Monday, April 6, 2009

Rumors the Sri Lankan military used chemical weapons

There have been rumors going around that the Sri Lankan military used chemical weapons yesterday in its battle against the LTTE. We do not have proof one way or the other, but two odd points cast doubts on the government. For the first time ever, pictures of the dead LTTE bodies have unusual burn wounds and skin peeling off in many places. In the past the bodies have never had such wounds. Secondly, the Sri Lankan military has blurred out parts of the dead fighters' bodies, most commonly the face (but many faces are also left unblured, so they are not trying to hide the person's identity). There are no signs of blood in the blured out area, so the only logical conclusion is that they want to hide the oddly peeled and burnt skin, which would be most visible on the exposed face. Below are a few examples of these wounds:

In the photo above, why is his chest blurred out? There is no sign of a bullet wound, but you can see a rash or burn around his neck and the blurred area, plus his skin is peeling off on many places.

Why did the Sri Lankan government blur out the faces in the top row, but not the faces below:

What are they trying to hide by blurring out the faces? There are no signs of bullet wounds there, and they obviously aren't hiding their identity, because other faces are being shown. It is possible they are trying to cover up signs of peeling and burnt skin, which would be most visible on the exposed faces.


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Anonymous said...

Oh my Lord, What has gone through Sinhalese Mind ???

Are we deserve to get this, do sinhalese don't care about the innoncent rather than looking at Tamil or Sinhalese,
these are government creating chaos,

This is becomming worse then Nazi !

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Again these are just rumors, and I personally believe what Peter said is probably the case (that the bodies were saved from many days before and then shown all at once for the news), and as such they are highly decomposed. But already several websites have brought this point up, so I thought we should look into it and discuss it.

khanthas said...

Badri, some medical specialist among us should be able to identify the cause observing these photos …

Eelam Tamil said...

[This is becomming worse then Nazi !]

It is unfortunate that this day and age, this kind of worse than Nazi's atrocities with the blessing of Indian Congress party taking place at our homeland and the whole world is just looking at as curious spectators. I wonder where the world is going now?

Eelam Tamil said...

As you can see the Sinhella regime's war plan is get the civilians out of the battle zone by force and use chemical attack to kill all the LTTE.
This has been publicly discussed on Sinhella blogs such as DW and DN.
This is a master plan right from the start by Cowardice Sinhellese who can never fight with LTTE in equal playing field.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

As suspected:

"International pressure stopped army’s march into no fire zone" – Hakeem

There was pressure to bring a ceasefire and that resulted in net-killing as many leaders as possible to satisfy the foolish sinhala public. None of the sinhalese could identify any of those leaders from a photograph, so the government just showed any body and said it was one of the leaders.

Peter said...

Bandas make ambitious efforts but their banda-ness has the better laugh:

From this

It looks to me like bandas have selected these particular senior leadership to 'woo away' as part of their infamous plan to create divisions.

Col. Vithusha (Malathy) and Col. Durga (Sothiya) are more-or-less in charge of the female fighting force.

They also want to take CASIR via Lt. Col. Gopith and Lt. Col. Amuthab.

Lt. Col. Nagesh, I believe, is in charge of a section of JSR.

I don't know the name of so called 'Gadafi' who did appear to be VP's guard from the 2001 Press Conference. VP would never show his guards in public, so safe to conclude he is not very close to VP. But bandas probably reckon they can get security details from him.

The line "they were different from, Swarnam, Bhanu, Soosai, and Nadesan," caught my eye. Col. Swarnam and Col. Bhanu are from the land forces, as is Col. Theepan. They all held similar ranks.

Bhairav said...

I hope whatever thrown on these men/women put them into quick death than a slow death.

Bhairav said...


Tuesday, April 7th: We are all going to OTTAWA

Buses leave @ 6AM: Keep tuned to media for more news as well as pass around the news via text messaging



Yesterday, when the SLA announced their "victory", along they showed what appeared to be bodies of combatants; all of which were burnt to the bones. Its is evident that the Sri Lankan governments has engaged in a widespread usage of firebombs AKA phosphorous bombs (commonly banned bomb due to it burning the environment as well as any livelihood in that area).

The previous occurrences of usage brought out gore pictures of half burnt bodies of refugees in their sleep. Now there is an estimated 200,000 civilians in the safe zone and the SLA is taking this chemical weapon to wipe out these civilians.

Therefore, as part of ongoing worldwide protests, Canadian Tamils are to also hold massive protests front of Canadian Parliament. Please keep tuned into radios/tvs/internet for further info to stop this humanitarian catastrophe from happening.

Call your friends and family to get involved. Ask them if 150 lives a day are not enough for you, then what is?
Buses leave @ 6AM: Keep tuned to media for more news as well as pass around the news via text messaging



Yesterday, when the SLA announced their "victory", along they showed what appeared to be bodies of combatants; all of which were burnt to the bones. Its is evident that the Sri Lankan governments has engaged in a widespread usage of firebombs AKA phosphorous bombs (commonly banned bomb due to it burning the environment as well as any livelihood in that area).

The previous occurrences of usage brought out gore pictures of half burnt bodies of refugees in their sleep. Now there is an estimated 200,000 civilians in the safe zone and the SLA is taking this chemical weapon to wipe out these civilians.

Therefore, as part of ongoing worldwide protests, Canadian Tamils are to also hold massive protests front of Canadian Parliament. Please keep tuned into radios/tvs/internet for further info to stop this humanitarian catastrophe from happening.

Call your friends and family to get involved. Ask them if 150 lives a day are not enough for you, then what is?

.....இனம் ஒன்று அழிவதா, இதை நாம் பொறுப்பதா...
....Work as a Team and the Eelam Will be ours Forever......

Unknown said...

Even themobaric weapons will cause this effect (the burn) so might not be chemical use. Anyway not that the animals wouldn't stoop to any length to kill Tamils and their only defence.

Eelam Tamil said...

Sri Lanka charges Arundhati Roy in its customary style

April 4, 2009 at 10:24 pm · ~ TW Reader Commented, Opinion.

by T. Earakan

The Sri Lanka government is open in accusing its critics in the press of treason and terrorism, points out Seth Mydans of the New York Times in an article on Apr 4, 2009.

That is, if any independent journalist or humanitarian activist speaks of Tamils rights being violated by the Government of Sri Lanka under various guises, the humanitarian hearts are demonized by state propaganda machinery.

Appeasers of the Sri Lankan racism too waste no time in ratcheting up a war of words and spew it up via the Sinhala government sympathetic organs around the world.

The Sri Lanka High Commission in New Delhi and US-based Sri Lankan writer and ’social activist’, Ruvani Freeman aka Ru Freeman has written discrediting Arundhati Roy’s recent syndicated article on the plight of the Tamil war refugees in Sri Lanka.

Here are reader responses to some of the charges the New Delhi Sri Lankan High Commission laid out in a Times of India article to say that Ms. Arundhati Roy is making “false assertions“:

GoSL: “Today, around 54% of Sri Lanka’s Tamil community live in areas other than the North and East and in locations where the majority population is Sinhalese. This intermingling of the communities symbolises the pluralism inherent in Sri Lankan society,'’

Response: If the Government bombs the Tamil homelands and deprives them of economic wellbeing (fishing is banned, crops are burned), where do you expect the Tamil people to go. Live there and get killed!

A million of them escaped the island as refugees to India and elsewhere. Those unable to go abroad chose escape to Colombo, where they are safer.

“Safer” - This is relative - many who live in Colombo are subject to white-van abductions and disappearances.

Many Tamils are uprooted from their livelihoods and into Colombo as the civil condition in the Sri Lanka North-East is not suitable for study, business etc. Tamils in Colombo say, “ask any Tamil in Colombo (of course not in front of the Sri Lankan army or police), they would always love to leave the place and live in their home land. Better civil conditions in Colombo are, is that one will not get their homes bombed, and will not see kith and kin dying in front of them, no sounds of Kfir jets and not have to hide in bunkers.

GoSL: “The LTTE by contrast has sought through the use of terror to carve out a mono ethnic state.”

Response: Not true. They are only seeking a Tamil majority state, where the Tamils can have a say. The Muslims and even the colonized Sinhalese can stay as minorities, with their rights protected by law – in words and spirit. It is the Sri Lankan government that is seeking a mono-ethnic state – one language, one religion.

Eelam Tamil said...

GoSL: “They have consistently rejected the path of negotiation and the several attempts to evolve a political solution equitable to all communities on the island, including through the provisions for devolution'’,

Response: Not true again. They even gave up at one time their claim to secession in favor of federalism. ‘Devolution’ is not the same as ‘Federalism’.

GoSL: “Tamil and Sinhala are equal official languages.”

Response: Not true. Read the Sri Lankan constitution and the thirteenth amendment.

GoSL: “Tamils have killed more people than the government” - “Tamils have killed more Tamils than the government”

Response: Not true. Sinhala websites have listed all killings attributed to LTTE. It doesn’t add up to 4,000. If the government’s own figure is 70,000 (real number is over 100,000) who killed the rest?

Admin said...

Are the army's casualty figures credible?

Mahinda(n) said...

A few days ago Sarath F went to Vavuniya and met all commanders from the battle field. Then 2-3 days later, we see chemical attacks and hand-shaking with the US ambassador R Blake!


Mahinda(n) said...

I'm sure no international media will cover this side of the story!

