In an amazing development today, LTTE sea tigers leader "Soosai" resurrected from the dead for the seventh time in the last 10 years. The Sri Lankan military acknowledged the miracle, but declined to elaborate on the details. They said, "It is still not clear whether it was Soosai who resurrected from the dead, or whether Prabhakaran was the one who rose Soosai from the dead."
For an entire week the Sri Lankan military made a huge noise, releasing daily press releases explaining how they had killed Soosai. They also released a video of the Sri Lankan airforce supposedly bombing his "secret hideout". That "secret hideout" happened to be the biggest and most visible building in the entire PTK area.
Now that a recent recording of Soosai has been found indicating he is alive, the Sri Lankan military has suddenly decided the building they bombed was actually "Swarnam's" secret hideout. But wait, for an entire week they shouted to the entire world that they were certain it was Soosai's secret hideout, and as soon as they find he is still living they decide it was actually someone else's house. What happened to their intelligence reports? Do the intelligence reports suddenly change over night just because Soosai is still alive? What about their claims of "intercepted radio tansmissions" that indicated Soosai was missing? What about the government's statement that it was "confirmed" that Soosai was at the site of the bombing? These were all just the usual lies of the government propaganda department.
It should be noted that when the government claimed to kill Soosai, how many headlines appeared in newspapers? But when Soosai is found to be alive, no such headlines appear. This is because the news "reporters" are all on pay from the Sri Lankan government. Any news that makes the Sri Lankan government look bad or foolish doesn't become "news". The reporters, especially newspapers like "The Hindu", only publish what the government tells them to publish. Maybe they should rename that paper to "The Buddhist".
pala hukanno yanna. tho parana photo dala, puka denawada?
Even if soosai is not dead, where is he going to operate? Lakes? Ohh those are gone too...
Nice try assholes. This is a REALLY old picture of him. I was there when that picture was taken. It was at a burial of one of the sea tigers. I was able to infiltrate as a reporter. They were so dumb they didn't check my ID after Oddusudan.
Hi Malindra. The picture is not claimed to be recent. The only thing the government has received is "a recording that indicates Soosai is still living". We have no information as to where he is or what he is doing.
This photo was taken on January 6th, 2008, in PTK at the funeral of LTTE Cadre Charles.
dear Editor !
[It should be noted that when the government claimed to kill Soosai, how many headlines appeared in newspapers? But when Soosai is found to be alive, no such headlines appear. This is because the news "reporters" are all on pay from the Sri Lankan government. Any news that makes the Sri Lankan government look bad or foolish doesn't become "news". The reporters, especially newspapers like "The Hindu", only publish what the government tells them to publish. Maybe they should rename that paper to "The Buddhist". ]
this is very true but you should leave the Buddhism alone in fact a good religion practised by wrong society.
Probably true because a cat has 9 lives :). 7 is pretty close to 9 though.
"his photo was taken on January 6th, 2008, in PTK at the funeral of LTTE Cadre Charles."
BANDRI - what is this? casualties for the mighty Charles Anthony cadres??? hahahah...I thought the Charles Anthony cadres were unstoppable super brainy super duper Tamils who can't be killed?
Did the moda-sinhalaya manage to Kill Charles Anthony cadres? you mean they didn't convert into civilians after being shot? wow...that is indeed special and requires the presence of Soosai..
Peelam around the corner...please send money...Prabakaran's daughter needs money for final semester of University in Ireleand...all of you sakillie's please send money.
No problem. If Soosai isn't dead he will be soon along with other asswipes such as Prabhakaran. I have to admit to though, soosai is person is a VERY scary man. He looks very tough & mean. I can see how he climbed their terrorists leadership ladder. He's known as the "butcher".
The funeral I went (where I believe this picture was taken) was that of a mid level sea tiger cadre. He was considered one of Soosai's prodigies. Obviously, he wasn't that special becuase he got himelf killed :)
I wonder when Thamilchelvan will also be 'resurrected'...??? ;)
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