become an important issue in elections there, by declaring that it would no longer use heavy weapons against the rebel.

On Monday, the Sri Lankan government tried to appease foreign governments, especially India, where the suffering of Sri Lankan Tamils has become an important issue in elections there, by declaring that it would no longer use heavy weapons in its offensives.

A pro-rebel Web site,, said Tuesday that the government was not keeping its promise, and accused the military of bombarding rebel-held territory with artillery and mortars.

Thangamuttu Sathyamurthi, a government doctor working in the war zone who was reached by telephone by The Associated Press, appeared to corroboratethe rebels’ claim, saying a dozen shells hit a makeshift hospital, killing five patients.

There has been no independent confirmation of claims by either side. Journalists and aid workers are been banned from the war zone.

The Sri Lankan government has received about one third of the nearly $200 million it is seeking from foreign governments to help handle an exodus of 200,000 refugees from the dwindling four-square mile piece of rebel-held territory. At the same time, the government has declared large sections of the northern Sri Lanka off limits to most foreigners.

Those foreigners who have managed permission to work in the restricted area say they are in urgent need of more staff, especially nurses. Aid agencies say they are having trouble getting visas and security clearance for their personnel. Paul McMaster, a surgeon with Doctors Without Borders who has been treating some of the thousands of wounded civilians at a hospital in the north of the country, said the organization has staff waiting to enter the country.

“For us as a humanitarian organization, it’s extremely difficult for us to get permission to get staff in,” Dr. McMaster said. “It can take up to six weeks to get approval.”

In February, the government rejected Britain’s appointment of Des Browne, a former defense minister, as a special envoy focusing on the humanitarian situation in the country.

Rohitha Bogollagama, Sri Lanka’s foreign minister, said at the time that the appointment was “tantamount to an intrusion into Sri Lanka’s internal affairs and is disrespectful to the country’s statehood.” Sri Lanka, a former British colony, became independent in 1948.

Bhairav said...

Sweden said it would recall its chief diplomat in Sri Lanka.

Roy Muller said...

Dark Knight, is there any difference to what he said the press confrence and the press release ???

The point is people have been forcibly uprooted by from their homes and herded into concentration camps. Its not an issue of which camp has better facillties, SLA camps or Indian camps.

There is no basis for comparing Kashmiris pundits with Eelam Tamils. Eelam Tamils are forced into camps due to SLA's carnage and their homes subsequently occupied by Sinhala invaders.

In India, Kashmiris pundits and Eelam Tamisl live in refugee camps as refugees and not as POWs

Dark Knight said...

Roy Mule,

The point is people have been forcibly uprooted by from their homes and herded into concentration camps.
The point is that people are forcibly detained against their will and being shot at for trying to leave by the LTTE. Are you blind to this truth? This isn't government propaganda: thw whole world knows it except for the hypocrite diaspora who are eagerly waiting and wishing for more news of civilian casualties so they can further their eelam goal from the safe western countries. If you don't believe SL media, listen to the BBC:

The LTTE had built a bund and because of that structure it was difficult to move. People had to walk through neck-deep water.

Some children fell down in the water. It was difficult to cross that area. I don't know how to describe that.

We were trying to escape for the past month. We packed a few of our belongings and tried to escape at an opportune moment.

But we were prevented by the LTTE from escaping from the area. said...

Look at this picture...

tharu22 said...

tn thmilz,
You can cry if you feel like, so go ahead...
They appear to be shot by your 'liberators' when they were trying to run to the GOSL areas

tn thamilz said...

yes, As a human I cry for that kid. As a half animal, you feed on that kid and laugh.

Unknown said...

Fake pee-lame inbred janitors, fake cease-fire, fake freedom(torturing their own people),
fake freedom fighters(actually they are terrorists), fake fast unto death, fake fake fake...

you name it, so-called Eelam has the fake version. Even eelam is fake itself.

you wanna proof...

Then see this.

tharu22 said...

tn thamilz
Crying for that kid is not enough, you need to 'shout' against the rogue LTTE Who shoot at civilians who are running away...Then only your humanity will carry some weight...
I never laughed at that kid...don't be so presumptious

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["The point is that people are forcibly detained against their will and being shot at for trying to leave by the LTTE."]

And the Sinhala hypocrites refuse to admit the fact that if the IDPs try to leave their prison camps they will be shot by the Sri Lankan security forces. So how are you better than the LTTE?

1) You claim LTTE forcibly detained civilians, now you are forcibly detaining civilians.

2) You claim LTTE shoots at civilians if they try to flee, but armed Sri Lankan soldiers will also shoot at civilians if they try to escape IDP camps.

tharu22 said...

tn thamilz,
Glad to see your real 'human' side out in the open!!!

tn thamilz said...

tharu moron wrote: Glad to see your real 'human' side out in the open!!!...

Good.. "what goes around, comes around".. I hope you have kids..

Dark Knight said...

Badri-Nut says:

And the Sinhala hypocrites refuse to admit the fact that if the IDPs try to leave their prison camps they will be shot by the Sri Lankan security forces.

They are not "detained" as a human shield as LTTE did, and whole world except the terrorist supporters like Badrinath knows this. Their movement is restricted for security reasons, as LTTE terrorists can come hiding as innocent civilians. The suicide bomber who exploded a bomb in a camp killing many civilians is good evidence for anyone with a brain. That's why even the west and people such as Sri Sri are finding the conditions in the camps accpetable. Of course they are not 5-star hotels. We are a third world country. The lady who gave the interview to BBC sums it up well and ends up saying that they are now safe.

Of course Badri-Nut won't see this condition as "positive" as long as leaving civilian jeopardize his last hope of eelam under the fat pig. Waste of money invested perhaps?

tharu22 said...

tn thamilz
Actually it will come around to the LTTE scumbags who have shot at those fleeing civilians. (It's coming around as we speak)
So thanks for your concern but no need to worry about my kids

tn thamilz said...

tharu moron, It will come around to the scumbag terrorist singala thug government and solders who launched thousands of shells knowingly onto the civilians and to the crowd cheers from the side line (like you)... and btw, I am NOT worried about some half animal's breed..

tharu22 said...

tn thamilz,
Can you explain why are 'brave', 'fearless' 'invisible' LTTE taking refuge in the no fire zone? Last time I checked it was not meant for fleeing terrorists.

tn thamilz said... how many half breeds did you produce?

Bhairav said...

Don't be surprised if Karunanidhi, an arshole, comes out Tomorrow, and goes for another 4 hour fasting.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Tharu, didn't you used to pretend to be an Indian named Raja?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

All these fake "Indians" are nothing but Sinhalese pretending to be Indians. Both happen to be at University of Houston.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Bhairav said...
Boycotting Srilankan products won't give any significant effect as you think.

Time for Tamils to amass the strategic weapons as well as WMD - I do not want to go in details here. When you carpet bomb the innocent Wanni Tamils who hardly have one single meal a day and water, i think there is no GOD. Whether we save the Wanni Tamils or not, we should be in full swing to collect $2B within next 6 months, so that we can use it for our project.
April 27, 2009 12:36 AM


I don't plan to comment much. Nothing to say. Funniest comment from Bhairav.

But many thanks Bhairav. Keep on doing such acts.

Nevertheless I found few defects in the idea.

- If they have such a secret plan, why publish in Puligal

- Obviously WMD is a miracle for them. But a good idea. If you give some try for WMD soon you can enjoy international reaction of it.

- Clearly Bhairav wants to scare ppl. BTW these are childish attempts.

- Bhairav once said that he never gave money to pussycats. But his father is a big collector. So is this a try to steal some of the projected $2billion.

tn thamilz said...