When the GOSL created artificial images of LTTE's chemical weapons, many just copied and published to give credibility. now no one will take notice of this evidences.

Badri, please save all these photos in case they are taken away!


Mahinda(n) said...

I recevied an SMS saying over 1500 Tamil civilians were killed in the NFZ by gas attacks by the GOSL?

Can you check on this?

m.q.k said...


Westminster Bridge closed after Tamil ceasefire protestOwen Bowcott
The Guardian, Tuesday 7 April 2009

Police closed Westminster Bridge in London and attempted to contain thousands of Tamil protesters who surrounded parliament last night demanding an immediate ceasefire in Sri Lanka.

One man was rescued after jumping into the Thames. Four RNLI lifeboats were on standby in the river after reports that demonstrators had threatened to throw themselves off the bridge

Scotland Yard estimated that up to 3,000 people occupied streets around the Houses of Parliament. Westminster tube station was closed by police.

The demonstration was against the killings in northern Sri Lanka where government forces have encircled the remnants of the separatist Tamil Tigers and thousands of civilians. The demonstrators went ahead without permission.

Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, it is an offence to stage an unauthorised demonstration within the vicinity of parliament. The government has said it is reviewing the law.

The protesters accused the Sri Lankan army of using cluster bombs and killing 5,000 civilians in the past four months.

Large numbers kept up the protest into the early hours. Witnesses said families, including children, set up tents and refused to be moved. "The police are not letting anyone through," one witness, Emma Gritt, said. "People are setting up tents. Police have blocked the bridge off."

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said there had been no arrests. She confirmed Westminster Bridge had been closed. "There's loose containment," she said. "People can leave and join. Officers are negotiating to find out when it's going to end."

Unknown said...

Dear All,

Is the photos on the website of Srilankan army and defence net are Theepan and Vidhusha? Please confirm... These bastards are celebrating like anything....

Or Is there any doubts in the minds of Badri and team that these may be true?

Unknown said...

Are the photos in the defencenet and army websites are true? Because, defencenet tries to make it as true and they have put the pictures in close.
Any info on this from the battlefield? These bastards are celebrating too much.

ReJLoRd said...

I personally don't think the stinkalese did use chemical weapons. HOWEVER, I did notice all the burn marks and skin peeling.. even for a decomposing body, these are very unusual sights.

Its one or the other, stinkalese using old decomposing bodies or they really used chemical gas attacks. Either way, it shows the desperation of the banda army.

IF indeed it was a chemical attack, then something has to be done fast. First they will say its just they Tigers they gassed, soon it will be within the detention aka concentration camps.

I have but one thing to say - What goes around, must surely come around. There will come a time when mahinda will regret everything.. and it will be soon.

m.q.k said...

London demo slams Sri Lanka rights abuses

LONDON (AFP) — About 3,000 men, women and children have staged a peaceful demonstration outside parliament in London against alleged human rights abuses in Sri Lanka, police have said.

Carrying banners reading "Stop Sri Lanka's Genocide of Tamils" and "Rwandan Genocide Repeats in Sri Lanka", the protesters waved flags of the Tamil Tiger rebels who face a threatened final assault by government forces.

A police spokesman estimated the turnout at about 3,000 at its height, and about 1,000 people continued protesting into the early hours of Tuesday.

The demonstration, although effectively illegal because it had not received prior approval, was peaceful and no arrests were made, the spokesman said.

Four lifeboats were scrambled after some of the protesters reportedly threatened to throw themselves into the nearby River Thames. One person did enter the water and was taken to hospital, but was not thought to be hurt.

A British lawmaker, Siobhain McDonagh, had earlier urged the crowd to disperse, saying the government's special envoy to Sri Lanka, Des Browne, would meet with 50 of their representatives to listen to their concerns.

thiru said...

Badri, i have heard on the radio that the army has now used a chemical weapon attack on the our civilians in the no fire zone, this report is saying that more than 1000 of our people have died in this cowardly attack, do u have any info on this? Badri, wat do u or anyone else think the solution to this is, i truly believe that the ltte can not be patient any longer as our voices all around the world have been ignored and the sri lankan government has now resorted to chemical warfare and the nations of the world continue to keep silent and put the blame on the ltte....What is the point in waiting for other countries to recognize our struggle when all they do is condemn us and continue to aid this genocidal government, it's time to stop paying attention to these so called "civilized" countries and to do what they need to do to make the singhala government and public understand the true meaning of war as this is the only option left or else our entire race will face annihilation.

m.q.k said...


m.q.k said...


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

My opinion is that the Sri Lankan government was planing to stop the offensive due to pressure, and they needed a good publicity to justify stopping the attacks. So they saved up dead bodies for 5 or 6 days with the intention of announcing a huge battle that killed 500 LTTE fighters (and then showing 60 bodies from the weeks fighting). This explains the extremely decomposed state of the bodies, and the comparatively large number of bodies shown.

The LTTE has not spoken about this "battle" because it never happened. There is nothing to speak about. The LTTE was fighting as usual, gradually retreating into the no fire zone, losing on average 15 fighters a day - as they have been doing for nearly a year. There was nothing to announce as there was nothing that happened.

Once the Sri Lankan army neared the no fire zone, they brought the bodies out and made the claim that they have killed 500 LTTE fighters and all of the leaders. As you can see elsewhere, the monkeys are jumping up and down celebrating, just as the government hoped. That will give them the freedom to stop the fighting without having achieved their objective. Now the Sinhala public believes there is only 85 LTTE fighters left (70 if we count the 14 they say they killed yesterday), so the government has fooled the public into thinking they finished the LTTE. They were only able to find two faces to show as "leaders" and one of them doesn't even look anything like the person they claim it is.

Now that they have been forced to stop the attacks, they are hoping for defections from amongst the "dead" leadership. Did you see how much praise they showered on all of these dead leaders on It was almost like reading an LTTE website. This praise on the Sri Lankan government's website is a direct offer for a ministerial post to any of these "dead" LTTE leaders. They are hoping one of these leaders takes up the hint and defects, but that will never happen.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Also, the faces are probably blurred out because the bodies are one week old, and the faces will clearly show that. The faces of the more recent dead bodies are not blurred because they still look comparatively recent.

Unknown said...

When things looks the worst, through peserverance it can get better. Look at the Sri Lankan economy, there is no way they can occupy eelam as well as maintain unity in their country. Many Sri Lankans come to Singapore which has many eelam tamils who have contributed greatly to its growth. Tamil is one of the official languages. Its due to the influence the eelam people had on the government on independence. Yet many Sri Lankans especially on LNP are shamelessly makinf fun of eelam people when their very exsitence depends on the eelam people.

Worst of all the PM's father has repeatedly highlighted the Sri Lankan stupidity and guess what neither of these shameless people have protest including their high commissioner. Beggars can't be choosers.

Ashok Kumar said...

There was a report in D.B.S. Jayaraj's column that one top LTTE official named 'Paappa' who is in charge of sports activiies, called up Theepan's brother living in Canada and informed about his death...

Mahinda(n) said...

[ashokkumar2103 said...
There was a report in D.B.S. Jayaraj's column that one top LTTE official named 'Paappa' who is in charge of sports activiies, called up Theepan's brother living in Canada and informed about his death... ]

Please provide the link to this column.


Mahinda(n) said...

[Navindran said... ]

what is LNP?


Mahinda(n) said...

[Editor: "Badrinath" said... ]

I disagree with Badri and others on the gas attack.

1. During Kili battle in Dec/Jan, they used chemical type weapons.

2. Sarath F. visited Vavuniya on Thu or Fri and met with all commanders and prepared a plan.

3. On Sat, Commander of the 58th called on all fighters in the PTK to surrender within 24 hours.

4. This happened just 24 hours after the call to surrender.

5. I've never seen more than 5-10 fighters getting killed per day.

6. The reason why they're not showing all 400 or 500 is that other bodys are likely to show the chemical attacks more clearly.

7. One body on the mat clearly shows chemical attack. My gfuess is one sample is shown to see the response from the IC. If no response from the IC, more will follow?

8. Pulikalingural is not updated since Sunday 5th.

I'm surprised that the ltte did not prepare to face this after encountering the similar attacks in Kili in Dec/Jan.


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["One body on the mat clearly shows chemical attack. My gfuess is one sample is shown to see the response from the IC. If no response from the IC, more will follow?"]

My opinion on that particular photo is the body was in water for one week. If you even spend a few hours washing pots, your hands become completely wrinkled. What to speak of a dead body that was in water for a week. You can see a lot of water on the mat and surrounding areas, and the clothes are still wet.

The photo definitely looks strange though.

Mahinda(n) said...

[Editor: "Badrinath" said...
["One body on the mat clearly shows chemical attack. My gfuess is one sample is shown to see the response from the IC. If no response from the IC, more will follow?"]

My opinion on that particular photo is the body was in water for one week. If you even spend a few hours washing pots, your hands become completely wrinkled. What to speak of a dead body that was in water for a week. You can see a lot of water on the mat and surrounding areas, and the clothes are ...]

a body can become bloated if left in water but not 'burnt' like appearence?


MrBrown said...

It seems Theepan's story may be true.. I was told by some LTTE financial ring people..its written by DBS now..even they told me Amutab was also hit by a shell and no more..very sad indeed..

ReJLoRd said...

I am sick n tired of reading all the fuckin atrocities of the sla. It is indeed time for the Tamils to rise more than ever before.

