Thursday, May 28, 2009

Over 30,000 Tamil civilians massacred by Sri Lanka army

Thousands of shallow graves are visible from the air.

By Catherine Philp in Colombo

More than 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed in the final throes of the Sri Lankan civil war, most as a result of government shelling, an investigation by The Times has revealed.

The number of casualties is three times the official figure.

The Sri Lankan authorities have insisted that their forces stopped using heavy weapons on April 27 and observed the no-fire zone where 100,000 Tamil men, women and children were sheltering. They have blamed all civilian casualties on Tamil Tiger rebels concealed among the civilians.

Aerial photographs, official documents, witness accounts and expert testimony tell a different story. With the world’s media and aid organisations kept well away from the fighting, the army launched a fierce barrage that began at the end of April and lasted about three weeks. The offensive ended Sri Lanka’s 26-year civil war with the Tamil Tigers, but innocent civilians paid the price.

Confidential United Nations documents acquired by The Times record nearly 7,000 civilian deaths in the no-fire zone up to the end of April. UN sources said that the toll then surged, with an average of 1,000 civilians killed each day until May 19, the day after Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the Tamil Tigers, was killed. That figure concurs with the estimate made to The Times by Father Amalraj, a Roman Catholic priest who fled the no-fire zone on May 16 and is now interned with 200,000 other survivors in Manik Farm refugee camp. It would take the final toll above 20,000. “Higher,” a UN source told The Times. “Keep going.”

Some of the victims can be seen in the photograph above, which shows the destruction of the flimsy refugee camp. In the bottom right-hand corner, sand mounds show makeshift burial grounds. Other pictures show a more orderly military cemetery, believed to be for hundreds of rebel fighters. One photograph shows rebel gun emplacements next to the refugee camp.

Independent defence experts who analysed dozens of aerial photographs taken by The Times said that the arrangement of the army and rebel firing positions and the narrowness of the no-fire zone made it unlikely that Tiger mortar fire or artillery caused a significant number of deaths. “It looks more likely that the firing position has been located by the Sri Lankan Army and it has then been targeted with air-burst and ground-impact mortars,” said Charles Heyman, editor of the magazine Armed Forces of the UK.

On Wednesday, Sri Lanka was cleared of any wrongdoing by the UN Human Rights Council after winning the backing of countries including China, Egypt, India and Cuba.

A spokesman for the Sri Lankan High Commission in London said: “We reject all these allegations. Civilians have not been killed by government shelling at all. If civilians have been killed, then that is because of the actions of the LTTE [rebels] who were shooting and killing people when they tried to escape.”


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Malin said...

I have a question which involve the all know Mr. Peter.. Is there anything that has come true, for the tamils that this ediot has told you?

All I know is he is coming up with different stands, and information which all been beaten by the Modaya's. I guess thats the fate of the tamils, no brains to think for them selfs.

What ever the situvation everybody need to think rationally. while diaspora believed 100% on people like peter and Tamilnet, modaya's knew the government would also be telling the half lies & half truth. But what made it stick was there was progress to be shown.

Bhairav said...

Hope for humanity is lost here but justice will prevail.

Malin said...

Tamils are suffering but instead of trying to help these people you all diaspora is trying to revive the arm struggle.

Terrorism will never get you anything

Guns&Roses said...

all civilions no tigers???

nallur said...

DBS Jeyaraj is = fuking homo fucker of RAW

Peter = is fuking trator KP

Unknown said...

ha ha ha
shallow graves eh?

send me a pic like this without these "graves" and i will photoshop this sorta thing in a few minutes...
all these "graves" seems to be very well planned and nicely laid out...

badri boy does another brilliant number :)

just like those folks with their internal organs stolen..... ha ha ha

FreedomFighter said...

The mass murderer Rajapook is not going to get a way with this. His government is foing victory dance of graves of innocent tamils graves.

Now they want even prosecute the Praba's parents. How stupid is that ? those who murders walk a way and innocents get prosecuted. This is the justice Tamils will get in sri lanka.

Do not believe in this nonsense of reconciliation. As long as the Singalese never accept the responsibility for killing and torture, what chance is there for any reconciliation and peace

JWick said...

Actually, I can easily count 31,256 Tamil Civilian bodies in the above photo alone!!! 1000% proof that this story is 10000% genuine!!!

Veeran said...

[Now they want even prosecute the Praba's parents. How stupid is that ? those who murders walk a way and innocents get prosecuted. This is the justice Tamils will get in sri lanka.


In a War, the law of the Jungle prevails. Winner takes it all.

Tigers were having illusions abt their smaller conventional army & tamils paid & are paying the price.

gladiator said...


this looks like your second 'internal organ removal' story

the original artical in times says these graves IN YOUR POST belongs to LTTE. but apart from that they show relatively few graves that thy believe belong to civilians.


aKa said...

Hidden massacre of Sri Lanka civilians

More than 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed in the final throes of the Sri Lankan civil war

gladiator said...

And it clearly shows how your super brave LTTE had constraucted weapon dumps, artilary pits, command centres in the middle of IDP settlement... WOW how BRAVE... YOU MUST BE SO PROUD .

gladiator said...


Im refering to the photo Budri has published. In the video it says those belongs to LTTE. yes they do show far more less amount of graves that they think it belong to IDPs.

Peter said...

Hindus would have obviously cremated their dead. Front page shows a civilian burial site where 'crosses' are clearly visible, indicating that the only civilian graves are that of Christian victims.


Your photo above looks like that of Mullivaykal மாவீரர் துயிலும் இல்லம். Judging by the standard pattern, that photo alone shows 1, 000 கல்லறைகள்.

Peter said...

Should have read just over 1, 000 கல்லறைகள்.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["the original artical in times says these graves IN YOUR POST belongs to LTTE. but apart from that they show relatively few graves that thy believe belong to civilians."]

If you zoom in and count the graves there are over 1,000 in this tiny area. The reporter while flying over in a helicopter said they were LTTE fighters, but how was he to know since he was never allowed into the area nor allowed to speak to anyone independently? My information is that these are graves of Tamil civilians, and there are tens of thousands more throughout the no fire zone.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["And it clearly shows how your super brave LTTE had constraucted weapon dumps, artilary pits, command centres in the middle of IDP settlement..."]

Not a single satellite photo has shown any artillery in the no fire zone, and the Sri Lankan army DIDN'T RECOVER ANY ARTILLERY PIECES after they over ran the area. The stories of heavy artillery in IDP camps was just a lie.

A photo has a circular pit, and a reporter flying overhead in a helicopter says it may have been an artillery position. That's his opinion. He was never allowed to walk there, there is no sign of a gun or ammunition. The Sri Lankan army never found any artillery guns. Basically the stories about heavy artillery in no fire zone were false.

Unknown said...

Hey Sinhala animals the numbers are not something Badri is making up here, you can sit and shout, photoshop etc, but its coming from ther Useless Nations (UN) itself....

"GENEVA (AFP) — The United Nations said Friday that the death toll from Sri Lanka's civil war was "unacceptably high" amid reports that 20,000 people were killed in the government's final onslaught against Tamil Tiger rebels."

Peter said...

The Times Front-page

Can't read small text online. Click on 'save' tab on top to save the PDF. Open with Acrobat for better quality.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

I think All these 20000 killed were LTTEiers.

So do not worry about it.

Now it is time to get all together and develop Wanni.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Do not worry about UK newspapers. As you all know British media & some MP's were bribed by LTTE and France, UK, & Hillary tried in the last moment to sabe LTTE terrorists leadership. But all other countries supported the SLGo in the war against terrorism.

Since SLGO defeated terroirism, some of the western countries are upset and their media are bias. They are also upset about the Asia and the fast development of Asia. They need to devide Asia.

We should not read those bias news published by UK, US & europe.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I think All these 20000 killed were LTTEiers."]

The way you brush off the deaths of innocent civilians is what will fuel Tamil hatred against Sinhalese.

Widana said...

Revenge the moron,

[Hey Sinhala animals the numbers are not something Badri is making up here, you can sit and shout, photoshop etc, but its coming from ther Useless Nations (UN) itself...]

Err no.. moron, learn to read English.
Even in your quote, it says 'amid reports' - doesn't say where the report is from.
We all know now where the report is from.. its comes out of the arse of some LTTE-paid 'journalists' at Timesonline.

Widana said...

Another moron who can't read English..

[The way you brush off the deaths of innocent civilians is what will fuel Tamil hatred against Sinhalese.]

He was commenting on the LTTE dead.
Not a single civilian death should be brushed off. Even one civilian death is truly tragic.

Ashok Kumar said...


விடுதலைப் புலிகள் கெரில்லா தாக்குதல்களை நடத்தலாம்: சரத் பொன்சேகா
[வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, 29 மே 2009, 06:24 மு.ப ஈழம்] [க.திருக்குமார்]
தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் சில பிரிவுகள் தற்போதும் இயங்கி வருகின்றன. அவர்கள் கெரில்லாத் தாக்குதல்களை நடத்தலாம் என சிறிலங்காவின் இராணுவத் தளபதி ஜெனரல் சரத் பொன்சேகா தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

Ashok Kumar said...

The Hindu dated 29th:

Prabakaran’s parents in government welfare camp

B. Muralidhar Reddy

COLOMBO: The Sri Lankan Army on Thursday announced that Veraswami Thiruwengadam Velupillai (79) and Velupillai Parvathi Pillai, father and mother of the late LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran, are in one of the government temporary welfare camps in Manik Farm in Vavuniya district where 2.5 lakh Eelam War IV displaced are housed.

“Late Prabakaran’s mother and father who had sought refuge with others after exiting from Puthumatthalam area were identified on Thursday by military authorities,” said a Defence Ministry statement.

Military spokesperson Udaya Nayanakkara told The Hindu, “The Army learnt about the presence of parents of Prabakaran in one of the IDP camps in Manik Farm Complex from other displaced sheltered there on Wednesday. On being approached by authorities, parents of Prabakaran confirmed their identity.

“It is immediately not clear as to when and how they ended up in the welfare camp. We presume that they were among the group of 80,000 civilians who left the Tiger-occupied territory from May 13 onwards. All civilians had left the LTTE-occupied zone by evening of May 15”.

Prabakaran’s father was in Sri Lanka government service. He and his wife were among the early batch of Sri Lankan Tamils to go to India and they lived in Tiruchurapalli. As per media reports, they returned to Wanni in May 2003 after the Norway-brokered ceasefire.

In a recent media interaction Vinodini Rajendran, Tornoto-based sister of Prabakaran, described her father as “very kind and soft talking. He was highly disciplined. He never took bribes and abstained from all vices, alcohol and cigarettes included. He worked as a district land officer and volunteered as a trustee at the local temple. He is a religious-minded man, a Hindu.” The family lived in Valvettithurai, a coastal village in the northern Jaffna peninsula, in a small house.

Peter said...

"COLOMBO (AFP) — Sri Lanka is still refusing to provide aid workers with full access to hundreds of thousands of displaced Tamil civilians despite an appeal by United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon, the UN said Friday."

Peter said...

Just watched an extended interview with the journalist who filled the front-page report.

Say says that the number of SLA MIA, not included in the 6k odd admitted to be KIA, is in the thousands.

She also says that the paper flew her back to London because it feared GoSL would murder her for the report.

KB said...

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


out_sider said...

And here is the original article that refers to those lined up graves as dead fighters.

Veeran said...

If a Female Reporter with limited resources who flew over NFZ along with UN Sec general can come up with pics , then USA & UN with all their satellites at their disposal must be having more pics & evidence with respect to massacre in the beach.

Wonder why they are not releasing any photos as the interests of humanity is at heart here.

Anonymous said...

[ Malin said...

Tamils are suffering but instead of trying to help these people you all diaspora is trying to revive the arm struggle.

Terrorism will never get you anything ]

MALIN MORON ... singhala genocidal barbarians are not allowing anyone to give even 1 meal packet to starving eelam tamils in the concentration camps.


Bhairav said...

Tamils have no option other than arms struggles.

ThangachiPunday said...

" Peter Peter Your mothers a Cheater (with me)"

where r we at today?

Have we accepted thambis death?
Have u thangachis decided to give him due honor?
Or r we squabling amongst each other about deathtolls? rather than helping the IDPs lol

The protests in Toronto have 35-40 people LOL!!!

Wunnukum Thangachis to Post Peelam Era!! HAHAHA

All Hope eradicated with UN denouncing pathetic probe on SLG

lol... Mighty eelam DEAD with its mighty leader and pathetic Diasspundays dont even honor him haha.