1. if you believe in your moronic government propaganda, yes, they are not shelling the civilians. Actually, civilians blowing themself up with the kids beside them. UN and other IC are so wrong in asking government not to shell the NFZ. They are all LTTE terrorist anyway..
2. fight like a men? that is the funniest thing coming from a singala thugs who sent 200K armed thugs with MBRL, Artilleries and launch them from 5-10KM distance and drop bombs from the air. Why don't YOU fight like a men with one-on-one with LTTE?
3. So, bascically, you prove the point that you are using food and medicine as a war weapon to force the civilians to come to terrorist government side. Who the fuck needs half breed's assistance? Tamils over the world can take care of their brothers in eelam if they are left alone by your thugs..
4. how many half breed did you produce? or are you impotent and your better half breed work (screwed) in middle east?

abc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

Guys, if you can, comment favorably for this article.


If you can, plz leave your displeasure to this number - 151737323400- which belongs to Michigan Governor who was asked to attend the military victory of Srilankan government against LTTE Tomorrow somewhere in Michigan as one of Rajapaksha brothers is also attending this event.

abc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
abc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

Sri Lanka's denial of entry of Swedish FM "grave mistake:" Czech FM 2009-04-28 20:09:34 Print

LUXEMBOURG, April 28 (Xinhua) -- The Sri Lankan government's denial of entry of Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is a "grave mistake" and will have consequences, Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, said Tuesday.

"It is lamentable that the Sri Lankan government denied him a visa," Schwarzenberg told reporters.

"It is a grave mistake by the Sri Lankan government, which of course will have repercussions in Europe and will influence further relations between the Sri Lankan government and European states," he said.

Bildt had been scheduled to visit Sri Lanka this week along with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Both Miliband and Kouchner have been granted entry.

Schwarzenberg said Miliband and Kouchner were visiting Sri Lanka in their capacity as representatives of two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, therefore not directly linked to the European Union (EU).

But it was a good idea to take Bildt along, he said. The participation of Bildt, who is an expert in conflict resolution, would be very valuable for Sri Lanka, said Schwarzenberg.

abc said...

[Bhairav once said that he never gave money to pussycats. But his father is a big collector. So is this a try to steal some of the projected $2billion.]

I never said that my father is a fund collector except sympathizer. Well, I have never given a penny to LTTE in the past, but things have changed dramatically.

gladiator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gladiator said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

[You stateless bunch of rats, shitting all over the world, you all have a disorder in your DNAs

now take your eye balls out from ur ass and watch closely at 3:25 onwards in both videos

we have been sending esential comodities to LTTE controlled areas for fucking 30 years you moron. we r the only fucking nation in the world who feed their own fucking enamy.

Now can you see what they have done with it.they have been building fucking bunkers with the food.You stateless rats.. should I say more... uh?? isnt it not clear why you all rats dont have a country uh??? COZ YOU DONT DESERVE .... you sub humans.]

This is your misunderstanding..if you sinhalese people stopped send the food for Tamils, we would achieve the Eelam earlier because IC would think that you wouldn't treat your own people and the separate state would be the solution. But the Sinhalese cheat the world that they are sending food for Tamils and IC is silent for that.
You were mentioning that LTTE has been building bunkers. Of course they have to build the bunkers to prevent lose their lives from the bombs. What are you talking about? I think you should come to the reality. What sinhala government is doing now? They are begging money from other countries and fighting against LTTE. Do you know how many sinhala people live under the poverty?
One year ago Sarath Fonseka told to the media that there are only 700 LTTE fighters and they paper killed more than 5000 after that. Think about Jeya Sikuru in which Chandrika was telling to you people that LTTE is over and it was vanished after the Unceasing Waves.

Unknown said...

DW says animal Gamage screwed Chami Indeewari only once and kissed the dust in Vanni.

'Major Gamage leaves behind a wife whom he married 6 months ago.'

Does anyone knows Chami's address in Navalappitiya? She is now alone. Looking for someone who could screw better than Gamage.

tharu22 said...

I love this blog... Watching the 'fury' of stupidass diaspora is funnier than any comedy movie!
BTW, for those who talk GOSL invading "Tamil Homeland", I don't think GOSL ever invaded TamilNadu. That's the only Tamil homeland I know of... go ask for your homeland from India!!

tharu22 said...

Navindran anna,
I am sending some money to the civilians rescued from the terrorists. What's the latest exchange rate?

Unknown said...

UNOSAT has blocked access to the bomb-crater 10-page PDF file. Thye must be worring about the consequences of it. Bandrinath do have a down loaded file that you can post. This is critical information. Your single picture is the only one that is available now!

gladiator said...


AAhhh.. I got blinded by your extreme bliss of intelligence..

Now shall we go one by one ..

(This is your misunderstanding..if you sinhalese people stopped send the food for Tamils, we would achieve the Eelam earlier because IC would think that you wouldn't treat your own people and the separate state would be the solution. But the Sinhalese cheat the world that they are sending food for Tamils and IC is silent for that.

Now you accept that we sent essentials to the tamils.The rest doesnt matter coz imaginations dont fill up your stomach.

(You were mentioning that LTTE has been building bunkers. Of course they have to build the bunkers to prevent lose their lives from the bombs. What are you talking about? I think you should come to the reality.)

they have been bulding bunkers with FOOD SACKS you moron watch the videos first from 3:25 .I dont mind if they do it with sand bags.keep our own ppl in hunger while building bunkers with FOOD SACKS for a cheep propaganda mileage and still scream saying that we dont send or deliberately prevent sending enough food supplies to NFZ.who gave u the big brain, I bet that half elephant yaa?? pooook..ooh no.. pleas forgive me for laughing my ass.

[What sinhala government is doing now? They are begging money from other countries and fighting against LTTE. Do you know how many sinhala people live under the poverty?

China lends US,US lends India, India lends Sri lanka, Sri lanka lends Maldews... have you ever heard about something called globalisation. Eradicating the LTTE is the need of the hour nothing else matters.
The very same poor ppl elected MR just for finish the LTTE. look at the precedential election results in 2004 .he got most of his votes from rural areas and that y we feel happy when y call us 'bandas' its bandas Gov ruling you now so dont mess with it.. eer do you feel comfortable when we call you sakkiliyas.. if you dont, please.. its your own word used by you to insult your low cast toilet cleaning tamils.
If we get rid of LTTE having prosperity is a matter of time.

[One year ago Sarath Fonseka told to the media that there are only 700 LTTE fighters and they paper killed more than 5000 after that. Think about Jeya Sikuru in which Chandrika was telling to you people that LTTE is over and it was vanished after the Unceasing Waves]

didnt the fat pig seriously miscalculated the ability of SLA when he threaten us to make a bloodbath on sinhalese.Sarath Fonsekas miscalculation is far more better that that as you all can see ..dont you.

anyway my post was to the super idiot TntamilZ he was screaming about inadequate foods to NFZ, but you all are the doesnt matter

gladiator said...

Laptop Kum
[DW says animal Gamage screwed Chami Indeewari only once and kissed the dust in Vanni]

Didnt he screwd your Fatpig all the way from Mavilaru to womens pants in NFZ ,from 15000 sqkm to 8 Sqkm.

Im sure he was capable of other things as well... oww another thig.. isnt he looks like an indian guy his wife is so prity as a bollywod acrtess. I think its better Badri-nut start an analasys on that.It could be the one and only clue that u migt have to prove the indian involvement of bloody killing of 800+ rats in one nigt at pudu.

Unknown said...