Do not think that diaspora can't do anything, it is the diaspora that can change the course of events in shitlanka right now.

Every little thing counts so keep faith and our prayers will be answered. Our homeland is in our hands. We have to make it ourselves and we will.

Viva la Eelam!

m.q.k said...

the black color occur at the stage known as black putrefaction at 10 - 20 days after death.

here some photos shows part of the body not highly decomposed yet it is black...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Look at the following photograph and see Theepan's ear lobe. Everyone has one of two types of ear lobes, joined to the head or separated. Theepan's ear lobes were joined to his head, where as the body shown on TV had ear lobes separated from his head.

Government's Photo:

Theepan's photo:

Mahinda(n) said...

[Editor: "Badrinath" said...
Look at the following photograph and see Theepan's ear lobe. Everyone has one of two types of ear lobes, joined to the head or separated. Theepan's ear lobes were joined to his head, where as the body shown on TV had ear lobes separated from his head. ...]

The particular pose does not allow us to see this clearly on dead photo?


Ashok Kumar said...

The question is what exactly the casuality ,how many senior leaders if at all were killed and what effect this is going to have on the progress of the war.

Veerakesari has carried an aricle which says that

- the plan was to encircle and capture or kill senior leaders of the Tigers

- but most of them managed to get out including Bhanu and Lawrence

- one Tiger vehicle fitted with 50 caliber fiited gun lost its way and ended up being attacked by the army near Iranapalai

- no reinforcements could be sent to the trapped Tigers

- army was led by Shavinda silva, Ravipriya and Shaji Kallake (in the absence of Kamal Gunaratne)

- but the Tiger's casualities were minimum and the whole operation could not succeed as planned.

Mahinda(n) said...

[ashokkumar2103 said...
The question is what exactly the casuality ,how many senior leaders if at all were killed and what effect this is going to have on the progress of the war. ... ]

DBS J is anti-Tamil but can be trusted?

DBS-J also said that Bhanu & Lawrence escaped with their fighters.

DBS-J's list is very long.

Pulikalingural was not updated after 5th of April.

According to DBS-J, the fighters were cut-off for 3 days from 2nd of Apr?

With no official statement from ltte, everyone is shocked and depressed!


khanthas said...

Lots of tension at the British Parlement, as the police try to disperse the protesting Tamils. More and more Tamils are being requested to come there…

Nam Ingu irrupathu avarkal rattatil.. Pongal, Pongal, ithu emathu varalatru kadamai !

Thivakaran said...

Badri ,What are you saying about DBS's this claim? Please if you have contacts with them, tell us..

LTTE stalwart and head of its sports division “Paappaa” telephoned the elder brother of “Colonel” Theepan living in Canada and informed him of the demise of his sibling.

Peter said...

David 'BS' Jeyraj is a well known personality.

Chances of LTTE news creeping to him are virtually nil.

Do you think Col. Theepan's brother would talk to DBSJ? Do you think any of Col. Theepan's brother's friends would talk to DBSJ?

In the Canadian Tamil society, DBSJ is a total outcast. He would be the last of any Tamil to get information directly from Vanni.

To make matters worse, he doesn't have direct contacts with anyone high in the Sri Lankan military or government.

But, he is a good story teller. He knows names and details of the senior cadres. He also knows the location well. When he strings together personal data about an individual, describes geography, and adds some war-movie like time frame, his stories can be captivating.

I would say DefenceLK is more reliable than DBSJ. After all, he is the one who net-injured VP in Nov. '07.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Moderation switched off for a couple hours, or until modayas spam.

Thivakaran said...

DBS used to net killed and injured our leader many times...He is a good story writer...But somebody please confirm this news is false 100%..

Unknown said...

We should send this Jeyaraj (DBSJ) the same way we sent the other other tamil traitor Jeyaraj (the minister)!

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thivakaran said...

Most medias reported Gaddafi and Athavan are same persons..

Peter said...

Lol! I just viewed image of 'Gadaffi' on DefenceLK. It is named 0407_ADAVAN.jpg

They don't even know Col. Athavan.

What a bunch of Bandas.

Peter said...

Col. Athavan was VP's guard a very long time back. He was Special Commander for Black Tiger Unit back in '90s. For past eight or so years he has been Head of Training Schools.

Lt. Col. Gadaffi died last may. He was also VP's 'guard' in the mid-90s.

Anyhow, what is Col. Athavan's involvement with Imran-Pandiyan Unit?

Peter said...

Col. Athavan

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

The story sounds like a fantasy:

"In a desperate bid to break the siege Sea tiger special commander Soosai sent a contingent by sea to aid the beleaguered comrades at arms. The Navy maintaining strict vigil engaged the flotilla and beat back the sea tigers."

Why would the LTTE resort to using the sea, when they were inland and just 1 or 2 kilometers from the safe zone? The logical thing would be to directly send reinforcements to break a path through the back lines. With 1,000 fighters inside, and how ever many fighters form outside, this would be simple. The short distances don't match up with the stories.

Peter said...

"Likewise Asmi the leader of “Ponnamman” mining unit was also seriously injured and captured alive. He too died later."

Lol! Lt. Col. Ponnamman Mining Unit has not had male cadres for years.

I'm sure most of you have seen 'kanni-vedi kannavil varum' song. Spotted any male members of that unit?

Thivakaran said...

There are many rumors going on..Many of us confused so much and depressed ....
Please somebody confirm this is not true beyond and contradiction...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Silence of virtually every Tamil website is a bad sign. But death of LTTE leaders has not been hidden in the past, so let us wait for Voice of Tigers to be made available.

Peter said...

Look at a map, even the DefenceLK one, and think about it logically.

There are at least five confrontation points.

If all the leaders and their respective units were gathered in Anandapram, who was involved in defending other points?

From DBSJ's account,

Lt. Col. Gopith and Lt. Col. Amuthab along with CASIR

Col. Keerthi and Lt. Nagesh along with Jeyanthan SIR

Col. Thurga with Sothia IR

Col. Vithusha with Malathy IR

Col. Athavan with Balck Tigers/ Imran-Pandiyan

Kutti-Sri Motor Unit, Kiddu Artillery Unit and Ponnamman Mining Unit with their respective leaders

Col. Bhanu, Col. Theepan and Col Swarnam

were all gathered in one point.

So who was holding back 55th Division at Challai?

Who was stopping 58th Division from entering Ampavanpokkani?

Who was stopping 59th Division from entering 'Safe-Zone' via south?

Unknown said...

Subject: Use our Brains NOT our HANDS - especially for YOUTHS - pass it along


TYO-Melbourne organised "Drive for Freedom" event with a prior permission from the Victorian Police. We prepared a route and gave that to the Police already and we were following that route and obeying all the road rules and regulations . However few people got lost in the city, as you know it is really hard to drive (you know the driving is totally different in the Melbourne city - especially for the ones work outside the city) so if you are not familiar with city driving then it is easier for people to get lost (we gave the actual route to each drivers but some didn't find it helpful I believe)

However where this thing happened was on the actual route that we have already planned (Cnr of Collins street and Exhibition Street ). When these Sinhalese boys/girls started attacking our people, few of our people were scattered since they had their family members; ladies, and aged people in the car. One of those cars got lost its way to Bourke Street (that is the blue car you see in front of the parliament and Sinhalese people attacking them on the video). They had a 56 year old lady in the car with a driver and another passenger (couple of boys) - she was just traumatised by this event.

One person was admitted in hospital after some Sinhalese guy hit this guy with a beer bottle. He had seven stitches on his head (This Tamil guy fainted on the spot). And few others were badly injured and got bitten, spat on... and dragged and pulled outside of their vehicle etc. They even attacked our Tamil ladies and aged people.

This happened in few places in a road and Sinhalese took about 15 – 20 of our national flags and attacked almost everyone of us and most of our vehicles on that Street.

We had then finished our protest as we have planned it and went to police station and reported. (Even while we were driving in some places Sinhalese came and threatened our people and on High Street Road - Glen Waverley one Sinhalese guy stopped his car front of our ppl's car and hit a car and pulled our national flag and drove away)

Imagine, if they can do this to us in this democratic country... think what they can do to our Tamil people in Sri Lanka where democracy is not practiced at all.

Most of us are very angry and frustrated about the situation and lots of uncles and aunties are saying that this event brought back 83 pogrom to their memory again.

Below is the invitation/advertisement for yesterday's protest by Sinhalese. Read the last line on that invitation. And please look at the link that I have attached and see if you can call crime stoppers or/and do anything else about Sinhalese people’s invitation.
Find the attached document for the screen-dump - just in case they take it off the website.



You can call me if you like to get started DOING something about it. Rather than we all go and do things on our own please bring all of US together. Especially bring all our Youth together whose actually getting angry and frustrated about this situation and genuinely wanting to do something about this.

Use our Brains NOT our HANDS.

We are planning to have a meeting to discuss where we go from here and how we can show our solidarity without bringing ourselves down to their level and stay together as a strong community with DIGNITY. Our (TYO) aim is to stand together without compromising our Tamil peoples rights and their right for self determination. I'd like to mention it again that we are not here to fight against Sinhalese people, but fight against Sri Lankan governments state sponsored terrorism and the GENOCIDE of Tamils.

Love and light,
0402 078 430

Peter said...

We should be fully prepared for the death of any senior LTTE leader at any given time.