ThangachiPunday said...

U dont honor your leader ha ha ha

I heard KP baught some luxurious Yacht to sail around the world with some Russian and Persian Hotties from Dubai!

Im happy for KP he living the dream courtesy of your money lol!

Has Peter The MF been spreading his " im an investment banker and I know all " type BS? lol I LOVE IT!

ThangachiPunday said...


" Peter Peter The Gay ass beater "

Remember when U said EVERYTING WILL COME TO LIGHT in the next few days... this was like 2 days after photos surfaced of dead punday masters and Thalavair himself.

Where is this SHEDDING OF LIGHT thangachi? ha ha ha

as always sitting at home, mama giving u pittu and sambol while writing your " know it all im an investment banker and travel alot " persona.

ha ha ha

smelly cat said...

Badrinath wrote "The way you brush off the deaths of innocent civilians is what will fuel Tamil hatred against Sinhalese"

We are tired of listening to these ...We are mad!...Now we are really mad!... talk from the diaspora.

You've been mad as you can be for the past several decades and you already did EVERYTHING that is within your limited capability to hurt Sri Lanka.I don't need to repeat the long long list of atrocities since we are all aware of it.But Sri Lanka prevailed!

We don't give two hoots about the Diaspora empty rhetoric and "RABBIT, JUST YOU WAIT" statements any more

If you have anything else left to throw at us we have only one thing to say


smelly cat said...

Bhairav said...

"Tamils have no option other than arms struggles."

Correct me if I'm wrong.But isn't that what Tamils tried for the last three decades and FAILED......MISERABLY.....AFTER 200 000 deaths.

Have you herd of the term 'Trial and ERROR'

ThangachiPunday said...

Yes BRING Thangachis!

ha ha ha

oh WAIT u have nothing to bring ANYMORE LOL! No cadres no power no ammo! UN voided us! LOL!

yes BRING those banners and boards to the american and canaidan consulates lol

Peter said...

"The top aide to the United Nations Secretary-General was told more than a week ago that at least 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed in the Sri Lankan Government’s final offensive against the Tamil Tiger rebels this month, The Times can reveal.

"UN officials told Vijar Nambiar, Ban Ki Moon’s chief of staff, that their figures indicated a likely final death toll of more than 20,000, during a briefing in preparation for Mr Ban’s visit to the region on May 23."

ThangachiPunday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ThangachiPunday said...

Ahhh Thalavair Thangachi Peter!

Peter Peter your mothers a loving my beater!

Lead the way thangachi! give these Diasponayas some hope please! The banners and boards being held by 40 to 50 people is looking quite pathetic right now! Really pathetic indeed.

I mean come on. This mythical strong force of peelam destroyed and all thats left is some Diaspundays waving banners HA HA HA!

80,000 people killed in a war and now we have redeemed our brethren Tamil,Muslim and Sinhala. Those who were the Butchers are now slaughtered. U didnt really think that SLA with all there capabilities wud fail did u? lol!

I remember those days Peter and thangachis preaching " wait and see " LOL!


2 weeks ago u said EVERYTHING WILL COME TO LIGHT being praba alive etc lol! where is he punday?

6 feet under thangachi! actually hes only 1 feet under SLA got too tired so just burried him in his own shit! instead of Soil we just had the SLA shit one by one!

As peter russell said it


lion5den said...

ahhh the hand wringing and anguish continues amongst the rascist diaspora dimwits. totally entertaining. Please start planning now for peelam war MCCXVII in Mars in 5012.

ThangachiPunday said...

All Quiet in the Peelam Front!

Cant hear the tiger Roar lol. They dont roar they MEOW ha ha ha

poor diasponayas. Cant come back to SL ( Gota has your names and welcome with u with open Vans ) ha ha ha

Pathetic fools. Lanka dream no more for u!

All who aided the killings of civillians (80,000) Sinhala and Tamil, World leaders, Sinhala Tamil and Indian will have to live wiht it! your relatives CANNOT claim asylum and come here anymore.

Keep Funding KP lol

Tilo said...

how do i upload pix here, i got an email, with a uncensored close up pix of the so called VP body... tell me how to upload it

Tilo said...

Tilo said...

Tilo said...

compare the two pix n tell me if you guys find any similarities or anything fishy

Tilo said...

The Nose is the Same...
the birthmarks on the nose and forehead is there in both pix...
the eyes are the same, i think
The cleft chin said...

இப்போது பல புலி ஆதரவாளர்கள் ஒரு விடயத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறார்கள், அதாவது பிரபாகரனின் இறுதிப் படையணியைச்சுற்றி தம் இன்னுயிரைப் பறிகொடுத்த அந்தப் போராளிகள் பெரும்பாலும் நம்பிக் கெட்ட மாவீரர்கள் என்பதே அது.

அத்தனை தூரம் அவர்களை நம்ப வைத்த தலைமை இறுதியில் தம் உயிரைக் காப்பாற்றத் துணியும் என்பதை அவர்கள் கனவிலும் நினைத்திருக்க மாட்டார்கள்.

நாட்டின் மூன்றில் ஒரு பகுதியைத் தன் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் வைத்திருந்த ஒரு அகோர இயக்கத்தை அடியோடு விரட்டி, இறுதி நிலப்பரப்பு வரை சென்று கொடி நாட்டிய ஒரு நாட்டின் இராணுவம் இறுதியில் வந்து நின்று இல்லாத பிரபாகரனைக் கொன்று விட்டோம் என்று பொய் அறிக்கை விடுவதற்கு எந்தத் தேவையும் இல்லை.

அங்கே இறுதிவரை பிரபாகரன் இருந்தது அவரது இறுதிப் பிரதிநிதியும் வழிமொழிந்த விடயம்.

அவ்வாறிருக்க, அந்தத் தருணத்தில் அவர் கொல்லப்படவில்லை என்று இன்னும் புலி ஆதரவாளர்கள் கூறுவதாக இருந்தால், இறுதி வேளையில் பிரபாகரன் இலங்கை இராணுவத்திடம் ஒரு உடன்பாட்டுக்கு வந்து தப்பிக்கொண்டதுதான் உண்மையாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.

அப்படி அவர் தப்பிச் செல்வதாக இருந்தால் அல்லது அதற்கு அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தால் அதற்காக மாவிலாறு முன்னரங்கில் இருந்து இறுதியாக சூசை வரை பிரபாகரனே “காவு” கொடுத்தது தான் உண்மை என்றாகிவிடும்.

அப்படித்தான் பார்த்தாலும் அதற்கு முன் தம் கனவில் அவர்கள் வாழ வைத்துக்கொண்டிருந்த “தமிழீழத்துக்காக” இன்னுயிரை நீத்த அத்தனை போராளிகளும் நம்பிக்கெட்ட மா வீரர்களே.

இல்லை, பிரபாகரன் கொல்லப்பட்டார் என்கிற அடுத்த பக்கத்தைப் புலி ஆதரவாளர்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்வதானால், இந்த செய்தி வெளியான அன்றே நாம் அடித்துக் கூறிய படி பிரபாகரன் தொலைதூரத்தில் இருந்து தாக்கப்படவில்லை, அதுவும் துப்பாக்கிகளால் சுடப்படவும் இல்லை, மிக அருகில் இருந்து வேறு வகையில் தலையில் தாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார் என்று கூறியது தற்போது உண்மையாகவும் வெளி வந்திருக்கிறது ( பிரபாகரனின் “அந்த” இறுதி நாள் .. )

தலையில் வெட்டுக்காயங்கள் உள்ள படங்கள் இப்போது வெளியாகிக்கொண்டிருக்கின்றன.

தூரத்தில் இருந்த பிரபாகரனுக்கு இதெல்லாம் நடந்திருக்க முடியாது, சரணடைந்த, தன் உயிரைக் காப்பாற்றிக்கொள்ள எதிரியின் காலில் விழுந்த தலைமைக்குத்தான் அந்த முடிவு ஏற்பட்டது என்பதை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளவே வேண்டும்.

பழிபோட காரணம் தேடி வேண்டுமானால் கே.பி காட்டிக்கொடுத்தார் அல்லது திட்டமிட்டுக் கொலை செய்தார் என்று வரலாற்றை எழுதினாலும், யார் யாரையோ யார் பெற்ற பிள்ளைகளையோ எல்லாம் “வீர மரணம்” எனும் மாயைக்குள் வைத்திருந்த தலைமை இறுதியில் முழு இனத்துக்கும் துரோகமிழைத்து, ஆகக்குறைந்தது கே.பியின் பேச்சை நம்பியாவது கோழையானது உண்மை தானே?

எனவே இதில் எந்தப்பக்கத்தில் நீங்கள் புலிச் சித்தார்ந்தத்தின் முடிவை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டாலும், இறுதி வரை, அதாவது இந்தப் புலிக்கெதிரான யுத்தம் நிறைவுற்ற பின்னர் அம்பாறைக் காடுகளில் அண்மையில் உயிர் நீத்த அத்தனை உயிர்களும் நம்பிக்கெட்ட மாவீரர்களே.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Wonder why they are not releasing any photos as the interests of humanity is at heart here."]

The United States has killed more civilians over the last 100 years than most other countries. The interests of humanity are not high on their list.

40% of world wide weapons sales come from the United States.

isurujosh said...

tilo, the vp picture you showed - from the wall paper is about 8-10 years old or so.

Bhairav said...

Badri, what really happened to Pottu? SLA hasn't showed up the Pottu's body, except saying confidently that Pottu is KIA.

Gayan said...

[Badri, what really happened to Pottu?]

Heard he chose a career of singing instead of terrorism!!!

He seems to be very talented in 'singing like a canary'!! ;-))

FreedomFighter said...

Ettapan's now trying their best to potray Prabaharan as coward. We do not believe that bull shit.

Let see how long this ettapan's can cary guns and force people to vote them ? People like Karuna, Dogless history will forget because they betrayed the Tamils.

Rajpaksah and co will be a war criminal in the eyes of world and Tamils.

Veeran said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veeran said...

By killing VP in most controversial circumstances, GOSL has succeeded in stopping world in talking abt massacre of 30,000 civilians in beach.

IT is now crystal clear that VP surrendered along with his top cadres & met his end.

Let us try to save the remaining civilians who are held hostage in the Slaughter houses & this can be achieved only by getting UN NGOs unlimited access to the camps.

Current efforts shld be more focussed on this than disturbing civil lives in diaspora countries.

wijayapala said...

"I have a question which involve the all know Mr. Peter.. Is there anything that has come true, for the tamils that this ediot has told you?

Peter = is fuking trator KP

Has Peter The MF been spreading his " im an investment banker and I know all " type BS?

Peter Peter The Gay ass beater

Peter Peter your mothers a loving my beater!

I find these attacks on Peter to be painful to read. It is true that Peter has a problem conveying any sort of accurate information, but his Eelamoid audience is not looking for the truth but rather some sort of emotional healing for the total destruction of their dreams.

Think of Peter as a therapist for the Eelamoid soul. Without Peter and others like him, Eelamoids would get the impression that they are total morons. That would be true, but isn't it better to spare their emotions?

Peter has undergone extraordinary shifts from grand counteroffensive to Iraqi-style insurgency to political offensive. We should all be grateful to Gotabaya and the military for beating the violent tendencies out of Peter.

Peter's views of Thalaivar have also transitioned from "God cannot die" to "it makes no difference whether VP is alive." He is taking great risks by siding with KP over those like Mr Arivazhakan who claim that Thalaivar did not attain martyrdom. KP can always buy his safety but Peter has no money and therefore has to pretend to be on both sides simultaneously.

wijayapala said...

Touching film on the Yal Devi train.

The establishment of a rail link connecting North and South was initiated by the people of Jaffna, and along with the Jaffna Municipal Council was considered to be their greatest accomplishment during the colonial era.

Ashok Kumar said...


முத‌‌லி‌ல் ‌பிரபாகர‌ன் த‌ப்‌பி ஓடு‌ம் போது சு‌ட்டதாக கூ‌றினா‌ர்க‌ள். அத‌ன்‌பிறகு உடலை க‌ண்டு‌பிடி‌த்ததாக கூ‌றினா‌ர்க‌ள்.