Sri Lanka is not getting more and more desperate. Its evident that Rajapaske has no option as a ceasefire etc will not do anything to remove the problems surrounding Sri Lanka. Guess what he has no solution to the economic chaos and collapse. Hence keep bombing and bombing. Too bad whathever you do EELAM is a reality. I got to take my Hats off to Jaya. I mean most people will not have the guts to do something like support eelam before the election but she has.

Its after the election where she will carry out her promise. TDP looks to be set for a landisde swwep in the state and central goverment positions. AIADMK sweep is a non event now. Narendra modi is likely to be nominated to be deputy PM. However I have this creeping feeling that the left are going to form the next goverment. I mean Karat or Advani implies EELAM. Jaya will join the party that will deliver EELAM. She wants to get a landslide at the state polls after this.

Unknown said...

tharu22 if you wait it going to be 1:150. I hear the black market rate is now at 135. However there is good news for Sri Lanka. China might buy rupees to use it for toilet paper.

Unknown said...

Badrinath" good to see your post. People like Tharu should be allowed to use Indian names because they are refugees from places like Orissa who tamils gave shelther. All have tamil blood yet deny it. Hence one who wishes to identify himself as tamil should not be discouraged.

After all when has Sri Lanka been ever goverened by a so called sinhalese. Even Mahindha is malaylee. Why else does he go to pay homage in kerla to a hindu temple. Maybe after compiling all my postings on the net, they will call it scriptures, make me a god and pray to me.

tharu22 said...

Navindran buddy,
Thanks for the exchange rate info... If the 150 is gonna hit very soon I will hold on for a while... I hope the poor Tamil civilians won't mind...What's your take? I am sure you guys don't help these civilians despite your overwhelming sympathy for the same reason..
BTW, I don't need to pretend to be from another country, 'cos we're not 'homeless' like some of the people here..

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

Lanka Lies -:

Since the NFZ was designated in February, the authorities had claimed that not more than 70,000 refugees were inside the safe zone.

How could an area of less than 20 sq km accommodate more? they asked. Aid agencies and Tamil parties were exaggerating the number of refugees (their estimates varied between 2 lakh and 3.5 lakh), they said. Terrorist propaganda to woo the international community, they explained. We listened and thought that maybe the government was right.

Wrong. Within April 23, more than a lakh of refugees had walked across the placid lagoon in front of the NFZ. As of April 28, 1.11 lakh people crossed over.

Is truth first casualty in this war too
Can't belive even the indian's now begining to see lankan lies.

Roy Muller said...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...
[All these fake "Indians" are nothing but Sinhalese pretending to be Indians. Both happen to be at University of Houston.]

One of the resident "Indian" slumdog snooping around, is a die hard Hindian. These hypocrites will leave their slums and wretched life in India to settle in USA, at the drop of a hat. And yet these Indian low lifes will claim to be patroitic Hindian blah blah blah

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Following a meeting with Labour party MP for Ealing, West London, the LTTE flags which have been flying shamelessly in Parliament Square have been taken down as of yesterday.

According to information provided by those who were present at the meeting, Stephen Pound (MP) "learnt a more credible side to the story". He was "delighted to see the whole spectrum of ethnic communities of Sri Lanka" represented at the meeting speaking with one voice the truth surrounding the terrorist problem. There have been Sinhalese, Tamil, Burgher, Muslim, Sinhalese/Tamil mixed, Sinhalese/Tamil inter-married, white British and even a Sri Lankan Jewess at the meeting. He was particularly impressed with two Sinhalese/Tamil mixed children who accompanied their parents to the meeting. Mr Pound made references to the orderly, well behaved and decent manner in which the forum progressed. He admitted to have now been “heard with both ears”.

More information about this meeting will follow as and when made available to us.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The 58 Division engaged in their mission to rescue the remaining civilians trapped inside the No Fire Zone achieved yet another victory yesterday capturing the Tiger earth bund in Rettavaikkal to the south of Valayamadam using only light weapons military officials told the Daily News yesterday.

This was the first military victory achieved by the troops after the Government decided to end combat operations using heavy calibre guns, combat aircraft and aerial weapons which could cause civilian casualties.

Troops attached to the 58 Division under the command of Brigadier Shavendra Silva took up the challenge of capturing this heavily fortified earth bund constructed across the narrow stretch of the No Fire Zone dividing the No Fire Zone, following a surprise night move whilst the LTTE was using all forms of heavy weapons against the ground troops.

“Our troops managed to capture this earth bund which was one of the tactically important locations for the LTTE to defend their hideouts in the southern part of the No Fire Zone where LTTE leaders are believed to be hiding through their military tactics and manoeuvres, using small arms,” a senior military official added.

The infantry troops attached to the 58 Division also foiled numerous counter attacks which came in the form of explosive laden vehicles, sea borne attacks and armoured tanks to recapture the earth bund which was 10 to 12 feet in height and 700 meters in length defending the southern part of the No Fire Zone where Tiger leader Velupillai Prabhakaran is believed to be hiding.

“Our gallant soldiers also averted a major disaster after destroying an explosive laden vehicle which was driven towards the earth bund after it was captured by the troops, firing few rounds of Rocket Propelled Grenades towards the lorry before it reached the earth bund,” the official added.

nallur said...

Adey pulikal

nallur said...

they captured my knight rider truck

nallur said...

adey pulikal please tell m.g.k. monkey not to take his hat off but to take off his pant

Nilambare said...

[tharu22 said...
BTW, for those who talk GOSL invading "Tamil Homeland", I don't think GOSL ever invaded TamilNadu. That's the only Tamil homeland I know of... go ask for your homeland from India!!]

Well said brother. These stupid Ealamists never understand. They contradict their own statements. One time they want a piece of SL, another time it is Shit Lanka. Why do these LTTE die-ass-poras want a piece of a shit country?.

They are not even in SL, yet they want a part of it. This is halarious. I have frequestly advised them to stay where they are, we do not want them.

btw, now they do not have any place to send their money (Where is Ealam bank) and I hear all the fund colectors are enjoying the huge collection. Before long, the "Supreme Leader" aka 'Fat Pig' will be no more and with no records of collected funds, no Auditor-General to audit, fund collector pussies will have a merry time.

Feeling hurt? Wait for another week or so, it will realy hurt.

Ashok Kumar said...

1. ''Hundreds of civilian casualities in 17 hour blitzkreig''

by DBS. Jayaraj.

Please read it.

2. European Union Chairman has severely condemned Srilanka for denying visa to Swedan's foreign minster.

Ashok Kumar said...

DBS Jeyaraj:

''The 17 hour blitz conducted by the armed forces has made the government's announcement of 'combat operations' being ended a hollow farce.

The Rajapakse's regime's international credibility is at an all time low.

After maintaining that only 70,000 persons were in LTTE areas and restricting supplies, it proudly claimed that 1,10,000 had been rescued in four days.

Now it says only 15,000- 20,000 civilians are there while the official administrative figures put it at 1,65,000 and NGO figures estimate vary from 80- 120,000.

After denying consistently that it had been firing and bombing the so- called 'no fire zone', the government admitted that it had in fact been doing so when it made the announcement about ending combat operations.

After making such a 'confession', the goverment has not honoured its pledge at all by launching an intensive blitz of artillery and heavy mortor fire along with aerial bombardment.

A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Vanni.''

Ashok Kumar said...

- Seeman has just been released from jail (27th).

- Total no of candidates in 40 constituencies in Tamilnadu: 824.

- ''We do not wish Prabhakaran any ill'' - P.Chidambaram.

CriMeWatCh said...

Please forward this to all of your friends....

To play the Video go to:

To download the video go to :

This video is meant to persuade the Tamils in Tamil Nadu not to support the Indian Congress party in this coming election because the Congress Party fully supported the genocidal war against Tamils in Sri Lanka. This video was passed to us by Tamil well wishers. We are just passing it to you.

m.q.k said...