Deaths do happen at battlefronts, we know very well from the past.

But, the chances of all the LTTE's infantry units, and their respective leaders, gathered in one village at anyone time is near impossible.

Bandas would have done a better job if they provided same names, but with a slightly better commentary.

Indian said...

//Why would the LTTE resort to using the sea, when they were inland and just 1 or 2 kilometers from the safe zone//
My suspicion is,the 600 odd got boxed and the battle raged for 3 days.Tigers couldnt get in their reinforcements in and I suspect they tried to use the Nandhikadal lagoon to get to the rear of the attacking formations of SLA.

I dont feel the SLA used chemical weapons.But I read that the SLAF used Chinese aquired laser guided A2S missiles once the location of the boxed was identified.Missile attacks leave out burnt bodies which is the case here.

About Theepan,well to a common eye like mine,read not influenced neither by Tiger's nor SLA,I believe it is him shown in those pics.

As I mentioned here earlier,now that the election fever has started in our place,the noise on Srilankan war has died out.Vaiko is tooo busy begging for 1 additional seat

Indian said...

Forgot to add this in my previous comment.
So many senior cadres in single stroke along with the priced possessions,saw pics of the 130mm artilleries.
Apparently they were botching a counter-attack plan for sure.But SL MI seems to have infiltrated the Tiger's and that too at the highest level.
Without insider info,these attacks are not at all possible

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

You can read what he wrote again:

"In a desperate bid to break the siege Sea tiger special commander Soosai sent a contingent by sea to aid the beleaguered comrades at arms. The Navy maintaining strict vigil engaged the flotilla and beat back the sea tigers."

He clearly says it was in the ocean and the Navy cordon was involved. There is absolutely no way you can benefit people in PTK by sending sea tigers through the ocean. The story is illogical.

Peter said...

Net-kills on Sunday, Fonseka met Blake on Monday morning and Hillary met Norwegian Foreign Minister on Monday evening.

Meetings are arranged weeks ahead. Only the net-kills were done ad-hoc.

Peter said...

Hi Guys,

As my name says, I am a Somalian with little or no interest in this war. I am also very neutral.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["saw pics of the 130mm artilleries."]

Pics of weapons doesn't prove much. The Sri Lankan military has plenty of 130 mm artillery guns and even anti aircraft guns in the area. If they want to show weapons they can show them at will.

The real proof will be pictures of the dead leaders, which they haven't shown. The one photo of Theepan looks similar enough, but other than that there is no other evidence for 15 leaders being killed.

Peter said...

Two 130mm arty guns were all LTTE could amass for their largest operation involving almost all their land forces units?

One large column of Tigers moving at SLA from Anandapuram?

Yep. LTTE has sure net-finished.

Peter said...

I, being a Somalian, not at all interested in this war, saw the following photo on BBC:

Indian said...

//The real proof will be pictures of the dead leaders, which they haven't shown. The one photo of Theepan looks similar enough, but other than that there is no other evidence for 15 leaders being killed//
I hang out around all blogs related to the ongoing war and from whatever info I could garner,overwhelming majority of the bodies are beyond recognition and charred too.Quite possible considering the artillery\missile rain in that area for 3 days.
Anyways,good for you and your people,if this is a netkill as you say.But I strongly believe its not the case.
You know the moral of the people hits all time low with such info - I knew for last 2-3 week that the war is not going your way,when you stopped posting battle field news and started giving how the docs provided in other websites were fake.
All it takes for the Tiger's to life the morale of the people and cadres is to release latest pics of any one of the "KILLED" leaders.It will put things to rest.With that not happening and with all leading sites maintaining a stonic silence,I think the truth is completely opposite to what you believe

Peter said...

Why net-kill?

From the horse's mouth: "You know the moral of the people hits all time low with such info."

"All it takes for the Tiger's to life the morale of the people and cadres is to release latest pics of any one of the "KILLED" leaders"

Been there, done that. Showed VP after he was net-killed; showed Soosai after he was net-killed; showed Sawranam after he was net-killed.

People should, by now, be aware of credibility of net-kills.

MrBrown said...

'' He clearly says it was in the ocean and the Navy cordon was involved. There is absolutely no way you can benefit people in PTK by sending sea tigers through the ocean. The story is illogical.''
That make sense Badri...No way SLA can keep strict vigilance in the lagoon.. so he mentioned the ocean.. why the hell LTTE use ocean when people are trapped in PTK..
however some close financial ring people are talking that theepan and vidursa story may be true.. Did VOT announce financial head Thamilenthi's death? same source told me that he came out of bunger to have some fresh air and then was hit by shell.. I am not 100% of the accuracy of the source..

Peter said...

Everyone with contacts to the LTTE talk to people like DBSJ or Somalians like me.

They stop me on the street and whisper: "Shh.. All our senior leaders are dead. Don't tell anyone. We are hiding the news from Tamils."

khanthas said...

Indian, you may be right. The Indians may have succeeded. Whatever it is, these young Tamils have given their lives believing in a just cause “être –libre ! ”. We all are infinitely smaller before them..

Peter said...

In these blogs, we've not come across Sinhalese with the handle 'Sinhala' or 'Sri Lankan'. Nor have we come across a Tamil with the handle 'Tamil'.

But, here I am, a Somalian with the handle 'Somalian'. I want to make it loud and clear.

Clearly, I am a little dim. Otherwise, I would have a used a Somali name like 'Abdikarim' as my handle to be more convincing.

Peter said...

Bandas think that mass net-kill will make Diaspora give-up and move away from LTTE.

But, mass net-kills actually make Diaspora panic and lead to scenes like those witnessed in Paris, London and Oslo on Monday. The London day-night protest, with a man jumping into the Thames, put our news on BBC for first time in years.

So, it makes sense for Tigers to keep silent. Net-kills are actually the average Diaspora person's rallying call for major demonstrations.

Ashok Kumar said...

Probably Tigers are using even their silence as a weapon to make the army keep quessing. When there is complete silence and absolutely no reaction from the other side, the enemy is totally perplexed. Our anxiety and tension are allright, but they are the people in the field battling it out. They may have their own reasons and compulsions. And it is a very critical phase of war. we need to have enough patience and keep backing them up in all possible way.

Mahinda(n) said...

[ ashokkumar2103 said...
Probably Tigers are using even their silence as a weapon to make the army keep quessing. When there is complete silence and absolutely no reaction from the other side, the enemy is totally perplexed. Our anxiety and tension are allright, but they are the people in the field battling it out. They may have their own reasons and compulsions. And it is a very critical phase of war. we need to have enough patience and keep backing them up in all possible way. ...]

If nothing happened, they should have updated the Pulikalingural by now by ignoring all the statements by the SLA.

Photos are also suspect becoz they provide only one shot each for Theepan & Vidusha and for Theepan, it is not the best orientation/pose to identify clearly. For others, nothing at all.

If they're showing all bodys (~150-200), then the number of Snr Commanders are more like 10-15 out of this total!! This is also very odd.

Yes, DBS-J is caught on the mission from Ocean and being blocked by the navy. there is no access from ocean to the 'so-called' trapped area!


m.q.k said...


ri Lanka to lose aid from Netherlands: report
April 07, 2009 (LBO) - The Netherlands will stop giving aid to Sri Lanka due to an internal conflict, ending a longstanding partnership which had given 30 to 40 million Euros each year to the island, a media report said.
A web report of the British Broadcasting Corporation's Sinhala Service said the Netherlands government had informed the country's parliament that it had terminated aid to a number of countries along with Sri Lanka.

The report said aid to Sri Lanka and the African nation of Eritrea will be ended due to "the political situation:.

"We think it is very difficult to work in Sri Lanka because of the violence. So, we will end our partner-country relationship with Sri Lanka," the BBC quoted Dutch development minister Bert Koenders as saying.

Peter said...

Better if protests were held outside retail stores like M&S, GAP and NEXT that import millions wort of goods from Banda-stan.

These companies spend mammoth amounts of advertising. They would hate negative publicity / being associated with genocide.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Colombo, Apr 7 (PTI) Hunting for elusive top LTTE leadership after overrunning almost all the rebel bases, Sri Lankan troops have killed at least 73 Tamil Tigers in fierce clashes near the 'no-fire zone' in Mullaittivu in the embattled north.

The fresh confrontation took place between the troops and the LTTE rebels in Puthumattalan area in Mullaittivu around last evening, the Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) said."

Soma himi said...

The sea rescue story by Jeyaraj doesn't make any sence. the naval engagement took place at alampil which is many miles away from Aanandapuram. And only few Sea tiger vessels took part in that ops. If it was actually a rescue mission - once they land successfully they have to cut through miles of SLA garrison and reach A'puram and rescue the trapped and.... what nonsence is this..

they could have sent reiforcements from mullai to break the SLA line separating mullai and Aanandapuram.

Peter said...

The Anandapuram I know of does not have access to the ocean. Surrounding it completely without going into the "safe-zone" is impossible.

Now, we should stick to the banda story.

All Tigers are killed. War is ongoing because Sri Lanka wants to kill Tamil civilians.

No reason for war because all Tigers, including senior leaders have been killed. VP and Pottu have ran away.

Sri Lankan continues to kill civilians.

Sinhalavan parapppina seithiya vatchey sinhalavanuku aappu.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

One psychological point, the western countries want to help the Tamils, but don't want to see a strong LTTE. If the LTTE allows the media to say they are finished and all leaders are dead, the west now has to step in to defend the Tamil civilians.