உ‌ண்மை‌யிலே ‌பிரபாகரனை இல‌ங்கை இராணுவ‌ம் சு‌ட்டு‌க்கொ‌ன்‌றிரு‌ந்தா‌ல் மரபணு சோதனை நட‌‌த்‌தி இரு‌க்கலாமே. இ‌ன்னு‌ம் ‌பிரபாகர‌ன் த‌ந்தை வேலு‌ப்‌பி‌ள்ளை உ‌யிரோடு இரு‌க்‌‌கிறா‌ர். அ‌ப்படி‌யிரு‌ந்து‌ம் மரப‌ணு சோதனை நட‌த்த ஏ‌ன் மு‌ன்வர‌வி‌ல்லை. ‌பிரபாகர‌ன் மறு‌ப்பு தெ‌ரி‌வி‌க்க‌வி‌ல்லையே எ‌ன்று கூறு‌கிறா‌ர்க‌ள். மறு‌ப்பு அ‌றி‌க்கை வெ‌ளி‌யிட அவ‌ர் எ‌ன்ன அர‌சிய‌ல் க‌ட்‌சியா நட‌‌த்து‌கிறா‌ர். அவ‌ர் குர‌ல் வெ‌ளியே வ‌ந்தாலே அவரை அ‌ழி‌க்க தயாராக இரு‌க்‌கிறா‌ர்க‌ள். எனவே நா‌ங்க‌ள் ஆரா‌ய்‌ந்து இ‌ந்த முடிவை வெ‌ளியே சொ‌ன்னோ‌ம்.


வீரவணக்கம் வீரவணக்கம் வீரமரணம் அடைந்த விடுதலைப்புலிகளுக்கும், களப்பலியான ஈழத்தமிழர்களுக்கும் வீரவணக்கம். சாகவில்லை சாகவில்லை, பிரபாகரன் சாகவில்லை (என்று தொல்திருமாவளவன் முழக்கமிட்டார். அதைத்தொடர்ந்து அனைவரும் எழுந்து நின்று முழக்கம் செய்தனர்.)

நாங்களும் புலிகள் தான். நாங்கள் பிரபாகரனின் தம்பிகள். பிரபாகரன் உயிருடன் இருக்கிறார். ஈழத்தில் 4-வது கட்ட போர் முடிந்து விட்டது. 5-வது கட்ட போர் மீண்டும் பிரபாகரன் தலைமையில் வெடிக்கும்.

Veeran said...


If Thirumavalavan got a minister berth in central govt, he would have said Mahinda Vazhga !

EElam supporting TN Politicians are so much discredited with so many summersaults from them.

Anonymous said...

what do you think of this article:

agentx said...

@ admin, dude tamilnet says 20000 deaths and u say its 30000.... whats with such agap,huh?? are ua info sources gone nuts or what????? if u guys are gona prove something its only that tamilnet LIES !!!!!

Ashok Kumar said...

The Island Editorial 30th:

IDP centres are heavily infiltrated, as evident from the recent capture of KP's right hand man masquerading as a displaced person.

The original plan of the LTTE was to infiltrate the cleared areas and launch attacks by using arms and ammunition hidden in various places so that the infantrymen would be trapped between one section of the terrorists fighting a conventional war and the other resorting to classical guerrilla tactics from behind. Prabhakaran's plan went awry as the army was wise enough to look for hidden weapons and thoroughly screen IDPs without giving in to pressure.

lion5den said...

"Prabhakaran's plan went awry as the army was wise enough to look for hidden weapons and thoroughly screen IDPs without giving in to pressure."

yeah we do things our way. west and diaspora tamil maggots can scream blue murder. who gives a toss.

Bhairav said...

After they killed 10s of 1000s innocent Tamils within few days, I seriously believe in WMD. They have created new era of hatred where Tamils have nothing to lose.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Actually the main war was between MR & Western counries on LTTE payroll.

No body believed how MR & its commanders like Basil, Mahinda Smarasinghe, Palitha Kohana, Dayan Jayatilleke, Keheliya etc fought that war.

This is a very good example for any small nation in the world to stand up against any big powerful countries funded by Terrorists money.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

"agentx said...
@ admin, dude tamilnet says 20000 deaths and u say its 30000.... whats with such agap,huh?? are ua info sources gone nuts or what????? if u guys are gona prove something its only that tamilnet LIES !!!!!

Do not worry. Both Tamilnut & Puligal are laieying.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Where are the Disporra countries?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["The inhumane massacre of our innocent and unarmed brothers and sisters, regardless of age, from unborn to great grand parents, using weapons that would scorch them to death or peel and eat away their skin, all covered from the media, has taken the struggle to a height never seen before. Now we know that Tamil Eelam is the only solution."]

I believe that was the purpose of the final war. The LTTE leadership knew they would lose, but they wanted to create a permanent split that could never be healed. The division always existed, but had been hidden by various traitors. Now everything is out in the open, and it is obvious separation is the only permanent solution.

wijayapala said...

Dear Thileepan,

"what do you think of this article:"

I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I like this bit of strategy:

With a government in exile, we can ask countries for military assistance in exchange for strategic sites like Trincomalee.Did our own Peter write this crap???

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["@ admin, dude tamilnet says 20000 deaths and u say its 30000.... whats with such agap,huh?"]

Understanding that requires english comprehension. 20,000 is the number of deaths from May 1st to May 19th. The previous 5 months saw 10,000 civilians killed, making a total of 30,000 deaths. If you read the article with a sufficient level of english comprehension this would have been clear.

wijayapala said...


"I believe that was the purpose of the final war. The LTTE leadership knew they would lose, but they wanted to create a permanent split that could never be healed."

You are admitting that the LTTE deliberately held hundreds of thousands of civilians so that they would be killed in the fighting??????

It would seem that by doing so, the LTTE created a permanent division between itself and the Tamils that can never be healed. Is that what you meant?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["The original plan of the LTTE was to infiltrate the cleared areas and launch attacks by using arms and ammunition hidden in various places so that the infantrymen would be trapped between one section of the terrorists fighting a conventional war and the other resorting to classical guerrilla tactics from behind. Prabhakaran's plan went awry as the army was wise enough to look for hidden weapons and thoroughly screen IDPs without giving in to pressure."]

They will continue creating stories that will justify torturing Tamils in concentration camps. Even though the LTTE is wiped out, they will keep saying the LTTE is everywhere, so that they can keep everyone locked in prisons.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["After they killed 10s of 1000s innocent Tamils within few days, I seriously believe in WMD. They have created new era of hatred where Tamils have nothing to lose."]

Tamils have lost. There will be no political solution, there will be no conventional war either. The only path left is terrorism and WMD.

Ashok Kumar said...

Various reports including the ones emanating from srilankan army only shows that LTTE is not yet done with as they were propagating.

Tigers are not responding to them as they usually do not bother to talk much but act when required. That they will do at the time and manner of their choosing.

Many times in the past also people have written their obituary prematurely but they rebounced.

Now army's claim of having wiped them out is being played out loudly. But the truth is likely to emerge slowly in the course of time.

As long as the issues remain unresolved, LTTE cannot be writen off.

Reports say they are likely keep low for another six months to regroup and strike back.

Ashok Kumar said...

I feel that we should not get disheartened by the turn of events. Actually the jsustification for the existence of Tigers are felt now much more than ever before. We may need to have patience. Now we are being fed only with srilankan propaganda. Things should start getting cleared in the near future. Tigers will reemerge.

Ashok Kumar said...

The army has hardly recovered LTTE's weaponry even after clearing the entire land they were occupying.

Many commanders' death is being there only on paper. Except for the few hundred died in the final war, where are the other cadres?

When the reasons for the emergence and existence of the Tigers have not disappeared, why should we buy srilankan assertion that everything is over?

Unknown said...

"After they killed 10s of 1000s innocent Tamils within few days, I seriously believe in WMD. They have created new era of hatred where Tamils have nothing to lose."

எல்லா தமிழரும் ஒரே வழியில்தான் சிந்திக்குறோம், எங்களுக்கு வேற வழி இல்லை..... காலம் பதில் சொல்லும், பெரும்பான்மையை சிறுபான்மையாக்குவதட்கு இதுவும் ஒரு நல்ல முறை.

செயலில் கவனத்தை திருப்புவோம், இப்போ நாம் பதுங்குவோம் அதுதான் நாட்டில் உள்ள உறவுகளுக்கு நாம் செய்யக்கூடியது, வீரம் மனிதில் இருக்கட்டும், பேச்சில் , எழுத்தில் பயத்தை காட்டுவோம்.

புலி பாயும் போது பாயட்டும் , நாம் இப்போ உள்ள அரச பரபபுரையை எமக்கு சாதகமாக மாட்டுவோம் , எம்மீது உள்ள பயங்கரவாத நாமத்தை , அஹிம்சையாக மாட்டுவோம், அது ஒரு கல்லில் இரு மாங்காய். ஆத்திர காரனுக்கு புத்தி மட்டு..

Ashok Kumar said...

Itthanai kodumaigaliyum kanda pinnal, summa irukka mudiyuma? Puligal meendum ezha vendum, Innum valimaiyodu..

Indian said...

Seems more than the diaspora guys here,you are not able to come to terms with the end.

Well,for comparison sake bringing in these chain of events,which match to the T.

Majority see both as thugs,the few minority whom these two "claimed" to represent call them revolutionaries.

Not sure if its mere coincidence or the SLDF took a cue out of this.

1)"As soldiers approached Che he shouts, "Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead." The battle ends at approximately 3:30 p.m. Che is taken prisoner. (Rojo, 219; James, 14)

2)Official army dispatches falsely report that Che is killed in the clash in southeastern Bolivia, and other official reports confirm the killing of Che and state that the Bolivian army has his body. However, the army high command does not confirm this report.

3)He quietly observes the scene in the schoolhouse, and records what he sees, finding the situation "gruesome" with Che lying in dirt, his arms tied behind his back and his feet bound together, next to the bodies of his friends. He looks "like a piece of trash" with matted hair, torn clothes, and wearing only pieces of leather on his feet for shoes. In one interview, Rodríguez states that, " I had mixed emotions when I first arrived there. Here was the man who had assassinated many of my countrymen. And nevertheless, when I saw him, the way he looked....I felt really sorry for him." (Rodríguez:2)

4)The Bolivian officers are faced with the question of what to do with Che. The possibility of prosecuting him is ruled out because a trial would focus world attention on him and could generate sympathetic propaganda for Che and for Cuba. It is concluded that Che must be executed immediately, but it is agreed upon that the official story will be that he died from wounds received in battle.

5)General Ovando announces that Che died the day before at 1:30 p.m. This means that Che lived for twenty-two hours after the battle in Quebrada del Yuro, which contradicts Colonel Zenteno’s story. Colonel Zenteno changes his story to support General Ovando’s.

Photo's of Jeyam and Bhanu are doing the round's and there is not an iota of doubt in identifying them.I think only the few hundred were left in the final.Even this very same link shows thousand's of final resting places for cadres.

In addition CA is gone.VP's parents in the camp.I know its hard to digest when you have supported someone wholeheartedly and had enormous faith on him.I can understand that perfectly as I still couldnt digest the death of one man who went away 18 years back.

I dont know what you meant by "hardly recovered weaponry".As far as I remember they have captured a fortune.

Well,its strange that you are not WILLING to believe a legitimate Government and I dont think they will make such tall claims when they have everything to loose if prooven otherwise.And for God's sake dont compare this with the claims made earlier('89 \ Tsunami included).Its not too difficult to see the situation\circumstances now.

Indian said...

...that said,are all dead.I doubt,someone is still there but albeit in custody.

Man,he is SINGING,period.Latest turn of events including the capture of Thamizhini \ KP's contact in Srilanka all indicate that

Unknown said...

"Itthanai kodumaigaliyum kanda pinnal, summa irukka mudiyuma?"

ம்ம்.... வேறு விதமாய் போராட வேண்டும் .....
எழுவோம் இன்னும் வலிமையுடன் எழுவோம், இப்போ உள்ள அனுதாபத்தை எமக்கு சதகம் ஆகுவோம், சக உறவுகளின் சாவு வீண் போக கூடாது , இருபது , முப்பது ஆயிரம் சாவு வீண் போக கூடாது .

சில நேரம் மனதுக்கு விருப்பமில்லத்தை செய்ய வேண்டும் , தூர நோக்கு மிகவும் அவசியம்.எந்த நோக்கத்துக்க தலைமை முடிந்ததோ அல்லது முடிந்ததா காட்டுதோ அத்தன் நோக்கம் நிறைவு அடைய வேண்டும் .