We adore Prabhakaran

We have to laugh at them because he is our leader and he is fighting for us. But no one talks about state terrorism which is run by the Sri Lankan government. He is freedom fighter.

When asked about reports that Prabhakaran might escape through a submarine, she replies, “We will be glad to hear that if that really happened. I will be the first person to be happy.”

FreedomFighter said...

I can't belive this stupid defence people propagand, any one whatch these vdioe of Daya mater interview, it very obvious its dubbed.

Raja said...

[Inner City Press asked about the EU's leverage over Sri Lanka on tariff issues, and the pending request for a $1.9 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund. "The Americans want to play with the question of the IMF loan," Ripert said, "shat is commitment is to get the commitment to stop."]

This is the first real indication that the delay in the IMF loan is due to the US using it as leverage to pressure the GOSL. If that's the case then it must have been communicated to the GOSL and it obviously hasn't worked. The GOSL probably feels it can bullshit it's way out of trouble once it captures the rest of the safezone. Not sure if the US will bite. So far the US has not actively pushed the SL issue at the UN. I wonder whether they are waiting for the Indian elections to end. That seems like the diplomatically polite thing to do.

FreedomFighter said...

As expected :

Britain, France fail to secure S. Lanka truce

Foreign Secretary David Miliband and his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner said Wednesday they had failed to secure an agreement from Sri Lanka to end an offensive against Tamil rebels and allow humanitarian access to civilians trapped by the fighting. "We tried very hard, we insisted, and we insisted, but it is up to our friends to allow it or not," Kouchner told a news conference after talks with his Sri Lankan counterpart. Miliband also signalled the talks had ended in failure, reminding the Sri Lankan government that calls for a ceasefire were "only to save civilians" and not the Tamil Tigers.

gladiator said...

[As expected :Britain, France fail to secure S. Lanka truce

didnt Gota said it loud and clear befor 'mind your own business'

Bandas Rules !!! no mess

FreedomFighter said...

[didnt Gota said it loud and clear befor 'mind your own business'Bandas Rules !!! no mess]

Gotta in deep shit, he does not know that yet.

But the problem is when these two big boys fail.
I do not think they give up on it. There will be even greate presure. Speically now they have seen and heard all the lankan lies.

Also they are bing chalanged and insulted by tiny little failed state.

I am sure some sort firm action that will have to happen, now. thats how the diplomats work.

gladiator said...

FF Dear Boy

[There will be even greate presure. Speically now they have seen and heard all the lankan lies.]

Its LTTE who lied to the world 30 years now it the era of truth.GOTA beat them with the truth thats y the big boys had to back with their tail up their ass. LTTE is banned for a reason there is no escape for them.

come out of your shell and see the sunshine

Raja said...

[I am sure some sort firm action that will have to happen, now. thats how the diplomats work]

The visit of the highest ranking diplomats from the two European nations that sit on the UN Security Council, and the nation that is going to assume the EU presidency next month was highly symbolic. I don't think it's a coincidence that this meeting occurred so soon after the UN release of casualty numbers. If the intent was to show that they've exhausted all other avenues of diplomacy before pushing for a formal UN Security Council resolution, then clearly that is accomplished. On the other hand, this could all just be cynical posturing to protect against being accused of doing nothing while many more civilian lives are lost on the beaches of Mullaitivu.

FreedomFighter said...

Raja what would happen in formal UN Security Council resolution ? if that to happen ?

Would a InternationEnquiry in to the War Crime requires a resolution to pass the UNCSC ?

FreedomFighter said...

[cynical posturing to protect against being accused of doing nothing while ]

I doubt that, becuase if they want they could do nothing. Just like the canadian govenment.

Also 3 forign minister visit can't be symbolic act.

There plenty of evidance and media coverage of the situation, if they do not do enything it going allow for more countys like sri lanka, pop up every where.

Also if EU is trying to pull sri lanka to their side from china they would have done differently
with money. But see how much is in offer 2.5 milion by Brition. Another few milion by australia. (obvious they are broke)
So that not a case.

Something fishy going on.

gladiator said...

Raja what would happen in formal UN Security Council resolution ? if that to happen ?

prety clear.. China and Rusia use the VITO no intervention can be done.. done and dusted

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

well even geting the eelam issues to be talked in UN sc is a major step for tamils. I guss we just have to wait and see what world can do about this genocide of tamils.

To all those sinhala patriots, you say you won the war ? Ah i thought it was a hostage rescue operation ?.

Indian said...

For UNSC to formulate a process\action the resolution has to be passed.With China so strongly supporting Lanka,UNSC will not be able to do anything.

Last gap step,is acting against the will of UNSC.But which country is willing to do that against the will of the 2 regional powers - thats the big question.

MR knows it all too well,else he wouldnt have the guts to send some deputy minisiter to receive the 2 FM's of powerful nations

m.q.k said...


Of course it is a rescue operation!!

They are rescuing them from tigers by killing them!!

FreedomFighter said...

Well, one thing for sure, there are other serveral steps can be taken other then UN SC resolution. But the things slowly building up to something.

I been noticing that in western media specialy UK. They have been highly vocal and united in exposeing sri lanka, seems to be a sign that firm action by UK could take place at some point.

It must be alarming to the west to see how how UN envoys are dancing to the tune of india and china.

gladiator said...


do you have any idea that why these ppl in this blog think that GoSL kill all the civilians came to them and there is Genocid hapenning and ppl are willingly staying with ltte. can you explain it to me please

FreedomFighter said...

[ppl in this blog think that GoSL kill]

1) personal experaince of GOSL, SLA, SLF killings
2) GOSL lies proof - : its own staments HRW reports, hinudtan times etc
3) not allowing UN moniotrs in to safe zone
4) injured familys members in vanni concentration camps
5) not offering a ceasefire even when 200k people are in danger.
6) knowing the nature of singala budist state by long suffering of tamils at hands of these singala thugs since independance
7) knowing nature of tigurs and knowing they wont hurt tamils
8) knowing that tamils prefer LTTE to GOSL

Indian said...

UK on its own cant do anything without the backup from the regional powers.

Already their forces are over exploited in Iraq and Afghan.They will not be ready to forcefully intervene under such circumstances.

Gladiator,I dont understand your query.But nevertheless,

I think today,as per Tiger claims 1.6 lac people are caught in the NFZ and GoSL puts it at 15-20k.The truth would be somewhere in the middle and theres no way to verify either claims.

Tiger's claim people voluntarily move with them.Again there is no chance to verify these claims.In the videos that we see on web,news channels people who came out of NFZ say a different story.Guys here call it as gimmick by GoSL while GoSL says its the fact.But in anycase,I dont think around 1lac people would come out running if they went voluntarily with Tigers.They would have done that when Kilinochchi fell itself.Atleast some more of them would have survived.

Accepting which side is stating the fact depends on your own take on this situation.

When the NFZ was declared unilaterely by GoSL,if Tiger's are so concerned about the civilians as we are given to understand by various comments they make,only Tiger's can explain why they moved into the NFZ at the first place.They knew for sure that SLDF will attack them inside the NFZ.Yet they wanted that to use to their own needs.Its really such a shame for an organization which claims to represent those very same people,which it is ready to sacrifice to save a few who matters.

But its nothing new to them.They have gone after their very own brethren in the past as well and have executed thousands.Yet the people who cry murder here,were conspiciously silent.

2 days back I saw on newspapers when Ramadoss equated VP to Subash chandra Bose.Nothing could be more insulting to Subash Chandra Bose and his INA men,few of who are still alive.