If the LTTE comes out and says "we are fine, we have ten thousand soldiers" then the western governments will want to stay out and let the fighting go on.

It is to the LTTE's advantage to let these stories spread as the government is doing.

Peter said...


Or, on the other hand, West will have to show its naked policy.

All this time, it has said LTTE are terrorists; therefore, no intervention.

Now that, according to the Sri Lankan government, LTTE is finished, West will have to do something.

Otherwise, it will become obvious that the West does not care for Tamils and that LTTE's 'terrorist' label was just an excuse.

All Tamils will then be left polarized. Trust the IC that has no new excuses, or work to build up LTTE.

Ashok Kumar said...

Yes, may be it is to the advantage to the Tiger's to let these stories spread. They do not afterall loose anything in the battle field with all this rubbish being talked about. On the otherhand our people everywhere are so much charged up, they started getting united and openly supporting Tigers like never before.Even in Tamilnadu, 66 per cent of people support Tigers as per NDTV's survey.

m.q.k said...


thiru said...

Badri and Peter, i truly dont believe in the IC, and that they will some how miravulously come and save the tamils....each of those countries will not do anything unless it benefits themselves....for example in Canada there have been mass protests and till today the Harper government hasn't even mentioned a word to the nearly 300000 tamils living in Canada....Even if the IC does step in, they are going to try to implement a solution within a unitary sri lanka and that puts us back at square one, the west is not going to come in at this point and give us a thamil eelam, that will not happen until the Ltte shows their military strength in a defining way.....the people in the safe zone have to be protected at all costs and it's not going to be the IC that does it, we have to strengthen the hands of our leader as it is only he that can do something to save our people in a world that doesn't seem to care about the bllod of tamils being spilled.

m.q.k said...


Ashok Kumar said...

News about the direct Indian troops' involvement has come often. Now a french news agency has reported about it according to 'that's tamil':

The report says that 50 per cent of 59th division consist of Indian troops and it is the same with 58 too.

Indians are providing latest weapons, strategies and leading the lankans too.

Few days earlier Makkal TV reported that 200 dead Indian soldiers were brought to Pune clandestinely, quoting colombo sources.

Even during the breakup of Kalmadukulam, there were reports of huge Indian casualities.

Tamil dailies sometime back published reports of 3000 Indians being sent to Mullaitheevu and three Indian warships being positioned nearby.

And photographs of Tanks being transported to Cochin to be sent to Srilanks were also published.

It is common knowledge that Pulmoddai is not just a medical camp. And there was a report regarding attacks towards Tiger positions using Multi barrel rocket launchers etc from there.

Other military, intelligence and monetary support were also being discussed often.

How far the latest news item true? Is it not possible to expose them?

m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m.q.k said...

thiru said

{Canada there have been mass protests and till today the Harper government hasn't even mentioned a word to the nearly 300000 tamils living in Canada....}

i agree with u..i dont think any country will take serious action other than repeat the same old statement of ceasefire...

thiru said...

m.q.k, this is the sad reality, it's only the tamils that can save the tamils, the rest of the world is just going to sit in the middle of the fence and watch a genocide just like they did in rwanda,sudan and iraq....they will just keep saying that there needs to be a political solution and that the solution needs to be under a united sri lanka, they dont care about the fact that if that happens, then tamils will always be treated in an inhumane way under the name of "terrorist prevention". These countries crying for a political solution are just doing a lip service for their political careers, we can't put trust in them and i truly don't see these protests working, the only way is to show our military strength.

m.q.k said...

India would have helped us cos of pressure from tamilnadu..

only problem is the presence of cogress that is contributing to shit lanka instead of tamils....

Even in tamilnadu the only one keen to help sri lankan tamil is Vaiko..

Peter said...

MGK, Thiru,

I agree with you 100% on the IC issue.

But, there are many Tamils who think IC would save Tamils. There are some who even think IC abandoned Tamils because of LTTE.

Now is the time that those Tamils are waking up.

Now that LTTE is 'significantly weakened' and that Tamil people are suffering, can the Tamils who said IC will save us prove the point?

They will scream and plead with the IC. When IC turns around and says it doesn't care, all those Tamils will line-up behind LTTE.

This is the time when 99.9% of Tamils start saying Tigers are the only way.

m.q.k said...

today's protest was a good example..most wide coverage in major media like CNN ...

only when their daily activities gets distrupt in the case blocking of the bridge...they take notice...

Peter said...

About the London protests:

Today is the first day in my life, that people I know from other communities have email and msgd to ask if my relatives back home are OK.

Finally, msg is getting across to the ordinary citizens.

Of course, the red-neck types would be pissed off.

But the middle-class, the so called silent majority, that usually holidays in the moda land, buys made in moda lanka shirts and sips on moda lankan tea is becoming aware of the real nature of that state.

Protests should continue to be innovative enough to gain attention, but should not turn violent.

Peter said...

Didn't find any lap-tops in PTK?

m.q.k said...

Since gov claimed have eliminated more than 500 tigers..


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["only when their daily activities gets distrupt in the case blocking of the bridge...they take notice.."]

In comparison, the protest with 100,000 people didn't even get in most news, because it didn't disrupt anyone.

But just 3,000 people get in the news when they disrupt the daily flow.

m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m.q.k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Moderation off for a couple hours or until modayas show up to spam.

m.q.k said...

Jaynani Paramsothy, 18, a student from East Ham, said: “We wanted to continue our protest in the road but they started kicking and hitting and pushing us to move. They gave us no warning that they wanted to move us. I saw an old woman get kicked by a policeman.”

The rally was organised by a network of British Tamil organisations and student groups in two days using texts, emails and the social networking site Facebook.

The demonstration started yesterday afternoon and continued through the night as Tamils in London called for the Sri Lankan government to stop its offensive against the Tiger rebels who want a separate homeland. The protest was sparked by allegations of a poison gas attack by the Sri Lankan government in north- east Sri Lanka.THANKS TO GOSL..:)

m.q.k said...

"Hi to those who have replied. First of all, the flag is a national Tamil flag. It is not just LTTE supporter. LTTE flag is a different kind but it is easy for some to mistake that it is a LTTE flag. The flag represent our TAMIL EELAM HOMELAND. Secondly, the protest is about the illegal genocide of our tamil brothers and sisters who are being bombed and shelled at by Sri Lanka Government. It is not an act to support LTTE. Thirdly, LTTE are not terrorist, they are FREEDOM FIGHTERS fighting for their rights and for their homeland. Fourthly, there are millions of evidence showing the gencide. Open your eyes DUMINDA, you should google the tamil vitcims and youtube. You find plenty of evidence of SRI LANKA ARMY shelling innocent tamil civilians. Dont forget, SRI LANKA ARMY AND GOVERNMENT HAS KILLED MORE TAMILS over the last few months. They have done NOTHING WRONG! YET they killing them all.,view_video.aspx Look at this video, does this young innocent boy deserve to go through what he went through under the hands of SRI LANKAN ARMY UNDER INSTRUCTION OF THE SRI LANKA GOVERNMENT!! OPEN you eyes people"

shanthi (london) Posted: 07/04/2009 10:59:48

m.q.k said...$1286259.htm


m.q.k said...

[But the middle-class, the so called silent majority, that usually holidays in the moda land, buys made in moda lanka shirts and sips on moda lankan tea is becoming aware of the real nature of that state. ]

who are those people..dont they have relatives in sri lanka...or have they not experienced the true nature of GOSL..

I think the drive for freedom protest is a great idea held in australia ...imagine 100,000 people instead of gathering at one place... drives all around the city with posters on the vehicle..that will definately get the message out..everyone will notice it...

the usually way of protest counting on the number of protesters are one is bothered...

the 11 april protest should be changed to have a greater impact with innovative ideas..

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Police have arrested a man under the Terrorism Act 2000 at the pro-Tamil demonstration in Parliament Square, as police continue to surround protestors after scuffles earlier.

The arrest, made at around 12:45 BST this afternoon, was made on suspicion of carrying a flag supporting a proscribed organisation.

Numbers are growing at the demonstration, which is campaigning against international inaction over the war in Sri Lanka."

Need to see if he had a Tamil Eelam flag or LTTE flag, so everyone can know which one gets you arrested.

m.q.k said...


Dozens of Sri Lankan Tamils blocked the entrance to the Norwegian prime minister's office in Oslo Tuesday, calling on the Scandinavian country to act in its role as mediator in the conflict.
Demonstrators handed a written appeal to a Norwegian government representative demanding an immediate ceasefire in Sri Lanka, said a protester who read the letter on Norwegian television.
The document also called for an end to bombings, authorization for humanitarian organizations to work on the ground and the dispatch of international observers in the conflict zone.
Due to the Easter holidays, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg wasn't in his office Tuesday, a spokesman told AFP.
"We are by far the most active country in the conflict. The problem is not what Norway is doing, it's what the protagonists are doing," Norwegian Development Aid Minister Erik Solheim, who has served as mediator in the Sri Lankan conflict, told news agency NTB.
"We are criticized by all sides. The Tamils say we're not doing enough while the Sri Lankan government thinks we're doing too much," he said.
Television images showed several dozen demonstrators waving flags and posters taking part in a sit-in outside the government offices.
Protesters told news channel TV2 Nyhetskanalen that Sri Lankan government troops were using chemical weapons in their offensive against a rebel holdout in the northeastern part of the country.
About 200 Tamil demonstrators briefly stopped traffic in central Oslo Monday evening before being dispersed by police using tear gas, Norwegian media reported.
Norway mediated a now-defunct ceasefire between the Sri Lankan government and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in February 2002.
Oslo has served as mediator since 2000 at the request of both sides, but its role has diminished sharply since Colombo announced the end of the ceasefire in January 2008.
Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.

m.q.k said...


the uk protest news is in all newspapers..check google...this is the first time..every media is covering it...

m.q.k said...

The Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, Walter Kälin, expressed urgent concerns today for the lives of over 100,000 civilians trapped in the 14-square kilometre area of the Vanni declared by the Government of Sri Lanka as a no-fire zone. He spoke at the end of a 4-day visit to Sri Lanka.

“I am deeply concerned for the lives of over 100,000 civilians trapped in the 14-square kilometre area of the Vanni declared by the Government of Sri Lanka as a no-fire zone. Large numbers of civilians already have been killed or wounded. Following reports that LTTE fighters now have been pushed almost entirely into this zone, many more are at risk of losing their lives. I urgently repeat my call to the LTTE to allow all civilians under its control to leave this zone and to seek safety elsewhere. I also call on the Government of Sri Lanka to scrupulously respect the no-fire zone for as long as a civilian population remains within it. Moreover, I believe that a series of humanitarian pauses must be initiated immediately to allow civilians to leave and humanitarian actors to provide life-saving relief to the remaining population,” Mr. Kälin said.


Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I hadn't seen this. Another shoe thrower. Very funny:,view_video.aspx

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

"Sikh bodies to give Rs. 2-lakh reward to shoe-thrower"

Raja said...

We should think about advertising on TV. We have the resources to do it. Just like Obama did to win the presidency, we should start a grassroots movement where lots of people donate small amounts of money ($10 or $20) pretty soon you enough money to buy prime time TV advertisements. We should create a campaign that resonates with the average citizen: "We asked for our freedom and all we got was genocide" and "stop the government from sending your tax dollars/euros/pounds to a country that's engaged in a genocidal war".

m.q.k said...


70,000 killed in 33-year conflict
Evening Standard
07.04.09 THE Tamil protest in Westminster reflects worldwide anxiety about the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka since government forces began a renewed offensive aimed at ending the civil war.

The conflict dates back to 1976, when the Tamil Tigers began a campaign to create an autonomous Tamil state in the north and east of the country.

The struggle, which the Tigers claim is justified to protect them from discrimination by the Sinhalese majority, has claimed more than 70,000 lives including those of a president and several ministers and has led to the Tigers being proscribed around the world as a terrorist organisation.

The government pulled out of an internationally brokered ceasefire last year. Its forces have since driven the Tigers out of their last stronghold.

The offensive has led to a rising civilian death toll and serious humanitarian problems for thousands living in the war zone. The UN says about 150,000 are trapped in the north-east of Sri Lanka and more than 2,800 civilians have died.

Tamil leaders also allege human rights abuses, a charge denied by the government, while aid agencies say it is increasingly hard to feed the tens of thousands of refugees.

With President Mahinda Rajapaksa strongly backing the military, there appears to be little prospect of fighting ending soon.,000+killed+in+33-year+conflict/

m.q.k said...

who did the guy throw the shoe at...
i having difficulty loading the video..

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Shoe was thrown at congress party P. Chidambaram by a Sikh journalist for 1984 anti-sikh riots.

m.q.k said...


Peter said...

My comment was about middle-class British people.

Photos show 100s of people with Tamileelam flags. Only one was arrested, so, perhaps that was for LTTE flag.

Again, people have to be very careful not to get the two flags mixed up.

If the arrest was for Tamileelam flag, we will have an interesting court case coming up.

Advise from my lawyer friends is that police may use 'arrest' as intermediation tactic, but they can not detain for more than a day or charge for Tamileelam flag.

Peter said...

Chidambaram is second only to Karunanidhi. Hope he loses his seat by next month.

m.q.k said...


Peter said...

Looks like they are taking away Tamileelam flag, but not arresting people for carrying it.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Is the protest continuing? I thought it had ended in the morning when police came in. Did more people show up?

Ashok Kumar said...

Shoe was thrown at Indian home minister Chidambaram by a journalist who is a sikh protesting against the way government had handled the case involving Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar. Both of them led the rioters who had killed around 3000 sikhs in 1984 after the assasination of Indra Gandhi by a sikh body guard. Sikhs strongly feel that the congress government had diluted the case there by allowing these persons to go scot free. By the way Jagdish Tytler has been given a ticket to contest lok sabha elections by the Congress party.

Sikhs are very much annoyed with this decision. Congress is committing one blunder after another. Hopefully they are nowhere near Delhi durbar after next elections.

Anyway, Chidambaram deserves one more shoe throw sponsored by a Tamil.

Peter said...

London protest is ongoing. More people have joined as earlier demonstrators began leaving. A few people have been there since mid-day Monday. Numbers are going-up in to the thousands now.

AK said...

Without speculations can somebody confirm that GOSL claims are untrue. In other words is there credible evidence that at least 50% of the 'dead commanders' are alive?

If the purpose of the death stories PSYOPS then the first round goes to GOSL. Its depressing when LTTE don't counter it effectively

Peter said...

If you want to know middle-class Indian think of Congrees, read this:

Ignore my comment. Others, I imagine, are not fellow Tamils on spice-up missions.

m.q.k said...


"They were determined to get UK media coverage for the Sri Lankan situation. They succeeded."

Bhairav said...

[This is the time when 99.9% of Tamils start saying Tigers are the only way.]

agreed here. It sad that many Tamils who participated in the talk-show of Tamil radios around the world believe that US can bail out Tamils from barbaric SLA. Obviously our Tamil communication channels failed to educate many average Tamils that who are our friends and foes.

Tamils' strength is Tamils!!

m.q.k said...

{Tamils' strength is Tamils!!}


I'm not Bhairav said...

Badrinath, I command you to turn ON comment moderation NOW!!!

Peter said...

{Tamils' strength is Tamils!!}

Yep. Now thanks to bandas almost all Tamils have realized this ultimate truth.

People on Twitter can follow my quick updated

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Badrinath, I command you to turn ON comment moderation NOW!!!"]

No, you're free till the other fakes come.

Anonymous said...

Tamil's strength is Tamils.

Let's show our strength to the world. We were peacefully demonstrated in all countries. No Body responses. If we block all business cities, all media and politicians will listen to us.

This is the time to save our motherland and our freedom fighters. Please spread the word around.

We need to be aggressive this time. London Tamils are doing the protest in a proper way.

Lets block all business cities. Then we will be able get some results.

I'm not Bhairav said...

thanks dude, I'll join you another day. Till then please carry on the conversation on the following lines..

1. All leaders are intact.
2. Only 60 bodies shows so only 60 got killed
3. In case 500 were killed that's because of the gas attack
4. Its advantageous to LTTE to go along with the GOSL claim without disproving it.
5. GOSL is confused over LTTE's silence and its good to confuse even more by continueing to be silent
6. Over 99% tamils around the world are with LTTE (too bad its not even 20% in SL :)

Catch you mates tomorrow.
Vanakkam!!! Ayubowan!!!! Good nigh/morning/evening!!!

Peter said...

I don't think Tigers expected this level of emotion and dedication from Diaspora.

People are off work and on the street in every city.

Rotation of 3, 000 at a time is working well.

Previously, police used to herd 100, 000+ at given time, in given place. But now, they don't where and when people are going to protest.

Police having trouble hiding the situation from the public.

Shame about Tamil Nadu though.

m.q.k said...


a car protest would be difficult to it would be all over the city...just like in australia..

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["a car protest would be difficult to it would be all over the city...just like in australia.. "]

The drivers need to be careful how the flags are held. In some of the photos the flags were leaning out the window, which could easily be fined as a reckless endangerment. A flag stick horizontally out the window can hit pedestrians or other cars. Don't give the police excuses to arrest.

I'm not Bhairav said...

then how about we organize a a bicycle protest??

Better a horse driven carriage protest?

m.q.k said...


The United Nations on Tuesday expressed "deep concern" for the safety of 100,000 civilians trapped in Sri Lanka's war zone as troops prepared for a final offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels.

The UN secretary general's envoy for refugee rights, Walter Kalin, said many were in danger as the Tigers had been pushed into an area demarcated as a "safe zone" for civilians.

"Following reports that LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) fighters now have been pushed almost entirely into this zone, many more are at risk of losing their lives," Kalin said in a statement.

Kalin, who spent four days visiting camps for internally displaced people in the island's north, asked the LTTE to allow civilians to leave the conflict zone and urged the government to "scrupulously respect the no-fire zone."

"I am deeply concerned for the lives of over 100,000 civilians trapped in the 14-square kilometre (5.4-square mile) area of the Wanni declared by the government of Sri Lanka as a no-fire zone," he said.

"Large numbers of civilians already have been killed or wounded."

He did not give precise numbers, but UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said last month that more than 2,800 people had been killed since late January.

Sri Lanka's government denies targeting civilians and blames the Tigers for using the civilians as a human shield.

Kalin said the UN wanted the government to allow the internally displaced people to move back to their homes after allegations that the civilians were being held in open prison conditions.