பசு தோல் போர்த்தின ஓநாய் போல் , பசு தோல் போர்த்தின புலிகள் ஆகவேண்டும், உலகின் கண்களுக்கு புலிகள் பயங்கரவாதி அல்ல , அல்லது தமிழன் பயங்கரவாதி அல்ல என்று நிருப்பிக்க வேஅண்டும், எப்படி என்பது மிகவும் பெரிய கேள்வியாகவே இருக்கு.... எல்லோரும் ஒன்று பட்டு ஒரு முடிவு எடுக்கணும்...

wijayapala said...

Reasonably Treasonable,

I responded to you in DW, because of the space limitations here.

Unknown said...

தமிழ் மக்களின் தேசிய விடுதலைப் போராட்டம் ஒரு திருப்புமுனையைச் சந்தித்துள்ள இன்றைய காலகட்டத்தில் அடுத்தது என்ன எனத் தெரியாத சூழ்னிலைக்குத் தமிழ் மக்கள் தள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.

அனைவரும் குழப்பத்தில் ஆழ்ந்துள்ள அதேவேளை புலம்பெயர் தமிழர் மத்தியில் இக்குழப்பம் வெகுவாக நிலவுதுடன், மோதல் உருவாகக்கூடிய அபாயமும் தென்படுகின்றது.

போராட்டம் ஒரு துயர முடிவைச் சந்தித்துள்ளது என்பதற்கு அப்பால், தேசியத் தலைவர் வே.பிரபாகரனின் மரணம் தொடர்பாக வெளிவரும் முரணான சேதிகளே மக்களின் துயரத்துக்கும், குழப்பத்துக்கும் அதிகளவில் காரணங்களாக உள்ளன.

இன்றைய நிமிடத்தில் தேசியத் தலைவர் உயிருடன் இருக்கிறாரா, இல்லையா என்பதை ஆராய்வதிலேயே தமிழ் மக்களின் கவனம் வெகுவாகக் குவிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றது. இந்த விவாதத்திற்கு கிட்டிய எதிர்காலத்தில் முடிவு இருக்கப் போவதில்லை என்பதே யதார்த்தம்.

அதேவேளை, முடிவு காண முடியாத இந்த விடயம் தொடர்பில் சர்ச்சைப்படுவதை விட்டுவிட்டு வேறு விடயங்களில் நாம் அவசரமாகவும், அவசியமாகவும் கவனம் செலுத்த வேண்டிய தேவை உள்ளது.

இன்றைய நிலையில் தமிழ் மக்கள் தமது துயரத்தின் உச்சத்தைச் சந்தித்துள்ளார்கள் என்பதில் மாற்றுக் கருத்துக்கு இடமில்லை. இன்னமும் கூட அதிலிருந்து அவர்கள் மீளவில்லை என்பதுவும் உண்மை. ஆனால், இதற்காக நாம் எமது அடுத்த கட்டச் செயற்பாடுகளை மறந்துவிடலாமா? எதிர்பாராத இழப்புக்கள் தவிர்க்க முடியாதவை. அதற்காக நாம் ஸ்தம்பிதம் அடைந்துவிட முடியாது. இழப்புக்களைத் தாங்கிக்கொண்டு நாம் முன்னோக்கி நடைபோட வேண்டியது அவசியம்.

ஐ.னா. அகதிகள் உயர் ஸ்தானிகராலயம் வெளியிட்டுள்ள தரவுகளின் படி தற்போது சுமார் 3 இலட்சம் தமிழ் மக்கள் இடம்பெயர்ந்த நிலையில் இடைத்தங்கல் முகாம்களில் அடைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள். அவர்கள் போதுமான உணவின்றி, சுத்தமான குடினீரின்றி, சுகாதார வசதிகள் இன்றி, நடமாடும் சுதந்திரம் இன்றி வாடுகின்றார்கள். இது தவிர பிள்ளைகள் தமது பெற்றோரிடம் இருந்து பிரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள். பெண்கள் பாலியல் கொடுமைகளுக்கு ஆளாகின்றார்கள்.

Peter said...

தேசியத் தலைவரின் சிந்தனைக்கு அமைய எதிரியின் பலத்தை பலவீனம் ஆக்குவோம்

புலிகளையும் அதன் தலைமையையும் அழித்துவிட்டதாக எதிரி மார்தட்டும் போது

சர்வதேசத்தின் கவனத்தை ஈர்த்து (அரசின் மீது) ஐ.நா.வின் அழுத்தத்தை பிரயோகிக்க வலியுறுத்துவோம்

போராட்ட வடிவம் மாறலாம் போராட்ட இலக்கு மாறாது என்ற தலைவரின் சிந்தனையுடன்

Veeran said...

[ The only path left is terrorism and WMD.


Does this not mean that we are back to the same beaten track which will lose the current good will of the Western Nations ?

This will take tamils back to square one & none will be there to defend tamils again.

Veeran said...

Only Option left for Eelam tamils is to throw their weight behind India & hope that will give them implement 13th amendement after MR is re-elected after 6 months.

In this aspect, Political leaders in Waani should be more in touch with Indian tamils to put more pressure.

[ A group Sri Lankan MPs belonging to 'Tamil Desiya Kuttamipu Parliamentary Group' headed by R Sambantham on Saturday called on Chief Minister M Karunanidhi at his residence and discussed developments in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Sambantham was accompanied by another Sri Lankan Parliamentarian Senathi Raja and organisation members Suresh Premchandran and Selvam Adaikalanathan, official sources said.

Later talking to reporters, Mr. Sambantham said that the group had discussed the Sri Lankan Tamils issue with the Chief Minister and explained to him the latest developments in Sri Lanka.

"We asked the Chief Minister to extend support for the cause of Tamils living in Sri Lanka," he added.

"He agreed to help us in all aspects to rehabilitate Sri Lankan Tamils living there," he added.


Sacktheish said...

[Being a tamil myself, I just like to point out that not all tamils hate Sinhalese people, one of my best friends is Sinhalese.]


This is what sinhalese do, they say they are Tamil and talk a lot of bullshit. how many times have you heard this.

Is there like a website or something on how to mislead the world.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Does this not mean that we are back to the same beaten track which will lose the current good will of the Western Nations ?"]

The good will of other nations can't even get the ICRC into the camps to stop the disappearances.

Nothing will happen before a years time, so there is enough time to see what the good will of the world brings. I expect the good will to bring another 20,000 disappearances by them. A government that is willing to kill 30,000 civilians in order to weed out the LTTE is also going to be willing to kidnap and murder anyone that remotely might be an LTTE sympathizer.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["This will take tamils back to square one & none will be there to defend tamils again."]

That's exactly where they are at present. Show me who is defending them? Even India is voting against the Tamil civilians at UN. India doesn't want ICRC in the camps. Who else is going to come to defend the Tamil people?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Only Option left for Eelam tamils is to throw their weight behind India & hope that will give them implement 13th amendement after MR is re-elected after 6 months."]

You can't get ICRC inside the camps to stop murders, and you expect 13th amendment?

Unknown said...

More stories of the 'liberators' emerge

FreedomFighter said...

So Mr Rajan.. Do they have 20,000 child soldiers ?
Why can't shit lanka allow human rights groups in first to see what happening in wani ?

Rather then doing guided tour ? only presenting things which will get some attention stop accusation's of mass murder.

Unknown said...

When I said this is going to be the logical end of the self destructing path taken by the LTTE, all the LTTE loving diaspora brothers were in complete denial (some talked of a massive counter attack, others of an IC/UN/Indian intervention, and still others of SL economy self destructing can thus paving way for automatic creation of Eelam)
My only point was that before accusing everyone else, Tamils have to do some soul searching and recognize their own faults.
Blood from the deaths of those child soldiers as well as civilians are in the hands of diaspora supporters who contributed to LTTE without question as much as they are in the hands of the racist Singala regime

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Not a single child's body has ever been recovered by the Sri Lankan army. That itself proves child soldiers were not used by the LTTE.

Unknown said...

Not a single civilian body was 'recovered' by Sri Lankan Army too...Does it mean no civilians died in the conflict?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Fonseka admits they would have hacked Prabhakaran with an axe if they caught him alive:

"Our troops did not hack to death old people and children as the Tigers did. If Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman could have been taken alive, we could have shown them how they had committed heinous crimes like massacring bhikkhus and children."

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Not a single civilian body was 'recovered' by Sri Lankan Army too...Does it mean no civilians died in the conflict?"]

You are an idiot if thats the only answer you can give. The Sri Lankan army has been screaming about the LTTE using child soldiers for a long time. If they had found even one body, they would have shown it all over the news. They recovered thousands of bodies in this fight and not a single one was a child soldier.

Civilians on the other hand are obviously buried in unmarked mass graves because the Sri Lankan government needs to maintain zero civilian casualty story. Besides civilians are in LTTE territory, not on the front lines, so the Sri Lankan army would have trouble recovering their bodies. Bodies of front line soldiers on the other hand are routinely recovered by the Sri Lankan army as would be expected. Not a single body was a child soldier.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Rajan is a sinhalese living in america on Sri Lankan payroll with orders to pose as a Tamil. Sri Lankan government is paying his fees at university of houston.

Indian said...

//Bhadri said,
Fonseka admits they would have hacked Prabhakaran with an axe if they caught him alive//

Well,to give them credit,they are dropping ample hints.Aren't they?

From titling it "The death of a coward"

and then mentioning inside

"He was certainly not a man enough to fight a single battle against Army. Instead, he tried to save his life until the last moment. Not for a single second he wanted to commit suicide, he tried to escape betraying his most loyal followers before a soldier shot him down. We are not going to comment on how he died..... Simply, he was the best of the cowards"

to now mentioning
" we could have shown them how they had committed heinous crimes like massacring bhikkhus and children."

You dont need to be a genius to understand what happened,especially with the photo's without the covered head doing the rounds now.

Indian said...

About the child soldier's,we have seen enough pics of children in LTTE uniform holding guns which are bigger than them,isnt it.

In that context,your claim is so hilarious.Just like SLDF claiming they stopped using heavy guns in the final showdown

Unknown said...

It's so sad that resorting to personal attacks is all you and LTTE loving diaspora can do when confronted with facts.
People like you are a blessing for Sri Lankan govt as the job of making Tamils in the world immune and blind to world realities is done by you guys so very well.
Why would Tamils in Eelam any enemies, when they have 'friends' like you? I feel sorry for my nation.

FreedomFighter said...

Rajasinga.. sounds like that you are talking the line of sri lanka government which can only bring up child soldiers in defence to their mass murders all this time.

All the vicotry dance by singala racist people only make us Tamils stronger in our support to freedom.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

For Tamil supporters:

Some of the WORST things for Tamils proposed by Tiger supporters in this blog:

1.Taking revenge on Sinhalese for Tamil deaths.
2.Dropping a WMD as retribution.
3.Hinting terrorist strikes against India
4.Resurrecting LTTE.
5.Resurfacing of VP/PA.
Any of the above will shut the mouth of its wellwishers while giving an excuse to GOSL to contnue killing Tamils( they hardly need an excuse).Note how Western Media found their voice only after the "terrorist" Tigers were wiped out.

Unknown said...

Your claim is half true. It should really read as;
"India, Sri Lanka, AND DIASPORA jointley killed 20,000 tamils."

FreedomFighter said...


It was India's bombs and shells, which was fired by Sri Lanka that has killed many civilians, also lack of food and medicine. Its the Tamil diaspora call on international community to stop this war to save many people. Everything else say here is your country;s bull shit to shut the diaspora. Does not work much.

FreedomFighter said...

STD.. how do you think the geo ploitical intrests of Pak, Ind, China and west is going play out in sri lanka ?

Looks to me like China / Pak is few step ahead.

FreedomFighter said...

Also that we understand chin's got Hampathota port++ out of this mess, but what is the gain for Pakistan in eliminating what India considers as its enemy (LTTE) ?

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Some suggestions to Tamils which will help them regain their rights(also voiced by various posters here):

1.Fight predominantly a PR/Democratic war, mainly through West.East Timor was won this way, not by bullets.
2.NEVER again take revenge attacks on Sinhalese, however bad the provocation.A weaker party can only gain their rights from a position of moral superiority. Besides its inhumane to kill civilians, of any race/party.
3.Sometimes a small, disciplined, tenacious but humane armed wing is needed--both to demonstrate to the opponent and outside observers of resolve.Tibetans are not taken seriously by everybody because of this? Even Nelson Mandela and Ramos Horta had their armed wings.Tamils have already demonstrated they can have small,disciplined and dedicated fighters, but they must not indulge in brutality, esp against civilians.It must act purely against armed opponents.Armed wing may be contemplated if the state refuses to give adequate rights, at a future date.
4.Never again should Tamils indulge in suicide bombings and assasination of Sri Lankan politicians, even if Sinhalese does the same to Tamils.
5.Tamils must never use Tiger imagery or name, both in deeds and propaganda .They are a reminder of "terrorists". If the Diaspora did not wave Tiger flags Western reaction may have been more favorable.
6.Try to settle halfway to independence--if the Sinhalese are willing.Both sides should introspect deeply on this.