Netaji's ways of attaining freedom was completely opposite to what Gandhi\Nehru\Patel etc thought.Still Nethaji didnt go around eliminating them becoz they had views different from him.Nor did he go after the supporters of these people.Hope you get the drift

Ashok Kumar said...

Veerakesari is giving a good coverage of Indian elections in its epaper with links to various political parties' website. You can find details of the candidates also.

FreedomFighter said...

"The reconciliation must happen. I think it will be done," Kouchner said as he visited the camps, where 110,000 Tamils are being held for screening.

sounds like french minister want to force reconciliation on tamils ?

I think sri lanka ia fooling the FM's with their guided tour.

Ashok Kumar said...

In fact Prabhakaran has done much more than even Che guvera and Subash Chandra Bose.

Shubash had the backing of Japan, Germany and Italy.

Prabhakaran started the movement without any backing. Indians tried to use and then throw LTTE out. But Prabhakaran withstood the backstabbing of India and even without their support, went on to conquer 15,000 square kilo metres.

Che and Fidel had Russian support.

But only with his people's support, Prabhakaran has sustained the movement for more than three decades.

He set up the entire administrative set up for an Eelam government.

Militarily he developed Tigers in to a conventional army supported by sea tigers and even went on to acquire an air wing and submarines too.

Which other leader has his integrity, commitment and military genius?

Now he has emerged as the undisputed leader of Tamils worldwide.

You will have very few parallels in history to compare him with.

Perhaps as we are his contemproaries, we do not fully appreciate what actually he is.

FreedomFighter said...

Even an Indian accepting there are "regional powers" in south asia ? I thought it was junst India.

Nathji did not eliminate other liek Gandthi becuase there were all fighting for the same cuase that is free india by different means.

But in eelam cause some people turned against the common cause ( free tamil eelam(. These people betrayed their own people to work with forign powers to undermine the freedom stugule.

Eeelam tamils do not see that major problem here. When tamil joins hands with enemy to
sell our freedom then they become enemy too.
Like Kruna ( Reconciliation Minister) and Douglas Davanda etc.

Our enemys is Sihalese Budist Nation called sri lanka.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{58 Div captures another earth bund: March-on to rescue remaining civilians

58 Division troops who liberated the Rektavaikkal junction on Tuesday (Apr 28) afternoon advanced further South tiring-out terrorist resistances and stamped another victory, capturing a 200m long earthbund.

According to military sources, the earth bund was under construction and captured by the 58 Div infantrymen this morning (Apr 29), following hours of intense close-quarter fighting with LTTE. During subsequent search operations conducted troops have uncovered a dozer and a few other construction equipment, military sources said.

Meanwhile, terrorists have also made a desperate attempt to ram an explosive laden vehicle targeting the advancing troops, military sources said. }

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{FreedomFighter said...

"The reconciliation must happen. I think it will be done," Kouchner said as he visited the camps, where 110,000 Tamils are being held for screening.

sounds like french minister want to force reconciliation on tamils ?

I think sri lanka ia fooling the FM's with their guided tour.

Those days LTTP with foriegn ministers of west fooled SLGO. Now it is reversed mate as you mentioned.

FreedomFighter said...

[In fact Prabhakaran has done much more than even Che guvera and Subash Chandra Bose.]

I accept that. Very good points made there.

Indian have to remmber Chelvanigam , he did all he can to achive freedom for tamils. When notheing worked he passed on the stugle to next
generation youth like Prabaharan.
Prabhakaran is our Hero.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


SLGO offerred ceasefire for two days for LTTP to release civillian. LTTE did not allow a single civillian to move SLA control areas. Instead they regrouped and build 4 earth bunds.

So there is no point of having any more ceasefire. Instead SLA now liberating civillians. It is accepted by IC, UN, & India.

FreedomFighter said...

Ah LK, i thought war was over and you have had Praba in the custody.

Were you born as pre mature baby ? or was it that you have habit pre mature ejaculation when you think about, our handsom leader ?

Raja said...

It's too early to assume that there is no chance of a UNSC resolution being passed because of China/Russia. We don't know how much political capital China is willing to spend on SL. The western bloc might be able to work out a deal with China, possibly by cutting them some slack on Tibet/Sudan or some other incentive. So far there hasn’t been any lobbying at the UN by the west. I think there is no question that "right to protect" can be invoked because the GOSL has without a doubt committed the cardinal sin of firing into the safe zone. A line of argument that’s emerging from the US is that both the LTTE and the GOSL have abdicated their responsibility to protect civilians. By making this argument they can justify a UN intervention in the island without supporting the LTTE.

FreedomFighter said...

liberating people ? what dead or alive ?
then locking them in concentration camps ?
Are you telling a joke or somethig here ?

FreedomFighter said...

UK, France FM's are still in the country they are are unlikely to amke serious statement while in country.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{I been noticing that in western media specialy UK. They have been highly vocal and united in exposeing sri lanka, seems to be a sign that firm action by UK could take place at some point.}


When is the "Some Point" ?

May be in another 5 years.

You know Pakistan President refused to meet Golden Brown in Pakistan. UK is not a powerful nation any more. They cannot influence government the way they want that they used to be. That is why LTTP supporters tried hard to get US, UK, EU, Canada, No-way to influence and they thought SLGO can be influenced at the last moment. But couldn't. Even Hilary farted but in vein.

I like Asian countries like China, India, Japan & Koria to step up. Those days all western countries against China and trying to attack using Human violations. But now all these western countries do not complain against China and they all want not to collapse Chinese Economy. Most of these countries need to do business with China.

As Asians we must be proud. What all western countries did was to use our own resources to maximise their profits.

Within 20 years all these western countries start begging Asian countries. Asia will be most powerful countries.

What SLGO did was to get the support from Asian countries like India, China, Pakistan, Japan, Iran & Israil. LTTP went by western countries.

Who won. Asian countries.

I am sure that US, UK & UN will start to consult SLA to get advise to crush Al Kaida & Taliban. After the war SLGO would become strong country in Asia.

m.q.k said...

ashok.... any candidate having good chance to defeat CP cogress..

m.q.k said...

FreedomFighter said...
UK, France FM's are still in the country they are are unlikely to amke serious statement while in country.


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Recently I was watching a program of Banglore IT hub. The program consulted IT managers of majot IT companies of westren countries. They all are worried because most of IT projects and call center moved to India. Few to SL as well. They asked IT managers of reputed Indian companies. They are happy but they have treats. They the treat is from SL because SL is doing in IT very goods and projects are starting to move SL.

We all must be proud as Sri Lankans.

m.q.k said...

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{m.q.k said...

FreedomFighter said...
UK, France FM's are still in the country they are are unlikely to amke serious statement while in country.


Yes m.g.k.

UK PM is in Pakistan to influence Pakistan Governemnt not to negociate with taliban terrorists but to crush them.

How can they influence SLGO to stop to crush LTTE terrorists and negotiate?

So UK & France would not influence SLGO. What they are trying to work out a plan to resettle the liberated civilians in the North & East. Then they need SLGO to negotiate with all Tamil parties for a political solution.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{London's Guardian newspaper charged that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, now cornered in a five square kilometers in the North East of Sri Lanka forcibly make 12 year old children snatched from their parents, sometimes beating and shooting at them, to take guns and fight the Sri Lankan forces.

"Children as young as 12 being forcibly removed from families as Tamil Tigers make last stand against Sri Lankan forces," the newspaper said.

Guardian said children as young as 12 are being given guns and forced to fight on the frontline alongside desperate Tamil Tiger rebels cornered inside Sri Lanka's no-fire zone, quoting UN sources.

Those forcibly recruited included the 16-year-old daughter of a member of the UN staff, who had stayed inside the narrow strip of coast where the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are making their last stand. It added.