The government has denied running "concentration camps," and recently withdrew security forces from the camps following international pressure.

Kalin "stressed that a procedure with clear and objective criteria to allow for freedom of movement must be developed, communicated to IDPs (internally displaced people) and implemented without delay," the statement said.

The UN statement came as the military announced that it was poised for a major operation to rescue the civilians in the "safe zone" after killing more than 525 Tiger rebels in four days of fighting.

The Tigers deny using the civilians as a human shield and say they were staying with the rebels out of their own will.

I'm not Bhairav said...

The Tigers deny using the civilians as a human shield and say they were staying with the rebels out of their own will.


And the people who say otherwise after escaping are liars, traitors or made to talk at gun point

Bhairav said...

[Shoe was thrown at congress party P. Chidambaram by a Sikh journalist for 1984 anti-sikh riots.]

I met a Sikh guy on the flight few weeks back, and we spoke about many things from current Eelam conflict to Khalistan struggles. According to him, many Sikhs still have upset with Indian govern for golden temple siege and anti-sikh riots of 84. Many sikhs have no respect for Indian PM,Manmohan Singh and they believe he is just a dummy. Common opinion among Sikhs that then was Rajiv Govern which had killed 1000s of Sikh soldiers by sending to SL on its IPKF mission, obviously why you wanted to send the freshly recruited Sikh soldiers from Panjab regiment into Jaffna when its mission started to hit the rocky side. Prior to year 78, according to him, only 500 Sikhs were killed for the Khalistan struggles, then it escalated from the gold temple siege to anti-sikh riots of 84 which cost 1000s of Sikh lives. I explained to him about the ground reality of SL, he nodded to me that it's all propaganda by governments who always twist and spin stories in favor of them. From his Khalistan struggles, he understands that what Tamils are going through in SL and believes that Tamils are LTTE and vice versa.

Peter said...

"And the people who say otherwise after escaping are" telling the truth.

After all, they could easily say they staid with Tigers out of choice and still expect to be alive.

I'm not Bhairav said...

After all, they could easily say they staid with Tigers out of choice and still expect to be alive.
Yeah I hear those people who complained to the aussie reporter are now dead. So are the LPTP carders who surrendered

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Tamils in Jaffna under Sri Lankan army voted for LTTE. During ceasefire times, Tamil's also chose to live in LTTE areas instead of Sri Lankan army controlled areas.

Peter said...

Snhalese are a tolerant bunch. A Tamil could easily say they staid with Tigers out of choice and still expect excellent service at the detention centers.

Did someone miss the good service Sinhalese in Melbourne gave to a car carrying a banner that read Tigers are freedom fighters.

Peter said...

If civilians in detention centers say they hate Tigers and that they were kept by force, they must be telling the truth.

No sane person would think that they need to lie.

Indian said...

//Peter said Shame about Tamil Nadu though//

What else do you expect Peter.What else do you expect.
Since June 19, 1990,the view of the common Tamilian which matters the most changed.A portion of the people started viewing the Tiger's separately.
But your leader didnt see the writing on the wall and with May21 -1991,the final nail was driven in the coffin.
How much ever your propoganda machines can work,TN is one place which is still not able to come out of the shock of that fateful night of May21.It probably WILL NEVER COME OUT.
If you want any proof on ground reality,check the treatment meted out to your MOST vocal supporter in TN,Vaiko.
JJ considers him as an excess baggage since the arrival of PMK.Vaiko is begging for seats literally.Did you read that he didnt even visit his father's grave,a habit which he has followed religiously since his death,and waited in Chennai so that he can meet JJ upon her call.
Pity him,the call never came.
The ground situation hasnt changed at all since 1991 and JJ knows it.She knows she cant garnet votes through this and hence this stance.
Karuna knows this as well.
-Tamilian from Tamilnadu

I'm not Bhairav said...

If you had tamil support you would have not lost east in just over one year and 95% of north the next year.

The mighty USA army got kicked from Vietnam because the vietcong had the support of the ordinary viatnamese.

Had your LPTP had the support of at least 40% of the ordinary tamil in Sri Lanka the 3rd world Sri Lanka army would be still trying to open the sluice gates

Peter said...

100% of Iraqis love US, since it took control of that entire landmass in nine days.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Tamilian is obviously an aryan brahmin, but we still like him.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["If you had tamil support you would have not lost east in just over one year and 95% of north the next year."]

There is a difference between support, and between willing to lay your life down for a cause. Support is always there, but the number of people willing to die for freedom will always be small.

Peter said...

0% of Somalians support the LTTE. Take it from me because, as my handle reads, I am a Somalian.

I'm not Bhairav said...

I think only 10% of Iraqis love US. That's why they have failed in Iraq and started packing their bags before it turns out to be another Vietnam

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Tamil Nadu is now 66% in favor of directly supporting the LTTE. Times have changed.

tn thamilz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

If any less than 100% of Iraqis loves US, that country could not have been overrun in nine days or occupied for more than eight years.

Likewise, if any less than 100% of Tamils loved Sri Lanka, Tamileelam could not have been overrun in three years.

I'm not Bhairav said...

Support is always there, but the number of people willing to die for freedom will always be small.
That's exactly why the LTTE is doing forced recruitment mate.

You simply cannot win a war with 20-40% support, forced recruitment and monetary support from diaspora for egoistic/revenge reasons.

You'll need concrete support from the Sri Lankan tamils to do it.. That's what you lack

Peter said...


Surely you are not referring to the lies propagated by NDTV. Even our resident 100% 'Indian' said not many in Tamil Nadu support LTTE.

tn thamilz said...

"Indian", it is true that there was a major backlash against LTTE after 1991 but in the recent time, thanks to arrogant sonia mathaji's behaviour, the tide has turned in favour of SL tamils and LTTE again. how many Tamilnadu Tamils have commit suicide in the recent times? How you seen the recent polls?

-- TN tamil.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

For whatever reason, brahmins in Tamil Nadu (including Jayalalitha) hate the LTTE. The common man supports the LTTE, but are too preocuppied with chasing worldly goals to do anything. The students and the poor openly support.

Bhairav said...

[Support is always there, but the number of people willing to die for freedom will always be small.]

It's hard to blame the people since LTTE hadn't been unified and common voice for Tamils back in 90s as what it is today. And also some of the LTTE's actions hadn't made any good from Tamils in the past. Along the process, LTTE has become one regulated org and genuine reps of Tamils. If these circumstances exist in earlier times, lets say in 90s, I'm sure 1000s of Jaffnantans would have joined LTTE.

Peter said...


What percentage of Brahmins would you say?

I think at the moment hardcore Congress cadres with positions riding on the election are more anti-LTTE than anyone.

Obviously, Eelam Brahmins have no issue. Even Col. Vithusha is Brahmin.

tn thamilz said...

My Eelam brothers, I feel your pain. Please ignore the singala trolls and "me tamil - don't care tamil" breeds and focus on Puthukuddiyiruppu situation. I know there are many who come here in the hope of getting information about the poor souls who are in worst situation in the last 2 months. I pray for their safety.

Peter said...


True. Back in the days, structures and training were not in place. Since '95, military wing cadres have been forbidden from involving in public affairs. Political Wing cadres, appropriately trained, deal with civilians.

In the '80s and early '90s, some mistakes were made. I think Col. Kiddu was associated with many of those events in one way or another.

LTTE's advancement, banda's violence and IC's indifference has obviously united most Tamils.

I'm not Bhairav said...

Me signing off...

Hope you guys pray for the 500+ that got "chemical attacked" the last couple of days.

In my case, whenever I pray for our brave hearts and fellow citizens I also offer a prayer to the the LTTE forced recruits (definitely not the biggys) who have died/disabled due to the attacks carried out by our brave hearts.

Please at least pray for the them while enjoying the cooler climates and encouraging LTTE to keep civilians for protection.

Vanakkam/Ayubowan mates

Bhairav said...

[LTTE's advancement, banda's violence and IC's indifference has obviously united most Tamils.]

Well said Peter! In the past many white collar Tamil folks were ignorant of Tamil struggles, now they have all changed - thanks to banda's evil acts.

tn thamilz said...


Any new update from PKY?

Peter said...


By 'white collar' I hope you mean the Tamils who moved to West, particularly UK and US, as partial economic migrants in 50s and 60s.

Most the boys and girls who joined LTTE from JHC, etc., were from 'white collar' backgrounds. So, I think, varied support has always been around. But, obviously not as widespread as it is this year.

Unknown said...

"In the past many white collar Tamil folks were ignorant of Tamil struggles, now they have all changed - thanks to banda's evil acts.

Not only those, even hardcore 'eastern' karuana supporting anti LTTE Tamils have come around. I know some personally, they have discovered they are Tamil afterall. This is what the animals have achieved in trying to destroy Tamils they have brought us all even closer together...therefore the animals fate is sealed, they will never win.

Peter said...


I'm an 'easterner' mate; from Trinco.

No one from Trinco ever went with Karuna. People like Kumarathurai, who was already in anti-LTTE camp attached themselves to him.

Of course, some people, particularly in Kiran had showed some support for Karuna. But most of the was lost when he did nothing about destruction of heroes' resting grounds or the people who still remain displaced.

Good to see even the very few that stuck with him come back into the mainstream though.

khanthas said...