FreedomFighter said...

Is Pakistan has got secret deals with sri lanka ?
or is Pakistan in intent to use Muslims in the north/east to infiltrate or strike at Indian industrial heart land. Or is ISI planning to create / gain control of one of tamil militant group by weekning it ? to do its direty work.

Anonymous said...

[Sun Tzu's disciple said...

For Tamil supporters:

Some of the WORST things for Tamils proposed by Tiger supporters in this blog:
Any of the above will shut the mouth of its wellwishers while giving an excuse to GOSL to contnue killing Tamils( they hardly need an excuse).Note how Western Media found their voice only after the "terrorist" Tigers were wiped out. ]

to educate you, Tamils asked for their rights by democratic means from 1948 to 1972 and received only violent responses. KP has asked the LTTE to stop firing immediately. What are we going to get from the friendly western media and friendly governments? Very likely nothing. THey cannot release the civilians from the concentration camps, ICRC cannot deliver aids directly to the civilians, disappearances / torture / rapes all are continuing, even with the evidence of 20k+ civilians death nothing can be done by them at the UNHRC, etc., etc. ...

If this continues, then it'll naturally lead to the same point due to the non-existence of other reasonable choices!


Ashok Kumar said...

Atleast 'Times of India's reporting is far better than our grand old Hindu reproducing handouts word by word.

To day's headline news which occupies 5/6 th of columns space in the front page occupying half of it:

UN chief Ban and his top aide Nambiar knew of Tamil massacre, claims report.

20,000 toll triggers demands for probe.

Three photographs of the NFZ with rows of graves are also published prominently.

Times of India is the largest selling English newspaper in India and the world. Its circulation was in excess of 21 lakhs copies daily, few years back.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["About the child soldier's,we have seen enough pics of children in LTTE uniform holding guns which are bigger than them,isnt it."]

All of those pictures are pre-2002. If there have been child soldiers in the present battle it will be revealed once IDPs are completely free of government imprisonment. We cannot expect them to speak honestly while fearing disappearance.

As far as physical evidence, there is no sign of child soldiers so far.

Unknown said...

Yes, diaspora is trying to put pressure on Western countries to improve the conditions on civilians as well as censure GOSL. A lot of this is out of concern for civilians, but some engage in this purely due to anger and as a attempt to punish GOSL. Unfortunately some of this latter group do not really care for civilians at all.
Anyway, I claim that diaspora (including myself to an extent) is equally responsible for the following reasons;
1. Supporting the LTTE without any questioning of their astrocities and recruitment of child soldiers
2. Letting LTTE move out of the negotiation table during the time of RW, with the silly excuse of not being given equal status in Tokyo donor conference
3. Not putting pressure on LTTE to stop using civilians as a human shield and shamefully justfying these actions.

BTW, insults and provocations by some of the shameful elements here will fail to drag me to their low level.

Anonymous said...

[Rajan said...

Your claim is half true. It should really read as;
"India, Sri Lanka, AND DIASPORA jointley killed 20,000 tamils." ]

IDIOT Rajan, do you know how all these started from 1948 to 1972, etc.?

What is your answer? Accept the genocide without resisting?

It appears only if Tamils resist, you'll get paid?


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Rajan: Anyway, I claim that diaspora (including myself to an extent) is equally responsible for the following reasons;"]

Sinhalese are not included in diaspora.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


I am fully aware of the limited choices Tamils have. But it is better to adapt to circumstances than talking of the past.Remember Bosnians, Croats, Kosovars and Timorese received their dues ..after initial indifference by the West.If the West is convinced that Tamil discrimination is genuine, something will come out of it with time.What the West wants, the West gets.Russia could not save Yugoslavia, nor the Muslim bloc save Indonesia.So sri lanka is small fish, and they are rapidly exhausting their goodwill by wanton acts of arrogance and avoidable acts of brutality.

Re Child soldiers:
I am wont to agree with Badri here.The # of child soldiers seem to be minimal if not non-existent.Another explanation could be that LTTE simply disbanded them once real battles began?

Unknown said...

Very Funny Badri

Ashok Kumar said...

I just swithced on CNN IBN. Its reporter based at Colombo says that Pottu Amman had escaped from the NFZ.

Unknown said...

Now that VP is no more Badri seems to be the new supreme leader who decides who's included in the diaspora and who's not!

Anonymous said...

[Sun Tzu's disciple said...


I am fully aware of the limited choices Tamils have. But it is better to adapt to circumstances than talking of the past.Remember Bosnians, Croats, Kosovars and Timorese received their dues ..after initial indifference by the West.If the West is convinced that Tamil discrimination is genuine, something will come out of it with time.What the West wants, the West gets.Russia could not save Yugoslavia, nor the Muslim bloc save Indonesia.So sri lanka is small fish, and they are rapidly exhausting their goodwill by wanton acts of arrogance and avoidable acts of brutality. ]

All your examples are NOT applicable to Eelam Tamils. Several cases were in the west and NATO forces can be sent there in no time. India, China had no influence, except some statements. Russia alone can be ignored

Timor is also of no concern to India, China, etc. In addition, Indonesia invaded when Portugese left Timor. Indonesians agreed to hold referendum which is impossible in our shit lanka!

The forces against Eelam are clearly visible at UNHRC a few days ago.

The only hope now is for the USA to slowly release the photos of genocide / mass killing eelam tamil civilians during the last 2-3 weeks to the world and getting the world opinion against the shit lanka. even after doing this, NATO has to send its forces to make any meaningful outcome. Otherwise, the West would create another Burma!

you can read this one on Tamilwin!

தமிழ்த் தேசியக் கூட்டமைப்பு உறுப்பினர்களை நாடாளுமன்றிலிருந்து வெளியேற்ற வேண்டும்: கோத்தபாய
[ ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை, 31 மே 2009, 05:46.45 AM GMT +05:30 ]


Anonymous said...

[ashokkumar2103 said...

I just swithced on CNN IBN. Its reporter based at Colombo says that Pottu Amman had escaped from the NFZ. ]

SO all surrendered story is false. It appears that all attempted to escape when the ltte help area became more like 1 sq km.All got caught, except Pottu?

SLA is trying to portray that all surrendered. The head injuries appeared to have been caused by an axe about 10-20 after the death of VP just to portray "he surrendered"!


Anonymous said...

[Rajan said...

Now that VP is no more Badri seems to be the new supreme leader who decides who's included in the diaspora and who's not! ]

IF we accept the genocide passively, all TAMILS will be eliminated from Ceylon. Puttalam was 100% tamil area and now we can only find a couple of tamil villages even though many there still have tamil names including the Jeyaraj Fernandopulle!

If we resist the genocide, there is a chance that we can be successful!


Sun Tzu's disciple said...


the NATO is N-O-T going to send forces to Sri Lanka.Its same dream like India/bjp, IC, Hillary, Obama, economy etc.

When you cannot get the cake better settle for the bread.If Tamils refuse to play realpolitik but operate on emotions the Sinhalese " Unceasing Tsunami" is gonna bury you all forever.
Its your choice.I agree with some posters here who say part of the blame goes to Diaspora--who instead of moderating LTTE egged it on to operate on a revenge/retribution plank only.The real goal( independence) was lost track of because of this overwhelming need( for revenge).

Anonymous said...

[Sun Tzu's disciple said...


the NATO is N-O-T going to send forces to Sri Lanka.Its same dream like India/bjp, IC, Hillary, Obama, economy etc.

When you cannot get the cake better settle for the bread.

Its your choice.I agree with some posters here who say part of the blame goes to Diaspora--who instead of moderating LTTE egged it on to operate on a revenge/retribution plank only.The real goal( independence) was lost track of because of this overwhelming need( for revenge). ]

what is eelam tamils' bread?
what is our "Its your choice."?
you do not have any answers here to the above questions!

LTTE's revenge plank is small while freedom fighting was much bigger.

without continuing the freedom struggle internationally, the world will forget eelam tamils soon.


Widana said...

Here's what the LTTE animals do with diaspora money:

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


1.Bread would be any solution short of "eelam".Whether it is eqvivalent to Pillaiyans powers, 13th amndmt or ISGA is upto you to settle on.

2.Your choice== choice whether to repeat the failed LTTE-style violent campaign which discredited you struggle or take a more realistic form.
It is one thing to respect the sacrifices of Tigers. It is another thing to recognise that retreading Tigers path will bring more hurdles for Tamils .

Ashok Kumar said...


பிரபாகர‌ன் செ‌ய்த ஒரே தவறு, ந‌ல்லவனாக ‌அ‌ற்புத ம‌னிதனாக இரு‌ந்ததுதா‌ன். தி‌ரிகோணமலையை அமெ‌ரி‌க்காவு‌க்கு ‌வி‌ட்டு‌க் கொடு‌த்‌திரு‌ந்தா‌ல் இ‌வ்வளவு பெ‌ரிய இழ‌ப்பை ச‌ந்‌தி‌த்து இரு‌க்க மா‌ட்டா‌ர். சி‌ங்கள‌ர்க‌ள் செ‌ய்த அ‌ட்டூ‌‌ழிய‌த்தை‌ப் போல நாமு‌ம் செ‌ய்‌திரு‌க்க வே‌ண்டு‌ம். ஆனா‌ல் ‌பிரபாகர‌ன் செ‌ய்ய‌வி‌ல்லை. க‌ற்ப‌ழி‌ப்புகளை நட‌த்‌தினா‌ர்க‌ள். ப‌ச்‌சிள‌ங் குழ‌ந்தைகளை கொ‌ன்று ‌‌கு‌வி‌த்தா‌ர்க‌ள். பிரபாகர‌ன் உ‌த்தர‌வி‌ட்டிரு‌ந்தா‌ல், கொழு‌ம்பு நகரு‌க்கு‌ள் புகு‌ந்து 5 ல‌ட்ச‌‌‌த்‌திற‌்கு‌ம் மே‌ற்ப‌ட்ட ம‌க்களை கொ‌ன்று கு‌வி‌த்‌திரு‌க்க முடியு‌ம். அதை அவ‌ர் ‌விரு‌ம்ப‌வி‌ல்லை.

மரு‌த்துவமனை, ப‌ள்‌ளி‌க்கூட‌ம், பொதும‌க்க‌ள் வாழு‌ம் பகு‌‌திக‌ளி‌ல் கு‌ண்டுபோட வே‌ண்டா‌ம் எ‌ன்று கூ‌றி‌வி‌ட்டா‌ர். இ‌ன்றை‌க்கு, பிரபாகர‌னி‌ன் 75 வயது ‌த‌ந்தையு‌ம், 72 வயது தாயாரு‌ம் ‌சி‌ங்கள இராணுவ‌த்‌தி‌ன் ‌பிடி‌‌யி‌ல் இரு‌க்‌கிறா‌‌ர்க‌ள். விசாரணை எ‌ன்‌‌கிற பெய‌ரி‌ல் அழை‌த்து‌ச் செ‌ன்‌றிரு‌க்‌கிறா‌ர்க‌ள். அ‌வ‌ர்களை எ‌ப்படியெ‌ல்லா‌ம் ‌சி‌த்ரவதை செ‌ய்‌கிறா‌ர்களோ? தெ‌ரிய‌வி‌ல்லை.

Rohita Bogaollagama:

The LTTE was a terror outfit supported by an international network of money, arms and technology and that network guaranteed a kind of protection for the LTTE. This network still exists."

( In an interview to 'The Week')

Rajah said...

Remembering the sad saga of Tamils in Sri Lanka, a cultural genocide of Tamils, the burning down of the Jaffna library, one of the biggest and finest in Asia, on the night of May 31, 1981? On that fateful night Sri Lankan paramilitary forces set ablaze this grand library as part of the pogrom against Tamils of Jaffna. Some 97,000 volumes of books, excluding rare and important Ola manuscripts, went up in flames.

Video and More Details

Indian said...