Gordon Weiss, the UN spokesman in Sri Lanka, said there had been credible reports of clashes between LTTE members and families on the beaches who had tried to prevent their children being taken. Some of those who resisted had been beaten or shot, he said. "They are sitting there on the sand and groups of armed LTTE come along and demand a member of the family joins them. They ask for one or two children and they are running around grabbing people," Weiss was quoted having said.

"They have been taking children as young as 12, handing them a gun and marching them off and putting them to work. They are not being seen again by their families." As the fighting intensifies, the LTTE is running short of experienced fighters and is relying once again on children to boost its numbers, the Guardian said.

Weiss said many children living in areas controlled by the LTTE before the latest offensive received military training as part of their schooling. He added that the 16-year-old UN family member had now managed to escape from the fighting


Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Maori party MP blocks pro LTTE motion in New Zealand parliament

(By: Walter Jayawardhana)

At a glance the motion looked like a very progressive one asking for a ceasefire in Sri Lanka but the Maori Party Member of New Zealand, who represent the native people of New Zealand , Te Ururoa Flavell knew better. Using his powers as a MP he blocked the motion, because the resolution simply wanted to revive the world's most cruel terrorist group , the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and pull it out of the grave. Maoris are the proud natives of New Zealand, who inhabited the Pacific island before the white man invaded.

But "Progressive" leader Jim Anderton is upset a Maori Party MP blocked a parliamentary motion expressing concern about the "humanitarian" situation in northern Sri Lanka, a New Zealand website said.

"Mr Anderton said his motion was not about taking sides in a bitter conflict that the United Nations estimates has resulted in 200,000 civilians fleeing their homes, 4500 deaths and 12,000 people wounded since January". But either Anderton did not tell or he did not know that these civilians were running away from the LTTE enclave they were being kept as a human shield and the Tamil Tigers were sending human bombs who were exploding themselves and shooting at the fleeing civilians to stop them from going. From the human bombs 263 were severely wounded. 17 died on the spot.

"The motion called for the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam to cease hostilities, respect international humanitarian law and condemn violence against civilians." But Anderton did not know by the ceasefire the worst perpetrators of the Tamil suffering, who are at their death's door, namely the LTTE would get another lease of life.

Any single MP can block such a motion without giving any reason and Maori Party MP Te Ururoa Flavell did so.

Te Ururoa Flavell, congratulations for your wisdom and thank you very much on behalf of all peace loving Sri Lankans. }

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The last post was another PEELAM win.

FreedomFighter said...

பங்களாதேசுக்கு இந்திரா காந்தி படை அனுப்பிய தர்மத்தின் அடிப்படையில் இலங்கைக்கு நான் படை அனுப்பி ஈழம் அமைப்பேன்!": மீண்டும் வலியுறுத்துகின்றார் ஜெயலலிதா

srilankan said...

FreedomFighter said...

[What SLGO did was to get the support from Asian countries like India, China, Pakistan, Japan, Iran & Israil.]

Thats becuase these country do not respect human rights.

LK you have never travelled much have you ?
thats why you think higly off asia. No doupt asia is developing. But its long way off to
provide same level freedom and as western country.

So our freedom strugle is more powerfull in western country and it apeals to them. they are more considerate then countrys like china or iran.

West obviously does like sri lanka, acts of war crime. so sri lanka belong with 3'rd world devlopeing nations.

This made me laugh at your knowledge on the world. If you care to analyse what the root cause for the current financial problem you will see its this so called freedom in these western countries that bought us in this trouble.

Western development is just a wail covering the ugly face of empire building.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


I respect some of your points.

But western countries started talking about Freedom after they developed. Before that they chased away the Indiginous people, grabbed their land and used for their profit. This happenned in US, Canada, Australia, NZ. See what they have done to Africa. Most of mineral resources are still owned or controlled by westreners. That is why still Africans are poor nations. That is why Zimbabwe president chased away the westerners.

Fortunately Asians did not go behind westren countries. What they complain is Freedom of Asian countries. This is because thay all are scared of their economy. But western countries did not give any freedom to their indiginous people. Even Indiginous people were not given the voting power like what UK did to South Africa.


Believe in Asians rather that westerners.

Roy Muller said...

Refer to the video on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's press conference, the link I have posted earlier. Watch from 8.30 secs onwards.

Thats is very revealing piece of information by Sri Sri. IMO, I think VP was expecting this to happen and was fully prepared it.

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

[But western countries started talking about Freedom after they developed. Before that they chased away the Indiginous people]

Ok, so thats what sri lanka copying is it ?
by chassing a way tamils from their home land ?

FreedomFighter said...

[Western development is just a wail covering the ugly face of empire building.]

And Sri Lanka's war on tamils is actually a wail covering the ugly face of genocide.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The UN report with satellite images has been password protected to stop the public from viewing it. They have foolishly failed to remove the file, so I have downloaded it and will hack the password shortly and then re-upload the file with no password protection.

Raja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raja said...

GOSLs new best friend donates a whopping 2 Million Rupees for the relief effort.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Both Sinhalese & Tamils are indiginous people in SL. Portugese, Dutch & British are the migrated, but not many settled in SL like they did in Aus or NZ.

So they couldn't chase away Sinhalese or Tamils.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi FF & peelamists

You always say SLGO lies.

Read the following. LTTE killed over 200 civillians - By Daya Master

{A former spokesman for the Tamil Tigers who surrendered last week has accused the rebels of shooting dead at least 200 civilians and forcibly recruiting children as young as 13.

Velayudam Dayanidi, better known as Daya Master, made the accusations in a video interview released today on the Sri Lanka Defence Ministry's website ten days after surrendering with V.K. Pencharatnam, known as George, a former aide to the Tigers' late political chief.

Both appeared in the video and seemed to be relaxed and in good health, but it was not possible to speak to them directly or to verify whether the interview was conducted under duress.

The interview was released as David Miliband, the British Foreign Secretary, and his French counterpart, Bernard Kouchner, arrived in Sri Lanka to press for a ceasefire to allow aid agencies to reach tens of thousands of civilians trapped with the last of the Tigers in a 3.8-square-mile strip of land on the northeastern coast.
Related Links

* Sri Lankan army ordered to halt bombardment

* Final push to obliterate Tamil Tigers

* Ceasefire 'threatened by attack'

Daya Master said that he had left the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2006 after the collapse of a 2002 ceasefire brokered by Norway, but had been forced to rejoin.

“LTTE was keeping the Tamil people as hostages,” he said, according to the English subtitles on the video.

“LTTE attacked civilians who were trying to get out of Suthanthirapuram,” he added, referring to a village inside the conflict zone.

“People were shot. Many died. Nearly 200 civilians died due to LTTE fire. LTTE propaganda was that these people died because of military shelling.”

The Tigers have accused the army of shelling Suthanthirapuram in January, killing dozens of civilians, but civilians fleeing the same area in February also reported seeing the rebels shoot dead dozens of people trying to escape.

“When people moved into Puthumatalan, there too civilians were shot when trying to get out. Many died. People were beaten up, shot and many died,” Daya Master said.

Puthumatalan is next to the earthen fortification that the army breached on April 20, starting an exodus of more than 100,000 civilians from the conflict zone.

The army has broadcast footage taken from a surveillance plane that appears to show Tiger gunmen shooting into a crowd of civilians on a beach.

The Tigers are banned as a terrorist organisation by the US, the EU and India and have killed thousands of innocent people, many with suicide bombs, since launching their armed struggle in 1983.

Daya Master also backed up accusations by the army and civilians fleeing the area that the Tigers have been forcibly recruiting children.