I see everywhere Eelam Tamil women and girls protesting in the first rang.. I hear their strong, emotional and tears bringing voices everywhere. Tamil society should be proud of producing such great Tamil women..

khanthas said...

Tamilnet publishes photos of monday’s carnage by long range gun firing but nothing more. The photos show the societal organization is there. People helping people.

Bhairav said...

[Most the boys and girls who joined LTTE from JHC, etc., were from 'white collar' backgrounds.]

Peter, i meant to say the Tamil folks who are in corporate and other successful careers in Western countries have all changed now if they haven't supported Tamil cause before. My soccer buddies/friends who were ignorant before now I see the total change in them. My sister who does not know abcd about Tamil struggles is taking day off from her work and going for Tamil protest in Ottawa. These are folks who started to open their wallets and hearts in floodgates, maybe, they have started to realize the Tamil identity.

Peter said...


I suspect they are the people who thought IC would save Tamils; the ones I mentioned in an earlier comment to MGK and Thiru.

If bandas and IC wanted to 'de-legitimize' the LTTE, this has been an epic failure for them.

Indian said...

//Editor: "Badrinath" said Tamilian is obviously an aryan brahmin, but we still like him//

I am not Bhadri.I belong to the BC in TN.Its upto you to believe.
But I am really surprised you are bringing this up becoz,on one hand you want the Aryan Brahmin dominated BJP to come to power to save Tiger's and then you say I am one.Really funny.But let me assure you,I am not.

TN tamil:Yes,there were some self immolations.When I mean,there is no support,all that is happening now is nothing when compared to the 80's.
I dont know how old you are,but if you are around my age,you will perfectly understand what I am trying to say.
The noise that we saw now,fizzled out in a month's time.It was not the case in the 80's.
TN raged for year's together and adding oil to the burning fire was the arrival of thousands and thousand's of refugee's braving the unforgiving seas and the SLN patrol.
You need that kind of support to move the Central government.
But when you kill a Goose laying golden egg's,you & ONLY YOU are to blame.VP took liberty of the love showered by the people of TN - I believe he must be worshipping Makkal Thilagam for all that he did to Tiger's in their formative years.But even Makkal Thilagam ,has he been alive,would not have forgiven VP.

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

I will leave moderation off today and see how it goes. Keep an eye out for fake Badrinath, fake Peter, and other fakes.

Peter said...

I'm also off for the day. If any further comments appear under my name in next 10 hours, assume Fake.

tn thamilz said...


I was a kid when 1983 happend, so I vaguely remember the things that happend in those days. Let me ask you this, how many self immolations happened in those days? As far as I can remember, none. Last time when someone in tamil nadu self immolated himself was in anti hindi agitation. That should speak for volume for the change in tide now. In the 80's there were good leaders to channel the people's anger and energy. Even though they were divided politically (MK, MGR etc), they were all united on Eelam tamil issue. Today, people's sentiment and anger is even higher than 80's but there is no strong leader to channel it. It is the curse of the tamils that when they are in a cross-road they don't have a good leader in TN to lead them now. I don't deny the fact that Rajiv's murder has/had impact on Eelam struggle but saying there is no support for LTTE and Eelam tamil because of his murder is "mullu poosanikaya sotthukulla maraikkirathukku" samam.

Unknown said...


If you are really a tamilan (dosn't matter Iyar or Iyankar), could you please translate the following latest news from

இலங்கையின் வட பகுதியில் சிங்கள இராணுவம் நடத்தி வரும் தாக்குதலில் இந்திய இராணுவ வீரர்களும் பங்கெடுத்துள்ளதாகவும், இந்திய வீரர்கள் இரு படைப் பிரிவுகளில் இடம் பெற்றிருப்பதாகவும், இந்திய இராணுவ அதிகாரிகள், இலங்கைப் படையினரை வழி நடத்தி வருவதாகவும் பிரான்ஸ் செய்தி நிறுவனம் ஒன்று தெரிவித்துள்ளது.

இலங்கையின் 58வது இராணுவப் படைப் பிரிவு, விடுதலைப் புலிகளுடனான போரின்போது பெரும் சேதத்தை சந்தித்தது. அதில் இருந்த பெருமளவிலான வீரர்கள் உயிரிழந்தனர். இதையடுத்து அந்தப் படைப்பிரிவு ஆட்கள் இல்லாமல் திண்டாடியது. இதையடுத்து அந்தப் பிரிவில் இந்திய வீரர்கள் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.

அதேபோல 59வது படைப் பிரிவிலும் 50 சதவீதம் பேர் இந்திய வீரர்களே.

தற்போதும் கூட புதுக்குடியிருப்பில் விடுதலைப்புலிகளுடனான மோதலில் உயிரிழந்த சுமார் 125 இந்திய இராணுவ வீரர்களின் உடல்கள் சென்னையில் உள்ள நுங்கம்பாக்கம் மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி மருத்துவமனையில் அடுக்கி வைக்கப்பட்டிருப்பதாக மருத்துவமனை வட்டாரஙகளின் மூலம் உறுதிப்படுத்தப்பட்ட தகவல்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளன.

tn thamilz said...

..and this is the time to bring up this issue and bring down the eelam tamils even further. When they are facing mass murdering genocidal army, it is better to set aside the differences and work to help them in any way possible. If you don't, well.. tomorrow could be (y)ours..

tn thamilz said...

I meant.. "and this is NOT the time to bring up this issue"..

There is no edit feature in this board?

லோயர் said...

Reliable information from Vanni. Bandas did use sumoen kind of gas. We did loose 4 main guys. But don't know who. After that event even people were asked to wear something against their face at least to escape and run to different place. Also people are confirming 'Vadaks' in the front line with Bandas.

Bhairav said...

[Also people are confirming 'Vadaks' in the front line with Bandas.]

If we capture any of these Indian soldiers, we should kill them on the spot- no mercy.

gambit said...

Unknown said...

Editor: "Badrinath" need ur bro. also want peter's help.

gambit said...

listen to the audio one.. peters cousin..

Unknown said...

100,000 people protested on 31 January in Westminster. Medias did not give importance. Now less than 10,000 blocked the road, all medias give significance. This westminister protest is the front page Head-line in the two free newspapers distributed in all the London underground stations (London Lite and TheLondon paper). Hundreds thosands of underground commuters must have read thug lanka's poison gas news in these two free newspapers today. Now sinhala animals cannot face any local people in western countries. Because, they will be looked like criminals by western people.

dha said...

i was debating with a guy, i said Tamils were the first to arrive to Ceylon. because if you look at the geographical positions ancient Tamil kingdoms (pandi, chera) and Ealam, its obvious that with a small boat u can cross the shores within 1-2 hours without any hassle.and since Tamils being traders/adventurers ( they have found pottery in Egypt which has inscriptions in ancient Tamil script )
so it would be ridiculous to say that Ancestors went to Egypt but forgot to go to Ceylon. (if we assume they were *not* interconnected by land)

then one may ask, if Tamils went to srilanka first shouldn't Tamils be the majority? how sinhala are the majority?
answer is quiet simple really, well look at US of America. who is the majority? whites are the majority, White alone: 74% or 221.3 million # American Indian or Alaska Native alone: 0.68% or 2.0 million. can u see the difference. native red Indians are very much less than the white invaders. native or indigenous people are much much less than invaders or immigrants because they were sidelined and chased away. there are so many examples :- Canada, Australia, new Zealand,Mexico. even if you take Britain, indigenous people are Celtics, then they were driven away by Anglo-Saxons tribes to the edges of the British isles
eg Ireland,Scotland,wales. present day Anglo-Saxons are the majority of the people(ie:- the English),Celts are minority(ie- the Scottish, welsh)
so what do think about this?

Earthbund said...

Its Offical.. See tamilnet .. those SL Cowards used chemicals and then shot the dead bodies to claim it as Victory !!!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

LTTE learnt a big lesson in the past few days.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Peter & Badri have gone to PoottuThattan to help VP as almost all cadre have gone to heaven in the last few days.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

I posted a couple of comments in Peter's blog.
He forgot to delete it because he is wasting his time in this blog.

Peter said...

Lt. Col. Amuthab, Deputy Commander CASIR, died in action on 31 Mar. 09. Confirmed.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Tamil Genocide will be finished/stopped soon.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Badri/Peter keep eye on if any fake Lalith appears. I got to go.

Peter said...

சார்ல்ஸ் அன்டனி தளபதி அமிதாப் வீரமரணம். தளபதிக்கு வீரவணக்கங்கள்!

Peter said...

தளபதி அமிதாப்: "களத்தில் நாங்கள் புலத்தில் நீங்கள்"

Unknown said...

Fake Peter,

Mukkal Sunni.

Unknown said...

Huthike Putha Lalith Kuruwitta,
Go and Fuck in DW. Why are you here.

Peter said...


It is real me. Sadly, news about Lt. Col. Amuthab is true.

Updated on

it will also appear in the right hand corner of my blog

where it says quick links.

I am meant to be away but took a short break to update.

Unknown said...


o.k fince. I checked your page.

Bhairav said...


This is not fake "peter".


VoT and other news channels' silent prove that LTTE suffered considerable setbacks in last 3 or 4 days of battle which many say SLA got the advantage by timely tipoff from its SLA moles in NFZ or LTTE.

One note, if Amithap was KIA on March 31st, "Pulikalinkural" which was updated properly until April 5th, hasn't said anything about this loss.

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