//Freedom Fighter said,
Even rajapaksha is openly saying he fought india's war. How is that going to be seen tamil nadu//

I am still clueless as to why you pull TN into the equation.I have said this before here,but repeating it again.When IPKF was still in Srilanka and with LTTE's propoganda campaign hitting sky limits,Rajiv's Congress won 30 out of 30 seats it contested and its ally ADMK won 10 out of 10 in 1989 General elections.I neednt say more about '09 elections,when people taught a lesson to the jackass Poiko.

If all this doesnt tell you the story,then God save you.

//Bhadri said,
All of those pictures are pre-2002//

So LTTE and VP got enlightened under Bhodi tree and decided to stop using children?
You people quote Western media at the drop of the hat.Maybe you should check what GUardian had to say yesterday.Oh wait,I forgot you have selective amnesia with certain media,dont you.

You still follow what Seeman had to say??Then what exactly did the LTTE mean to achieve when they attacked the holy shrine of Buddhists \ when they conducted massacre of innocent people gathered for prayer in a mosque etc.A man who order's to kill unarmed people through human bombs,deserves the AXE not just on the head but between the legs as well.

Bharathiraaja learnt his lesson very well and is keeping low profile nowadays.Very soon Seeman and his co too would learn their lesson.But when all they are worried about is the porkizhi that they get in Pongu Tamizh and the likes,they will even go to the extent of saying they just spoke to VP from hell(maybe they used the services of ஆவி அமுதா)

But as Dinamalar made fun of Poiko today,நாங்க‌ உங்க‌ கிட்ட‌ இன்னும் எதிர்பார்க்கிறோம்

Oh by the way,K Ramakrishnan is cooling his arse under NSA.Bye bye to him

Saul said...

Velavan Master said...Here's what the LTTE animals do with diaspora money:

Excellent link; I quote from the story:

THey were told that if they did not fight they would be shot from behind, he said. On the fifth day, he escaped.

"In the beginning, the LTTE were fighting for the Tamils, but in the end they were just fighting for themselves," he said.

So there it is.

Saul said...

Indian - the Tamil diaspora do not really understand Tamil Nadu, or the Tamils of Tamil Nadu.

They also do not understand what it means to be Indian - that we take pride in which part of India we come from, we fight and bicker and insult each other, our leaders often incite ethnic tensions, but when it comes to the nub of the matter, when it becomes critical, we know who we are - simple, flat out Indian. Nothing else.

Indian said...

Exactly.I believe you cant read Tamizh.I read a very interesting post in "Letter to editor" column on Dinamalar,the tamil daily.

The contents were this "How people like Poiko,Nedumaran and joker's like Seeman etc,can get the rights of Tamils in Lanka when they themselves dont have the slightest of regard for their own mother country".

Saul said...

Indian said...Saul,
Exactly.I believe you cant read Tamizh..
Indian, of course I can read Tamizh (eh? I thought it was Tamil, FFS!).

I know Vanaklkam, Thambi, Sapad, Idli, Dosa, Sambhar, Vada and, of course, Aiyyo.

I also know: chik buk chik buk raile.

I am a master linguist.

Just kidding.

Your letters to the editor content was good to hear but not surprising, because it happened in India. I come from Uttaranchal. In the recent elections the BJP lost every single seat out of five! This was a historic trend. One comment from someone I know in Dehradun- "Who gives a f*ck for religion (i.e. BJP) if they cannot give us development"?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["So LTTE and VP got enlightened under Bhodi tree and decided to stop using children?"]

Yes, they gave up certain past practices in order to be acceptable to the international community. That plan completely failed though.

Recruiting children stopped years ago, except for the paramilitaries like Karuna Amman. Unless you can show a single body of a child soldier, they don't exist.

["You people quote Western media at the drop of the hat.Maybe you should check what GUardian had to say yesterday.Oh wait,I forgot you have selective amnesia with certain media,dont you."]

You obviously have enough intelligence to understand that the Sri Lankan government also plants stories in the newspapers. Allowing journalists to interview a "child soldier" being held in a child rehabilitation camp isn't coincidental. This is around the 5th such interview I have seen from this camp in the last 6 months.

First show us the bodies of dead child soldiers, and allow free press into the IDP camps to get testimonies. Then we can see what the truth is about child soldiers. Right now there is no physical proof, and reports conducted by government permission with special "child soldier rehabilitation camps" mean nothing.

FreedomFighter said...

Indian, I can undersnatd why you so angry with Vieko Nedumran becuase they can moblise large support for cause. If state did not fear them they would not have have put them in jain for several times ?

Indian you do not understand how division you have with you own country ? how Karantaka'n think thamilan are notheing more capable then servants ?

You also fail to understand that all this support for eelam is because of TN people own desire for freedom and equal ness with other indian's .

Now whne i ask what the people will 20,000 tamils blool on India's hands. Answer is that
that will permanant scare on thamilan heart ?

Remember that how rajive ganthi's deaths was used to revenge Tamils. in the same way this incident will back fire on India. Internally
and externally.

Revenge and violence is bad when Tamils do that, but it also applies to every one else.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Excellent link; I quote from the story:

So there it is."]

It's easy to convince people who have already made up their mind.

Saul said...

Seriously, again, when Tamil diaspora begin to understand the sense of pride (almost arrogance) I feel when I think of AR Rahman, Maniratnam, Abdul Kalam (who is a Tamil for those who do not know), they will understand why trying to invoke Tamil terrorism in India will not work.

BTW did you know that at least one list of the greatest Indians ever, has a preponderance of Bengalis and Tamils?

Check this out:

In a sense I have always said how sorry I felt that Sri Lanka never really managed to use the innate Tamil genius.

FreedomFighter said...

Looks Singala racist's stae's supporters are worried about what is coming their way..Do not worry 350 milion dollars more will be used in non violent way to get our freedom.

ooh how may lawers's can we hire with that to sue war criminals ?

Maybe big campaign against M&S to stop importing cloths ? after all M&S was created by Jews.

Maybe get one of the Big Hollywood director's to make movie about Kill zone ? and expose how china and India aided the mass murder ?

MIA & AR Rahaman will be able to sort that out.

I think

Unknown said...

FreedomFighter said
["Indian, I can undersnatd why you so angry with Vieko Nedumran becuase they can moblise large support for cause."]
The 'largness'of the support they can mobilise was amply demonstrated in the recent election.

Badri said
["It's easy to convince people who have already made up their mind."]
Very true! If not how would you, in your right mind deny the use of child soldiers by LTTE?

Unknown said...

I hope you're kidding with those comments. (Hollywood movie to creat Eelam!) I ma sure you're smarter than a fifth grader

FreedomFighter said...

Rajan..I am not joking.

movie are way to send the real story's.. to the western world to tell what happened. End of the day the situation in sri lanka has become like Ruwenda and Bosnia.

FreedomFighter said...

Rajan if you do not believe me get the moview called Hotel Rwanda and see how it effects you..
Movie wan't create eelam for us. It will be small step in the right direction.

Saul said...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...
It's easy to convince people who have already made up their mind..

Fair enough Badri, yeas, I have made up my mind. I.e. the LTTE were/ are mad murderous f*cks who had it coming.

Was I wrong? I think not.

But that was not my point. My point was that the LTTE wasn't exactly doodh ka dhula, i.e. a babe in the woods was it?

Even more to the point, you guys want to carry the 'struggle' forward? Here's a tip - focus on the IDPs.

I support the SL government 100%. But reports from SL in terms of what is happening to the IDPs need to be clarified. Because when I hear of abuse of the IDPs, I can sense my blood begin to BOIL.

I have tried to say this on DW but have been criticized/ abused as being just another fake ID. Fair enough - those guys have been subjected to severe abuse over the years and they are a bit paranoid.

HOWEVER, right now those boys do not realize that India is done with VP (may his soul rot in hell); NOW we are worried about the IDPs.

India is a democracy which means we move slowwwwwly.

But I hope to heck SL is smart enough to take care of the IDPs quickly and fairly AND communicate this to the media. Because, if not, the sense of anger (well, not anger just and intense curiosity) will become very real in India. That's when it will get interesting.

In short, VP/ LTTE are done. F*ck 'em. But the SL Tamils are a different matter altogether for us.

Saul said...

To clarify what I just said, I am COMPLETELY behind SL's national integrity. The ideal solution for me is a prosperous SL where Sinhalese and Tamils can live in peace.

So do not misinterpret what I said in my previous post; I am still with the SL government 100%.

Saul said...

FreedomFighter said...

Indian you do not understand how division you have with you own country ? how Karantaka'n think thamilan are notheing more capable then servants .

Eh? Dude have you even lived in India?


Saul said...

LOL. Kill all the goltis! The goltis are trying to rule the Tamils!

Question for you TN/India experts: How many of you know what 'golti' means and what is one theory behind how it was created?

Unknown said...

People watch movies, feel sad and get back to their normal business and forget it next day.
Surely people that matter (policy makers) do not formulate them based on movies.
I watched Hotel Rwanda and felt sad, but I don't think it made any difference to the situ in Rwanda.
People also watched Blood Diamond and talked of all the killing that diamonds generate, but it not make any difference to the diamond market.

Sacktheish said...

I watched Hotel Rwanda just a few days ago, it was a good film. That film made me find about what happened in Rwanda.

Unknown said...

But did it lead to any constructive actions by you?

Saul said...


Perhaps he had a few extra helpings of anjira? That's a lot of support right there...

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

"People also watched Blood Diamond and talked of all the killing that diamonds generate, but it not make any difference to the diamond market."

I am not sure if the movie was a catalyst,but since around that time the legal diamond market has put in a large number of measures to make sure the stone is not bloodstained, with success.

FreedomFighter said...

Before people take constructive action, getting them to be aware of the Tamils plight is the 1st step.

most people in western world have limited understanding of the situation,

where they come from, why do they fight ? there will be documentary and moves made to tell the actuals facts.. not the bull shit from sri lankan government.

You see when they have some uderstanding then when we go out protest or sitin. They would be able understand our situation and those compassionate people even be able to support us.

FreedomFighter said...

Also we need to think about this type of protes

Boston_Tea_Party, this happend in USA where guys who were protesting against British dumbed tea off ships, In similar acts have been Gandhi during his campaign.

In overseas places where we are heavily populated, we can can target some area's of sri Lanka's government which will hurt then very badly. But still with out violence against people.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["I support the SL government 100%."]

Do you support the killing of 30,000 civilians by the Sri Lankan government if it is confirmed by the UN and not just my claim?

wijayapala said...

Tamil children as young as 11 were forced at gunpoint to fight for the Tigers in Sri Lanka's civil war.

Gethin Chamberlain The Observer, Sunday 31 May 2009

Darchiga Kuken was sheltering in a bunker in the Mullaitivu area when a group of about 20 Tamil Tiger soldiers arrived and demanded that she went with them.

"I was sick with chicken pox. My mother and father were screaming and crying, saying that I was sick and pleading with them not to take me," she said. The men went away. And then at 5pm on 14 March they came back. They called me to come out and then they grabbed me and put me in a jeep. I started to cry. I was shouting: 'Mother, father, help me.' "

The 16-year-old is now being held in what the government describes as a "rehabilitation centre", a jungle camp built on a hillside outside the town of Ambepusse in the south of the country. Here children like her, who were forced to fight on the front line in the final stages of the war in Sri Lanka, gave the Observer compelling evidence of war crimes committed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The camp currently houses 95 children, with another 200 on their way from internment camps around the town of Vavuniya in the north of the country.

Despite international concerns over the treatment of LTTE suspects, the children appeared to be well treated and were able to speak freely when the Observer visited the camp on Thursday. The most distressing sight was a young boy howling in pain on the floor of one of the huts; his friends said that he had recently arrived and still had a piece of shrapnel lodged in his skull from the recent fighting.

The accounts of these boys and girls who surrendered to the Sri Lankan army were shocking. They say they were dragged screaming from their families and sent into action with only a few days of basic training. The older members of the LTTE warned them to keep firing and advancing, or they would be shot by their own side from behind.

Those who did try to escape said they were fired on by their own side. Children who were recaptured had their hair shaved off to mark them as deserters and boys were beaten.

Darchiga said she was shot in the stomach by the army two days after arriving on the front line, having been forced to pick up a rifle and go forward to fight. She said LTTE cadres left her bleeding for four hours before she received any medical treatment.

According to her testimony, the Tigers had warned every family that those children who could carry a weapon were expected to join up, regardless of age. Some as young as 11 and 12 had been taken, she said. "They told families that one child was enough. If they had five children, they would take four and leave just one."