“In all the refugee locations the LTTE forcibly took away children as young as those born in 1994, 1995 and 1996. The LTTE conscripted even one and only child in a family. Sick children like heart patients too have been forcibly conscripted,” he said.

“When children are removed forcibly, parents have attacked the recruiters. They retaliated and assaulted parents and forcibly removed the children.”

The UN has also accused the Tigers of forcibly recruiting children, including the 16-year-old daughter of one of its own staff.

Daya Master and George described how civilians had been moving around the conflict zone for weeks trying to find a way to escape without the Tigers noticing.

“Only the ablest of the lot were able to get out – the weaklings were unable to get out because there was firing from behind,” George said.

The two men said that they seized their chance to escape on April 20 when the army breached the earthen mound and thousands began rushing to government-controlled territory. }

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Two of Britain's most senior Indian-origin MPs Wednesday denounced Sri Lankan Tamil protesters who turned violent during a demonstration outside the Indian High Commission this week, saying they must now apologise.

Keith Vaz and Virendra Sharma, who belong to the ruling Labour party, said in a joint statement they were "deeply concerned" to hear that protesters had damaged the Indian High Commission building and forcibly entered it during a large demonstration Monday.

"Although feelings are running extremely high because of the deteriorating situation in Sri Lanka, this is no excuse for violent action and we call upon those responsible to apologise and for the police to investigate and bring to justice those who have carried out these acts," the statement said.

"The Indian government has repeatedly called for an immediate ceasefire in Sri Lanka and we have consistently called for peaceful demonstrations and a peaceful resolution of the crisis," said the MPs, who are well-known supporters of the Tamil campaign for justice in Sri Lanka.

Police arrested five Tamils who forced their way into the Indian High Commission building in central London Monday during a demonstration by thousands.

Protesters also smashed windowpanes, Indian diplomats said.}

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Civilians being beaten and women raped by Sri Lankan soldiers as they surrender:

["The agency says that people without shelter are staying out in the open in the blazing sun and in the sweltering heat. It has also received “persistent” reports of physical assaults on men and women fleeing from the LTTE and into Government-controlled areas. “We are reminding the Government of its responsibilities towards the civilian population and to ensure the protection of its own citizens,” Mr. Spindler stated."]

Search Engine Genie said...

I am from Tamil Nadu and i am just an ordinary citizen. Believe me i never cared about LTTE or Sri lankan crisis until the recent events unfolded. Today i support LTTE and tamils in sri lanka to the core. Its not just me but most of my colleagues in my office share same sentiment. Why? its because of the Sri Lankan Government's attitude. I never deny LTTE's attitude is wrong. But a democratic government cannot fight in equal to an extremist organization. It only angers we Tamils in Tamil Nadu.

We feel Sri Lankan Government is ready to kill 10,000 civilians for 100 LTTA cadres. The more Sri Lanka is stubborn more we get angry and more we support LTTE and their causes. We feel the same as US or French or UK governments. See america if they deal with civilians even if its 10 people they give a lot of respect to human life. But Sri Lankan government is ready to kill 10,000 own citizens just for 100 LTTE.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Jayalalitha promises to send Indian army to Lanka to form independant Eelam if she controls central government with her seats:

"Musiri (TN), Apr 29 (PTI) Upping the ante, AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa tonight said if a government of her choice was formed at the Centre after Lok Sabha polls, she would take steps to send the Indian army to Sri Lanka to form a separate Tamil Eelam in that country.
Addressing an election meeting here, she said "naan sollum madhya arasu amayndal, India padaiyai anuppi tani eelam amaikka nadavadikkai eduppen." (If a central government of my choice is formed, I will steps to send our troops to Sri Lanka to form separate Eelam)." Attacking Congress leaders for criticising her that she was not aware of international law, Jayalalithaa asked whether they would flay Indira Gandhi in a similar vein for sending the Indian army to create Bangladesh and Rajiv Gandhi for sending the IPKF to Sri Lanka in 1987."

giri said...

dear search engine, first i want to say thanks behalf the Tamils who love their home land (eelam) for you,your colleagues and all the peoples from tamilnadu who know the true and feel our pain.

you know one think, some month before, sl army commander says, 'all the tamil nadu politicians are jokers' on the time everybody got angry and make the statements against him. but, recently we see the dramas which are the politicians play. we are not angry with them.but now we feel the pain more than the government of srilanka made.
the Congress ( Indian central government) says war in srilanka is their problem. we can't interfere on this. but they forget one think happened 38 years before. mrs Indra gandhi make the invasion in the neighbour country Pakistan and dived it to make Bangladesh. is this a forgettable history?

we have only one question to forward to mrs.sonia gandhi, how many tamils life (including women, infants, children and elders) you need for revenge for rajiv gandhi's' death. but we can't forget over 6000 innocent deaths add more than 2000 rapes done by the IPKF in tamileelam on 1987-1990.

i like to say thanks again from my heart.


tn thamilz said...

This is what would happen to tamils throughout the island if LTTE is entirely defeated. What the singala thugs doesn't realize is, it is the IC that keeps the LTTE not going back to the old ways even after extreme provocation from Singala thug government. Every passing day suggest me that LTTE will soon go back to targeting the south, this time with more vengeance.

ரத்தினபுரி திருவிழா: சிங்கள இளைஞர்கள் மிரட்டல்!

இது சிங்கள நாடு!" என மிரட்டல்: அச்சுறுத்தலினால் றக்குவானை சிறீ முத்துமாரியம்மன் ஆலய திருவிழா நிறுத்தம்

இலங்கையில் உள்ள இரத்தினபுரி மாவட்டத்தில் சிங்கள இளைஞர்களின் அச்சுறுத்தல்களினாலும் மிரட்டல்களினாலும் சுமார் 200 வருட வரலாற்றைக்கொண்ட றக்குவானை ஸ்ரீமுத்துமாரியம்மன் ஆலய ஆண்டுத்திருவிழா நிறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.

முத்துமாரியம்மன் ஆலயத்தின் திருவிழாவை ஏப்ரல் மாதம் 28 ஆம் நாள் தொடங்கி மே மாதம் 10 ஆம் நாள் வரை கொண்டாட தீர்மானித்து அதற்கான ஏற்பாடுகளை செய்து கொண்டிருந்த வேளையில்தான் இந்த அச்சுறுத்தல் வந்துள்ளது.

சிங்கள இளைஞர்கள், ’’இது சிங்கள நாடு. நாம் சொல்வதையே தமிழர்கள் கேட்க வேண்டும்’’ எனக்கூறி அச்சுறுத்தியுள்ளனர்.சிங்கள பௌத்தர்களின் வெசாக் கொண்டாட்டம் மே மாதம் 4 ஆம் நாள் தொடக்கம் 10 ஆம் நாள் வரை இடம்பெறவுள்ளது.

வெசாக் வாரம் கடைப்பிடிக்கப்படவுள்ளதால் இக்காலப்பகுதியில் எந்தவொரு கோவில் விழாக்களும் நடத்தமுடியாது என கட்டளையிட்டனர்.

அவ்வாறு மீறி நடத்தினால் எதிர்விளைவுகள் ஏற்படும் என்று சிங்கள இளைஞர்கள் ஆலய சபையினருக்கு எச்சரிக்கை செய்தனர்.

இரத்தினபுரி மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள முக்கியமான ஆலய திருவிழா நிறுத்தப்பட்டதனால் இறக்குவானை இரத்தினபுரி தமிழர்கள் கவலை அடைந்துள்ளதுடன் மிரட்டல்களினால் அங்கு மக்கள் மத்தியில் அச்சமும் நிலவுகின்றது.

Bhairav said...