She was taken to a training camp at Mullaivaikal, where nine days of basic military training were interrupted by frequent air attacks. On the morning of 24 March, she was sent to the front.

"I was scared and thought that I would die now and would never see my parents again. They had scared us and said we shouldn't sleep because the army would come and cut our throats."

She spent the first day hiding in a bunker, then she was shoved forwards because the senior Tiger cadres said they were running out of fighters. "They gave me a rifle. It was very heavy. They threatened us that we had to go forward and shoot; if we came back, they would shoot us themselves.

"I went a few hundred yards and hid behind a coconut tree. I saw the army coming and I was very scared and I was lying down trying to hide, but then they shot me in the stomach.

"I started screaming because of the pain, but the cadres told me to shut up because the army would hear me. They gave me a cloth to put on the wound. There was a lot of blood. It was four hours before they took me to the hospital at Matalan."

wijayapala said...

On 13 April she escaped and ran back to her family. The Tigers were looking for deserters, she said. "If they caught them, they shaved their hair off and sent them back to the front line." Boys also received a beating.

She finally managed to escape with a group of civilians, but only after the Tigers had fired on them. She was separated from her family, who were sent to the internment camps at Vavuniya, and taken to a court, which ordered her to be detained at Ambepusse for a year - the standard treatment for those who confess to LTTE membership, even if they had been coerced.

Ravindram Vajeevan, 17, said he arrived at Ambepusse on 9 April after escaping from the Tigers four days earlier. He had a large scar on his left arm where he had been shot by his former comrades as he ran away.

He had been taken from his family in Mullaitivu on 29 March, as fighting raged around the shrinking no-fire zone and LTTE numbers dwindled. A large group of men arrived at the house, he said, and dragged him from the bunker where he had been sheltering.

"They hit me and my mother was crying and I was crying, but they said I had to go to fight. My neighbours tried to stop them, but they said they would shoot. Then they fired in the air," he said.

He was taken to a camp with about 70 other young boys and taught how to make a bunker, how to handle a rifle, how to escape from an ambush and how to stage an attack. They were told that if they did not fight they would be shot from behind, he said. On the fifth day, he escaped.

"In the beginning, the LTTE were fighting for the Tamils, but in the end they were just fighting for themselves," he said.

Thambirasa Jagadiswary, 20, and her brother Thambirasa Thisanandan, 17, were reunited at Ambepusse after the the Tigers took them from their family. Jagadiswary was taken in June 2008 and drafted into a mortar unit before being captured; her brother was dragooned in February this year. He had spent 15 days with the rebels before escaping and surrendering.

Afterwards he was taken to Vavuniya with his parents. "They told us there that those who were in the LTTE should register, so I did," he said. "Then they told me they would separate us from our parents."

"I was talking with my friends when they brought him in," his sister said. "All of a sudden I saw my brother and I started crying and shouting and hugging him." Their mother remains in the internment camp at Menik Farm.

These teenagers' revelations come days after the UN human rights council rejected a call for an investigation into allegations of war crimes by both sides during the 26-year conflict and accepted an alternative Sri Lankan government resolution describing the conflict as a "domestic matter that doesn't warrant outside interference". The Sri Lankan military has also been accused of committing war crimes by firing on civilians.

Among the traumatised and unwilling child soldiers of the Tamil Tigers, there is just a desire for normality to return.

"I was one year with the LTTE and I must be one year here," said Jagadiswary. "Now I would just like to find my mother and get on with my life."

wijayapala said...

Dear Badri,

"Unless you can show a single body of a child soldier, they don't exist."

If the SLA showed pictures of child soldiers' bodies then the worldwide Eelamoid community would be shrieking that the SLA is killing children.

Great to see you back in denial mode. Is Thalaivar still alive?

Pierre said...

Where is MIA. Is she running behind Oprah to do something.
Just see how many die in the next few months, which will prove that the absence of LTTE is the reason. Be grateful.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


while I have no doubts that Tigers used underage combatants, I have my doubts regarding 'interviews' taken from prison inmates whose life depends on what they say( or dont) to the press.The interview simply does not carry any weight because of this.We have seen how Sinhalese are freely discussing bumping-off Tamils with past LTTE connections after getting info out of them,and then cooking up stories later.

Anonymous said...

[Sun Tzu's disciple said...


1.Bread would be any solution short of "eelam".Whether it is eqvivalent to Pillaiyans powers, 13th amndmt or ISGA is upto you to settle on. ]

ONLY OBJECTIVE of Eelam Tamils is to stop the genocide. to do this, either separate state or federal set-up with police and land powers is needed. Eelam Tamils asked for federal set-up since 1948. Since 1972, they ask either separate state or federal. In 1977 elections, 1985 (Thimpu), 2002/03 Norway (agreed to work towards federal solution).

All other 'breads' will freely allow the genocide to continue and must not be accepted at any cost!

[2.Your choice== choice whether to repeat the failed LTTE-style violent campaign which discredited you struggle or take a more realistic form.
It is one thing to respect the sacrifices of Tigers. It is another thing to recognise that retreading Tigers path will bring more hurdles for Tamils . ]

The West has been telling the Tamils "Give up your violent struggle and we'll help you". Now it has been achieved by the GOSL and along the way the way the shit lanka showed its true colors. Now, there will be no violent sruggle at least for 5-6 months (as the ltte needs time to re-group). If the West is unable to deliver on ite promise to Tamils during this non-violent struggle period, can the West again tell Tamils "Give up your violent struggle and we'll help you", when the Tamils re-commence their struggle as before?


Sun Tzu's disciple said...

"All other 'breads' will freely allow the genocide to continue and must not be accepted at any cost!"

Perhaps you are true.Give the Sinhalese sometime, perhaps they will be magnanimous now? If not Tamil struggle will gain the moral superiority it lost.

"Give up your violent struggle and we'll help you"
I dont remember West promising anything concrete.I had talked of a small armed wing in a past post, if politics fail.But resurrecting LTTE would make sure that Tamils will NEVER get any rights.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Not being Tamil in Sri Lanka I would like to know if the above account is a current one, or a re-print from the past?
If it is a current account then giving self-rule to Tamils would be fully justified.

Malin said...

Nice story.. but small questions.. are they living on fake Id's. I know some poeple in kandy who are tamil, but never heard they had problems any time recently.

And the Tooth relic festival is held on every five to six year, it was held in feb or march this year in the midst of war. i am catholic but got lucky enough to see it in my own eyes, its something that even a buddhist's find it hard to go and see.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

"I know some poeple in kandy who are tamil, but never heard they had problems any time recently."

If the above story is anything to go by, its not a surprise why you didnt hear that they had any problems.

Malin said...

Well they are friends.. so i get to know certains things.. but i guess its too different stories when someone is staying with fake ID, and for poeple who live normally, kandy is place of less trouble. If i had to fake my own identity the guess i would be hiding from everybody also. This is not a normal case, though i can undestand why they are doing it. Same methods are used when LTTE hide amoung civilians also. I am not saying thes people are LTTE. BUt how can the goverment identify if there are LTTE or not.. for the simple fact of living on fake ID.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

even accepting for a moment that he is to blame for faking his ID(what a preposterous idea),how do you explain the open and constant insult to his religion noted broad daylight and sponsored by the state?

Short of making leather out of their skins and putting identification tags on their person the whole thing reeks of the 3rd Reich..

wijayapala said...


"while I have no doubts that Tigers used underage combatants, I have my doubts regarding 'interviews' taken from prison inmates whose life depends on what they say( or dont) to the press.The interview simply does not carry any weight because of this."

In that case, we can also have our doubts about the stories from the Wanni about SLA shelling. Those accounts came from people under LTTE control whose lives would depend on what they say (or don't) to the press.

Veeran said...

Pottu Amman is still alive !

[Unable to retrieve the body of LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman from the war zone, the Sri Lankan army is still investigating the
possibility that he may be alive despite several claims to the contrary

Amman, wanted in connection with the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, was believed to have died along with most of the other Tiger leaders and an LTTE spokesperson had recently confirmed his death. The army, however, did not find his body among the top Tiger leaders.

"Apart from the way the Tiger leader got killed, the military is also still investigating intelligence wing leader Pottu Amman's death as they could not find his body among top level Tiger leaders," the state-run Sunday Observer said.

"Therefore, they have to believe in the information divulged by a Tiger cadre who surrendered, that Pottu Amman was killed before LTTE teams arrived in military controlled areas," it said.

wijayapala said...

"If it is a current account then giving self-rule to Tamils would be fully justified."

Interesting story- if his home in Vavuniya was burnt by Sinhala goons, why did Kumar's family move deeper into the south to live among the Sinhala majority? I'm not doubting his story at all, I just want to see whether you have an intelligent answer.

The fact that he chose to move to the south rather blows a hole through your solution of giving him his own homeland, STD.

wijayapala said...

Veeran, Tamilnet has some more info on this:

Pottu Amman Alive and Safe.
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 26 May 2009, 02:00 GMT]

Intelligence Chief Pottu Amman whom SL Armed forces cannot produce a body, is alive and well.

Hope this clears up the confusion.

Veeran said...

[Hope this clears up the confusion ]

Yes. this clears the confusion that u cant have the Cake & eat it alone !

Anonymous said...

[where they come from, why do they fight ? there will be documentary and moves made to tell the actuals facts.. not the bull shit from sri lankan government.]

This is the link to watch the documentary My Daughter, The Terrorist, with English subtitles.

wijayapala said...


"how do you explain the open and constant insult to his religion noted broad daylight and sponsored by the state?"

I think you need a little lesson on religion in Sri Lanka.

Buddhism doesn't really allow for the concept of a Supreme God, but there is the concept of guardian deities who are considered to be friends and protectors of the Buddha and his teachings. Local deities in various Buddhist countries had been absorbed into this role- just as there are local Chinese gods serving as guardian deities in China, Sinhala Buddhists have adopted Hindu gods as their guardian deities.

The 4 chief guardian deities of Lanka, according to the Sinhalese are:

Uppalavannan (Vishnu)
Kataragama (Skanda)

Interestingly the ancient Tamils also had 4 guardian deities who somewhat but not entirely correlate with the Sinhalese:

Mayon (Krishna/Vishnu)
Ceyon (Murugan/Skanda)
Ventan (Indra)

This goes both ways- Hindu Tamils venerate Lord Buddha in a similar manner. It is not uncommon to see a small depiction of the Buddha alongside the other Hindu gods, and perhaps using STD logic I could tell myself that the Hindus are deliberately putting the Buddha in an inferior position to their gods just to spite the Sinhalese. However, I've decided instead to appreciate the Tamils' veneration of the Buddha, which serves to remind me that the Tamils are not anti-Sinhalese.

"Short of making leather out of their skins and putting identification tags on their person the whole thing reeks of the 3rd Reich.."

Buddy, why don't you pay a visit to Sri Lanka to see the country with your own eyes, instead of getting spastic from internet stories??

FreedomFighter said...

India was accused yesterday of complicity in the killing of an estimated 20,000 civilians in the last stages of Sri Lanka’s 26-year war against the Tamil Tigers. Major-General Ashok Mehta, a former commander of Indian peacekeeping forces in Sri Lanka, said that India’s role was “distressing and disturbing”. Two international human rights groups said that India had failed to do enough to protect civilian lives. “We were complicit in this last phase of the offensive when a great number of civilians were killed,” General Mehta, who is now retired, told The Times.

Rajah said...

wijayapala said...

"Interestingly the ancient Tamils also had 4 guardian deities who somewhat but not entirely correlate with the Sinhalese"

Don't you know buddha him self a hindu ?

Unknown said...


"Part1-UN suppose to protect the civilians but is failed and top of that hiding the number of deaths to protected the Gov of Srilankan. Now we going to ask them to investigate??? Are we not making the mistake again??? The war crime should be dealt with some independent organization

Part2-This mistake can be repeated elsewhere we have to put a stop to it now. Also I agree with Geoffrey Robertson about the people who represent the UN, all sucks. BAN SHOULD RESIGN HE IS NOT FIT FOR THE JOB. NAMBIAR SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED FOR SUPPORTING THE WAR CRIME.

Part3-This guy did not want to brief after his first visit from Srilanka then you sent him again???? There are no human rights in those countries that voted in favor of Srilanka. One day there will be a big threat to the western countries."
link :

wijayapala said...


"Don't you know buddha him self a hindu ?"

Really? Where did he say that?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gayan said...


Yeah!! I suppose Navi Pillei should become the head of UN, and Minee-band and co. should be awarded nobel peace prizes!!
Gimme a break!!
The problem with you Peelam Tamils is that you want the rest of the world to see things just the way you do, which is totally screwed up!!!!

Gayan said...

[India was accused yesterday of complicity in the killing of an estimated 20,000 civilians in the last stages of Sri Lanka’s 26-year war against the Tamil Tigers.]

And I suppose Tiger terrorists are saints and should not to be blamed for any civilian deaths since 1976!!!! :-)))

Rajah said...

wijayapala said...
[ Really? Where did he say that?]
i have read some where i don't remember the source. i like real Buddhism (not the one in sri lanka)

Rajah said...


Rajah said...


i am not trying undermine Buddhism, i just try to explain reason for the similarity.

Malin said...

Rajah you dont have to undermine Buddhism because it never wants to be on top of any other religion.

Buddhism is not about one god, who looks after one race of humans, its just simple ways of living. You can belong to anyother religion but still you can be good buddhist too.

Buddha is not a GOD, but man who was enlighten in the ways of the universe.

What he says is


We are responsible for our sins, no one else.. thats what i undestand of buddhism.

Moorthy G said...

[Not being Tamil in Sri Lanka I would like to know if the above account is a current one, or a re-print from the past?
If it is a current account then giving self-rule to Tamils would be fully justified.]

STD, why don't you go and wank your small dick somewhere else?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Where is our economist Navindrun?

How is the currency?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

All LTTE supporters, LTTE supporting countries, LTTE itself are defeated militarary and international politically.

It is good for the all Tamils living in SL and all others in SL.

Ashok Kumar said...

Lt. Col. Ranjith Perera - Traitor who was on LTTE payroll and leaked sensitive info to 'Prabha'
Recently State Intelligence Service (SIS) agents arrested a LTTE suicide cadre in Negombo who revealed the whereabouts of another suicide cadre in Wellawatte, residing in a luxury apartment located in 37th Lane. When SIS agents arrived at the apartment, second suicide cadre committed suicide by jumping from the 7th floor. SIS agents recovered four suicide kits. A mobile phone used by this LTTE agent had the phone number of an Army Colonel attached to Military Intelligence (MI) as well as to the SF. It was Lt. Col. Ranjith Perera attached to the Ratmalana Army Transit Camp.

The suicide cadre revealed that this Colonel facilitated the transportation of cadres and suicide kits to several areas. He further said that they had tried their utmost to carry out a suicide mission during the recent ‘Deyata Kirula’ exhibition at the BMICH. Their target had been to kill the President, the Defence Secretary or Army Commander. But the attempt had failed as the security cordon was too tight. The Colonel had suicide cadres in his vehicle when the President visited the ‘Deyata Kirula’ exhibition at the BMICH.

‘Colombo’s Praba’ caught & Lt. Col. Ranjith Perera exposed

A person had been in the habit of meeting diplomats at the Colombo Swimming Club (CSC) whom he lobbied and misled, regarding the conflict in Sri Lanka. His name is Prabha and lived in Wellawatte. He was the owner of an electronics outlet called Panama Traders, Shop Numbers 3-26 and 3-27 on the 3rd Floor of Majestic City. His mobile phone number was 0777 398 117 and his shop phone number was 011 4527057.

One of Prabha’s major links was Lt. Col. Ranjith Perera, a Colonel General Staff (GS) of 52 Division. He served from 2006-2-9 to 2008-1-8. He had been denied promotion to the rank of full Colonel by the Army Commander. This was because during a battle at Tanankilappu in Jaffna when the LTTE had attacked this Lt. Col.’s battalion, he had not offered resistance, and without his superior officer’s command, he had withdrawn his battalion from battle.

As Colonel GS, he had passed sensitive information to Prabha over his phone. Some of the incidents, where prior information had reached the LTTE, are:

* The LTTE attack on February 14, 2007, when the Mechanised Infantry Regiment was observing its ceremonial day, in which the then Mechanised Brigade Commander Col. Ralph Nugera was seriously injured and soldiers killed.

* When the Defence Secretary and the Army Commander flew to Jaffna, the LTTE mounted an artillery attack from Pooneryn on Palaly Air Base. The aircraft did not land and returned safely to Colombo. This trip was a tightly kept secret among the security forces, but not so for the LTTE, as the sensitive information had been already passed onto the Tigers through Lt. Col. Ranjith Perera.

* The other was when the then GOC Jaffna Maj. Gen. G.A. Chandrasiri was on an inspection tour of Jaffna. Then too, the LTTE directed artillery fire.

* And whenever the Sri Lanka Army advanced from the Muhamalai front, the LTTE almost always had prior information from this Lt. Col. All these information passed through Prabha.

>> Bottom Line - 2009

Anonymous said...

[Mali said ...

I am not saying thes people are LTTE. BUt how can the goverment identify if there are LTTE or not.. for the simple fact of living on fake ID. ..]

The shit lankan govern & SLA only attempts to identify Tamils vs non-tamils. that's all!


Anonymous said...

[Gayan said...

[India was accused yesterday of complicity in the killing of an estimated 20,000 civilians in the last stages of Sri Lanka’s 26-year war against the Tamil Tigers.]

And I suppose Tiger terrorists are saints and should not to be blamed for any civilian deaths since 1976!!!! :-))) ]

singhala barbarians forget that they started killing eelam tamils since 1956 riots. These genocidal riots resulted in tamil militancy. singhala barbarians!


Anonymous said...

[ wijayapala said...


"Don't you know buddha him self a hindu ?"

Really? Where did he say that? ]

budhism is about 2400 years old hile hindusim is well over 3000 years old. budha's parents are hindus and during that time there was no christianity, muslim, etc. except jewdism.

history is sri lanka is distorted by the genocidal barbarians to favor singhalas and to disadvantage the eelam tamils and to justify among the modayas

LankaBoy_007 said...

I can see puke gal is dying out gradually. Intelligent die ass pora disapering like poddu disappear. I think mahen’ poddu story seems correct. Itz time to close the shop badri . no ealam, no money and no honey either. Hope ur asylum applications reject soon. We will be waiting at katunayaka to welcome you.

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

Badri, You shouldn't quit this blog.

If you can delete the posts of Sinhalese coolies, that would be nice.

I REPEAT again, Tamils will never forget what happened to them in the war zone.

Actions speak louder than words, hope, some Tamils will start an org soon with one goal - destruction of SL.


With three of my distant relatives in the same family who were killed in the war-zone on May 15th, one more of the same family also passed few days back in hospital. It tells what these people went through in the final days in war zone.

Malin said...

Read the below link, A letter for everyone by a Moderate Tamil

wijayapala said...



Thank you. I would suggest that if you want to learn about Buddhism, you should read Buddhist sources not Hindu websites. Similarly the best way to learn about Hinduism is from Hindus not Buddhists.

wijayapala said...

Subject: Lets Get Together and Reconcile

Hi Friends,

I write this with a lot of sadness, relief and hope, form what has happened in the past few months. As a Tamil, (and proud to be one) I deeply feel that together, we can build the burnt bridges and pave a path to peace, happiness, equality and prosperity for us and for the future generations to come.

We cannot forget what happened for the past three decades, however we need to put aside our emotions, despair and remember those lives, which were lost in bloody war in the name of “equality”. We (Tamils) have to now reconcile and win the trust of the nation. For decades, we have been secretive, unpredictable and uncompromising. Sure enough, we were discriminated in the past, deprived of our equal rights and treated unfairly. Now we have to give the nation a chance to prove that, it is not the case.

We have to let go of the past and not react to our feelings in an irrational and selfish way. We talk about the 1953 era, of the riots and how the Tamils were discriminated and treated badly. In 1953, the whole world was a different place and had a different attitude. In America blacks could not go in to a restaurant or a supermarket or attend a white school, the aborigines in Australia did not have any rights. Now America has a black president, and the Aborigines have equal rights; we Tamils now have to give it a chance for change to happen in our motherland. We are hanging on to views and ideologies, which formed thirty years ago, which are not appropriate anymore. I think that, in the past 20 years we have created a doubt in the minds of the Sinhalese and the nation, making them wonder weather every other Tamil is a Tamil Tiger or not.

Prior, to 1988, before I left to Australia, I remember after a rugby game at Longden Place and a few (in my context) drinks at the club, going home in the early hours of the morning, my only fear was whether I will be stopped and breathalysed and charged for DUI. In the later years in my many trips to SL, the fear was whether I would be subject to harassment because of my Tamil name. Why do you think it is so? Is it not because of the war, the suicide bombings? All of this distrust of Tamils started after the war began. So, did we not create this for ourselves? This is not only happening to the Tamils, in fact if you send money to the US or visit the US bearing an Arabic name, you are scrutinised vigorously, which began after “9/11″. The Arabic world calls it “discrimination”.

In 1983, the news of the death of 13 soldiers sparked an organised riot, and over 2000 Tamils lost their lives and over 100,000 Tamils were displaced. The nation soon realised that it should not have let it happen, and the wider community shared the same sentiment.

In 1996 a raid on a Military camp in Mullaitivu by the Tigers, 1,500 soldiers were killed, yet there was no repeat of 1983, or for that matter since 1983 several thousands soldiers have lost their lives and we did not see a repeat of 1983.

We talk about “Genocide”, which is a very powerful and compelling word. No doubt, that many women and children have lost their lives, but one has to remember in every war, innocent people loose their lives. There is blame on both the armed forces and the Tigers.

Let’s not be the judge of that, let the appropriate organisations investigate and report the findings.

The Tamil Diaspora and number of organisations are having protest marches and their websites are relentlessly publishing calls for the IC to intervene about the mistreatment and harassment of the civilians.

However much we are angry and anxious, we must have patients and let the government, UN and the other aid organisation to embark on the huge task ahead of them to relocate, resettle and reconcile the civilian casualties.

wijayapala said...

We have been having protest marches for decades around the world. Has one head of state or a member of a parliament took a flight and gone to Sri Lanka and discussed the problem with the authorities? I do not think so. The IC will mention our plea in their speeches, or talk about it when the next election comes around.

Does the IC know the differences between Jayasinghe and Jayasingham? It is up to us reconcile and rebuild friendships.

What has happened in the past has happened; we cannot turn back the clock. The truth of what happened in the battle zones will only surface, if the victims have no fear in revealing the truth. From this point, onwards it is up to us to make sure that this is possible. We should regain the trust and the sympathy of the grater community.

We Tamils started this war his was never an option. For thirty years, we have fought a bloody war with no results. Are we going to continue this for another thirty years? No. We, have lost too much, the nation has lost too much. It is time to take a step back and think sensibly putting aside our emotions and pride.

The Tamil Diaspora and community leaders, spokespersons and organisations are calling for the Tamil community to “re-group and realise our leaders dream”, after three decades of war, is it not the time now to wake up from that dream? They say now that the Tigers are defeated that we will be systematically eradicated, as there is no one to protect us. We should stop speculating of what the future holds for the Tamils in Sri Lanka and need to get these myths out of our heads and win the trust of the nation we should responsibly publish and circulate articles and news items, or even refrain from doing so until the displaced civilians are settled. Now we need to concentrate and work closely with those who are in SL to help the refugees.

In the past, few days there are reports that, during the celebrations following the government’s victory over the Tigers, that many Tamil businesses were forced to give money towards the celebrations, and this news is from “Reliable sources”. This may be true may not be true, however when we hear such news we need to think rationally and responsibly before we spread it around, Sometimes, in times of sadness, desperation and anxiety the, truth is often exaggerated and taken out of context. We all remember, back in SL at a big match we generally have a “hat collection” to pay for our celebrations. This has been a culture. Every Christmas, New-year, Vesak or during Vel Festival, the garbage collectors, the postal workers etc go house-to-house collecting money for celebrations. It is not an unusually thing to happen. The people who have not experience this should not be alarmed and portrait such incidents as “discrimination and harassment”.

I ask those who receive this mail, to support me in achieving a united and equal Sri Lanka for all who were born there. One day I wish to return to the country of my birth and live as an equal citizen in peace and harmony.

How can you help? Tamils should reach out to the Sinhalese and speak about the grievance you have, and ask them to help you achieve security and equality. My, Sinhalese friends should reach out to a Tamil and unconditionally trust them and help them achieve security and equality. We, Tamils have to realise that this is the only nation that Sinhalese is spoken, and we should respect that, win their trust and respect in return.


Mohan Sekaram

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