As long as future TN CM pays blind eye to LTTE activities in TN, we can turn things very quickly.

tn thamilz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
giri said...

hi again.
i want to clearly indicate one think to all.
the persons surrender? to the sl army, dayanidhi master and gorge.
these persons are not the leaders or a low level military persons. they were read the statements which are made from ltte political and military head offices and translate the words which are come from the leaders mouth.
this means, these persons are only 'BALA BALA'
even they can't speak a single word them self. only mouthpiece of the leaders.

so, don't worry whatever they said. you know, the real tigers are no surrender.these are cats with strips on their skins,then they think they were tigers.this is not their fault.forgive them.

in the NFZ, everybody know how many innocent people death and wounded. mostly women, children and elders( fought the ltte) dhya and gorge were if thinking they tamils,mast tell any single word about it.but in this age (60-70?)they think a life style like KARUNA. maybe these two guys are standing a candidate in the next general election in sri lanka.


tn thamilz said...

Here is the same document without the password protection

giri said...

tn taminz.
this is the true. signalise try to change the histray ( i think they already do lot)
they feed the young the modify histray like this (srilanka is only for sinhalese. tamils are illegals.they are come from india ..........more)
readers remember some time ago, srilankan army commander says the same think. here i ask only one think to all the sources who talking about the unity of srilanka and against the separation,people who has this mentality like mr.sarath bonsega how we live peacefully with what we do to save our histray. we are the ancient people of our country. areas came from north india (this is the reason indian aria based government give the support to srilanka)

we must tell our great histray to the next generation. this is our duty.we must do it for our home land. this is the time. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.

tn thamilz said...

Real Badri, your half brother (the one produced by your father screwing the fake's mother) at it again.. Don't know why your father gave both of you guys the same name.

gladiator said...


[Jayalalitha promises to send Indian army to Lanka to form independant Eelam if she controls central government with her seats:]


I knew you guys have some sort of mental problem but never thought it is wors than this much.Ok let me have a clear idea about this.

until last three months karunanidhi was you main sponsor for the LTTE right??,he and his dougter suported you every posible way they could within their capacity.Jayalalitha on the other hand was so critical for LTTE during all the time and she even complained about deth treats posted by LTTE because of her position on LTTE.
Now come ..all of the suddden ,Jayalalitha become your savior despite her past records???and to believe that she could send Indian army to SL to carve out an Elam...Oh com on.if she says she will give VCR to each familly in TN there is a posibility of beleiving her( although they need a toilet for each family-im not joking).
HOW ON ERTH YOU PPL BECAME SO DUMB?? india is surounded by enemy countries the last thing they want SL become their permanent enamy - the distruction of indea guranteed.

Eelavan said...

Yeah now, Daya Master is SL's new chip to spread their propaganda.....

Sinhalese really love those discharged from LTTE i.e. Karuna (a minister), Pillian (cheif minister, Daya Master (propaganda master), George (interpretor to Daya). I wonder how he got the the title "Master".
Was he a "Borotta" master at a LTTE run resturent in Kilinochchi?

Bhairav said...

Badri, what's the LTTE's current strategy? I thought LTTE won't hold into the remaining territory since the mounting civilians' toll.

Bhairav said...

UNITED NATIONS, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Approximately 50,000 civilians are still trapped with Sri Lankan rebels on a tiny sliver of beach in the northeast of the island country, the top UN humanitarian official said here Wednesday after returning from a two-day trip.

"Tens of thousands are in what we no longer call the safe zone or the no-fire zone, but what is now the combat zone," UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes told a press conference here. "They are still in great danger" and it is "a top priority" to get them out.

Ideally, Holmes said the United Nations would like to evacuate the remaining civilians trapped by the government's offensive against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), but that would require a cease-fire, which the government has argued would benefit the rebels. Government leaders also told Holmes that it would "not be safe nor appropriate," he recounted.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is able to bring 30 tons of food by boat every other day to the trapped civilians but it "doesn't go very far," said Holmes.

On Wednesday, top envoys of France and the United Kingdom, two of the United Nations Security Council permanent members, were also unable to secure an immediate truce during their meeting with Sri Lanka's leaders. However, they did receive yet another pledge that humanitarian workers would be granted greater access to refugee Tamils.

The fact that aid workers have not been allowed to see or speak with refuges immediately after they leave the combat zone has allowed for allegations of abuse to run rampant in the government camps, Holmes said.

Because families fleeing the combat zone are often separated into different government camps, it is giving rise to stories of abductions and human rights abuses by Sri Lanka's military. If aid workers had improved access to the civilians, they would be able confirm or disprove the allegations, said Holmes.

Currently, there are 175,000 people living in 38 camps in and around the towns of Vavuniya, Jaffna and Trincomalee. While their situation is "extremely poor and worrying," Holmes said nongovernmental organizations have done a "heroic job" providing shelters. In four days, aid workers assembled 4,500 tents -- a record perhaps.

Meanwhile, 13 UN staff members continue to be held in the government camps against their will. Holmes called it "unacceptable" that the Sri Lankan government had still not allowed them free movement after repeated requests.

Last week, Sri Lankan Ambassador to the UN G.S. Palihakkara told reporters that the 13 UN staff members are going through a screening process, which is "taking a long time." He expressed his hopes that UN personnel would be able to leave the camps as soon as possible

Holmes once again urged the Sri Lankan government to exercise restraint, particularly of heavy weapons which they promised not to use early this week. He also hoped the LTTE would let civilians go and lay down their arms to prevent the further loss of lives, although he reasoned this to be unlikely.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Following a meeting with Labour party MP for Ealing, West London, the LTTE flags which have been flying shamelessly in Parliament Square have been taken down as of yesterday.

According to information provided by those who were present at the meeting, Stephen Pound (MP) "learnt a more credible side to the story". He was "delighted to see the whole spectrum of ethnic communities of Sri Lanka" represented at the meeting speaking with one voice the truth surrounding the terrorist problem. There have been Sinhalese, Tamil, Burgher, Muslim, Sinhalese/Tamil mixed, Sinhalese/Tamil inter-married, white British and even a Sri Lankan Jewess at the meeting. He was particularly impressed with two Sinhalese/Tamil mixed children who accompanied their parents to the meeting. Mr Pound made references to the orderly, well behaved and decent manner in which the forum progressed. He admitted to have now been “heard with both ears”.

More information about this meeting will follow as and when made available to us.


Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Bhairav said...

Badri, what's the LTTE's current strategy? I thought LTTE won't hold into the remaining territory since the mounting civilians' toll.

Running away with tail in between legs from advancing SLA. Also forcing civillians to run with them.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Badri, what's the LTTE's current strategy? I thought LTTE won't hold into the remaining territory since the mounting civilians' toll."]

The "no fire zone" will fall within a matter of days. Necessary sacrifices have been made by the people to show the world the true nature of the Sri Lankan government. The differences are now irreconcilable, and an independent Eelam will be the only acceptable answer.

The second phase of the war will begin after a regrouping period.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{Mayuran said...

Yeah now, Daya Master is SL's new chip to spread their propaganda.....

Sinhalese really love those discharged from LTTE i.e. Karuna (a minister), Pillian (cheif minister, Daya Master (propaganda master), George (interpretor to Daya). I wonder how he got the the title "Master".
Was he a "Borotta" master at a LTTE run resturent in Kilinochchi?

Yes Yes LTTE will discharge a lot of civillians very soon.

They also themselves discharge with civillians to SLA control areas. By the way the whole SL will be controlled by SLA very soon.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Reports from IDP camps indicate the government does not have enough food to feed to 200,000 Tamils they are trying to lock up. In some camps the government has resorted to dumping food off of trucks and letting the detained refugees fight over it as mobs.

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